The Grammar of English Grammars Part 280
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_Reference_, marks of, ASTERISK, OBELISK, &c., shown; in what _order_ are introduced --what other signs of, may be used. _Reference, doubtful_, Crit. N.
_Reformers_ of the Eng. alphabet and orthog., some account of
_Rejoice, resolve, incline_, &c., import of, in the pa.s.s. form
_Relations_ of things, their infinitude and diversity; the nature of RELATION --_Relation of words_, what --is diff. from agreem., but may coincide with it --_Relation_ according to _the sense_, an important principle in Eng.
synt.; what _rules_ of relation commonly found in the grammars --Simple _relation_, what parts of speech have no other syntact.
property than; what simp. _relations_ there are in Eng.
--_Relation_, with respect to a prep., _anteced. term_, what may be; _subseq._, do.
--_Relation_, do., _terms_ of, to be named in parsing a prep.; how the terms may be ascertained by a learner --_terms of_, to a prep., may be transposed; are very various; both usually expressed
_Relative p.r.o.nouns_, defined --_Relative p.r.o.nouns_, and their _compounds_, named; declined --chief constructional peculiarities of --two faulty special rules given by the grammarians, for construc. of, noticed --construc. of, with respect to CASE --ellips. of, in famil. lang., ("_The man I trust_;") do., poet.
--_Relative_ and prep. governing it, when should not be omitted --_Relative p.r.o.n._, place of --clauses, connected, employment of, with _same_ p.r.o.n. in each --_Rel. p.r.o.nouns_, exclude conjunctions --derivat. of, from Sax.
--poet, peculiarities with respect to. See also _Who, Which_, &c.
_Repet.i.tion_, of a noun or p.r.o.noun, what construc. it produces --of words, emphatic, punct.
--of words, through paucity of lang.; against propriety --of do., as demanded by precision --_Repet.i.tions_, see _Pleonasm_
_Restrictive_ and _resumptive_ senses of the rel. p.r.o.nouns, distinc.
between, expl.
--_Restrictive, relation_, most approp. expressed by the p.r.o.n. THAT --admits not a comma before the relative --adj., admits not a comma before it --part., do.
_Rhetoric, figure of_, defined --Figures of _rhetoric_, see _Figures_
_Rhetorical pauses_, see _Pauses_
_Rhode Island_, the name how acquired; peculiarity of its application
_Rhyme_, defined --_Rhyming_ syllables, their nature and quality
_Rhythm_, of verse, defined --Fancifully explained by E. A. POE, (who without intelligence derives the term from [Greek: hurithmos]) --sense and signif. of the word
_Roman letters_, some account of
_Rules_, of RELATION, what, commonly found in grammars --of SYNT., those common in grammars ill adapted to their purpose; examples of such --of do., exposition of the faulty charac. of those in Eng. grammars --_Rules of grammar_, advantage of, in the written language
_Rush, Dr. J._, his new doctrine of the vowels and consonants, in oppos. to the old, how estimated by BROWN --his doctrine of a duplicity of the vocal elements, perstringed --his strange division of the vowels "into two parts," and conversion of most of them into diphthongs; his enumeration and specification of the alphabetic elements
S, its name and plur. numb.
--final, in monosyllables, spell.
--of the poss. case, occas. dropping of; the elis. how to be regarded, and when to be allowed --its sounds --in what words silent --_Ss_, sound of
_S_ or _es_, verbal termin., DR. LOWTH'S account of
_Sans_, from Fr., signif., and where read
_Sabaoth_, see _Deity_
_Same cases_, construc. of --do., on what founded --what position of the words, admitted by the construc.
--_Same case_, after _what verbs_, except those which are pa.s.s., taken --_Same cases_, notice of the faulty rules given by LOWTH, MURR., _et al._, for the construc. of
_Sameness_ of signif., what should be that of the nom. following a verb or part.
--_Sameness_ of words, see _Ident.i.ty_
_Sapphic_, verse, described --_stanza_, composition of; examp. from HOR.
--_Sapphic verse_, difficulty of; Eng. Sapphics few; scansion of; "The Widow," of SOUTHEY, scanned --_Eng. Sapphic_, DR. WATTS'S ode, (in part.) "The Day of Judgement,"
"_attempted in_"
--HUMPH. on, cited --_Sapphics_, burlesque, examples of
_Save, saving_, as denoting exception, cla.s.s and construc. of --_Save_, derivation of
_Saxon_, alphabet, some account of --lang., its form about the year 450; do. subsequently
_Scanning_, or _scansion_, explained --Why, in _scanning_, the feet are to be preferred to the secondary --The poetry of the earliest Eng. poets, not easy of _scansion_
_Script letters_, the alphabet exhibited in --the _forms_ of, their adaptation to the pen
_Scripture names_, many discrepancies in, found in different editions of the Bible. _Scriptures_, see _Bible_
_Section_, mark, uses of
SEE, verb, irreg., act., CONJUGATED affirmatively --takes infin. without prep. TO --its construc. with infin. without _to_
_Seeing_ and _provided_, as connectives, their cla.s.s
_Seldom_, adv., its comparison; use of, as an adj.
_Self_, in the format, of the comp. pers. p.r.o.nouns --CHURCH. explan. of --signif. and use of --as an Eng. prefix --after a noun poss., in poet. diction
_Self-contradiction_, Crit. N. respecting
_Self-naming letters_
_Semicolon_, point --for what purpose used --from what takes its name --_when_ adopted in England --is useful and necessary, though discarded by some late grammarians --Rules for the use of
_Semivowel_, defined --_Semivowels_ named; nature of _w_ and _y_; sound of certain, as aspirates
_Sense_ and construc. to be considered, in joining together or writing separately words otherw. liable to be misunderstood --_Sense_ or meaning, necessary to be observed in parsing
_Senseless jumbling_, Crit. N. concerning
_Sentence_, defined --_Sentence_, its parts, and subordinate --_Sentences_, the two kinds of, named and defined --whether a tripart.i.te distribut. of is expedient --_Simple sent._, false notions amongst grammarians of what const.i.tutes one; _the parsing of words_ not affected thereby --_Sentences_, simp. and comp., DR. WILS. explanation of --component parts of, what these are --whether all, can be divided into clauses --in what FIVE WAYS, can be a.n.a.lyzed --_Sentences_, simp., punct.
of, --distinct, do., --allied, do., --short, rehea.r.s.ed in close succession, how pointed.
The Grammar of English Grammars Part 280
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