The Grammar of English Grammars Part 32

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"And the latter must evidently be so too, or, at least, cotemporary, with the act."--_Ib._, p. 60. "The man has been traveling for five years."--_Ib._, p. 77. "I shall not take up time in combatting their scruples."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 320. "In several of the chorusses of Euripides and Sophocles, we have the same kind of lyric poetry as in Pindar."--_Ib._, p. 398. "Until the Statesman and Divine shall unite their efforts in _forming_ the human mind, rather than in loping its excressences, after it has been neglected."--_Webster's Essays_, p. 26.

"Where conviction could be followed only by a bigotted persistence in error."--_Ib._, p. 78. "All the barons were ent.i.tled to a seet in the national council, in right of their baronys."--_Ib._, p. 260. "Some knowledge of arithmetic is necessary for every lady."--_Ib._, p. 29. "Upon this, [the system of chivalry,] were founded those romances of night-errantry."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 374. "The subject is, the atchievements of Charlemagne and his Peers, or Paladins."--_Ib._, p. 374.

"Aye, aye; this slice to be sure outweighs the other."--_Blair's Reader_, p. 31. "In the common phrase, _good-bye, bye_ signifies _pa.s.sing, going_.

The phrase signifies, a good going, a prosperous pa.s.sage, and is equivalent to _farewell_."--_Webster's Dict._ "Good-by, _adv_.--a contraction of _good be with you_--a familiar way of bidding farewell."--See _Chalmers's Dict._ "Off he sprung, and did not so much as stop to say good bye to you."--_Blair's Reader_, p. 16. "It no longer recals the notion of the action."--_Barnard's Gram._, p. 69.

"Good-nature and good-sense must ever join; To err, is human; to forgive, divine."--_Pope, Ess. on Crit._


"The practices in the art of carpentry are called planeing, sawing, mortising, scribing, moulding, &c."--_Blair's Reader_, p. 118. "With her left hand, she guides the thread round the spindle, or rather round a spole which goes on the spindle."--_Ib._, p. 134. "Much suff'ring heroes next their honours claim."--POPE: _Johnson's Dict., w. Much_. "Vein healing verven, and head purging dill."--SPENSER: _ib., w. Head_. "An, in old English, signifies _if_; as, '_an_ it please your honor.'"--_Webster's Dict._ "What, then, was the moral worth of these renouned leaders?"--_M'Ilvaine's Lect._, p. 460. "Behold how every form of human misery is met by the self denying diligence of the benevolent."--_Ib._, p.

411. "Reptiles, bats, and doleful creatures--jackalls, hyenas, and lions--inhabit the holes, and caverns, and marshes of the desolate city."--_Ib._, p. 270. "ADAYS, _adv_. On or in days; as, in the phrase, now _adays_."--_Webster's Dict._ "REFEREE, one to whom a thing is referred; TRANSFERREE, the person to whom a transfer is made."--_Ib._ "The Hospitallers were an order of knights who built a hospital at Jerusalem for pilgrims."--_Ib._ "GERARD, Tom, or Tung, was the inst.i.tutor and first grand master of the knights hospitalers: he died in 1120."--_Biog. Dict._ "I had a purpose now to lead our many to the holy land."--SHAK.: _in Johnson's Dict._ "He turned their heart to hate his people, to deal subtilly with his servants."--_Psalms_, cv, 25. "In Dryden's ode of Alexander's Feast, the line, '_Faln, faln, faln, faln_,' represents a gradual sinking of the mind."--_Kames, El. of Crit._, Vol. ii, p. 71. "The first of these lines is marvelously nonsensical."--_Jamieson's Rhet._, p. 117. "We have the nicely chiseled forms of an Apollo and a Venus, but it is the same cold marble still."--_Christian Spect._, Vol. viii, p. 201. "Death waves his mighty wand and paralyses all."--_Bucke's Gram._, p. 35. "Fear G.o.d. Honor the patriot. Respect virtue."--_Kirkham's Gram._, p. 216. "Pontius Pilate being Governour of Judea, and Herod being Tetrarch of Galilee."--_Ib._, p. 189.

See _Luke_, iii, 1. "AUCTIONEER, _n. s_. The person that manages an auction."--_Johnson's Dict._ "The earth put forth her primroses and days-eyes, to behold him."--HOWEL: _ib._ "_Musselman_, not being a compound of _man_, is _musselmans_ in the plural."--_Lennie's Gram._, p. 9. "The absurdity of fatigueing them with a needless heap of grammar rules."--_Burgh's Dignity_, Vol. i, p. 147. "John was forced to sit with his arms a kimbo, to keep them asunder."--ARBUTHNOT: _Joh. Dict._ "To set the arms a kimbo, is to set the hands on the hips, with the elbows projecting outward."--_Webster's Dict._ "We almost uniformly confine the inflexion to the last or the latter noun."--_Maunder's Gram._, p. 2. "This is all souls day, fellows! Is it not?"--SHAK.: _in Joh. Dict._ "The english physicians make use of troy-weight."--_Johnson's Dict._ "There is a certain number of ranks allowed to dukes, marquisses, and earls."--PEACHAM: _ib., w. Marquis_.

"How could you chide the young good natur'd prince, And drive him from you with so stern an air."

--ADDISON: _ib., w. Good_, 25.


"In reading, every appearance of sing-song should be avoided."--_Sanborn's Gram._, p. 75. "If you are thoroughly acquainted with the inflexions of the verb."--_Ib._, p. 53. "The preterite of _read_ is p.r.o.nounced _red_."--_Ib._, p. 48. "Humility opens a high way to dignity."--_Ib._, p.

15. "What is intricate must be unraveled."--_Ib._, p. 275. "Roger Bacon invented gun powder, A. D. 1280."--_Ib._, p. 277. "On which ever word we lay the emphasis."--_Murray's Gram._, 8vo, p. 243; 12mo, p. 195. "Each of the leaders was apprized of the Roman invasion."--_Nixon's Pa.r.s.er_, p. 123.

"If I say, 'I _gallopped_ from Islington to Holloway;' the verb is intransitive: if, 'I _gallopped_ my _horse_ from Islington to Holloway;' it is transitive."--_Churchill's Gram._, p. 238. "The reasonableness of setting a part one day in seven."--_The Friend_, Vol. iv, p. 240. "The promoters of paper money making reprobated this act."--_Webster's Essays_, p. 196. "There are five compound personal p.r.o.nouns, which are derived from the five simple personal p.r.o.nouns by adding to some of their cases the syllable _self_; as, my-self, thy-self, him-self, her-self, it-self."--_Perley's Gram._, p. 16. "Possessives, my-own, thy-own, his-own, her-own, its-own, our-own, your-own, their-own."--_Ib., Declensions_. "Thy man servant and thy maid servant may rest, as well as thou."--_Sanborn's Gram._, p. 160. "How many right angles has an acute angled triangle?"--_Ib._, p. 220. "In the days of Jorum, king of Israel, flourished the prophet Elisha."--_Ib._, p. 148. "In the days of Jorum, king of Israel, Elisha, the prophet flourished."--_Ib._, p. 133. "Lodgable, _a_.

Capable of affording a temporary abode."--_Webster's Octavo Dict._--"Win me into the easy hearted man."--_Johnson's Quarto Dict._ "And then to end life, is the same as to dye."--_Milnes's Greek Gram._, p. 176. "Those usurping hectors who pretend to honour without religion, think the charge of a lie a blot not to be washed out but by blood."--SOUTH: _Joh. Dict._ "His gallies attending him, he pursues the unfortunate."--_Nixon's Pa.r.s.er_, p. 91. "This cannot fail to make us shyer of yielding our a.s.sent."--_Campbell's Rhet._, p. 117. "When he comes to the Italicised word, he should give it such a definition as its connection with the sentence may require."--_Claggett's Expositor_, p. vii. "Learn to distil from your lips all the honies of persuasion."--_Adams's Rhetoric_, Vol. i, p. 31. "To instill ideas of disgust and abhorrence against the Americans."--_Ib._, ii, 300. "Where prejudice has not acquired an uncontroled ascendency."--_Ib._, i, 31. "The uncontrolable propensity of his mind was undoubtedly to oratory."--_Ib._, i, 100. "The Brutus is a practical commentary upon the dialogues and the orator."--_Ib._, i, 120.

"The oratorical part.i.tions are a short elementary compendium."--_Ib._, i, 130. "You shall find hundreds of persons able to produce a crowd of good ideas upon any subject, for one that can marshall them to the best advantage."--_Ib._, i, 169. "In this lecture, you have the outline of all that the whole course will comprize."--_Ib._, i, 182. "He would have been stopped by a hint from the bench, that he was traveling out of the record."--_Ib._, i, 289. "To tell them that which should befal them in the last days."--_Ib._, ii, 308. "Where all is present, there is nothing past to recal."--_Ib._, ii, 358. "Whose due it is to drink the brimfull cup of G.o.d's eternal vengeance."--_Law and Grace_, p. 36.

"There, from the dead, centurions see him rise, See, but struck down with horrible surprize!"--_Savage_.

"With seed of woes my heart brimful is charged."--SIDNEY: _Joh. Dict._

"Our legions are brimful, our cause is ripe."--SHAKSPEARE: _ib._



ETYMOLOGY treats of the different parts of speech, with their and modifications.

The _Parts of Speech_ are the several kinds, or, into which words are divided by grammarians.

_Cla.s.ses_, under the parts of speech, are the particular sorts into which the several kinds of words are subdivided.

_Modifications_ are inflections, or changes, in the terminations, forms, or senses, of some kinds of words.


The Parts of Speech, or sorts of words, in English, are ten; namely, the Article, the Noun, the Adjective, the p.r.o.noun, the Verb, the Participle, the Adverb, the Conjunction, the Preposition, and the Interjection.


An Article is the word _the, an_, or _a_, which we put before nouns to limit their signification: as, _The_ air, _the_ stars; _an_ island, _a_ s.h.i.+p.


A Noun is the name of any person, place, or thing, that can be known or mentioned: as, _George, York, man, apple, truth_.


An Adjective is a word added to a noun or p.r.o.noun, and generally expresses quality: as, A _wise_ man; a _new_ book. You _two_ are _diligent_.

4. THE p.r.o.nOUN.

A p.r.o.noun is a word used in stead of a noun: as, The boy loves _his_ book; _he_ has long lessons, and _he_ learns _them_ well.


A Verb is a word that signifies _to be, to act_, or _to be acted upon_: as, I _am_, I _rule_, I _am ruled_; I _love_, thou _lovest_, he _loves_.


A Participle is a word derived from a verb, partic.i.p.ating the properties of a verb, and of an adjective or a noun; and is generally formed by adding _ing, d_, or _ed_, to the verb: thus, from the verb _rule_, are formed three participles, two simple and one compound; as, 1. _ruling_, 2.

_ruled_, 3. _having ruled_.


An Adverb is a word added to a verb, a participle, an adjective, or an other adverb; and generally expresses time, place, degree, or manner: as, They are _now here_, studying _very diligently_.


A Conjunction is a word used to connect words or sentences in construction, and to show the dependence of the terms so connected: as, "Thou _and_ he are happy, _because_ you are good."--_L. Murray_.


A Preposition is a word used to express some relation of different things or thoughts to each other, and is generally placed before a noun or a p.r.o.noun; as, The paper lies _before_ me _on_ the desk.


An Interjection is a word that is uttered merely to indicate some strong or sudden emotion of the mind: as, _Oh! alas! ah! poh! pshaw! avaunt! aha!



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