Fairy Circles Part 29

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THE CONCISE DIARIES are made both in "Upright" and "Oblong" form, and in Three sizes of each form.

Only one part (Three Months) need be carried in the pocket at once.

All so-called "Useful Information," which few ever read, is excluded.

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"Winter," and four pages consisting of Calendar and other Useful Information. Price 6d.

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Price 1d.


=SACRED SELECTIONS.= A set of Twelve Illuminated Cards, set in Floral Borders and Gold Grounds, with Sacred Texts and Poetry. Price 6d.

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=PROVERBS AND PROMISES= from Holy Scripture. Three packets, each containing Twelve Floral, Decorated Cards, with Texts. Price 6d. each.


No. 2.--PROMISES (Old Testament).

No. 3.--PROMISES (New Testament).

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=SACRED TEXTS.= Two Packets, each containing a set of Twelve Cards, with Floral Illuminated Borders, printed in Gold and Colours. Price 1/-.



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=SACRED THOUGHTS=, in Verse. Twelve Floral Cards, with Black Backgrounds. In handsome Wrapper. Price 1/-.

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Size, 19 6 inches. Four in a Packet, price 2/-.


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Fairy Circles Part 29

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