The Grammar of English Grammars Part 270

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_Conjunctive adverbs_, what office perform; what of words embrace --often relate equally to two verbs in different clauses --list of --_whence, whither_, &c., sometimes partake of the nature of p.r.o.nouns _Connected terms_, two, limited by a third, what both must be --should be the same in kind or quality. _Connected_ adjectives, how should be placed. _Connective_ words, or connectives, kinds of, named --do., how may be distinguished

_Consonants_, divisions and subdivisions of --properties of, as _sharp, flat, l.a.b.i.al_, &c.

_Construing_, whether differs from parsing

_Continuance_ of action, see _Compound_ or _Progressive_

_Contractions_, in the orthog. and the p.r.o.nunciation of words --ocular, in printing poetry, not important

_Correlatives_, combinations of, ("_Father's son_,") how to be regarded

_Corresponding_, or _corresponsive conjunctions_, in what manner used --named and exemplified in their several pairs --nature of the terms standing in the relat. of --the former of two, how pa.r.s.ed --CHURCH. canon on the use of --_Or_ --_or_, and _nor_ --_nor_, by poet. usage _Crotchets_, or _brackets_, how used --confused and inaccurate teaching of WEBST. _et al._, concerning

_c.u.m_ with an ablative, Lat., ("_Dux_ c.u.m _aliquibus_," &c.,) the construc.

imitated in Eng.

--canon on do.

_Curves_, or _marks of parenthesis_ --have been in use for centuries --the use of, not to be discarded --confused teaching of WEBST. _et al._, respecting do.

--what used to distinguish --clause enclosed by, how to be uttered; pause of do.

--Rules for the application of

_Customary_ actions require to be expressed by indic. pres.


D, name and plur. numb.

--sounds of --written for a number

_Dactyl_, defined

_Dactylic verse_ --stress, on what syll. laid; what rhyme it generally forms --is not very common; seldom pure and regular --shown in its eight measures --has been but little noticed by prosodists and grammarians --misconceived and misrepresented Rev. D. BLAIR

_Dare_, construc. with infin. foll.

--Use of the form DARE for the third pers. sing.

_Dash_, the mark, explanation of --LOWTH _et al._ make no mention of --Rules for the application of --_Dash_, needless, how to be treated --between quotation and name of the author --applied to side-t.i.tle --used to signify omission

_Dates_, ordinarily abbreviated; how best written --objectives in, without their prepositions

_Dative case_, faulty relic, in Eng., of old Sax., ("_It ascends_ ME _into_," &c., SHAK.)

_Days_ of the week, names of, to be reckoned prop. names, and written with capital

_Deaf and dumb_ --The _deaf and dumb_, to whom the letters represent no sounds, learn to read and write; what inferred herefrom

_Defective verb_, what verb so called --which tenses of, wanting --_Defective verbs_, whether they should be reckoned a distinct cla.s.s --_may, can, must_, and _shall_, not to be referred to the cla.s.s of --_will, beware_, &c., construc. and import of explained --_Defec. verbs_, List of

_Definite article_, defined --_Definite art._, its demonstrative character --used before names of rivers --do. by way of eminence --no rule of agreem. for, in Eng.

--prefixed as an adv., to comparatives and superlatives --repeated before every term in a series of adjectives used ellipt. as nouns --used for a poss. p.r.o.n., ("_Full in_ THE _face_") --position with respect to its noun --required before antecedent to a restricted relative. See also _The_

_Definition_, defined --A _perfect definition_, what --_Definitions_, needful qualities of certain, in gram.

--bad, peculiar vice of --Crit. N. on

_Definitives_, what, in Eng., and how to be cla.s.sed --example to show what is meant by --_Definitive_ word required before antecedent to restricted relative

_Degrees of comparison_, see _Comparison_

_Deity_, names of, use of capitals in --in all languages, masc.; direct names of, do.. The sing. numb, universally employed in reference to the Supreme Being

_Demonstratives_, from the cla.s.s, p.r.o.nominal adjectives

_Derivation_, as a topic of gram., what explains --importance of --a knowledge of what languages will throw light on the subject of Eng.

_Desiring_, verbs of; see _Commanding_

_Desisting_, verbs of; with part., in stead of infin.

_Despauter_, (Despauterius Joannes,) grammarian, when died --his Lat. Gram.

--his remark on the origin of using plur. p.r.o.n. of second pers. for sing.

--gives the rule that the _verb governs the nominative before it_

_Diaeresis_, or _dialysis_, mark, place and use of --explained

_Diesis_, or _double dagger_, for what purpose used. _Dimeter_, line, _iambic_, examples of --_trochaic_, do.

--_anapaestic_, do.

--_dactylic_, do.

_Diphthong_, defined --_Diphthongs_, distinction of --enumeration and specification of the Eng.

_Discourse_, or _narration_, its nature and requirements

_Disjunctive conjunction_, defined --_Disjunctives_, List of --_Disjunctive_ OR, see _Or_

_Distance_, see _Time_, &c.

_Distribution_, of words into, a matter of some difficulty; explanations concerning, for learners --of verbs in Lat., grammarians have disputed respecting

_Distributives_, of the cla.s.s _p.r.o.nominal adjectives_ --_Distributive_ term sing. in apposit. with a plur.

_Division, literary_, see _Literary Division_

_Do_, verb, how varied: --particular uses of --in what manner may be subst.i.tuted for an other term

_Double comparatives_ and _double superlatives_, how may be regarded; canon; (LATH. and CHILD)

_Double negatives_, see _Negation_, and _Negatives_

The Grammar of English Grammars Part 270

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