Moral Theology Part 38
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884. Religious communication is sinful on account of danger in the following cases:
(a) If it is a proximate and voluntary occasion of sin against faith.
Examples: Semp.r.o.nius goes to a non-Catholic church to hear a minister who attacks the divinity of Christ and other articles of the Creed. The purpose of Semp.r.o.nius is to benefit himself as a public speaker, but he knows that his faith suffers, because he admires the orator. Balbus chooses to listen over the radio to attacks on religion and Christianity, which cause serious temptations to him.
(b) If it is a necessary occasion of sin and one does not employ sufficient precautions against it, religious communication becomes sinful. Example: t.i.tus, a prisoner, has to listen at times to a jail chaplain, who teaches that there are errors in the Bible, that man evolved from the ape, etc. t.i.tus feels himself drawn sympathetically to these teachings, but makes no effort to strengthen his faith.
885. Communication with unbelievers that is a remote occasion of sin, is not sinful, for "otherwise one must needs go out of this world" (I Cor., v. 9). On the contrary, reasons of justice or charity frequently make it necessary and commendable to have friendly dealings with those of other or no religious conviction. (a) Reasons of justice. It is necessary to coperate with non-Catholic fellow-citizens in what pertains to the welfare of our common country, state, city, and neighborhood; to be just and fair in business relations with those outside the Church, etc. (b) Reasons of charity. Catholics should be courteous and kind to all (Heb., xii. 14), and be willing to a.s.sist, temporarily and spiritually, those outside the Church. Thus, St. Paul, without sacrificing principle or doctrine, made himself all things to all men, in order to gain all (I Cor., ix. 19). Indeed, the mission of the Church would suffer, if Catholics today kept aloof from all that goes on about them. The Church must teach, by example as well as precept, must be a salt, a light, a leaven, an example of the Gospel in practice; and surely this ministry will be weakened if her children aim at complete isolation and exclusivism.
886. Societies that are purely civil or profane--e.g., social clubs, charitable organizations, temperance societies, labor unions, that are not identified with any church and are neutral in religion--may be dangerous to faith. (a) There may be danger on account of the members.h.i.+p, even when the nature of the society is purely indifferent or good. Example: It would be dangerous to faith to join a convivial society whose members were mostly aggressive infidels, even though the purpose of the organization was only recreation. (b) There may be danger to faith on account of certain methods or principles of the society. Example: A Boys' or Girls' Club whose purpose is to train young people for good citizens.h.i.+p is dangerous to faith, if it acts as though the natural virtues were sufficient, or as though moral education belonged to itself exclusively or
887. The Sin of Blasphemy.--So far we have spoken of the sins of unbelief that are contrary to the internal act of faith. We now come to the sins that are contrary to the external act, or profession of faith.
These sins are of two kinds: (a) The less serious sin is that of ordinary denial of the faith, that is, the a.s.sertion that some article of faith is false, or that some contrary error is true. This sin will be treated below in 913 sqq. on the commandments of faith. (b) The more serious sin is blasphemy, that is, the denial to G.o.d of something that is His; or the ascription to G.o.d of what does not belong to Him. Of this sin we shall speak now.
888. Blasphemy etymologically is from the Greek, and signifies damage done to reputation or character; theologically, it is applied only to insults or calumnies offered to G.o.d, and is threefold according to the three stages of sin described above (see 168). (a) Blasphemy of the heart is internal, committed only in thought and will. So "the wicked man said in his heart: There is no G.o.d" (Ps. xviii. 1), and the demons and lost souls blasphemed G.o.d without words (Apoc., xvi. 9). (b) Blasphemy of the mouth is external, committed in spoken words, or in their written or printed representations. (c) Blasphemy of deeds is also external, committed by acts or gestures. The action of Julian the Apostate in casting his blood towards heaven was intended as a sign of contempt for Christ.
889. Internal blasphemy does not differ from unbelief or disrespect for G.o.d. We are concerned here, therefore, only with external blasphemy, which is contrary to the external profession of faith. External blasphemy is opposed to faith either directly (by denying what is of faith) or indirectly (by showing disrespect to what is of faith), and hence it is either heretical or non-heretical.
(a) Heretical blasphemy affirms about G.o.d something false, or denies about Him something true. The false affirmation is made directly, when some created imperfection is attributed to G.o.d, or indirectly, when some divine perfection is attributed to a creature. Example: It is heretical blasphemy to affirm that G.o.d is a tyrant or the cause of sin, or that man is able to overcome G.o.d. It is also heretical blasphemy to deny that G.o.d is able to perform miracles, that His testimony is true, etc.
(b) Non-heretical blasphemy affirms or denies something about G.o.d according to truth, but in a mocking or blaming way. This sin is opposed, therefore, to reverence rather than to faith, and will be treated later among the sins against the virtue of religion (see Vol.
II). Example: A person in anger at G.o.d says scornfully: "G.o.d is good!"
890. The nature of heretical blasphemy will better appear, if we compare it with other kinds of speech disrespectful to G.o.d.
(a) It differs from maledictions or curses, (e.g., "May G.o.d destroy you!"), because the one directly offended in blasphemy is G.o.d Himself, while in a curse it is some creature of G.o.d.
(b) It differs from non-heretical blasphemy, from perjury and disregard of vow, from vain use of the name of G.o.d, because none of these necessarily proceeds from a lack of faith, as does heretical blasphemy.
Non-heretical blasphemy proceeds from hatred or contempt of G.o.d, perjury from presumption, disregard of vow from disobedience, vain use of the Divine Name from irreverence.
(c) Heretical blasphemy differs from temptation of G.o.d (e.g., "G.o.d must help me now if He can," said by one who exposes himself rashly to danger), for, while temptation of G.o.d implies doubt, it is directly an act of irreverence by which one presumes to put G.o.d Himself to proof, whereas heretical blasphemy is directly an act of denial of truth.
891. Heretical blasphemy calumniates G.o.d, either in His own attributes and perfections, or in those created persons or things that are specially His by reason of friends.h.i.+p or consecration. Thus, we have: (a) blasphemy that attacks the Divine Being Himself, as was explained above; (b) blasphemy that attacks what is especially dear to G.o.d, which consists in remarks or acts derogatory to the Blessed Virgin, the Saints, the Sacraments, the crucifix, the Bible, etc.
892. Unlike G.o.d, creatures are subject to imperfections, moral or physical, and thus it is not always erroneous or blasphemous to attribute imperfections to the Saints or sacred things.
(a) If sacred persons or things are spoken ill of precisely on account of their relation to G.o.d, or in such a way that the evil said of them reverts on G.o.d Himself, blasphemy is committed. Example: It is blasphemous to say that the Mother of G.o.d was not a Virgin, that St.
Peter was a reprobate, that St. Anthony and St. Simeon Stylites were sn.o.bbish or eccentric, that the Sacraments are nonsense, that relics are an imposture, etc.
(b) If sacred persons or things are criticized precisely on account of their human or finite imperfections, real or alleged, the sin of irreverence is committed, when the criticism is prompted by malice or levity. No sin at all is committed, if one is stating facts with due respect for the character of the persons or things spoken of. Examples: To call a Doctor of the Church an ignoramus out of anger at a theological opinion defended by him, would be of itself a serious sin of disrespect. To speak of a Saint as a dirty tramp or idle visionary, if the intention is to insult, is also a serious sin of disrespect.
But, if one were to say in joke that St. Peter was a baldhead, St.
Charles Borromeo a big nose, the sin of irreverence would be only slight. No sin would be committed, if one, describing a religious painting from the artistic standpoint, called it an abomination.
893. Heretical blasphemy is expressed not only by sentences that are complete and in the indicative mood, but also by phrases or interjections, by wishes, commands, or even signs.
(a) Blasphemy is expressed optatively, imperatively, or interrogatively. Examples: "Away with G.o.d!" is equivalent to the a.s.sertion that G.o.d is not eternal. "Come down from the cross, if Thou be the Son of G.o.d" (Matt., xxvii. 40), is equivalent to the statement that Christ is not the Son of G.o.d. The question put to the Psalmist, "Where is thy G.o.d?" (Ps. xli. 4.), meant in the mouth of the Psalmist's enemies that Jehovah did not exist, or was powerless.
(b) Blasphemy is expressed even by short words, or by a grunt or snort of contempt. Example: To utter the name of our Lord in a contumelious way signifies that one regards Him as of no account. The word "hocus-pocus" is sometimes used in derision of the Ma.s.s or other sacred rites.
(c) Blasphemy is expressed by acts that signify disbelief and dishonor, for example, to spit or shake one's fist at heaven, to turn up the nose or make a wry face at the mention of G.o.d, to trample in the dust a crucifix, etc.
894. Rules for Interpreting Cases of Doubtful Blasphemy.--(a) Custom or usage is a better guide than etymology or grammar in discovering whether a blasphemous meaning is contained in certain common expressions of an ambiguous character. Examples: According to signification the phrase, "Sacred Name of G.o.d," is harmless and might be a pious e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, but according to the sense in which it is taken in French it curses G.o.d and is blasphemous. According to signification, the expression "Ye G.o.ds" in English, "Thousand names of G.o.d" in French, "Thousand Sacraments" in German, are blasphemous; but according to the sense in which they are used by the people they merely express surprise, and are at most a venial sin of irreverence. The English language as a whole is singularly free from blasphemous expressions, just as English cla.s.sic literature as a whole is singularly free from obscenity.
(b) The dispositions or feelings of the user are a better index of the presence or absence of blasphemy than the mere words, if the latter are capable of various senses. If doubt persists about the sense of an ambiguous expression that could be blasphemous, it may be held that no blasphemy was intended. Examples: t.i.tus, a good man, is so annoyed trying to correct his children that he exclaims: "Why did the Lord ever send me such pests?" Balbus, who is a hater of religion, answers him: "Who is to blame if they are pests?" Since t.i.tus is habitually religious and Balbus habitually irreligious, the question of the former sounds like irritation, the question of the latter like blasphemy.
Claudius is a very religious-minded man, but he meets with a series of calamities which so stun him that he exclaims: "I must be only a step-child of G.o.d. Certainly, He cares little for me. Why did He ever create me?" The sentiment seems to be one of grief and wonder rather than of insult to G.o.d. Balbus is very devoted to his mother, and often addresses her in hyperbolic language, saying that he adores her, that she is the G.o.ddess at Whose shrine he wors.h.i.+ps, his supreme beat.i.tude, etc. Taken literally, these expressions are blasphemous, but as used by Balbus they are harmless.
895. The Sinfulness of Blasphemy.--(a) From its very nature (i.e., from the importance of the rights it attacks and the goods it injures), blasphemy is a mortal sin, since it outrages the Majesty of G.o.d, and destroys the virtues of religion, love of G.o.d, and frequently faith itself. In the Old Testament it was punished with death (Lev., xxiv. 15 sqq.), and Canon 2323 of the Code prescribes that blasphemy be punished as the Ordinary shall decide. It is also a crime at common law and generally by statute, as tending to a breach of the peace and being a public nuisance or destructive of the foundations of civil society; when printed, it is a libel.
(b) Unbelief is the greatest of sins after hatred of G.o.d (see 820). But blasphemy is the greatest of the sins against faith, since to inner unbelief it adds external denial and insult.
(c) Blasphemy cannot become a venial sin on account of the smallness of the matter involved, for even slight slander or scorn becomes great when its object is G.o.d Himself. Example: It is blasphemous to say that our Lord was not above small or venial imperfections, or to show contempt for even one of the least of the Saints as such.
(d) Blasphemy cannot become a venial sin on account of unpremeditation, if at the time it is committed one is aware of its character, just as murder does not become a venial sin, because one killed another in a sudden fit of anger. Example: Semp.r.o.nius has the habit when driving his refractory mules of shouting at them: "You creatures of the devil!" A priest on hearing this admonishes Semp.r.o.nius that the expression is blasphemous. But Semp.r.o.nius continues to use it whenever the mules irritate him, making no effort to improve.
896. There are some cases in which blasphemy is only a venial sin or no sin on account of the lack of deliberation.
(a) If there is no advertence or only semi-advertence to the act itself, the blasphemy p.r.o.nounced, unless it be voluntary in its cause (see 102, 196), is not a mortal sin. In the former case, there is no sin at all, for the act is not human (see 33); in the latter case there cannot be mortal sin, for there is no full reflection on the deed (see 175). Example: Balbus now and then catches himself humming blasphemous songs that he heard years ago, but he always stops as soon as he thinks of what he is saying. t.i.tus, coming out of the ether after an operation, makes a few blasphemous remarks, but he is so dazed that he hardly knows who is speaking. Semp.r.o.nius makes himself drunk, foreseeing that he will blaspheme while out of his senses. Balbus commits no sin, t.i.tus may be guilty of venial sin, but Semp.r.o.nius is guilty of mortal sin in blaspheming.
(b) If there is no advertence or only semi-advertence to the malice of the act, the blasphemy p.r.o.nounced, if it is not voluntary in its cause, is not a mortal sin; for one is not responsible for more than one knows or should know (see 99-100, on imputability). Examples: t.i.tus, a foreigner, has been taught to repeat certain blasphemous phrases, whose real meaning he does not suspect. Balbus has the habit when angry of blaspheming at his mules, but he is doing his best to use more suitable language. Semp.r.o.nius unawares gets into a tipsy condition in which he realizes his acts, but is confused about moral distinctions, and hence uses blasphemous expressions which he would abhor if he were in his normal state. Caius, a boy, blasphemes, thinking that he is committing only a venial sin of "cussing."
897. Different kinds of blasphemy must be noted with reference to the duty of confession.
[a] There are three distinct species of blasphemy--non-heretical, which is opposed to the virtue of religion; heretical, which is opposed to religion and faith; diabolical, which is opposed to religion, faith and the precept to love G.o.d. These species should be distinguished in confession. Examples: t.i.tus, angered because his Patron Saint did not obtain a favor for him, ironically turns the Saint's picture to the wall, saying: "You have great influence with G.o.d!" (non-heretical blasphemy). Balbus in similar circ.u.mstances said: "I have lost all faith in Saints" (heretical blasphemy). Semp.r.o.nia, Whose child has just died, rebels against G.o.d and calls Him a cruel monster (diabolical blasphemy).
(b) Circ.u.mstances may aggravate the malice of blasphemy. Blasphemy that is directly against G.o.d Himself is worse than blasphemy against the Saints; blasphemy against the Blessed Virgin is worse than blasphemy against other friends of G.o.d; blasphemy that ascribes evil to G.o.d is greater than blasphemy that denies Him some perfection; blasphemy that excuses itself or boasts is worse than blasphemy that is more concealed; blasphemy that expressly intends to dishonor G.o.d is graver than blasphemy that only implicitly intends this. Some authors require that aggravating circ.u.mstances be mentioned in confession, but others say this is not necessary (see Vol. II).
898. According to the causes from which they proceed (see 250), blasphemies are divided into three kinds: (a) blasphemy against the Father, which is contumely spoken against G.o.d out of pa.s.sion or weakness, as when one being annoyed uses what he knows to be blasphemy; (b) blasphemy against the Son, which is contumely against G.o.d spoken out of ignorance. Thus, St. Paul said of himself that he had been a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and contumelious, but that he obtained mercy, because he did it ignorantly in unbelief (I Tim., i. 12, 13); (c) blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which is contumely against G.o.d spoken out of sheer malice. Such was the sin of the Jews, who attributed the divine works of Christ to the prince of demons (Matt, xii. 31).
899. To the Holy Ghost are appropriated the supernatural gifts of G.o.d that prevent or remove sin; and, as these can be reduced to six, there are also six sins against the Holy Ghost (i.e., six kinds of contemptuous disregard of spiritual life). The expression of this inner contempt is a blasphemy.
(a) Man is kept from sin by the hope mingled with fear which the thought of G.o.d, as both merciful and just, excites in him. Hence, despair and presumption which remove these divine preventives of sin are blasphemies against the Holy Ghost.
(b) Man is kept from sin, next, by the light G.o.d gives him to know the truth and by the grace He diffuses that all may perform good. Hence, resistance to the known truth and displeasure at the progress of G.o.d's kingdom are also sins against the Spirit of truth and holiness.
(c) Man is kept from sin by the shamefulness of sin itself and the nothingness of the pa.s.sing satisfaction it affords; for the former inclines him to be ashamed of sin committed, or to repent, while the latter tends to make him tire of sin and give it up. Hence, the resolve not to grieve over sin and obstinate adherence to such a resolve are also sins against the Holy Ghost.
900. There is no sin which, if repented of, cannot be forgiven in this life. How then does our Lord say that the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the world to come (Matt., xii. 31)?
(a) The sins against the Holy Ghost are unpardonable according to their nature, just as some diseases are incurable according to their nature, because not only do they set up an evil condition, but they also remove or resist those things that could lead to betterment. Thus, if one despairs, or presumes, or resists truth or good, or determines not to abandon error or evil, one shuts out the remedy of repentance, which is necessary for pardon; whereas, if one sins through pa.s.sion or ignorance, faith and hope remain and help one to repentance.
(b) The sins against the Holy Ghost are not unpardonable, if we consider the omnipotence of G.o.d. Just as G.o.d can cure miraculously a disease that is humanly incurable, so can He pardon a sin which, according to its nature, is unpardonable; for He is able to bring hope and repentance to those who were in despair, for example. Hence, we repeat, there is no sin which, if repented of, cannot be forgiven in this life.
901. Does one arrive at the state of malicious sin or blasphemy suddenly or gradually? (a) Malice in sin (i.e., the willing choice of evil by one who is not weakened by ignorance or pa.s.sion) is sometimes due to a disorder in the will itself which has a strong inclination towards wrong, as when long-continued habit has made sin attractive. It is clear that in such cases one does not arrive at blasphemy suddenly, Example: t.i.tus blasphemes with readiness and without remorse. This argues that he is an adept and not a beginner, for readiness and strong attachment are signs of practice. (b) Malice in sin is sometimes due to the fact that the will has lost certain protections against sin, and hence chooses sin readily and gladly, as happens when a sin against the Holy Ghost has been committed. Generally, the contempt of G.o.d's gifts contained in sins against the Holy Ghost does not come suddenly, but follows as the climax of a progressive deterioration (Prov., xviii. 3); but, since man is free and sin very alluring, it is not impossible that one should suddenly become a blasphemer, especially if one had not been careful before in other matters. It is next to impossible, however, that a religious-minded man should all at once become a blasphemer or malicious sinner.
902. Remedies Against Blasphemy.--(a) Those who blaspheme maliciously should be admonished of the enormity of their sin, as well as the absurdity of defying the Almighty (Ps. ii. 1, 4). Prayers and e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns in praise of G.o.d are a suitable penance for them. (b) Those who blaspheme through habit or out of sudden anger or pa.s.sion should be told that at least they cause great scandal, and make themselves ridiculous. A good practice for overcoming habit or sudden outbursts is that some mortification or almsdeed or litany should be performed each time blasphemy is uttered.
903. Absolution of Blasphemers.--(a) If blasphemy is not heretical, no censure or reservation is incurred under the general law, and every confessor may absolve; (b) if blasphemy is heretical, excommunication is incurred under the conditions given above in 834, and absolution may be granted as explained there.
904. Sins of Ignorance, Blindness, Dullness.--After the sins against faith itself come the sins against the Gifts of the Holy Ghost that serve faith (see 808): (a) against the Gift of Knowledge is the sin of ignorance; (b) against the Gift of Understanding are the sins of blindness of heart and dullness of understanding.
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