Wine, Women, and Song Part 23

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[Footnote 46: See above, p. 21.]

[Footnote 47: Grimm, op. cit., p. 189 et seq.]

[Footnote 48: Giesebrecht identifies Walter of Lille with the Archipoeta. But he seems to be unacquainted with Salimbene's Chronicle, and I agree with Hubatsch that he has not made out his point.]

[Footnote 49: Op. cit., p. 235, also in _Carm. Bur._, p. 74.]

[Footnote 50: Hannover, 1859.]

[Footnote 51: Page 23.]


Carmina Burana. Stuttgart. 1847.

Thomas Wright. The Latin Poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes.

Camden Society. 1841.

---- Anecdota Literaria. London. 1844.

---- Early Mysteries, etc. London. 1844.

Edelstand du Meril. Poesies Populaires Latines Anterieures au Douzieme Siecle. Paris. 1843.

---- Poesies Populaires Latines du Moyen Age. Paris. 1847.

---- Poesies Inedites du Moyen Age. Paris. 1854.

Jacob Grimm. Gedichte des Mittelalters auf Konig Friedrich I., den Staufer. Berlin. 1843.

H. Hagen. Carmina Medii Aevi Max. Part. Inedita. Bern. 1877.

F. Novati. Carmina Medii Aevi. Firenze. 1883.

Mone. Anzeiger, vii.

W. Muldener. Die Zehn Gedichte von Walther von Lille. Hannover. 1859,

Champollion-Figeac. Hilarii Versus et Ludi. Paris. 1838.

Gaudeamus. Leipzig. 1879.

Carmina Clericorum. Heilbronn. 1880.

A.P. Von Barnstein. Carmina Burana Selecta. 1880.

---- Ubi sunt qui ante nos? Wurtzburg. 1881.

Giesebrecht. Die Vaganten. Allg. Monatscrift fur W. und K. 1853.

O. Hubatsch. Die Lateinischen Vagantenlieder. Gorlitz. 1870.

A. Bartoli. I Precursori del Rinascimento, Firenze. 1876.

Allgemeines Deutsches Commersbuch.

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