The Grammar of English Grammars Part 247

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"Nature instantly ebbed again; the film returned to its place; the pulse fluttered--stopped--went on--throbbed--stopped again--moved--stopped.-- Shall I go on?--No."--_Sterne cor._

"Write ten nouns of the masculine gender;--ten of the feminine;--ten of the neuter; ten indefinite in gender."--_Davis cor._

"The infinitive _mood_ has two tenses; the indicative, six; the potential, _four_; the subjunctive, _two_; and the imperative, one."--_Frazee cor._ "Now notice the following sentences: 'John runs.'--'Boys run.'--'Thou runnest.'"--_Id._

"The p.r.o.noun sometimes stands for a name; sometimes for an adjective, a sentence, _or_ a part of a sentence; and, sometimes, for a whole series of propositions."--_Peirce cor._

"The self-applauding bird, the peac.o.c.k, see; Mark what a sumptuous pharisee is he!"--_Cowper cor._



"When will his ear delight in the sound of arms? When shall I, like Oscar, travel in the light of my steel?"--_Ossian_, Vol. i, p. 357. "Will Henry call on me, while he shall be journeying south?"--_Peirce cor._

"An Interrogative p.r.o.noun is one that is used in asking a question; as, '_Who_ is he? and _what_ does he want?'"--_P. E. Day cor._ "_Who_ is generally used when we would inquire _about_ some unknown person or persons; as, '_Who_ is that man?'"--_Id._ "_Your_ fathers, where are they?

and the prophets, do they live forever?"--_Zech._, i. 5.

"It is true, that some of our best writers have used _than whom_; but it is also true that they have used _other_ phrases which we have rejected as ungrammatical: then why not reject this too?--The sentences in the exercises, with _than who_, are correct as they stand."--_Lennie cor._

"When the perfect participle of an active-intransitive verb is annexed to the neuter verb _to be_, what does the combination form?"--_Hallock cor._ "Those adverbs which answer to the question _where_? _whither_? or _whence_? are called adverbs of _place_."--_Id._ "Canst thou by searching find out G.o.d? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than h.e.l.l; what canst thou know?"--SCOTT, ALGER, BRUCE, AND OTHERS: _Job_, xi, 7 and 8.

"Where, where, for shelter shall the wicked fly, When consternation turns the good man pale?"--_Young_.


"Who knows what resources are in store, and what the power of G.o.d may do for thee?"--STERNE: _Enfield's Speaker_, p. 307.

"G.o.d is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"--SCOTT'S BIBLE, ALGER'S, FRIENDS', BRUCE'S, AND OTHERS: _Numb._, xxiii, 19. "Hath the Lord said it, and shall he not do it?

hath he spoken it, and shall he not make it good?"--_Lennie and Bullions cor._

"Who calls the council, states the certain day, Who forms the phalanx, and who points the way?"--_Pope's Essay_.


"To be, or not to be;--that is the question."--_Shak. et al. cor._ "If it be asked, why a pause should any more be necessary to emphasis than to an accent,--or why an emphasis alone will not sufficiently distinguish the members of sentences from each other, without pauses, as accent does words,--the answer is obvious: that we are preacquainted with the sound of words, and cannot mistake them when distinctly p.r.o.nounced, however rapidly; but we are not preacquainted with the meaning of sentences, which must be pointed out to us by the reader or speaker."--_Sheridan cor._

"Cry, 'By your priesthood, tell me what you are.'"--_Pope cor._


"Who else can he be?"--_Barrett cor._ "Where else can he go?"--_Id._ "In familiar language, _here, there_, and _where_, are used for _hither, thither_, and _whither_."--_N. Butler cor._ "Take, for instance, this sentence: 'Indolence undermines the foundation of virtue.'"--_Hart cor._ "Take, for instance, the sentence before quoted: 'Indolence undermines the foundation of virtue.'"--_Id._ "Under the same head, are considered such sentences as these: '_He_ that _hath ears to hear_, let him hear.'--'_Gad_, a troop shall overcome him.'"--_Id._

"Tenses are certain modifications of the verb, which point out the distinctions of time."--_Bullions cor._ "Calm was the day, and the scene, delightful."--_Id._ See _Murray's Exercises_, p. 5. "The capital letters used by the Romans to denote numbers, were C, I, L, V, X; which are therefore called Numeral Letters. I denotes _one_; V, _five_; X, _ten_; L, _fifty_; and C, _a hundred_."--_Bullions cor._ "'I shall have written;'

viz., at or before some future time or event."--_Id._ "In Latin words, the liquids are _l_ and _r_ only; in Greek words, _l, r, m_, and _n_."--_Id._ "Each legion was divided into ten cohorts; each cohort, into three maniples; and each maniple, into two centuries."--_Id._ "Of the Roman literature previous to A. U. 514, scarcely a vestige remains."--_Id._

"And that which He delights in, must be happy.

But when? or where? This world was made for Caesar."--CATO.

"Look next on greatness. Say where greatness lies.

Where, but among the heroes and the wise?"--_Pope_.



(1.) "O! that he were wise!"--_Bullions cor._ (2.) "O! that his heart _were_ tender!"--_See Murray's Ex._ or _Key_, under Rule xix. (3 and 4.) "Oh! what a sight is here!"--_Bullions, E. Gram._, p. 71; (--37;) _Pract.

Les._, p. 82; _a.n.a.lyt. and Pract. Gram._, p. 111. (5-9.) "O Virtue! how amiable thou art!"--_Farnum's Gram._, p. 12; _Bullions's a.n.a.lyt. and Pract.

Gram._, p. 111. (10.) "Oh! that I had been more diligent!"--_Hart cor._; and _Hiley_. (11.) "O! the humiliation to which vice reduces us!"--_Farnum_ and _Mur. cor._ (12.) "O! that he were more prudent!"--_Farnum cor._ (13 and 14.) "Ah me!"--_Davis cor._

(15.) "Lately, alas! I knew a gentle boy," &c.--_Dial cor._

(16 and 17.) "Wo is me, Alhama!"--_Byron's Poems: Wells cor._


"Weep on the rocks of roaring winds, O maid of Inistore!"--_Ossian_. "Cease a little while, O wind! stream, be thou silent a while! let my voice be heard around. Let my wanderer hear me! Salgar! it is Colma who calls. Here is the tree, and the rock. Salgar, my love! I am here. Why delayest thou thy coming? Lo! the calm moon comes forth. The flood is bright in the vale."--_Id._, Vol. i, p. 369.

"Ah, stay not, stay not! guardless and alone: Hector! my lov'd, my dearest, bravest son!"--_Pope_, II., xxii, 61.


"How much better is wisdom than gold!"--See _Murray's Gram._, 8vo, p. 272.

"O Virtue! how amiable art thou!"--See _Murray's Grammar_, 2d Edition, p.

95. "At that hour, O how vain was all sublunary happiness!"--_Brown's Inst.i.tutes_, p. 117; see _English Reader_, p. 135. "Alas! how few and transitory are the joys which this world affords to man!"--_P. E. Day cor._ "Oh! how vain and transitory are all things here below!"--_Id._

"And O! what change of state, what change of rank, In that a.s.sembly everywhere was seen!"--_Pollok cor._; also _Day_.


"O _Shame_! where is thy blush?"--_Shak._[557] "_John_, give me my hat."--_Barrett cor._ "What! is Moscow in flames?"--_Id._ "_O_! what happiness awaits the virtuous!"--_Id._

"_Ah, welladay_! do what we can for him, said Trim, maintaining his point,--the poor soul will die."--_Sterne_ or _Enfield cor._; also _Kirkham_.

"Will John return to-morrow?"--_Barrett cor._ "Will not John return to-morrow?"--_Id._ "John, return to-morrow."--_Id._ "Soldiers, stand firm."--_Id._ "If _mea_, which means _my_, is an adjective in Latin, why may not _my_ be so called in English? and if my is an adjective, why not _Barrett's_?"--_Id._

"O Absalom, my son!"--See _2 Sam._, xix, 4. "O star-eyed Science! whither hast thou fled?"--_Peirce cor._ "Why do you tolerate your own inconsistency, by calling it the present tense?"--_Id._ "Thus the declarative mood [i.e., the indicative mood] may be used in asking a question: as, '_What_ man _is_ frail?'"--_Id._ "What connection has motive, wish, or supposition, with the the term _subjunctive_?"--_Id._ "A grand reason, truly, for calling it a golden key!"--_Id._ "What '_suffering_' the man who can say this, must be enduring!"--_Id._ "What is Brown's Rule in relation to this matter?"--_Id._ "Alas! how short is life!"--_P. E. Day cor._ "Thomas, study your book."--_Id._ "Who can tell us who they are?"--_Sanborn cor._ "Lord, have mercy on my son; for he is lunatic, and sorely vexed."--See _Matt._, xvii, 15. "O ye wild groves! O where is now your bloom?"--_Felton cor._

"O who of man the story will unfold?"--_Farnum cor._.

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