The Complete Angler 1653 Part 6
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_Pisc_. And my Scholer and I will go down towards _Waltam_.
_Cor_. Then lets meet here, for here are fresh sheets that smel of Lavender, and, I am sure, we cannot expect better meat and better usage.
_Pet_. 'Tis a match. Good night to every body.
_Pisc_. And so say I.
_Viat_. And so say I.
_Pisc_. Good morrow good Hostis, I see my brother _Peter_ is in bed still; Come, give my Scholer and me a cup of Ale, and be sure you get us a good dish of meat against supper, for we shall come hither as hungry as _Hawks_. Come Scholer, lets be going.
_Viat_. Good Master, as we walk towards the water, wil you be pleased to make the way seeme shorter by telling me first the nature of the _Trout_, and then how to catch him.
_Pisc_. My honest Scholer, I wil do it freely: The _Trout_ (for which I love to angle above any fish) may be justly said (as the ancient Poets say of Wine, and we English say of Venson) to be a generous fish, because he has his seasons, a fish that comes in, and goes out with the _Stag_ or _Buck_: and you are to observe, that as there be some _barren Does_, that are good in Summer; so there be some barren _Trouts_, that are good in Winter; but there are not many that are so, for usually they be in their perfection in the month of _May_, and decline with the _Buck_: Now you are to take notice, that in several Countries, as in _Germany_ and in other parts compar'd to ours, they differ much in their bigness, shape, and other wayes, and so do _Trouts_; 'tis wel known that in the Lake _Lemon_, the Lake of _Geneva_, there are _Trouts_ taken, of three Cubits long, as is affirmed by _Gesner_, a Writer of good credit: and _Mercator_ sayes, the _Trouts_ that are taken in the Lake of _Geneva_, are a great part of the Merchandize of that famous City. And you are further to know, that there be certaine waters that breed _Trouts_ remarkable, both for their number and smalness--I know a little Brook in _Kent_ that breeds them to a number incredible, and you may take them twentie or fortie in an hour, but none greater then about the size of a _Gudgion_. There are also in divers Rivers, especially that relate to, or be near to the Sea, (as _Winchester_, or the Thames about _Windsor_) a little _Trout_ called a _Samlet_ or _Skegger Trout_ (in both which places I have caught twentie or fortie at a standing) that will bite as fast and as freely as _Minnows_; these be by some taken to be young _Salmons_, but in those waters they never grow to bee bigger then a _Herring_.
There is also in _Kent_, neer to _Canterbury_, a _Trout_ (called there a _Fordig Trout_) a _Trout_ (that bears the name of the Town where 'tis usually caught) that is accounted rare meat, many of them near the bigness of a _Salmon_, but knowne by their different colour, and in their best season cut very white; and none have been known to be caught with an Angle, unless it were one that was caught by honest Sir _George Hastings_, an excellent Angler (and now with G.o.d) and he has told me, he thought that _Trout_ bit not for hunger, but wantonness; and 'tis the rather to be believed, because both he then, and many others before him have been curious to search into their bellies what the food was by which they lived; and have found out nothing by which they might satisfie their curiositie.
Concerning which you are to take notice, that it is reported, there is a fish that hath not any mouth, but lives by taking breath by the porinss of her gils, and feeds and is nourish'd by no man knows what; and this may be believed of the _Fordig Trout_, which (as it is said of the _Stork_, that he knowes his season, so he) knows his times (I think almost his day) of coming into that River out of the Sea, where he lives (and it is like feeds) nine months of the year, and about three in the River of _Fordig_.
And now for some confirmation of this; you are to know, that this _Trout_ is thought to eat nothing in the fresh water; and it may be the better believed, because it is well known, that _Swallowes_, which are not seen to flye in _England_ for six months in the year, but about _Michaelmas_ leave us for a hotter climate; yet some of them, that have been left behind their fellows, [view Sir Fra. Bacon exper. 899.], have been found (many thousand at a time) in hollow trees, where they have been observed to live and sleep [see Topsel of Frogs] out the whole winter without meat; and so _Albertus_ observes that there is one kind of _Frog_ that hath her mouth naturally shut up about the end of _August_, and that she lives so all the Winter, and though it be strange to some, yet it is known to too many amongst us to bee doubted.
And so much for these _Fordig Trouts_, which never afford an Angler sport, but either live their time of being in the fresh water by their meat formerly gotten in the Sea, (not unlike the _Swallow_ or _Frog_) or by the vertue of the fresh water only, as the _Camelion_ is said to live by the air.
There is also in _Northumberland_, a _Trout_, called a _Bull Trout_, of a much greater length and bignesse then any in these Southern parts; and there is in many Rivers that relate to the Sea, _Salmon Trouts_ as much different one from another, both in shape and in their spots, as we see Sheep differ one from another in their shape and bigness, and in the finess of their wool: and certainly as some Pastures do breed larger Sheep, so do some Rivers, by reason of the ground over which they run, breed larger _Trouts_.
Now the next thing that I will commend to your consideration is, That the _Trout_ is of a more sudden growth then other fish: concerning which you are also to take notice, that he lives not so long as the _Pearch_ and divers other fishes do, as Sir _Francis Bacon_ hath observed in his History of life and death.
And next, you are to take notice, that after hee is come to his full growth, he declines in his bodie, but keeps his bigness or thrives in his head till his death. And you are to know that he wil about (especially before) the time of his Sp.a.w.ning, get almost miraculously through _Weires_ and _Floud-Gates_ against the stream, even through such high and swift places as is almost incredible. Next, that the _Trout_ usually Sp.a.w.ns about _October_ or _November_, but in some Rivers a little sooner or later; which is the more observable, because most other fish in the Spring or Summer, when the Sun hath warmed both the earth and water, and made it fit for generation.
And next, you are to note, that till the Sun gets to such a height as to warm the earth and the water, the _Trout_ is sick, and lean, and lowsie, and unwholsome: for you shall in winter find him to have a big head, and then to be lank, and thin, & lean; at which time many of them have sticking on them Sugs, or _Trout_ lice, which is a kind of a worm, in shape like a Clove or a Pin, with a big head, and sticks close to him and sucks his moisture; those I think the _Trout_ breeds himselfe, and never thrives til he free himself from them, which is till warm weather comes, and then as he growes stronger, he gets from the dead, still water, into the sharp streames and the gravel, and there rubs off these worms or lice: and then as he grows stronger, so he gets him into swifter and swifter streams, and there lies at the watch for any flie or Minow that comes neer to him; and he especially loves the _May_ flie, which is bred of the _Cod-worm_ or _Caddis_; and these make the _Trout_ bold and l.u.s.tie, and he is usually fatter, and better meat at the end of that month, then at any time of the year.
Now you are to know, that it is observed that usually the best _Trouts_ are either red or yellow, though some be white and yet good; but that is not usual; and it is a note observable that the female _Trout_ hath usually a less head and a deeper body then the male _Trout_; and a little head to any fish, either _Trout, Salmon_, or other fish, is a sign that that fish is in season.
But yet you are to note, that as you see some Willows or Palm trees bud and blossome sooner then others do, so some _Trouts_ be in some Rivers sooner in season; and as the Holly or Oak are longer before they cast their Leaves, so are some _Trouts_ in some Rivers longer before they go out of season.
And having told you these Observations concerning _Trouts_, I shall next tell you how to catch them: which is usually with a _Worm_, or a _Minnow_ (which some call a _Penke_;) or with a _Flie_, either a _natural_ or an _artificial_ Flie: Concerning which three I wil give you some Observations and Directions.
For Worms, there be very many sorts; some bred onely in the earth, as the _earth worm_; others amongst or of plants, as the _dug-worm_; and others in the bodies of living creatures; or some of dead flesh, as the _Magot_ or _Gentle_, and others.
Now these be most of them particularly good for particular fishes: but for the _Trout_ the _dew-worm_, (which some also cal the _Lob-worm_) and the _Brandling_ are the chief; and especially the first for a great _Trout_, and the later for a lesse. There be also of _lob-worms_, some called _squirel-tails_ (a worm which has a red head, a streak down the back, and a broad tail) which are noted to be the best, because they are the toughest, and most lively, and live longest in the water: for you are to know, that a dead worm is but a dead bait, and like to catch nothing, compared to a lively, quick, stirring worm: And for a _Brandling_, hee is usually found in an old dunghil, or some very rotten place neer to it; but most usually in cow dung, or hogs dung, rather then horse dung, which is somewhat too hot and dry for that worm.
There are also divers other kindes of worms, which for colour and shape alter even as the ground out of which they are got: as the _marsh-worm_, the _tag-tail_, the _flag-worm_, the _dock-worm_, the _oake-worm_, the _gilt-tail_, and too many to name, even as many sorts, as some think there be of severall kinds of birds in the air: of which I shall say no more, but tell you, that what worms soever you fish with, are the better for being long kept before they be used; and in case you have not been so provident, then the way to cleanse and scoure them quickly, is to put them all night in water, if they be _Lob-worms_, and then put them into your bag with fennel: but you must not put your _Brandling_ above an hour in water, and then put them into fennel for sudden use: but if you have time, and purpose to keep them long, then they be best preserved in an earthen pot with good store of _mosse_, which is to be fresh every week or eight dayes; or at least taken from them, and clean wash'd, and wrung betwixt your hands till it be dry, and then put it to them again: And for Moss you are to note, that there be divers kindes of it which I could name to you, but wil onely tel you, that that which is likest a _Bucks horn_ is the best; except it be _white_ Moss, which grows on some heaths, and is hard to be found.
For the _Minnow_ or _Penke_, he is easily found and caught in April, for then hee appears in the Rivers: but Nature hath taught him to shelter and hide himself in the Winter in ditches that be neer to the River, and there both to hide and keep himself warm in the weeds, which rot not so soon as in a running River in which place if hee were in Winter, the distempered Floods that are usually in that season, would suffer him to have no rest, but carry him headlong to Mils and Weires to his confusion. And of these _Minnows_, first you are to know, that the biggest size is not the best; and next, that the middle size and the whitest are the best: and then you are to know, that I cannot well teach in words, but must shew you how to put it on your hook, that it may turn the better: And you are also to know, that it is impossible it should turn too quick: And you are yet to know, that in case you want a _Minnow_, then a small _Loch_, or a _Sticklebag_, or any other small Fish will serve as wel: And you are yet to know, that you may salt, and by that means keep them fit for use three or four dayes or longer; and that of salt, bay salt is the best.
Now for _Flies_, which is the third bait wherewith _Trouts_ are usually taken. You are to know, that there are as many sorts of Flies as there be of Fruits: I will name you but some of them: as the _dun flie_, the _stone flie_, the _red flie_, the _moor flie_, the _tawny flie_, the _shel flie_, the _cloudy_ or blackish _flie_: there be of Flies, _Caterpillars_, and _Canker flies_, and _Bear flies_; and indeed, too many either for mee to name, or for you to remember: and their breeding is so various and wonderful, that I might easily amaze my self, and tire you in a relation of them.
And yet I wil exercise your promised patience by saying a little of the _Caterpillar_, or the _Palmer flie_ or _worm_; that by them you may guess what a work it were in a Discourse but to run over those very many _flies, worms_, and little living creatures with which the Sun and Summer adorn and beautifie the river banks and meadows; both for the recreation and contemplation of the Angler: and which (I think) I myself enjoy more then any other man that is not of my profession.
_Pliny_ holds an opinion, that many have their birth or being from a dew that in the Spring falls upon the leaves of trees; and that some kinds of them are from a dew left upon herbs or flowers: and others from a dew left upon Colworts or Cabbages: All which kindes of dews being thickened and condensed, are by the Suns generative heat most of them hatch'd, and in three dayes made living creatures, and of several shapes and colours; some being hard and tough, some smooth and soft; some are horned in their head, some in their tail, some have none; some have hair, some none; some have sixteen feet, some less, and some have none: but (as our _Topsel_ hath with great diligence observed) [in his _History_ of Serpents.] those which have none, move upon the earth, or upon broad leaves, their motion being not unlike to the waves of the sea. Some of them hee also observes to be bred of the eggs of other Caterpillers: and that those in their time turn to be _b.u.t.ter-flies_; and again, that their eggs turn the following yeer to be _Caterpillars_.
'Tis endlesse to tell you what the curious Searchers into Natures productions, have observed of these Worms and Flies: But yet I shall tell you what our _Topsel_ sayes of the _Canker_, or _Palmer-worm_, or _Caterpiller_; That wheras others content themselves to feed on particular herbs or leaves (for most think, those very leaves that gave them life and shape, give them a particular feeding and nourishment, and that upon them they usually abide;) yet he observes, that this is called a _Pilgrim_ or _Palmer-worm_, for his very wandering life and various food; not contenting himself (as others do) with any certain place for his abode, nor any certain kinde of herb or flower for his feeding; but will boldly and disorderly wander up and down, and not endure to be kept to a diet, or fixt to a particular place.
Nay, the very colours of _Caterpillers_ are, as one has observed, very elegant and beautiful: I shal (for a taste of the rest) describe one of them, which I will sometime the next month, shew you feeding on a Willow tree, and you shal find him punctually to answer this very description: "His lips and mouth somewhat yellow, his eyes black as Jet, his ore-head purple, his feet and hinder parts green, his tail two forked and black, the whole body stain'd with a kind of red spots which run along the neck and shoulder-blades, not unlike the form of a Cross, or the letter X, made thus cross-wise, and a white line drawn down his back to his tail; all which add much beauty to his whole body." And it is to me observable, that at a fix'd age this _Caterpiller_ gives over to eat, and towards winter comes to be coverd over with a strange sh.e.l.l or crust, and so lives a kind of dead life, without eating all the winter, and (as others of several kinds turn to be several kinds of flies and vermin, the Spring following) [view Sir _Fra. Bacon_ exper.
728 & 90 in his Natural History] so this _Caterpiller_ then turns to be a painted b.u.t.terflye.
Come, come my Scholer, you see the River stops our morning walk, and I wil also here stop my discourse, only as we sit down under this Honey-Suckle hedge, whilst I look a Line to fit the Rod that our brother _Peter_ has lent you, I shall for a little confirmation of what I have said, repeat the observation of the Lord _Bartas_.
_G.o.d not contented to each kind to give, And to infuse the vertue generative, By his wise power made many creatures breed Of liveless bodies, without_ Venus _deed.
So the cold humour breeds the_ Salamander, _Who (in effect) like to her births commander With child with hundred winters, with her touch Quencheth the fire, though glowing ne'r so much.
So in the fire in burning furnace springs The fly_ Perausta _with the flaming wings; Without the fire it dies, in it, it joyes, Living in that which all things else destroyes_.
[Sidenote: Gerb. Herbal. Cabdem]
_So slow_ Bootes _underneath him sees In th'icie Islands_ Goslings _hatcht of trees, Whose fruitful leaves falling into the water, Are turn'd ('tis known) to living fowls soon after.
So rotten planks of broken s.h.i.+ps, do change To_ Barnacles. _Oh transformation strange!
'Twas first a green tree, then a broken hull, Lately a Mushroom, now a flying Gull_.
_Vi_. Oh my good Master, this morning walk has been spent to my great pleasure and wonder: but I pray, when shall I have your direction how to make Artificial flyes, like to those that the _Trout_ loves best?
and also how to use them?
_Pisc_. My honest Scholer, it is now past five of the Clock, we will fish til nine, and then go to Breakfast: Go you to yonder _Sycamore tree_, and hide your bottle of drink under the hollow root of it; for about that time, and in that place, we wil make a brave Breakfast with a piece of powdered Bief, and a Radish or two that I have in my Fish-bag; we shall, I warrant you, make a good, honest, wholsome, hungry Breakfast, and I will give you direction for the making and using of your fly: and in the mean time, there is your Rod and line; and my advice is, that you fish as you see mee do, and lets try which can catch the first fish.
_Viat_. I thank you, Master, I will observe and practice your direction as far as I am able.
_Pisc_. Look you Scholer, you see I have hold of a good fish: I now see it is a _Trout_; I pray put that net under him, and touch not my line, for if you do, then wee break all. Well done, Scholer, I thank you. Now for an other. Trust me, I have another bite: Come Scholer, come lay down your Rod, and help me to land this as you did the other. So, now we shall be sure to have a good dish of fish for supper.
_Viat_. I am glad of that, but I have no fortune; sure Master yours is a better Rod, and better Tackling.
_Pisc_. Nay then, take mine and I will fish with yours. Look you, Scholer, I have another: come, do as you did before. And now I have a bite at another. Oh me he has broke all, there's half a line and a good hook lost.
_Viat_. Master, I can neither catch with the first nor second Angle; I have no fortune.
_Pisc_. Look you, Scholer, I have yet another: and now having caught three brace of _Trouts_, I will tel you a short Tale as we walk towards our Breakfast. A Scholer (a Preacher I should say) that was to preach to procure the approbation of a Parish, that he might be their Lecturer, had got from a fellow Pupil of his the Copy of a Sermon that was first preached with a great commendation by him that composed and precht it; and though the borrower of it preach't it word for word, as it was at first, yet it was utterly dislik'd as it was preach'd by the second; which the Sermon Borrower complained of to the Lender of it, and was thus answered; I lent you indeed my _Fiddle_, but not my _Fiddlestick_; and you are to know, that every one cannot make musick with my words which are fitted for my own mouth. And so my Scholer, you are to know, that as the ill p.r.o.nunciation or ill accenting of a word in a Sermon spoiles it, so the ill carriage of your Line, or not fis.h.i.+ng even to a foot in a right place, makes you lose your labour: and you are to know, that though you have my Fiddle, that is, my very Rod and Tacklings with which you see I catch fish, yet you have not my Fiddle stick, that is, skill to know how to carry your hand and line; and this must be taught you (for you are to remember I told you Angling is an Art) either by practice, or a long observation, or both.
But now lets say Grace, and fall to Breakfast; what say you Scholer, to the providence of an old Angler? Does not this meat taste well? And was not this place well chosen to eat it? for this _Sycamore_ tree will shade us from the Suns heat.
_Viat_. All excellent good, Master, and my stomack excellent too; I have been at many costly Dinners that have not afforded me half this content: and now good Master, to your promised direction for making and ordering my Artificiall flye.
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