Success with Small Fruits Part 25

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_Laurel Leaf._--New. Plant moderately vigorous; foliage dark green; leaf-stalk quite smooth; truss 3 to 5 inches, low, stocky; berry very light scarlet; round to conical, short neck; flesh soft, light pink; size moderate; flavor good; calyx close. Originated with Mr. A. N.

Jones, Le Roy, N. Y. Staminate.

_Longworth's Prolific._--An old variety, that is pa.s.sing out of cultivation; still grown quite extensively in California. It is a large, roundish-oval berry of good flavor. The plant is said to be vigorous and productive. Originated on the grounds of the late Mr. N.

Longworth of Cincinnati.

_Longfellow._--New. Described as very large, elongated, conical, occasionally irregular; color dark red, glossy and beautiful; flesh firm, sweet, and rich; plant vigorous with dark green, healthy foliage, not liable to burn in the sun; very productive, continuing long in bearing, and of large size to the last. Originated with Mr. A. D. Webb, Bowling Green, Ky.

_Marvin._-This new berry is already exciting much attention, and I am glad that I can give a description from so careful and eminent a horticulturist as Mr. T. T. Lyon, President Michigan State Pomological Society: "From notes taken at the ripening of the fruit: 'Plant vigorous, very stocky, of rather low growth, bearing a fine crop for young plants; foliage nearly round, thick in substance, flat or cupped; serratures broad and shallow; fruit large to very large, longish conical; large specimens often c.o.xcombed; bright crimson; began to color June 16, and the first ripe berries were gathered on the 20th; stems of medium height--strong; flesh light crimson; whitish at the centre, firm and juicy; flavor high, rich, fine, with a very pleasant aroma; seeds prominent; greenish brown. We regard this as a highly promising, very large, late variety, and especially so for market purposes. Staminate.'"

Originated with Mr. Harry Marvin, Ovid, Mich., and said to be from the Wilson and Jucunda--an excellent parentage.

_Miner's Great Prolific._--Plant vigorous; leaves light green, smooth; leaf-stalk downy; truss six inches, well branched, slender, drooping; berry deep crimson, round and bulky, regular shouldered; tip green when half-ripe; flesh pink, moderately firm; flavor good; calyx spreading; size four to five inches; season medium to late. The berry holds out well in size, and resembles the Charles Downing somewhat, but averages larger. It has seemed to me as promising a new variety as the Sharpless. I believe it has a long future. Originated with late T. B.

Miner in 1877. Staminate.

_Monarch of the West._--Plant very vigorous; leaves light, when young, and later of a golden green, somewhat smooth; truss six inches; four to eight berries; berry often of a carpet-bag shape, square shouldered, and sometimes c.o.xcombed, large, magnificent; pale scarlet; flesh light pink, tender; flavor very fine; calyx spreading and recurving; tip of berry green when not fully ripe, but it colors evenly if given time.

When flavor is the gauge of excellence in the market, this famous berry will be in the front rank. Its color and softness are against it, but its superb size, deliciousness and aroma should make it eagerly sought after by all who want a genuine strawberry. In the open market, it already often brings double the price of Wilsons. In the home garden, it has few equals. With some exceptions, it does well from Maine to California. The narrow row culture greatly increases its size and productiveness. I have had many crates picked in which there were few berries that did not average five inches in circ.u.mference. Mr. Jesse Brady, of Plano, Illinois, gives me the following history: "The Monarch was raised by me in 1867, from one of a number of seedlings, grown previously, and crossed with Boyden's Green Prolific. The said seedling was never introduced to the public. I raised fourteen, and cultivated three of them several years. They were produced from an English berry, name unknown to me."

_Martha._--A fine, large berry, but, as I have seen it, the foliage burns so badly that I think it will pa.s.s out of cultivation unless it improves in this respect. Staminate.

_Neunan's Prolific_ (Charleston Berry).--Foliage tall, slender, dark green; fruit-stalk tall; berries light scarlet, inclined to have a neck at the North, not so much so at the South. First berries large, obtusely conical; the latter and smaller berries becoming round; calyx very large and drooping over the berry; exceedingly firm--hard, indeed--and sour when first red; but growing richer and better in flavor in full maturity; usually a vigorous grower. It was originated by a Mr. Neunan, of Charleston, S. C., and scarcely any other variety is grown in that great strawberry centre.

_Napoleon III._--A very large foreign berry, often flattened and c.o.xcombed. I found that its foliage burned so badly I could not grow it. Mr. P. Barry describes the plant as "rarely vigorous, and bearing only a few large, beautiful berries."

_New Jersey Scarlet._--An old-fas.h.i.+oned market berry that succeeded well on the light soils of New Jersey. Once popular, but not much grown now, I think. Mr. Downing describes it as medium in size, conical, with a neck; light, clear scarlet; moderately firm, juicy, sprightly.


_Nicanor._--A seeding of the Triomphe de Gand, that originated on the grounds of Messrs. Ellw.a.n.ger & Barry, and is described by Mr. Barry as "hardy, vigorous, productive, early, and continuing in bearing a long time; fruit moderately large; uniform, roundish, conical; bright scarlet; flesh reddish, rather firm, juicy, sweet; of fine flavor." I found that it required heavy soil, high culture, with clipped runners, to produce, on my place, fruit large enough to be of value. The fruit ripened very early and was of excellent flavor. Staminate.

_New Dominion._--Described by Mr. Crawford, as "very large, roundish, uniform in size and shape; bright red; glossy, firm, of good flavor, and productive; season medium." I have seen it looking poorly on light soil. Originated with Mr. C. N. Biggar, on the battlefield of Lundy's Lane.

_Oliver Goldsmith._--New; a very vigorous grower, bearing a long, conical berry with a glazed neck. Untested, but very promising.


_President Lincoln._--Plant moderately vigorous; foliage light green; truss 5 to 6 inches, strong; berry crimson, conical; often long with a neck; the first large berries are c.o.xcombed and very irregular; flesh firm, scarlet; flavor of the very best; size 3 to 6 inches; calyx close to spreading. One of the best varieties for an amateur. Among them often, without any apparent cause, are found small bushy plants with smaller leaves, and berries full of "fingers and toes." These should be pulled out. The variety evidently contains much foreign blood, but is one of the best of the cla.s.s. The berries almost rival the Sharpless in size, and are better in flavor, but the plant is not so good a grower.

Specimens have been picked measuring over eleven inches in circ.u.mference. It is said to have originated with a Mr. Smith, of New York City, in 1875. Staminate.

_President Wilder._--In the estimation of many good judges, this is the most beautiful and best-flavored strawberry in existence--an opinion in which I coincide. It has always done well with me, and I have seen it thriving in many localities. It is so fine, however, that it deserves all the attention that it requires. It is a hybrid of the La Constant and Hovey's Seedling, and unites the good qualities of both, having much the appearance of the beautiful foreign berry, and the hardy, sun-resisting foliage of Hovey's Seedling. It has a suggestion of the musky, Hautbois flavor, when fully ripe, and is of a bright scarlet color, deepening into crimson in maturity. Flesh quite firm, rosy white, juicy, very rich and delicious. The berry is diamond-shaped, obtusely conical, very regular and uniform; seeds yellow and near the surface. The plant is low, compact, rather dwarf, the young plants quite small, but the foliage endures the sun well, even in the far South. The plants are more productive the second year of bearing than in the first. Young plants often do not form fruit buds. Mr. Merrick states that it "originated with President Wilder, in 1861, and was selected as the best result obtained from many thousand seedlings in thirty years of continual experimenting." Staminate.

_Pioneer._--Plant vigorous; foliage light green, tall; leaf-stalk downy; truss 5 to 7 inches; berry scarlet, necked, dry, sweet, perfumed; flesh pink, only moderately firm; flavor of the best; calyx close to spreading; season early. This seems to me the best of all Mr.

Durand's new varieties that I have seen, and it is very good indeed.

The foliage dies down during the winter, but the root sends up a new, strong growth, which, I fear, will burn in the South and on light soils. Staminate.

_Prouty's Seedling._--Plant not very vigorous; leaf-stalk very smooth; truss 3 to 5 inches; berry bright scarlet, glossy, very long conical; flesh pink, firm; flavor fair; calyx close. Very productive, but the plant does not seem vigorous enough to mature the enormous quant.i.ty of fruit that forms. With high culture on heavy soil, I think it might be made very profitable. Staminate.

_Panic._--Mr. W. H. Coleman, of Geneva, writes me that this variety promises remarkably well in his region, but on my ground it burns so badly as to be valueless. It is a long, conical berry, very firm and of good flavor. Staminate.

_Red Jacket._--Early, high-flavored, with a rich subacid, suggesting the wild berry in taste and aroma; of good size, round, dark crimson.

Plant vigorous; a promising new variety. Staminate.

_Russell's Advance._--A fine-flavored, early variety, but the plant proves not sufficiently vigorous and productive to compete with other early berries already described. Staminate.

_Russell's Prolific._--A fine, large berry, deservedly popular a few years since. It has yielded splendid fruit on my grounds, but it seems to have proved so uncertain over the country at large as to have pa.s.sed out of general favor. It is rather soft for market and not high-flavored enough for a first-cla.s.s berry. Pistillate.

_Romeyn's Seedling._--I cannot distinguish it from the Triomphe de Gand. Staminate.

_Sharpless._--A very strong, upright grower, with large, crinkled foliage; truss 5 to 8 inches, strong branched; 6 to 10 large berries often on each; berry carpet-bag in shape, and often very irregular and flattened, but growing more uniform as they diminish in size; light red and glossy, 5 to 7 inches; flesh firm, light pink; flavor fine, sweet, perfumed; calyx recurving; season medium. One of the very best if it proves sufficiently productive over the country at large.

Mr. J. K. Sharpless kindly writes me: "I have been much interested in growing strawberries for the last fifteen years, and after being disappointed in many of the new and highly praised varieties, the idea occurred to me that a seedling originating in our own soil and climate might prove more hardy and long-lived. Having saved a fine berry of each of the following varieties--the Wilson, Colonel Cheney, Jucunda, and Charles Downing--I planted their seeds in a box in March, 1872. The box was kept in the house (probably by a warm south window), and in May I set from this box about 100 plants in the garden, giving partial shade and frequently watering, By fall, nearly all were fine plants. I then took them up and set them out in a row one foot apart, protecting them slightly during the winter, and the next season nearly all bore some fruit, the Sharpless four or five fine berries. It was the most interesting employment of my life to grow and watch those seedlings.

Some of the others bore fine, large berries, but I eventually came to the conclusion that the Sharpless was the only one worthy of cultivation." I am inclined to think that the Jucunda and Colonel Cheney formed the combination producing this berry. It is now in enormous demand, and if it gives satisfaction throughout the country generally, its popularity will continue. It is peculiarly adapted to hill culture, and the plant is so vigorous that it would develop into quite a bush on rich, moist land, with its runners clipped. Staminate.

_Seneca Chief._--Plant vigorous and productive; large, downy leaf; truss low; berry bright scarlet, glossy, occasionally a little wedge-shaped; round to conical, shouldered; flesh firm, pink; seeds yellow and brown; flavor fine, rich subacid; season medium; size 3 to 5 inches; calyx close; a fine berry, originated by Messrs. Hunt & Foote, Waterloo, N. Y. Staminate.

_Seneca Queen._--Plant vigorous, foliage dark green; leaf-stalk moderately downy; truss 3 to 5 inches; berry dark crimson, round; flesh red; flavor fair; size 3 to 5 inches; calyx close; season medium; productive; a promising variety. Staminate.

_Springdale._--Plant low, stocky; leaf-stalk downy; leaf broad and smooth; truss 3 to 4 inches; berry bright scarlet, round, broader than long, 3 to 5 inches; flesh light pink, juicy, rather soft; flavor very good; calyx close; season early to medium. Originated by Amos Miller, of Pennsylvania. Pistillate.

_Sucker State._--Plant seems vigorous; foliage dark green; leaf-stalk downy; berry light scarlet; flesh pink, juicy, firm. A new and promising variety. Staminate.

_Stirling._--Only moderately vigorous; foliage low, light green; leaf-stalk downy; truss 3 to 5 inches, well branched; berry crimson, ovate, very uniform, somewhat necked; moderate-sized, 2 to 3 inches; flesh pink, very firm; flavor of the best; calyx close to spreading; season medium to late. The foliage burns so badly in most localities that this variety will pa.s.s out of cultivation. Pistillate.

_Triomphe de Gand._--Plant light green; leaf-stalk and blade unusually smooth, truss 4 to 5 inches, berry, the average ones, round to conical, large ones irregular and c.o.xcombed; light scarlet; glossy; flesh pink, juicy, and solid; flavor of the best; calyx close; size 3 1/2 to 5 inches; season long; rather feeble grower, and comes slowly to maturity. Admirably adapted to the narrow row system, and on heavy soils can be kept in bearing five or six years, if the runners are cut regularly. If I were restricted to one strawberry on a heavy, loamy soil, the Triomphe would be my choice, since, on moist land with high culture, it will continue six weeks in bearing, giving delicious fruit.

When well grown, it commands the highest price in market. It is probably the best foreign variety we have, and is peculiarly adapted to forcing. It is said to be a Belgian variety. Staminate. The old-fas.h.i.+oned belief that strawberries thrived best on light soils caused this superb berry to be discarded; but it was introduced again by Mr. Knox, who proved, by a very profitable experience, that heavy land is the best for many of our finest varieties.

_Triple Crown_.--Plant tall, slender; foliage light green; leaf-stalk wiry, smooth; truss 5 to 6 inches; berry dark crimson, conical; when large, irregular, with a glazed neck; flesh crimson, remarkably firm; flavor rich and fine; size 3 to 4 inches; season medium; very productive. One of the best, and I think the firmest strawberry in existence. I may be mistaken, but I think this berry will become exceedingly popular when it becomes better known. I am testing it on various soils. For canning and s.h.i.+pping qualities, it has no equal, and though so exceedingly firm, is still rich and juicy when fully ripe.

Originated by Mr. Wm. Hunt, of Waterloo, N. Y. Staminate.

_Warren_.--Described as very large, roundish, conical; very regular in shape and size; color dark red, ripening evenly; flesh firm and of good quality. Plant a luxuriant grower and a good bearer. New and untested.

Originated by Mr. A. S. Webb, Bowling Green, Ky.

_Wilding_.--Plant tall, vigorous; foliage dark green; leaf-stalk downy; truss 6 to 8 inches; well branched; 10 to 12 berries; ripe fruit and blossoms on the same stalk; berry crimson, high-shouldered, round to conical; size 3 to 5 inches; flesh moderately firm, pink; flavor good.

New and very promising. Originated by Mr. A. N. Jones, Le Roy, N. Y.


_Wielandy_.--Plant vigorous, with dark green, very glossy foliage; leaf-stalk downy; truss low; berry bright scarlet, round to conical; flesh pink, soft; flavor fine; size 2 to 3 inches; season medium. New and untested, but of good promise for the home garden. Staminate.

_Windsor Chief._--Said to have been originated by Mr. C. A. Gardner, of Eaton County, Michigan, and to be a cross between the Champion and Charles Downing. The plants that I obtained from Mr. Gardner resemble the Champion so closely, both in foliage and fruit, that I cannot yet distinguish between the mother and daughter. This year I shall fruit both in perfection, and fear that I shall have to record a distinction without a difference. I hope I may be mistaken. All that is claimed for the Windsor Chief is true if it is as good as the Champion, a variety that I have ever found one of the most profitable on my place.



_Alpines, White and Red._--These are the _Fragaria Vesca_, the strawberries of the ancients, and well worthy of a place in our gardens to-day. As I have already stated, they are one of the most widely spread fruits in the world; for while they take their name from the Alps, there are few mountains, where the temperature is sufficiently cool, on which they are not found, either in this country or abroad. In the high lat.i.tudes they descend into the fields, and grow wild everywhere. The berries are conical, medium to small in size, and the fruit-stalks rise above the leaves. In flavor they are good, very delicate, but not rich. The plants are very hardy, and moderately productive. Grown from the seed they reproduce themselves with almost unvarying similarity, but the young seedlings produce larger berries than the older plants. The foliage of the White variety is of a lighter green than that of the Red, but in other respects there are no material differences, except in the color.

_White and Red Monthly Alpines._--Varieties similar to the above, with the exception that they bear continuously through the summer and fall, if moisture is maintained and high culture given. If much fruit is desired, all runners should be cut, and the ground made rich. We are often misled by synonymes of these old varieties, as, for instance, Des Quatre Saisons, Mexican Everbearing, Gallande, etc. They are all said to be identical with the common monthly Alpines.

_White and Red Bush Alpines_.--A distinct cla.s.s that produces no runners, but are propagated by dividing the roots. In other respects the plant and fruit are similar to the common Alpines. No matter how small the division, if a little root is attached, it will grow readily.

They make pretty and useful edgings for garden walks, and with good culture bear considerable fruit, especially in the cool, moist months of autumn. Because, throwing out no runners, they give very little trouble, and I have ever found them the most satisfactory of the monthly strawberries. I see no reason why a good demand for them, as a fancy fruit, could not be created. Be this as it may, there are many who are sufficiently civilized to consider the home market first; and a dainty dish of strawberries on an October evening, and a wood-fire blazing on the hearth, form a combination that might reconcile misanthropy to the "ills of life." Mr. Downing states that the Bush Alpines were first brought to this country by the late Andrew Parmentier, of Brooklyn.

_Wood Strawberries, White and Red_.--These are the English phases of the Alpine, or _F. Vesca_ species. Their fruit is not so conical as the Alpine of the Continent, or our own land, but is "roundish ovate." They are said to be rather more productive, but I doubt whether they differ materially from the other Alpines, except in form. They are the strawberries that our British forefathers ate, and are the same that the Bishop of Ely brought to the b.l.o.o.d.y Protector from his "gardayne in Holberne."

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