Handbook of Medical Entomology Part 51

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---- 1913. Queen Blow-fly. Georgian flesh-fly. 28th rept. of the State Entomologist. p. 75-92.

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x.x.xiv + 657 p.

FORBES, S. A. 1912. On black-flies and buffalo-gnats, (_Simulium_), as possible carriers of pellagra in Illinois. 27th Rept. of the State Entomologist of Illinois, p. 21-55.

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GIRAULT, A. A. 1905-06. The bed-bug, Clinocoris, (= _Cimex_ = _Acanthia_ = _Klinophilos_) _lectularia_ Linnaeus. Psyche xii, p. 61-74, vol.

xiii, p. 42-58.

---- 1910-14 Preliminary studies on the biology of the bed-bug, _Cimex lectularius_, Linn. Jour. Econ. Biol. v, p. 88-91; vii, p. 163-188; ix, p. 25-45.

GIRAULT, A. A. and STRAUSS, J. F. 1905. The bed-bug, _Clinocoris lectularius_ (Linnaeus) and the fowl bug, _Clinocoris columbarius_ (Jenyns): host relations, Psyche, xii, p. 117-123.

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