The Heroes of Asgard Part 21

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_Valhalla_--Name of a hall in Gladsheim. It means literally, "hall of the chosen."

_Valkyrior_--singular, _Valkyria_--Odin's maidens. The name means literally, "choosers of the slain."

_Vanaheim_--The home of the Vanir.

_Vanir_--singular masculine, _Van_; singular feminine, _Vana_--The name of the G.o.ds of the air and water. _Vanr_ signifies, "empty."

_Vegtam_--A wanderer.

_Verdandi_--One of the Nornir. Her name signifies, "present."

_Vidar_--The silent G.o.d. _Vidar_ signifies, "a wood or forest."

_Vidblain_--The wide blue.

_Vigrid_--Name of the battle-field on which the G.o.ds and the evil powers contended during Ragnarok. _Vigrid_ signifies, "battle, ride."

_Vingolf_--Abode of the G.o.ddesses. Means literally, "the floor of friends."

_Voluspa_--The name of an old poem.

_Yggdrasil_--The name of the earth tree.

_Ymir_--The first giant. _Ymir_ means, "a confused noise."


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