The Grammar of English Grammars Part 138
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prol. 29."--_Lily's Gram._, p. 97. That is, "To gerunds in _di_ there is sometimes _not inelegantly_ added a genitive plural: as, 'When, for the sake _of seeing of them_, I went into the forum.'--'Who present an opportunity of _attending of new ones_:' i.e., new comedies." Here the _of_ which is inserted after the participle to mark the genitive case which is added, forms rather an error than an elegance, though some English writers do now and then adopt this idiom. The gerund thus governing the genitive, is not a.n.a.logous to our participle governing the possessive; because this genitive stands, not for _the subject_ of the being or action, but for what would otherwise be _the object_ of the gerund, or of the participle, as may be seen above. The objection to the participle as governing the possessive, is, that it retains its object or its adverb; for when it does not, it becomes fairly a noun, and the objection is removed. R. Johnson, like many others, erroneously thinks it a noun, even when it governs an objective, and has merely a preposition before it; as, "For the sake _of seeing them_.
Where _seeing_ (says he) is a Substantive."--_Gram. Com._, p. 353.
OBS. 43.--If the Latin gerund were made to govern the genitive of the _agent_, and allowed at the same time to retain its government as a gerund, it would then correspond in every thing but declension, to the English participle when made to govern both the possessive case and the objective.
But I have before observed that no such a.n.a.logy appears. The following example has been quoted by Seyer, as a proof that the gerund may govern the genitive of the agent: "_Cujus autem in dicendo aliquid reprehensum est_--Cic."--_Grant's Lat. Gram._, p. 236. That is, (as I understand it,) "But in _whose speaking_ something is reprehended." This seems to me a case in point; though Crombie and Grant will not allow it to be so. But a single example is not sufficient. If the doctrine is true, there must be others.
In this solitary instance, it would be easier to doubt the accuracy even of Cicero, than to approve the notion of these two critics, that _cujus_ is here governed by _aliquid_, and not by the gerund. "Here," says Grant, "I am inclined to concur in opinion with Dr. Crombie, whose words I take the liberty to use, 'That, _for the sake of euphony_, the gerund is sometimes found governing the genitive of the patient, or _subject_ [say _object_] of the action, is unquestionable: thus, _studio videndi patrum vestrorum_.
[That is, literally, _By a desire of seeing of your fathers_.] But I recollect no example, where the gerund is joined with a possessive adjective, or genitive of a noun substantive, where the person is not the patient, but the agent; as, _dicendum meum, ejus dicendum, cujus dicendum_.
[That is, _my speaking, his speaking, whose speaking_.] In truth, these phraseologies appear to me, not only repugnant to the idiom of the language, but also unfavourable to precision and perspicuity.'"--_Grant's Latin Gram._, 8vo, p. 236.
OBS. 44.--Of that particular distinction between the participle and the participial noun, which depends on the insertion or omission of the article and the preposition _of_, a recent grammarian of considerable merit adopts the following views: "This double nature of the participle has led to much irregularity in its use. Thus we find, 'indulging which,' 'indulging _of_ which,' '_the_ indulging which,' and '_the_ indulging _of_ which,' used indiscriminately. Lowth very properly instructs us, either to use both the article and the preposition with the participle; as, '_the_ indulging _of_ which:' or to reject both; as, 'indulging which:' thus keeping the verbal and substantive forms distinct. But he is wrong, as Dr. Crombie justly remarks, in considering these two modes of expression as perfectly similar.
Suppose I am told, 'Bloomfield spoke warmly of the pleasure he had _in hearing_ Fawcet:' I understand at once, that the eloquence of Fawcet gave Bloomfield great pleasure. But were it said, 'Bloomfield spoke warmly of the pleasure he had _in the hearing of_ Fawcet:' I should be led to conclude merely that the orator was within hearing, when the poet spoke of the pleasure he felt from something, about which I have no information.
Accordingly Dr. Crombie suggests as a general rule, conducive at least to perspicuity, and perhaps to elegance; that, when the noun connected with the participle is active, or doing something, the article should be inserted before the participle, and the preposition after it; and, when the noun is pa.s.sive, or represents the object of an action, both the article and the preposition should be omitted:[425] agreeably to the examples just adduced. It is true, that when the noun following the participle denotes something incapable of the action the participle expresses, no mistake can arise _from using_ either form: as, 'The middle condition seems to be the most advantageously situate for _the gaining of_ wisdom. Poverty turns our thoughts too much upon _the supplying of_ our wants; and riches, upon _enjoying_ our superfluities.' _Addison, Spect._, 464. Yet I cannot think it by any means a commendable practice, thus to jumble together different forms; and indeed it is certainly better, as _the two modes of expression have different significations_, to confine each to its distinct and proper use, agreeably to Dr. Crombie's rule, even when no mistake could arise _from interchanging_ them."--_Churchill's Gram._, p. 319.
OBS. 45.--The two modes of expression which these grammarians would thus apply constantly to different uses, on the supposition that they have always different significations, _are the same_ that Lindley Murray and his copyists suppose to be _generally equivalent_, and concerning which it is merely admitted by the latter, that they do "_not in every instance_ convey the same meaning." (See Obs. 27th above.) If Dr. Lowth considered them "as _perfectly similar_," he was undoubtedly very wrong in this matter: though not more so than these gentlemen, who resolve to interpret them as being perfectly and constantly dissimilar. Dr. Adam says, "There are, both in Latin and [in] English, substantives derived from the verb, which so much resemble the Gerund in their signification, that _frequently_ they may be subst.i.tuted in its place. They are generally used, however, in a more undetermined sense than the Gerund, and in English, have the article _always_[426] prefixed to them. Thus, with the gerund, _Detector legendo Ciceronem_, I am delighted _with reading_ Cicero. But with the substantive, _Delector lectione Ciceronis_, I am delighted with _the reading of_ Cicero."--_Lat. and Eng. Gram._, p. 142. "Gerunds are so called because they, as it were, signify the thing _in gerendo_, (anciently written _gerundo_,) _in doing_; and, along with the action, convey an idea of the agent."--_Grant's Lat. Gram._, p. 70; _Johnson's Gram. Com._, p. 353. "_The reading of Cicero_," does not necessarily signify an action of which Cicero is the _agent_, as Crombie, Churchill, and Hiley choose to expound it; and, since the gerundive construction of words in _ing_ ought to have a definite reference to the agent or subject of the action or being, one may perhaps amend even some of their own phraseology above, by preferring the participial noun: as, "No mistake can arise _from the using of_ either form."--"And riches [turn our thoughts too much] _upon the enjoying of_ our superfluities."--"Even when no mistake could arise _from the interchanging of_ them." Where the agent of the action plainly appears, the gerundive form is to be preferred on account of its brevity; as, "By _the_ observing _of_ truth, you will command respect;" or, "By _observing_ truth, &c."--_Kirkham's Gram._, p. 189. Here the latter phraseology is greatly preferable, though this author did not perceive it. "I thought nothing was to be done by me before _the giving of_ you thanks."--_Walker's Particles_, p. 63. Say,--"before _giving_ you thanks;" for otherwise the word _thanks_ has no proper construction, the p.r.o.noun alone being governed by _of_--and here again is an error; for "_you_" ought to be the object of _to_.
OBS. 46.--In Hiley's Treatise, a work far more comprehensive than the generality of grammars, "the _established principles_ and _best usages_ of the English" Participle are so adroitly summed up, as to occupy only two pages, one in Etymology, and an other in Syntax. The author shows how the participle differs from a verb, and how from an adjective; yet he neither makes it a separate part of speech, nor tells us with what other it ought to be included. In lieu of a general rule for the parsing of _all participles_, he presents the remark, "Active transitive participles, like their verbs, govern the objective case; as, 'I am desirous of _hearing him_;' '_Having praised them_, he sat down.'"--_Hiley's Gram._, p. 93. This is a rule by which one may pa.r.s.e the _few objectives_ which are governed by participles; but, for the usual construction of _participles themselves_, it is no rule at all; neither does the grammar, full as it is, contain any.
"_Hearing_" is here governed by _of_, and "_Having praised_" relates to _he_; but this author teaches neither of these facts, and the former he expressly contradicts by his false definition of a preposition. In his first note, is exhibited, in two parts, the false and ill-written rule which Churchill quotes from Crombie. (1.) "When the noun, _connected with the participle_, is _active or doing_ something, the _participle must have_ an article before it, and the preposition _of_ after it; as, 'In _the hearing of_ the philosopher;' or, 'In the philosopher's _hearing_;' 'By _the preaching of_ Christ;' or, 'By Christ's _preaching_.' In these instances," says Hiley, "the words _hearing_ and _preaching_ are _substantives_." If so, he ought to have corrected this rule, which twice calls them _participles_; but, in stead of doing that, he blindly adds, by way of alternative, two examples which expressly contradict what the rule a.s.serts. (2.) "But when the noun represents the _object_ of an _action_, the article and the preposition _of_ must be _omitted_; as, 'In _hearing_ the philosopher.'"--_Ib._, p. 94. If this principle is right, my second note below, and most of the corrections under it, are wrong. But I am persuaded that the adopters of this rule did not observe how common is the phraseology which it condemns; as, "For if _the casting-away of them_ be _the reconciling of the world_, what shall _the receiving of them_ be, but life from the dead?"--_Rom._, xi, 15. Finally, this author rejects the _of_ which most critics insert when a possessive precedes the verbal noun; justifies and prefers the mixed or double construction of the participle; and, consequently, neither wishes nor attempts to distinguish the participle from the verbal noun. Yet he does not fail to repeat, with some additional inaccuracy, the notion, that, "What do you think of my _horse's running_? is different _to_ [say _from_,] What do you think of my _horse running_?"--_Ib._, p. 94.
OBS. 47.--That English books in general, and the style of even our best writers, should seldom be found exempt from errors in the construction of participles, will not be thought wonderful, when we consider the multiplicity of uses to which words of this sort are put, and the strange inconsistencies into which all our grammarians have fallen in treating this part of syntax. It is useless, and worse than useless, to teach for grammar any thing that is not true; and no doctrine can be true of which one part palpably oversets an other. What has been taught on the present topic, has led me into a mult.i.tude of critical remarks, designed both for the refutation of the principles which I reject, and for the elucidation and defence of those which are presently to be summed up in notes, or special rules, for the correction of false syntax. If my decisions do not agree with the teaching of our common grammarians, it is chiefly because these authors contradict themselves. Of this sort of teaching I shall here offer but one example more, and then bring these strictures to a close: "When present participles are preceded by an article, or p.r.o.noun adjective, they become nouns, and must not be followed by objective p.r.o.nouns, or nouns without a preposition; as, _the reading of many books wastes the health_.
But such nouns, like all others, may be used without an article, being sufficiently discovered by the following preposition; as, _he was sent to prepare the way, by preaching of repentance_. Also an article, or p.r.o.noun adjective, may precede a clause, used as a noun, and commencing with a participle; as, _his teaching children was necessary_."--_Dr. Wilson's Syllabus of English Gram._, p. x.x.x. Here the last position of the learned doctor, if it be true, completely annuls the first; or, if the first be true, the last must needs be false, And, according to Lowth, L. Murray, and many others, the second is as bad as either. The bishop says, concerning this very example, that by the use of the preposition _of_ after the participle _preaching_, "the phrase is rendered _obscure_ and _ambiguous_: for the obvious meaning of it, in its present form, is, 'by preaching _concerning_ repentance, or on that subject;' whereas the sense intended is, 'by publis.h.i.+ng the covenant of repentance, and declaring repentance to be a condition of acceptance with G.o.d.'"--_Lowth's Gram._, p. 82. "It ought to be, 'by _the_ preaching _of_ repentance;' or, by _preaching_ repentance."--_Murray's Gram._, p. 193.
NOTE I.--Active participles have the same government as the verbs from which they are derived; the preposition _of_, therefore, should never be used after the participle, when the verb does not require it. Thus, in phrases like the following, _of_ is improper: "Keeping _of_ one day in seven;"--"By preaching _of_ repentance;"--"They left beating _of_ Paul."
NOTE II.--When a transitive participle is converted into a noun, _of_ must be inserted to govern the object following; as, "So that there was _no withstanding of_ him."--_Walker's Particles_. p. 252. "The cause of their salvation doth not so much arise from _their embracing of_ mercy, as from _G.o.d's exercising of_ it"--_Penington's Works_, Vol. ii, p. 91. "Faith is _the receiving of_ Christ with the whole soul."--_Baxter_. "In _thy pouring-out of_ thy fury upon Jerusalem."--_Ezekiel_, ix, 8.
NOTE III.--When the insertion of the word _of_, to complete the conversion of the transitive participle into a noun, produces ambiguity or harshness, some better phraseology must be chosen. Example: "Because the action took _place prior to the taking place of_ the other past action."--_Kirkham's Gram._, p. 140. Here the words _prior_ and _place_ have no regular construction; and if we say, "_prior_ to the taking _of place of_ the other," we make the jumble still worse. Say therefore, "Because the action took place _before_ the other past action;"--or, "Because the action took place _previously_ to the other past action."
NOTE IV.--When participles become nouns, their adverbs should either become adjectives, or be taken as parts of such nouns, written as compound words: or, if neither of these methods be agreeable, a greater change should be made. Examples of error: 1. "_Rightly_ understanding a sentence, depends very much on a knowledge of its grammatical construction."--_Comly's Gram._, 12th Ed., p. 8. Say, "_The right_ understanding _of_ a sentence,"
&c. 2. "Elopement is a running _away_, or private departure."--_Webster's El. Spelling-Book_. p. 102. Write "_running-away_" as one word. 3. "If they [Milton's descriptions] have any _faults_, it is their _alluding too frequently_ to matters of learning, and to fables of antiquity."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 451. Say, "If they have any _fault_, it is _that they allude_ too frequently," &c.
NOTE V.--When the participle is followed by an adjective, its conversion into a noun appears to be improper; because the construction of the adjective becomes anomalous, and its relation doubtful: as, "When we speak of _'ambition's being restless_' or, _'a disease's being deceitful_.'"--_Murray's Gram._, Vol. i, p. 346; _Kirkham's_, p. 224. This ought to be, "When we speak of _ambition as_ being restless, or a _disease as_ being deceitful;" but Dr. Blair, from whom the text originally came, appears to have written it thus: "When we speak of _ambition's_ being restless, or a _disease_ being deceitful."--LECT. xvi, p. 155. This is _inconsistent with itself_; for one noun is possessive, and the other, objective. NOTE VI.--When a compound participle is converted into a noun, the hyphen seems to be necessary, to prevent ambiguity; but such compound nouns are never elegant, and it is in general better to avoid them, by some change in the expression. Example: "Even as _the being healed_ of a wound, presupposeth the plaster or salve: but not, on the contrary; for the application of the plaster presupposeth not _the being healed_."--_Barclays Works_, Vol. i, p. 143. The phrase, "_the being healed_" ought to mean only, _the creature healed_; and not, _the being-healed_, or _the healing received_, which is what the writer intended. But the simple word _healing_ might have been used in the latter sense; for, in participial nouns, the distinction of _voice_ and of _tense_ are commonly disregarded.
NOTE VII.--A participle should not be used where the infinitive mood, the verbal noun, a common substantive, or a phrase equivalent, will better express the meaning. Examples: 1. "But _placing_ an accent on the second syllable of these words, would entirely derange them."--_Murray's Gram._, Vol. i, p. 239. Say rather, "But, _to place_ an accent--But _the_ placing _of_ an accent--or, But an _accent placed_ on the second syllable of these words, would entirely derange them." 2. "To require _their being_ in that case."--_Ib._, Vol. ii, p. 21. Say, "To require _them_ to be in that case."
3. "She regrets not having read it."--_West's Letters_, p. 216. Say, "She regrets _that she has not_ read it." Or, "She _does not regret that she has_ read it." For the text is equivocal, and admits either of these senses.
NOTE VIII.--A participle used for a nominative after _be, is, was_, &c., produces a construction which is more naturally understood to be a compound form of the verb; and which is therefore not well adapted to the sense intended, when one tells what something is, was, or may be. Examples: 1.
"Whose business _is shoeing_ animals."--_O. B. Peirce's Gram._, p. 365.
Say, "Whose business _it_ is, _to shoe_ animals;"--or, "Whose business is _the_ shoeing _of_ animals." 2. "This _was in fact converting_ the deposite to his own use."--_Murray's Key_, ii, p. 200. Say rather, "This was in fact _a_ converting _of_ the deposite to his own use."--_Ib._
NOTE IX.--Verbs of _preventing_ should be made to govern, not the participle in _ing_, nor what are called substantive phrases, but the objective case of a noun or p.r.o.noun; and if a participle follow, it ought to be governed by the preposition _from_: as, "But the admiration due to so eminent a poet, must not _prevent us from remarking_ some other particulars in which he has failed."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 438. Examples of error: 1. "I endeavoured to prevent _letting him_ escape"--_Ingersoll's Gram._, p. 150.
Say,--"to prevent _his escape_." 2. "To prevent _its being connected_ with the nearest noun."--_Churchill's Gram._, p. 367. Say, "To prevent _it from_ being connected," &c. 3. "To prevent _it bursting_ out with open violence."--_Robertson's America_, Vol. ii, p. 146. Say, "To prevent it _from_ bursting out," &c. 4. "To prevent _their injuring or murdering of_ others."--_Brown's Divinity_, p. 26. Say rather, "To prevent _them from_ injuring or murdering _others_."
NOTE X.--In the use of participles and of verbal nouns, the leading word in sense should always be made the leading or governing word in the construction; and where there is reason to doubt whether the possessive case or some other ought to come before the participle, it is better to reject both, and vary the expression. Examples: "Any person may easily convince himself of the truth of this, by listening to _foreigners conversing_ in a language [which] he does not understand."--_Churchill's Gram._, p. 361. "It is a relic of the ancient _style abounding_ with negatives."--_Ib._, p. 367. These forms are right; though the latter might be varied, by the insertion of "_which abounds_" for "_abounding_." But the celebrated examples before cited, about the "_lady holding up_ her train,"
or the "_lady's holding up_ her train,"--the "_person dismissing_ his servant," or the "_person's dismissing_ his servant,"--the "_horse running_ to-day," or the "_horse's running_ to-day,"--and many others which some grammarians suppose to be interchangeable, are equally bad in both forms.
NOTE XI.--Participles, in general, however construed, should have a clear reference to the proper subject of the being, action, or pa.s.sion. The following sentence is therefore faulty: "By _establis.h.i.+ng_ good laws, our _peace_ is secured."--_Russell's Gram._, p. 88; _Folker's_, p. 27. Peace not being the _establisher_ of the laws, these authors should have said, "By _establis.h.i.+ng_ good laws, _we_ secure our peace." "_There will be no danger_ of _spoiling_ their faces, or of _gaining_ converts."--_Murray's Key_, ii, p. 201. This sentence is to me utterly unintelligible. If the context were known, there might possibly be some sense in saying, "_They_ will be in no danger of spoiling their faces," &c. "The law is annulled, in the very _act of its being made_."--_O. B. Peirce's Gram._, p. 267. "The _act of_ MAKING _a law_," is a phrase intelligible; but, "the _act of its_ BEING MADE," is a downright solecism--a positive absurdity.
NOTE XII.--A needless or indiscriminate use of participles for nouns, or of nouns for participles, is inelegant, if not improper, and ought therefore to be avoided. Examples: "_Of_ denotes possession or _belonging_."-- _Murray's Gram._, Vol. i, p. 118; _Ingersoll's_, 71. "The preposition _of_, frequently implies possession, property, or _belonging to_."--_Cooper's Pl.
and Pr. Gram._, p. 137. Say, "_Of_ frequently denotes possession, or _the relation of property_." "England perceives the folly _of the denying of_ such concessions."--_Nixon's Pa.r.s.er_, p. 149. Expunge _the_ and the last _of_, that _denying_ may stand as a participle.
NOTE XIII.--Perfect participles being variously formed, care should be taken to express them agreeably to the best usage, and also to distinguish them from the preterits of their verbs, where there is any difference of form. Example: "It would be well, if all writers who endeavour to be accurate, would be careful to avoid a corruption at present so prevalent, of saying, _it was wrote_, for, _it was written; he was drove_, for, _he was driven; I have went_, for, _I have gone_, &c., in all which instances a verb is absurdly used to supply the proper participle, without any necessity from the want of such word."--_Harris's Hermes_, p. 186.
"In forming of his sentences, he was very exact."--_Error noticed by Murray_, Vol. i, p. 194.
[FORMULE.--Not proper, because the preposition _of_ is used after the participle _forming_, whose verb does not require it. But, according to Note 1st under Rule 20th, "Active participles have the same government as the verbs from which they are derived; the preposition _of_, therefore, should not be used after the participle, when the verb does not require it." Therefore, _of_ should be omitted; thus, "In forming his sentences, he was very exact."]
"For not believing of which I condemn them"--_Barclay's Works_, iii. 354.
"To prohibit his hearers from reading of that book."--_Ib._, i, 223. "You will please them exceedingly, in crying down of ordinances."--MITCh.e.l.l: _ib._, i, 219. "The war-wolf subsequently became an engine for casting of stones,"--_Constable's Miscellany_, xxi, 117. "The art of dressing of hides and working in leather was practised."--_Ib._, xxi, 101. "In the choice they had made of him, for restoring of order."--_Rollin's Hist._, ii, 37.
"The Arabians exercised themselves by composing of orations and poems."--_Sale's Koran_, p. 17. "Behold, the widow-woman was there gathering of sticks."--_1 Kings_, xvii, 10. "The priests were busied in offering of burnt-offerings."--_2 Chron._, x.x.xv, 14. "But Asahel would not turn aside from following of him."--_2 Sam._, ii, 21. "He left off building of Ramah, and dwelt in Tirzah."--_1 Kings_, xv, 21. "Those who accuse us of denying of it, belie us."--_Barclay's Works_, iii, 280. "And breaking of bread from house to house."--_Ib._, i, 192. "Those that set about repairing of the walls."--_Ib._, i, 459. "And secretly begetting of divisions."--_Ib._, i, 521. "Whom he had made use of in gathering of his church."--_Ib._, i, 535. "In defining and distinguis.h.i.+ng of the acceptions and uses of those particles."--_Walker's Particles_, p. 12.
"In punis.h.i.+ng of this, we overthrow The laws of nations, and of nature too."--_Dryden_, p. 92.
"The mixing them makes a miserable jumble of truth and fiction."--_Kames, El. of Crit._, ii, 357. "The same objection lies against the employing statues."--_Ib._, ii, 358. "More efficacious than the venting opulence upon the Fine Arts."--_Ib._, Vol. i, p. viii. "It is the giving different names to the same object."--_Ib._, ii, 19. "When we have in view the erecting a column."--_Ib._, ii, 56. "The straining an elevated subject beyond due bounds, is a vice not so frequent."--_Ib._, i, 206. "The cutting evergreens in the shape of animals is very ancient."--_Ib._, ii, 327. "The keeping juries, without meet, drink or fire, can be accounted for only on the same idea."--_Webster's Essays_, p. 301. "The writing the verbs at length on his slate, will be a very useful exercise."--_Beck's Gram._, p. 20. "The avoiding them is not an object of any moment."--_Sheridan's Lect._, p. 180.
"Comparison is the increasing or decreasing the Signification of a Word by degrees."--_British Gram._, p. 97. "Comparison is the Increasing or Decreasing the Quality by Degrees."--_Buchanan's English Syntax_, p. 27.
"The placing a Circ.u.mstance before the Word with which it is connected, is the easiest of all Inversion."--_Ib._, p. 140. "What is emphasis? It is the emitting a stronger and fuller sound of voice," &c.--_Bradley's Gram._, p.
108. "Besides, the varying the terms will render the use of them more familiar."--_Alex. Murray's Gram._, p. 25. "And yet the confining themselves to this true principle, has misled them!"--_Horne Tooke's Diversions_, Vol. i, p. 15. "What is here commanded, is merely the relieving his misery."--_Wayland's Moral Science_, p. 417. "The acc.u.mulating too great a quant.i.ty of knowledge at random, overloads the mind instead of adorning it."--_Formey's Belles-Lettres_, p. 5. "For the compa.s.sing his point."--_Rollin's Hist._, ii, 35. "To the introducing such an inverted order of things."--_Butler's a.n.a.logy_, p. 95. "Which require only the doing an external action."--_Ib._, p. 185. "The imprisoning my body is to satisfy your wills."--GEO. FOX: _Sewel's Hist._, p. 47. "Who oppose the conferring such extensive command on one person."--_Duncan's Cicero_, p. 130. "Luxury contributed not a little to the enervating their forces."--_Sale's Koran_, p. 49. "The keeping one day of the week for a sabbath."--_Barclay's Works_, i. 202. "The doing a thing is contrary to the forbearing of it."--_Ib._, i, 527. "The doubling the Sigma is, however, sometimes regular."--_Knight, on the Greek Alphabet_, p. 29. "The inserting the common aspirate too, is improper."--_Ib._, p. 134. "But in Spenser's time the p.r.o.nouncing the _ed_ seems already to have been something of an archaism."--_Philological Museum_, Vol. i, p. 656. "And to the reconciling the effect of their verses on the eye."--_Ib._, i, 659. "When it was not in their power to hinder the taking the whole."--_Brown's Estimate_, ii, 155.
"He had indeed given the orders himself for the shutting the gates."--_Ibid._ "So his whole life was a doing the will of the Father."--_Penington_, iv, 99. "It signifies the suffering or receiving the action expressed."--_Priestley's Gram._, p. 37. "The pretended crime therefore was the declaring himself to be the Son of G.o.d."--_West's Letters_, p. 210. "Parsing is the resolving a sentence into its different parts of speech."--_Beck's Gram._, p. 26.
"There is no expecting the admiration of beholders."--_Baxter_. "There is no hiding you in the house."--_Shakspeare_. "For the better regulating government in the province of Ma.s.sachusetts."--_British Parliament_. "The precise marking the shadowy boundaries of a complex government."--_J. Q.
Adams's Rhet._, Vol. ii, p. 6. "[This state of discipline] requires the voluntary foregoing many things which we desire, and setting ourselves to what we have no inclination to."--_Butler's a.n.a.logy_, p. 115. "This amounts to an active setting themselves against religion."--_Ib._, p. 264. "Which engaged our ancient friends to the orderly establis.h.i.+ng our Christian discipline."--_N. E. Discip._, p. 117. "Some men are so unjust that there is no securing our own property or life, but by opposing force to force."--_Brown's Divinity_, p. 26. "An Act for the better securing the Rights and Liberties of the Subject."--_Geo._ III, 31st. "Miraculous curing the sick is discontinued."--_Barclay's Works_, iii, 137. "It would have been no transgressing the apostle's rule."--_Ib._, p. 146. "As far as consistent with the proper conducting the business of the House."--_Elmore, in Congress_, 1839. "Because he would have no quarrelling at the just condemning them at that day."--_Law and Grace_, p. 42. "That transferring this natural manner--will ensure propriety."--_Rush, on the Voice_, p. 372.
"If a man were porter of h.e.l.l-gate, he should have old turning the key."--_Macbeth_, Act ii, Sc. 3.
"So very simple a thing as a man's wounding himself."--_Blair's Rhet._, p.
97; _Murray's Gram._, p. 317. "Or with that man's avowing his designs."--_Blair_, p. 104; _Murray_, p. 308; _Parker and Fox, Part III_, p. 88. "On his putting the question."--_Adams's Rhet._, Vol. ii, p. 111.
"The importance of teachers' requiring their pupils to read each section many times over."--_Kirkham's Elocution_, p. 169. "Politeness is a kind of forgetting one's self in order to be agreeable to others."--_Ramsay's Cyrus_. "Much, therefore, of the merit, and the agreeableness of epistolary writing, will depend on its introducing us into some acquaintance with the writer."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 370; _Mack's Dissertation in his Gram._, p.
175. "Richard's restoration to respectability, depends on his paying his debts."--_O. B. Peirce's Gram._, p. 176. "Their supplying ellipses where none ever existed; their parsing words of sentences already full and perfect, as though depending on words understood."--_Ib._, p. 375. "Her veiling herself and shedding tears," &c., "her upbraiding Paris for his cowardice," &c.--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 433. "A preposition may be known by its admitting after it a personal p.r.o.noun, in the objective case."--_Murray's Gram._, p. 28; _Alger's_, 14; _Bacon's_, 10; _Merchant's_, 18; and others. "But this forms no just objection to its denoting time."--_Murray's Gram._, p. 65. "Of men's violating or disregarding the relations which G.o.d has placed them in here."--_Butler's a.n.a.logy_, p. 164. "Success, indeed, no more decides for the right, than a man's killing his antagonist in a duel."--_Campbell's Rhet._, p. 295. "His reminding them."--_Kirkham's Elocution_, p. 123. "This mistake was corrected by his preceptor's causing him to plant some beans."--_Ib._, p.
235. "Their neglecting this was ruinous."--_Frost's El. of Gram._, p. 82.
"That he was serious, appears from his distinguis.h.i.+ng the others as 'finite.'"--_Felch's Gram._, p. 10. "His hearers are not at all sensible of his doing it."--_Sheridan's Elocution_, p. 119.
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