The Complete Works of Richard Crashaw Volume II Part 15

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Sweet restoration! by new joys outweigh'd, Brief sorrow is exil'd, And the lorn widow is a mother made Twice in her only child.

O happy mother! then a mother most When all her hopes seem'd vain: Happy, who wept beside a dear son lost, And found him born again. CL.


_Bonum intrare in coelos c.u.m uno oculo, &c._ Matt. xviii. 9.

Uno oculo? ah centum potius mihi, millia centum: Nam quis ibi, in coelo, quis satis Argus erit?

Aut si oculus mihi tantum unus conceditur, unus Iste oculus fiam totus et omnis ego.

_It is better to go into heaven with one eye, &c._

One eye? a thousand rather, and a thousand more, To fix those full-fac't glories. O, he's poore Of eyes that has but Argus' store!

Yet, if thou'lt fill one poore eye with Thy Heaven and Thee, O grant, sweet Goodnesse, that one eye may be All and every whit of me. CR.


With one eye! Ah! but rather to me give A hundred or a hundred-thousand, Lord.

All Argus' eyes were no superlative To view the glories Thy three heavens afford.

Or, O my G.o.d, if unto those who die, It be Thy will only to give one eye, Grant my whole body that one eye to be, That thus I may forever gaze on Thee. G.


_Hydropicus sanatur._ Luc. xiv. 2-4.

Ipse suum pelagus, morboque immersus aquoso Qui fuit, ut laetus nunc micat atque levis: Quippe in vina iterum Christus, puto, transtulit undas; Et nunc iste suis ebrius est ab aquis.

Himself is his own sea; Dropsy his malady In sad severity.

But Christ the Lord he sees, Who touching him him frees; Now joyous and at ease.

Again, as I opine, The Lord trans.m.u.tes to wine By miracle divine;

And now, still more and more, His own wine-water store Pours mirth at ev'ry pore. G.


_Non erat iis in diversorio locus._ Luc. ii. 7.

Illi non locus est? Illum ergo pellitis? Illum?

Ille Deus, quem sic pellitis; ille Deus.

O furor! humani miracula saeva furoris!

Illi non locus est, quo sine nec locus est.

_There was no room for them in the inn._

No place for Him! So Him you drive away; You drive away your G.o.d, your G.o.d. O, stay!

O height of human madness! wonders rare!

No place for Him! without Whom no place were. G.


_In lacrymas Lazari spretas a Divite._ Luc. xvi.

Felix, o, lacrymis, o Lazare, ditior istis, Quam qui purpureas it gravis inter opes: Illum c.u.m rutili nova purpura vestiet ignis, Ille tuas lacrymas quam volet esse suas.

_Upon Lazarus his teares._

Rich Lazarus, richer in those gems, thy teares, Than Dives in the roabes he weares: He scornes them now; but, O, they'l suit full well With th' purple he must weare in h.e.l.l! CR.


O happy Lazarus! richer in thy tears Than he who midst his riches purple wears.

h.e.l.l's purple flames red-glowing shall be his: Ah, then how shall he count thy tears a bliss!


_Indignatur Caiphas Christo se confitenti._ Matt. xxvi. 65.

Tu Christum, Christum quod non negat esse lacessis: Ipsius hoc crimen, quod fuit ipse, fuit.

Tene Sacerdotem credam? Novus ille Sacerdos Per quem impune Deo non licet esse Deum.

_Caiphas angry that Christ confesses He is the Christ._

Wroth that The Christ confesseth Christ He is!

His fault that He is but Himself, I wis.

Thee shall I reckon priest? Strange priest is he Who leaves not G.o.d His own Divinity! G.


_c.u.m tot signa edidisset, non credebant in eum._ Joan. xii. 37.

Non tibi, Christe, fidem tua tot miracula praestant; O verbi, o dextrae dulcia regna tuae!

Non praestant? neque te post tot miracula credunt?

Mirac'lum qui non credidit, ipse fuit.[49]

_But though He had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him._

For all Thy signs they still refuse Thee, Lord; Those signs, blest symbols of Thy reign and word.

Such signs, and not believe? Sure, who did thus Made unbelief itself miraculous. CL.

The Complete Works of Richard Crashaw Volume II Part 15

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