The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume I Part 75

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[257] _Ibidem_, p. 113.

[258] _Brahmans, Theists_, p. 118.

[259] Lillingston, p. 96.

[260] _Brahmans, Theists_, p. 133.

[261] _Brahmans, Theists_, pp. 131, 139, 140.

[262] _Brahmans, Theists_, p. 148.

[263] This article is compiled from the notices in Wilson's _Hindu Sects, As. Res._ vol. xvi. pp. 79-81; Sir E. Maclagan's _Punjab Census Report_, 1891; and Mr. Bhimbhai Kirparam's _Hindus of Gujarat_, _Bombay Gazetteer_, vol. ix.

[264] Captain C.E. Luard, in _Central India Census Report_ (1901), p. 88.

[265] _Bombay Gazetteer, Hindus of Gujarat_ (Mr. Bhimbhai Kirparam), p. 545.

[266] This information was kindly furnished by the Diwan of Panna, through the Political Agent at Bundelkhand.

[267] Barth, p. 148.

[268] Hopkins, p. 310, and _The Jains_, p. 40.

[269] Barth, p. 149.

[270] _The Jainas_, pp. 38-47.

[271] The writer is inclined to doubt whether either Buddhism or Jainism were really atheistic, and to think that they were perhaps rather forms of pantheism; but the above is the view of the best authorities.

[272] _The Jainas_, p. 10.

[273] _The Jainas_, p. 6.

[274] _Ibidem_, p. 10.

[275] Moor's _Hindu Infanticide_, pp. 175-176.

[276] Marten, _C.P. Census Report_ (1911), p. 67.

[277] Maclagan, _Punjab Census Report_ (1891), p. 183.

[278] Mr. Marten's _Central Provinces Census Report_, 1911.

[279] The particulars about the Tirthakars and the animals and trees a.s.sociated with them are taken from _The Jainas_.

[280] _Jonesia Asoka_.

[281] _Cedrela toona_.

[282] _Grislea tomentosa_.

[283] _Eugenia jambolana_.

[284] _Michelia champaka_.

[285] Crooke, _Things Indian_, art. Pinjrapol.

[286] Moor, _Hindu Infanticide_, p. 184.

[287] _Rajasthan_, vol. i. p. 449, and pp. 696, 697, App.

[288] _Central Provinces Census Report_, 1911.

[289] Westcott, _Op. cit._ p. 3.

[290] _Op. cit._ p. 12.

[291] _Kabir and the Kabirpanth_, pp. 115 and 116.

[292] Raipur District.

[293] The description of the Chauka service is mainly taken from Bishop Westcott's full and detailed account.

[294] _Ficus glomerata_.

[295] Sherring, _Hindu Castes and Tribes,_ iii. pp. 96, 123.

[296] By Surgeon-Major Cornish.

[297] _Bombay Census Report_, 1901, pp. 181-183.

[298] _Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies_, p. 117.

[299] Mr. Marten's _C.P. Census Report_ (1911), Subsidiary Table, ix., Occupation, p. 276.

[300] Short for Amir or Prince.

[301] Siddik means veracious or truthful, and he was given the name on account of his straightforward character (_Bombay Gazetteer._)

[302] _Supplemental Glossary_, vol. i. p. 195.

[303] Mr. A. M. T. Jackson in _Bomb. Gaz. Muh. Guj_;, p. 10.

[304] _Bombay Gazetteer, ibidem_.

[305] Hughes' _Dictionary of Islam, s. v._ Marriage.

[306] _Bomb. Gaz. Muh. Guj._ p. 166.

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