The Grammar of English Grammars Part 282
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_Such_, corresponding to _that_, with infin. foll., --with rel. _as_ following, in stead of _who_ or _which_.
_Sui generis_, what thing is thus designated.
_Superlative degree_, defined, --BROWN'S definit. of, and of the other degrees, _new_; the faulty charac. of those of MURR., shown, --the true nature of; how may be used; to what is applicable; the explanations of, by the copyists of MURR., criticised, --whether not applicable to _two_ objects, --_when employed_, what construc. of the latter term should follow.
--_Double superlatives_, to be avoided.
--_Superl. termination_, contractions of.
_Supplied_, in parsing, what must be. See also _Ellipsis_.
_Suppression_, mark of, see _Ellipsis_.
_Syllabic_ writing, far inferior to the alphabetic, BLAIR.
_Syllabication_, Rules of, --the doctrine of, why attended with difficulty, --object of; WALK. on; strictures on MULK. rules of, --which of the four purposes of, is preferable in spelling-books and dictionaries, --DR. LOWTH on, --nature of BROWN'S six Rules of; advantage of a system of, founded on the p.r.o.nunciat., --LATH. and FOWL. fict.i.tious dilemmas in.
--_Syllabication_, erroneous, samples of, from MURR., WEBST., _et al_.
SYLLABLES, treated.
--_Syllable_ defined.
--_Syllable_, cannot be formed without a vowel, --cannot be broken.
--_Syllables_, numb. of, in a word, --words denominated from their numb. of, --the ear chiefly directs in the division of words into.
--(See _Syllabication_.) --_Syllable_, its quant.i.ty in poetry, --do., on what depends.
_Syllepsis_, explained, --literal signif. of the term; extended applicat. of do. by the grammarians and rhetoricians; BROWN, by his definition, gives it a more restricted applicat.; disapproves of WEBST. explanat. of the term, --what definition or what applicat. of the term is the most approp., has become doubtful.
_Synaeresis_, explained.
_Synchysis_, what was so termed by some of the ancients; is different from _hyperbaton_; its import in gram.; its literal signif.
_Syncope_, explained.
_Synecdoche_, (comprehension,) explained.
--_Synecd._, agreem. of p.r.o.n. with anteced., in cases of.
_Synonymous_, words so accounted, PREC. concerning the use of.
_Syntactical parsing_, see _Parsing_.
--_Synt._, of what treats, --the _relation_ of words, the most important principle of; defects of the grammars in treating of do., --false exhibitions of grammarians with respect to the scope and parts of, --character of the rules of, found in most grammars, --divided by some grammarians into _concord_ and _governm._, and yet treated by them without regard to such division, --common fault of grammarians, noticed, of joining together diff. parts of speech in the same rule of, --do., of making the rules of, double or triple in their form, --whether the principles of etymol. affect those of.
--All _synt._, on what founded.
--Why BROWN deemed it needful to add to his code of _synt_. a GENERAL RULE and CRITICAL NOTES. Figures of _syntax_.
T, name and plur. numb. of, --subst.i.tution of, for _ed_, how far allowable, --sounds of, --is seldom silent; in what words not sounded. _Th_, ([Greek: Th], [Greek: alt-th], or [Greek: alt2-th], Gr.,) what represents; how was represented in Anglo-Sax., and to what sounds applied; the two sounds of. _To a Tee_, the colloq. phrase, explained.
_Tautology_ of expression or of sentiment, a fault opposed to precision.
_Teacher_, what should be his aim with respect to gram.
_Technical_ terms, unnec. use of, as opposed to propriety. _Technically_, words and signs taken, how to be construed.
_Tenses_, term defined.
--_Tenses_, the difierent, named and defined, --whether the names of, are approp., or whether they should be changed, --whether all express time with equal precision, --who reckon only _three_, and who _two_; who still differently and variously name their tenses, --_Tenses_, past and present, occurring together. See _Present Tense_, _Imperf. Tense_, &c.
_Terminating_ a sentence with a prep. or other small particle
_Terminations_, of words, separated in syllabicat.
--of verbs, numb. of different, in each tense --of the Eng. verb; DR. A. MURR. account of --tendency of the lang. to lay aside the least agreeable --usage of famil. discourse in respect to those of second pers. sing.
--verbal or particip., how are found written in old books --the only reg. ones added to Eng. verbs; utterance of _ed_ and _edst_ --_ed_, participial, and _n_, verbal, WALK. on the contrac. of --_Termination t_, for _ed_, forced and irreg.
_Terms_ of relation, see _Relation_. _Tetrameter_ line, _iambic_, examples of --a favorite with many Eng. writers; BUTL. Hudib., GAY'S Fab., and most of SCOTT'S poems, writt. in couplets of this meas.
--admits the doub. rhyme adapted to familiar and burlesque style --_trochaic_, examples of --character of do.
--EVERETT'S fanciful notions about do.
--_anapestic_, examples of --L. HUNT'S "Feast of the Poets," an extended examp. of do.
--_dactylic_, examples of
_Than, as_, with ellips. in latter term of comparison --character and import of --declinable words connected by, put in same case --_Than_ WHOM, as Gr. genitive governed by comparat., MILT.
--what grammarians have _inferred_ from the phrase --MURR. expedient to dispose of do.
--CHURCH. makes the rel. in do. "the obj. case absol.,"
--BROWN determines with respect to the construc.
--_Than_, as demanded after _else, other_, &c., and Eng. comparatives --derivation of, from Goth. or Anglo-Sax.
_That_, its cla.s.s determined --its various uses --as REL. p.r.o.nOUN, to what applied --as used in anomalous construc., --its peculiarity of construc. as a relative --its especial use as the restrictive relative --the frequent employment of, by Addison, wrongly criticised by BLAIR --as a relative, in what cases more appropriate than _who_ or _which_ --_That_, ellipt., repeating the import of the preceding words, ("_And_ THAT,"
--[Greek: kai tauta],) --_That_, in the phrases _in that_, &c., how to be reckoned --_That_, as introducing a dependent clause, how to be ranked --as introducing a sent. made the subj. or obj. of a finite verb --its power at the head of a sent. or clause --its derivation
_The_, before the species, what may denote --how commonly limits the sense --applied to nouns of either numb.
--before what _adjectives_, required --distinctive use of ("_The Psalmist_") --as relating to comparatives and superlatives --used for poss. p.r.o.n.
--repet.i.tion of, how avoided --derivation of, from Sax.
--p.r.o.nunc. of _e_ in. See also _Definite Article_.
_Them_, in vulg. use as an adj., for _those_
_Thence_, &c., with _from_ prefixed, whether allowable
_There_, introductory and idiomatic, notions of grammarians concerning; its posit. and use; is a regular _adv. of place_, and not "without signification,"
--derivation of, from Anglo-Sax.
--poet. omission of
_They_, put indefinitely for _men_ or _people_
_This_ and _that_, as explained by CHURCH.
--placed before conjoint singulars, ("THIS POWER AND WILL _do_," &c.,) --in contrasted terms
_Three stars_, or asterism, use of
_Time_, the order and fitness of, to be observed in constructions expressing it --nouns of, with adv. WHEN, as a special relative, following _Time, measure_, or _weight_, part made possessive of the whole, ("_An_ HOUR'S _time_") --noun of, not poss., immediately before an other, ("_A_ POUND WEIGHT,") _Time, place_, &c., the obj. case in expressions of, taken after the fas.h.i.+on of an adv. _Time, measure, distance_, or _value_, nouns of, their peculiarity of construc.; the parsing of _Time_, obj.
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