The Grammar of English Grammars Part 267

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--following a finite verb, without a noun --do. an infin. or a part.

--position of, in Eng.

--when may either precede or follow its noun --Whether _adj._ or adv. is required, how determined --_Adjective_, one superadded to an other, without conjunc., position of --when the figure of, affects the sense, what to be done --should not be represented by a p.r.o.noun --ellipsis of, shown

_Adjectives, common_, probable numb. of, in Eng.

--enumeration of, according to their endings

_Adjectives, compound_, a.n.a.logies of their formation, traced --nouns derived from, generally disapproved

_Adjectives, numeral_, kinds of, named --Cardinal numb. and its corresponding _numeral_, what denote --Construction and figure of the _numerals_

_Adjectives, participial_, what words to be referred to the cla.s.s of --cannot be construed to govern obj. case

_Adjectives, p.r.o.nominal_, list of --which, sometimes used adverbially --which, sometimes used part.i.tively, appar. as nouns --without nouns expressed, how pa.r.s.ed --distribution of, by CHURCH See _Other_, &c.

_Adjectives, proper_, peculiarities of, considered --rule for initial capital in

_Adjuncts_ of nominative in the agreement of a verb

_Admitting, allowing_, &c., appar. independent, to what may relate

ADVERBS, Etymol. of --_Adverb_, defined --_Adverbs_, serve to abbreviate expression --other of words sometimes take the nature of --appar. take the nat. of other parts of speech --how distinguished from adjectives of, named and defined --proper cla.s.sification of, by what indicated --of time, place, and manner, with what connected; of degree, do.

--_conjunctive_ (see _Conjunctive Adverb_:) --Modifications of --number of, in Eng.

--Whether _adverb_ or adjective required, how determined --_Adverbs_, Synt. of --in what do. consists --to what relate --_Adverb_ before a prep. ("CONSIDERABLY _beyond_,") --_Adverbs_, whether sometimes qualify nouns --of participles which become nouns, how managed --_above, then_, &c., as relating directly to a noun, how pa.r.s.ed --_Adverbs_, of degree, to what adjectives not applicable --direct use of, for p.r.o.nouns, inelegant --position of --needless use of, for adjectives --_hither_, &c., for _here_, &c., with verb of motion --_hence_, &c., with _from_ prefixed --_when_, &c., not to follow _is_ in a definition ("_Concord is_ WHEN,"

&c.,) --_ever_ and _never_, to be carefully distinguished --in _ly_, when preferable to other forms --_Adverb_, appar. made object of a prep. ("_At_ ONCE,") --emphatic, with verb of self-motion suppressed ("_I'll_ HENCE,") --_Adverb_ HOW, misuse of ("_He said_ HOW," &c.,) --NO, not to be used in reference to a verb or a part.

--_Adverbial_ form or character, words of, how pa.r.s.ed --_Adverbs_, punct. of --_Adverb_, ellips. of, shown --_Adverbs_, derivation of, --many common Eng., of Anglo-Sax. origin --poet. peculiarities in the use of --peculiar use of those of two syllables in _ly_, by MILT. and his contemporaries --_Adverbial phrase_, a needless and improper designation in a.n.a.lysis

_Affectation_ of fine writing, PREC. against

_Ago_ and _since_, difference between

AGREEMENT, of words, defined --with what synonymous --_Agreement_, how many of the parts of speech in Eng., incapable of; none necessary between words unrelated --as differing from relation --of words in the same construc., not easy to determine --rules of, as applied to articles, impertinent --_Agreements_, syntactical, in Eng., specified --_Agreement_, general principles of --figurative, of p.r.o.nouns with antecedents

_Ah_, sometimes departs from usage

_Alexandrine verse_, description of

_Alias_, for the equivocal _or_, use of, in judicial proceedings

_All_, when may be reckoned a noun

_Allegory_, defined --_Allegory_ includes most parables of Script., and some fables

_Alphabet_, Eng., names and plur. numb. of the letters --Hebrew, names and characters of, given, --Greek, do.

--Latin, names of the letters of, scarcely known even to the learned; account of its letters --A _perfect alphabet_ in Eng., what it would effect --Letters of the _alphabet_, when and how used in the sciences

_Alphabetic writing_, its advantage over the syllabic

_Ambiguous, construc._, with respect to the _cla.s.s_ of a word --do., with resp. to the _case_ of a word --_expressions_, PREC. against

_Amen_, use and import of

_Among_ and _amongst, amid_ and _amidst_, different in sense and construc.

from _between_ and _betwixt_ --incompatible with the distributive _one an other_ --derivation of, from Sax.

_Amphibrach_, defined

_Amphimac, amphimacer_, or _Cretic_, defined.

_An_, conjunc., obsolete for _if_ ("_Nay_, AN _thou 'lt mouthe_," &c., SHAK.,) --derivation of, from Sax.

_An, a_, art., one and the same --preferable form before a particular sound --_A_ or _an_ before _genus_ --how commonly limits the sense --belongs to sing. numb. only --with adjective of numb.

--its effect upon proper and common nouns --is without agreem.

--Whether _an_ is from _a_ or _a_ from _an_ --_An, a_, origin of --of proportion --with numerals --by what definitives superseded --implies unity; sometimes precedes collective noun conveying the idea of plurality --present usage of, how differs from that of ancient writers --use of, before _humble_, and its compounds and derivatives --erroneous use of, as relating to a plural --not to be used for _the_, to denote emphat. a whole kind

_a.n.a.lysis_, "to a.n.a.lyze a sentence," what --_a.n.a.lysis_ of sentences shown in five different methods; which method BROWN calls "the best and most thorough"

--_a.n.a.lysis_, notices of the different methods of --importance of, in teaching grammar; the truest method of, _parsing_

_Anapest_, defined

_Anapestic verse_, treated --what syll. of, has stress; first foot of, how may be varied --what variation of, produces composite verse --whether a surplus syll. in, may compensate for a deficient one --what number of syllables in the longest measure of --_Anapestic verse_ shown in its four measures --_Anapestic_, measures, why few --_poetry_, pieces in general short --(instance of a long piece, L. HUNT'S "Feast of the Poets,")

_And_, discriminated from _or_ --when preferable to _with, or_, or _nor_ --whether emphatic of word or phrase following it ("_Part pays_, AND _justly_;" &c., POPE,) --derivation of, from Sax.

_Anglo-Saxon_ dialect, and accessions thereto, as forming the modern Eng.


_An other_, see _Other_

_Antecedent_, proper sense of the term --sometimes placed after its p.r.o.noun --sometimes doubly restricted --of p.r.o.n., applied figuratively --sing., with the adj. _many_, and a plur. p.r.o.n.

--suppressed --_Antecedents_ of different persons, numbers, and genders, disjunctively connected, how represented --joint, agreem. of p.r.o.n. in ellipt. construct. of

_Antibacchy_, or _hypobacchy_, defined

_Antiquated_ words and modes of expression, more frequent in poetry than in prose

_Ant.i.thesis_, defined

_Aorist_, or indefinite, may be applied to imperf. tense pot. and subjunc.

_Aphaeresis_, defined

_Apocope_, defined

_Apophasis_, or _paralipsis_, explained

_Apostrophe_, mark, what denotes; for what sometimes used --at what period introduced into the poss. case _Apostrophe_, figure, defined

_Apposition_, Synt.

--agreement between words in --_Apposition_, what, and from whom received this name --different from _same cases_ put after verbs and participles not trans.; false teachings of MURR. _et al_. hereon --the rule for, to _which_ apposed term applied; whether words in, should be pa.r.s.ed separately --common rule and definition of, wherein faulty --which word of, the _explanatory_ term; _when_ explan. word placed _first_ --in what case of, either word may be taken as the explan. term, --why two possessive words cannot be in --two or more nouns in, where sign of possession put --whether compat. with, to supply relative and verb between the apposed words --_Apposition_, appar., of noun without poss. sign, _with_ p.r.o.n.

The Grammar of English Grammars Part 267

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