The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume I Part 54

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_Purait_.--(One who is of pure blood.) A subdivision of Jharia Rawat (Ahir) in Chhattisgarh. A subcaste of Dhakar, Halba and Marar.

_Purania_.--(Old.) A subcaste of Kachera or Sisgar in Saugor. The Puranias are the Muhammadan bangle-makers who originally practised this calling. A subcaste of Barai, Basor, Nai and Sunar. A section of Chamar and Darzi.

_Purbia_.--This term, which means eastern or coming from the east, is used in Hoshangabad and other Districts to designate Rajputs from Oudh and the adjoining tracts, especially retired sepoys from the Bengal army. They appear to belong to different clans, but many of them are Bais Rajputs. Some of the Purbias say that their king, somewhere in northern India, heard that cows were being killed in the Central Provinces, so he sent them to stop the practice and they came and stopped it and settled there. In Gujarat this name appears to be applied to Brahmans. A subcaste of Barhai and Gadaria. A section of Nat and Sunar.

_Purkam_.--(_Purka_-pumpkin.) A sept of the Uika clan of Gonds in Betul.

_Purohit_.--(Family priest.) A common t.i.tle of Brahmans.

_Purouti_ or _Pudoti_.--(Bowels.) A sept of Gonds in Khairagarh.

_Pusam_.--(Wors.h.i.+pper of five G.o.ds.) A sept of Raj-Gond and Dhur Gond, and of Baiga and Pardhan.

_Putka_.--A subcaste of Sudh, being the illegitimate issue of the Dehri Sudhs.

_Qawwal_.--(One who speaks fluently.) t.i.tle of Mirasi.

_Rachhbandia_.--(Comb-makers.) A subcaste of Kuchhbandia (Kanjar).

_Raghunathia_.--A small group of Brahmans, so called because their ancestors are said to have received a grant of five villages from Raghunath Deo of Hindoli.

_Raghuvansi_.--A caste formed from a Rajput clan. See article. A subcaste of Ahir; a section of Mali and Gond.

_Raghvi_.--Synonym of Raghuvansi.

_Rahmat_.--(Compa.s.sion.) A section of Panwar Rajput. A Muhammadan proper name.

_Rai_ or _Raj_.--Subcaste of Darzi, Kalar, Khangar.

_Rai-bhaina_.--Subcaste of Baiga in Balaghat.

_Raipuria_.--(From Raipur.) A subcaste of Dhimars who do not wear gold ornaments. A subcaste of Dewar in Bilaspur.

_Raj_ or _Rai_.--From Raja, a king. This term designates the landholding division of certain tribes, as the Raj-Gonds, the Raj-Korkus, the Raj-Khonds and the Rajbhars. The Raj-Bhats, Raj-Dhuris and Rai-Darzis are similarly subcastes of good position in their respective castes. Raj is also used as a synonym for Beldar, meaning a mason.

_Raja_.--(A king.) t.i.tle of a ruling chief, and occasionally conferred on prominent Indian gentlemen.

_Rajak_.--(A washerman.) Synonym for Dhobi.

_Rajbhar_.--(A landowning Bhar.) Synonym for Rajjhar.

_Raj-Bhat._--Subcaste of Bhat.

_Raj-Dhuri._--A subcaste of Dhuri, said to be descendants of personal servants in Rajput families.

_Raj-Gond_.--The landholding subdivision of the Gond tribe; a section of Chamar and Kachhi.

_Raj-Khond_.--Subcaste of Khond.

_Raj-Kunwar, Raj-Pardhan_.--A subcaste of Pardhan in Balaghat.

_Rajoria_.--(Kingly.) A section of Barhai, Dangi, Khatik and Sanadhya Brahman.

_Raj-Pardhan_.--A subcaste of Pardhan. They are said to be also known as Kunwar Pardhan or Gond Bhat and to be beggars and bards of the Gonds.

_Raj-Pasi_.--Subcaste of Pasi.

_Rajput_.--(Son of a king.) A caste, representing the ancient Kshatriya caste. See article. A subcaste of Banjara, Kadera, k.u.mhar and Patwa.

_Rajwaria_.--From the Rajwar caste. Subcaste of Dahait. Subdivision of Kol in Mirzapur.

_Rakaseya_.--(From Rakas, a devil.) A section of Katia.

_Rakhotia_.--An illegitimate section of k.u.mhar.

_Rakhwaldar_.--(Village watchman.) t.i.tle of Ramosi.

_Raksa_.--(Demoniac.) A section of k.u.mhar and Kawar.

_Ramanandi_.--A cla.s.s of Bairagis or religious mendicants. See article Bairagi.

_Ramanuja_.--A cla.s.s of Bairagis or religious mendicants. See article Bairagi.

_Ramgarhia_.--(A resident of Ramgarh in Mandla.) Subcaste of Ghasia.

_Ramos.h.i.+_.--Synonym of Ramosi.

_Rana_.--A t.i.tle of Sesodia Rajputs. A section of Halba and Panwar.

_Randgolak_.--A subdivision of degraded Maharashtra Brahmans, the offspring of illicit unions or remarried widows.

_Rangari_.--(One who works in indigo (_nil_).) Synonym for Chhipa.

_Rao_.--Synonym for Bhat. A section of Chamar and Lohar. A t.i.tle of the Bhilala caste.

_Ratanpuria_.--(A resident of Ratanpur in Bilaspur.) Subcaste of Nunia and Dewar.

_Ratha_.--(A car for carrying a G.o.d.) Honorific t.i.tle of Uriya Brahmans.

_Rathia_.--Subcaste of Kawar.

_Rathor_, _Rathaur_.--A famous Rajput clan. See article Rajput-Rathor. A subcaste of Banjara, Bari and of Teli in Mandla, Betul, Nimar and other Districts. A section of Ahir, Bhilala, Mochi, Nahal and Pardhi.

_Ratna Banik_.--(Dealer in jewels.) A synonym of Sunar in Sambalpur.

_Rautadi_.--Subcaste of Bhuiya.

_Rautele_.--A subcaste of Kol. A section of Barai, Bhat, Gadaria and of Sunar in Saugor.

The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume I Part 54

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