The Grammar of English Grammars Part 229

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"It breaks forth in its _highest, most energetic_, and _most impa.s.sioned_ strain."--_Kirkham cor._ "He has fallen into the _vilest and grossest_ sort of railing."--_Barclay cor._ "To receive that _higher and more general_ instruction which the public affords."--_J. O. Taylor cor._ "If the best things have the _best and most perfect_ operations."--_Hooker cor._ "It became the plainest and most elegant, the _richest_ and most splendid, of all languages."--_Bucke cor._ "But the and most frequent_ use of pauses, is, to mark the divisions of the sense."--_Blair cor._ "That every thing belonging to ourselves is _the best and the most perfect_."-- _Clarkson cor._ "And to instruct their pupils in the _best and most thorough_ manner."--_School Committee cor._


"The Father is figured out as a _venerable old_ man."--_Brownlee cor._ "There never was exhibited _an other such_ masterpiece of ghostly a.s.surance."--_Id._ "After the _first three_ sentences, the question is entirely lost."--_Spect. cor._ "The _last four_ parts of speech are commonly called particles."--_Al. Murray cor._ "The _last two_ chapters will not be found deficient in this respect."--_Todd cor._ "Write upon your slates a list of the _first ten_ nouns."--_J. Abbott cor._ "We have a few remains of _two other_ Greek poets in the pastoral style, Moschus and Bion."--_Blair cor._ "The _first nine_ chapters of the book of Proverbs are highly poetical."--_Id._ "For, of these five heads, only the _first two_ have any particular relation to the sublime."--_Id._ "The resembling sounds of the _last two_ syllables give a ludicrous air to the whole."--_Kames cor._ "The _last three_ are arbitrary."--_Id._ "But in the _sentence_, 'She hangs the curtains,' _hangs_ is an _active-transitive_ verb."--_Comly cor._ "If our definition of a verb, and the arrangement of _active-transitive, active-intransitive_, pa.s.sive, and neuter verbs, are properly understood."--_Id._ "These _last two lines_ have an embarra.s.sing construction."--_Rush cor._ "G.o.d was provoked to drown them all, but Noah and _seven other_ persons."--_Wood cor._ "The _first six_ books of the aeneid are extremely beautiful."--_Formey cor._ "_Only_ a few instances _more_ can _here_ be given."--_Murray cor._ "A few years _more_ will obliterate every vestige of a subjunctive form."--_Nutting cor._ "Some define them to be verbs devoid of the _first two_ persons."--_Crombie cor._ "In _an other such_ Essay-tract as this."--_White cor._ "But we fear that not _an other such_ man is to be found."--_Edward Irving cor._ "_O for an other such_ sleep, that I might see _an other such_ man!" Or, to preserve poetic measure, say:--

"_O for such_ sleep _again_, that I might see _An other such_ man, _though but in a dream_!"--_Shak. cor._


"_The_ is an article, relating to the noun _balm, agreeably_ to Rule 11th."--_Comly cor._ "_Wise_ is an adjective, relating to the noun _man's, agreeably_ to Rule 11th."--_Id._ "To whom I observed, that the beer was _extremely_ good."--_Goldsmith cor._ "He writes _very elegantly_." Or: "He writes _with remarkable elegance_."--_O. B. Peirce cor._ "John behaves _very civilly_ (or, _with true civility_) to all men."--_Id._ "All the sorts of words. .h.i.therto considered, have each of them some meaning, even when taken _separately_."--_Beattie cor._ "He behaved himself _conformably_ to that blessed example."--_Sprat cor._ "_Marvellously_ graceful."-- _Clarendon cor._ "The Queen having changed her ministry, _suitably_ to her wisdom."--_Swift cor._ "The a.s.sertions of this author are _more easily_ detected."--_Id._ "The characteristic of his sect allowed him to affirm no _more strongly_ than that."--_Bentley cor._ "If one author had spoken _more n.o.bly_ and _loftily_ than an other."--_Id._ "Xenophon says _expressly_."-- _Id._ "I can never think so very _meanly_ of him."--_Id._ "To convince all that are unG.o.dly among them, of all their unG.o.dly deeds, which they have _impiously_ committed."--_Bible cor._ "I think it very _ably_ written." Or: "I think it written _in a_ very masterly _manner_."--_Swift cor._ "The whole design must refer to the golden age, which it represents _in a_ lively _manner_."--_Addison cor._ "_Agreeably_ to this, we read of names being blotted out of G.o.d's book."--_Burder et al. cor._ "_Agreeably_ to the law of nature, children are bound to support their indigent parents."--_Paley_. "Words taken _independently_ of their meaning, are pa.r.s.ed as nouns of the neuter gender."--_Maltby cor._

"Conceit in weakest bodies _strongliest_ works."--_Shak. cor._


"Though he was not known by _those_ letters, or the name CHRIST."--_Bayly cor._ "In a gig, or some of _those_ things." Better: "In a gig, or _some such vehicle_."--_M. Edgeworth cor._ "When cross-examined by _those_ lawyers."--_Same_. "As the custom in _those_ cases is."--_Same_. "If you _had_ listened to _those_ slanders."--_Same_. "The old people were telling stories about _those_ fairies; but, to the best of my _judgement_, there is nothing in _them_."--_Same_. "And is it not a pity that the Quakers have no better authority to substantiate their principles, than the testimony of _those_ old Pharisees?"--_Hibbard cor._


"Hope is as strong an incentive to action, as fear: _that_ is the antic.i.p.ation of good, _this_ of evil."--_Inst._, p. 265. "The poor want some advantages which the rich enjoy; but we should not therefore account _these_ happy, and _those_ miserable."--_Inst._, p. 266.

"Ellen and Margaret, fearfully, Sought comfort in each other's eye;

Then turned their ghastly look each one, _That_ to her sire, _this_ to her son."--_Scott cor._

"Six youthful sons, as many blooming maids, In one sad day beheld the Stygian shades; _Those_ by Apollo's silver bow were slain, _These_ Cynthia's arrows stretch'd upon the plain."--_Pope cor._

"Memory and forecast just returns engage, _That_ pointing back to youth, _this_ on to age."--_Pope, on Man_.


"These make the three great subjects of discussion among mankind; _namely_, truth, duty, and interest: but the arguments directed towards _any_ of them are generically distinct."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "A thousand other deviations may be made, and still _any_ of _the accounts_ may be correct in principle; for _all_ these divisions, and their technical terms, are arbitrary."--_R.

W. Green cor._ "Thus it appears, that our alphabet is deficient; as it has but seven vowels to represent thirteen different sounds; and has no letter to represent _any_ of five simple consonant sounds."--_Churchill cor._ "Then _none_ of these five verbs can be neuter."--_O. B. Peirce cor._ "And the _a.s.sertor_[534] is in _none_ of the four already mentioned."--_Id._ "As it is not in any of these four."--_Id._ "See whether or not the word comes within the definition of _any_ of the other three simple cases."--_Id._ "No one of the ten was there."--_Frazee cor._ "Here are ten oranges, take _any one_ of them."--_Id._ "There are three modes, by _any_ of which recollection will generally be supplied; inclination, practice, and a.s.sociation."--_Rippingham cor._ "Words not reducible to _any_ of the three preceding heads."--_Fowler cor._ "Now a sentence may be a.n.a.lyzed in reference to _any_ of these four"--_Id._


"Does not all proceed from the law, which regulates _all the_ departments of the state?"--_Blair cor._ "A messenger relates to Theseus _all the_ particulars."--_Ld. Kames cor._ "There are no _fewer_ than twenty-_nine_ diphthongs in the English language."--_Ash cor._ "The Redcross Knight runs through _all the_ steps of the Christian life."--_Spect. cor._ "There were not _fewer_ than fifty or sixty persons present."--_Mills and Merchant cor._ "Greater experience, and _a_ more cultivated _state of_ society, abate the warmth of imagination, and chasten the manner of expression."--_Blair and Murray cor._ "By which means, knowledge, _rather_ than oratory, _has_ become the requisite."--_Blair cor._ "No _fewer_ than seven ill.u.s.trious cities disputed the right of having given birth to the greatest of poets."--_Lempriere cor._ "Temperance, _rather_ than medicines, is the proper means of curing many diseases."--_Murray cor._ "I do not suppose, that we Britons _are more deficient_ in genius than our neighbours."--_Id._ "In which, he _says_, he has found no _fewer_ than twelve untruths."--_Barclay cor._ "The several places of rendezvous were concerted, and _all the_ operations _were_ fixed."--_Hume cor._ "In these rigid opinions, _all the_ sectaries concurred."--_Id._ "Out of whose modifications have been made _nearly all_ complex modes."--_Locke cor._ "The Chinese vary each of their words on no _fewer_ than five different tones."--_Blair cor._ "These people, though they possess _brighter_ qualities, are not so proud as he is, nor so vain as she."--_Murray cor._ "It is certain, _that_ we believe _our own judgements_ more _firmly_, after we have made a thorough inquiry into the _things_."--_Brightland cor._ "As well as the whole course and _all the_ reasons of the operation."--_Id._ "Those rules and principles which are of _the greatest_ practical advantage."--_Newman cor._ "And _all_ curse shall be _no more_."--_Rev.

cor._--(See _the Greek_.) "And death shall be _no more_."--_Id._ "But, in recompense, we have _pleasanter_ pictures of ancient manners."--_Blair cor._ "Our language has suffered _a greater number of_ injurious changes in America, since the British army landed on our, than it had suffered before, in the period of three centuries."--_Webster cor. "All the_ conveniences of life are derived from mutual aid and support in society."--_Ld. Kames cor._


"To such as think the nature of it deserving _of_ their attention."--_Bp.

Butler cor._ "In all points, more deserving _of_ the approbation of their readers."--_Keepsake cor._ "But to give way to childish sensations, was unbecoming _to_ our nature."--_Lempriere cor._ "The following extracts are deserving _of_ the serious perusal of all."--_The Friend cor._ "No inquiry into wisdom, however superficial, is undeserving _of_ attention."--_Bulwer cor._ "The opinions of ill.u.s.trious men are deserving _of_ great consideration."--_Porter cor._ "And resolutely keep its laws. Uncaring _for_ consequences." Or:--"_Not heeding_ consequences."--_Burns cor._ "This is an item that is deserving _of_ more attention."--_Goodell cor._

"Leave then thy joys, unsuiting _to_ such age:"--Or,

"Leave then thy joys _not suiting_ such an age, To a fresh comer, and resign the stage."--_Dryden cor._


"The tall dark mountains and the _deep-toned_ seas."--_Dana_. "O! learn from him To station _quick-eyed_ Prudence at the helm."--_Frost cor._ "He went in a _one-horse_ chaise."--_David Blair cor._ "It ought to be, 'in a _one-horse_ chaise.'"--_Crombie cor._ "These are marked with the _above-mentioned_ letters."--_Folker cor._ "A _many-headed_ faction."--_Ware cor._ "Lest there should be no authority in any popular grammar, for the perhaps _heaven-inspired_ effort."--_Fowle cor.

"Common-metre_ stanzas consist of four iambic lines; one of eight, and the next of six syllables. They were formerly written in two _fourteen-syllable_ lines."--_Goodenow cor. "Short-metre_ stanzas consist of four iambic lines; the third of eight, the rest of six syllables."--_Id._ "_Particular-metre_ stanzas consist of six iambic lines; the third and sixth of six syllables, the rest of eight."--_Id.

"Hallelujah-metre_ stanzas consist of six iambic lines; the last two of eight syllables, and the rest of six."--_Id. "Long-metre_ stanzas are merely the union of four iambic lines, of ten syllables each."--_Id._ "A majesty more commanding than is to be found among the rest of the _Old-Testament_ poets."--_Blair cor._

"You, sulphurous and _thought-executed_ fires, _Vaunt-couriers_ to _oak-cleaving_ thunderbolts, Singe my white head! And thou, _all-shaking_ thunder, Strike flat the thick rotundity o' th' world!"--_Lear_, Act iii, Sc. 2.

CHAPTER V.--p.r.o.nOUNS.



"The subject is to be joined with _its_ predicate."--_Wilkins cor._ "Every one must judge of _his_ own feelings."--_Byron cor._ "Every one in the family should know _his or her_ duty."--_Penn cor._ "To introduce its possessor into that way in which _he_ should go."--_Inf. S. Gram. cor._ "Do not they say, _that_ every true believer has the Spirit of G.o.d in _him_?"--_Barclay cor._ "There is none in _his_ natural state righteous; no, not one."--_Wood cor._ "If ye were of the world, the world would love _its_ own."--_Bible cor._ "His form had not yet lost all _its_ original brightness."--_Milton cor._ "No one will answer as if I were _his_ friend or companion."--_Steele cor._ "But, in lowliness of mind, let each esteem _others_ better than _himself_."--_Bible cor._ "And let none of you imagine evil in _his heart_ against his neighbour."--_Id._ "For every tree is known by _its_ own fruit."--_Id._ "But she fell to laughing, like one out of _his_ right mind."--_M. Edgeworth cor._ "Now these systems, so far from having any tendency to make men better, have a manifest tendency to make _them_ worse."--_Wayland cor._ "And n.o.body else would make that city _his_ refuge any more."--_Josephus cor._ "What is quant.i.ty, as it respects syllables or words? It is _the_ time which _a speaker occupies_ in p.r.o.nouncing _them_."--_Bradley cor._ "In such expressions, the adjective so much resembles an adverb in its meaning, that _it is_ usually pa.r.s.ed as such."--_Bullions cor._ "The tongue is like a racehorse; which runs the faster, the less weight _he_ carries." Or thus: "The tongue is like a racehorse; the less weight _it_ carries, the faster _it_ runs."--_Addison, Murray, et al. cor._ "As two thoughtless boys were trying to see which could lift the greatest weight with _his_ jaws, one of them had several of his firm-set teeth wrenched from their sockets."--_Newspaper cor._ "Every body nowadays publishes memoirs; every body has recollections which _he thinks_ worthy of recording."--_d.u.c.h.ess D'Ab. cor._ "Every body trembled, for _himself_, or _for his_ friends."--_Goldsmith cor._

"A steed comes at morning: no rider is there; But _his_ bridle is red with the sign of despair."--_Campbell cor._


"Charles loves to study; but John, alas! is very idle."--_Merchant cor._ "Or what man is there of you, _who_, if his son ask bread, will give him a stone?"--_Bible cor._ "Who, in stead of going about doing good, are perpetually intent upon doing mischief."--_Tillotson cor._ "Whom ye delivered up, and denied in the presence of Pontius Pilate."--_Bible cor._ "Whom, when they had washed _her_, they laid in an upper chamber."--_Id._ "Then Mana.s.seh knew that the Lord was G.o.d."--_Id._ "Whatever a man conceives clearly, he may, if he will be at the trouble, put into distinct propositions, and express clearly to others."--See _Blair's Rhet._, p. 93.

"But the painter, being entirely confined to that part of time which he has chosen, cannot exhibit various stages of the same action."--_Murray's Gram._, i, 195. "What he subjoins, is without any proof at all."--_Barclay cor._ "George _Fox's_ Testimony concerning Robert Barclay."--_t.i.tle cor._ "According to the _advice of the_ author of the Postcript [sic--KTH]."--_Barclay cor._ "These things seem as ugly to the eye of their meditations, as those Ethiopians _that were_ pictured _on Nemesis's_ pitcher."--_Bacon cor._ "Moreover, there is always a twofold condition propounded with _the Sphynx's enigmas_."--_Id._ "Whoever believeth not therein, shall perish."--_Koran cor._ "When, at _Sestius's_ entreaty, I had been at his house."--_W. Walker cor._

"There high on _Sipylus's_ s.h.a.ggy brow, She stands, her own sad monument of wo."--_Pope cor._


"So will I send upon you famine, and evil beasts, and they shall bereave _you_."--_Bible cor._ "Why do you plead so much for it? why do _you_ preach it up?" Or: "Why do _ye_ plead so much for it? why do _ye_ preach it up?"--_Barclay cor._ "Since thou hast decreed that I shall bear man, _thy_ darling."--_Edward's Gram. cor._ "You have my book, and I have _yours_; i.e., _your_ book." Or thus: "_Thou hast_ my book, and I have _thine_; i.e., _thy_ book."--_Chandler cor._ "Neither art thou such a one as to be ignorant of what _thou_ art."--_Bullions cor._ "Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord, and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon _thee_."--_Bible cor._ "The Almighty, unwilling to cut thee off in the fullness of iniquity, has sent me to give _thee_ warning."--_Ld. Kames cor.

"Wast_ thou born only for pleasure? _wast thou_ never to do any thing?"--_Collier cor._ "Thou shalt be required to go to G.o.d, to die, and _to_ give up _thy_ account."--_Barnes cor._ "And canst thou expect to behold the resplendent glow of the Creator? would not such a sight annihilate _thee_?"--_Milton cor._ "If the prophet had commanded thee to do some great thing, _wouldst thou_ have refused?"--_C. S. Journal cor._ "Art thou a penitent? evince _thy_ sincerity, by bringing forth fruits meet for repentance."--_Vade-Mec.u.m cor._ "I will call thee my dear son: I remember all _thy_ tenderness."--_C. Tales cor._ "So do thou, my son: open _thy_ ears, and _thy_ eyes."--_Wright cor._ "I promise you, this was enough to discourage _you_."--_Bunyan cor._ "Ere you remark an other's sin, Bid _your_ own conscience look within."--_Gay cor._ "Permit that I share in thy wo, The privilege _canst thou_ refuse?"--_Perfect cor._ "Ah! Strephon, how _canst thou_ despise Her who, without thy pity, _dies_?"--_Swift cor._

"Thy verses, friend, are Kidderminster stuff; And I must own, _thou'st_ measured out enough."--_Shenst. cor._

"This day, dear Bee, is thy nativity; Had Fate a luckier one, she'd give it _thee_."--_Swift cor._


"Exactly like so many puppets, _which_ are moved by wires."--_Blair cor._ "They are my servants, _whom_ I brought forth[535] out of the land of Egypt."--_Leviticus_, xxv, 55. "Behold, I and the children _whom_ G.o.d hath given me."--See _Isaiah_, viii, 18. "And he sent Eliakim, _who_ was over the household, and Shebna the scribe."--_Isaiah_, x.x.xvii, 2. "In a short time the streets were cleared of the corpses _which_ filled them."--_M'Ilvaine cor._ "They are not of those _who_ teach things _that_ they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake."--_Barclay cor._ "As a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep; _which_, if he go through, both treadeth down and teareth in pieces."--_Bible cor._ "Frequented by every fowl _which_ nature has taught to dip the wing in water."--_Johnson cor._ "He had two sons, one of _whom_ was adopted by the family of Maximus."--_Lempriere cor._ "And the ants, _which_ are collected by the smell, are burned _with_ fire."--_The Friend cor._ "They being the agents to _whom_ this thing was trusted."--_Nixon cor._ "A packhorse _which_ is driven constantly _one way and the other_, to _and from_ market."--_Locke cor._ "By instructing children, _whose_ affection will be increased."--_Nixon cor._ "He had a comely young woman, _who_ travelled with him."--_Hutchinson cor._ "A b.u.t.terfly, _who_ thought himself an accomplished traveller, happened to light upon a beehive."--_Inst._, p. 267. "It is an enormous elephant of stone, _which_ disgorges from his uplifted trunk a vast but graceful shower."--_Ware cor._ "He was met by a dolphin, _which_ sometimes swam before him, and sometimes behind him."--_Edward's Gram. cor._

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