The philosophy of mathematics Part 8
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_Two Cases: explicit and implicit Functions._ The fundamental division of the differential calculus, or of the general subject of differentiation, consists in distinguis.h.i.+ng two cases, according as the a.n.a.lytical functions which are to be differentiated are _explicit_ or _implicit_; from which flow two parts ordinarily designated by the names of differentiation _of formulas_ and differentiation _of equations_. It is easy to understand, _a priori_, the importance of this cla.s.sification. In fact, such a distinction would be illusory if the ordinary a.n.a.lysis was perfect; that is, if we knew how to resolve all equations algebraically, for then it would be possible to render every _implicit_ function _explicit_; and, by differentiating it in that state alone, the second part of the differential calculus would be immediately comprised in the first, without giving rise to any new difficulty. But the algebraical resolution of equations being, as we have seen, still almost in its infancy, and as yet impossible for most cases, it is plain that the case is very different, since we have, properly speaking, to differentiate a function without knowing it, although it is determinate. The differentiation of implicit functions const.i.tutes then, by its nature, a question truly distinct from that presented by explicit functions, and necessarily more complicated. It is thus evident that we must commence with the differentiation of formulas, and reduce the differentiation of equations to this primary case by certain invariable a.n.a.lytical considerations, which need not be here mentioned.
These two general cases of differentiation are also distinct in another point of view equally necessary, and too important to be left unnoticed.
The relation which is obtained between the differentials is constantly more indirect, in comparison with that of the finite quant.i.ties, in the differentiation of implicit functions than in that of explicit functions. We know, in fact, from the considerations presented by Lagrange on the general formation of differential equations, that, on the one hand, the same primitive equation may give rise to a greater or less number of derived equations of very different forms, although at bottom equivalent, depending upon which of the arbitrary constants is eliminated, which is not the case in the differentiation of explicit formulas; and that, on the other hand, the unlimited system of the different primitive equations, which correspond to the same derived equation, presents a much more profound a.n.a.lytical variety than that of the different functions, which admit of one same explicit differential, and which are distinguished from each other only by a constant term.
Implicit functions must therefore be regarded as being in reality still more modified by differentiation than explicit functions. We shall again meet with this consideration relatively to the integral calculus, where it acquires a preponderant importance.
_Two Sub-cases: A single Variable or several Variables._ Each of the two fundamental parts of the Differential Calculus is subdivided into two very distinct theories, according as we are required to differentiate functions of a single variable or functions of several independent variables. This second case is, by its nature, quite distinct from the first, and evidently presents more complication, even in considering only explicit functions, and still more those which are implicit. As to the rest, one of these cases is deduced from the other in a general manner, by the aid of an invariable and very simple principle, which consists in regarding the total differential of a function which is produced by the simultaneous increments of the different independent variables which it contains, as the sum of the partial differentials which would be produced by the separate increment of each variable in turn, if all the others were constant. It is necessary, besides, carefully to remark, in connection with this subject, a new idea which is introduced by the distinction of functions into those of one variable and of several; it is the consideration of these different special derived functions, relating to each variable separately, and the number of which increases more and more in proportion as the order of the derivation becomes higher, and also when the variables become more numerous. It results from this that the differential relations belonging to functions of several variables are, by their nature, both much more indirect, and especially much more indeterminate, than those relating to functions of a single variable. This is most apparent in the case of implicit functions, in which, in the place of the simple arbitrary constants which elimination causes to disappear when we form the proper differential equations for functions of a single variable, it is the arbitrary functions of the proposed variables which are then eliminated; whence must result special difficulties when these equations come to be integrated.
Finally, to complete this summary sketch of the different essential parts of the differential calculus proper, I should add, that in the differentiation of implicit functions, whether of a single variable or of several, it is necessary to make another distinction; that of the case in which it is required to differentiate at once different functions of this kind, _combined_ in certain primitive equations, from that in which all these functions are _separate_.
The functions are evidently, in fact, still more implicit in the first case than in the second, if we consider that the same imperfection of ordinary a.n.a.lysis, which forbids our converting every implicit function into an equivalent explicit function, in like manner renders us unable to separate the functions which enter simultaneously into any system of equations. It is then necessary to differentiate, not only without knowing how to resolve the primitive equations, but even without being able to effect the proper eliminations among them, thus producing a new difficulty.
_Reduction of the whole to the Differentiation of the ten elementary Functions._ Such, then, are the natural connection and the logical distribution of the different theories which compose the general system of differentiation. Since the differentiation of implicit functions is deduced from that of explicit functions by a single constant principle, and the differentiation of functions of several variables is reduced by another fixed principle to that of functions of a single variable, the whole of the differential calculus is finally found to rest upon the differentiation of explicit functions with a single variable, the only one which is ever executed directly. Now it is easy to understand that this first theory, the necessary basis of the entire system, consists simply in the differentiation of the ten simple functions, which are the uniform elements of all our a.n.a.lytical combinations, and the list of which has been given in the first chapter, on page 51; for the differentiation of compound functions is evidently deduced, in an immediate and necessary manner, from that of the simple functions which compose them. It is, then, to the knowledge of these ten fundamental differentials, and to that of the two general principles just mentioned, which bring under it all the other possible cases, that the whole system of differentiation is properly reduced. We see, by the combination of these different considerations, how simple and how perfect is the entire system of the differential calculus. It certainly const.i.tutes, in its logical relations, the most interesting spectacle which mathematical a.n.a.lysis can present to our understanding.
_Transformation of derived Functions for new Variables._ The general sketch which I have just summarily drawn would nevertheless present an important deficiency, if I did not here distinctly indicate a final theory, which forms, by its nature, the indispensable complement of the system of differentiation. It is that which has for its object the constant transformation of derived functions, as a result of determinate changes in the independent variables, whence results the possibility of referring to new variables all the general differential formulas primitively established for others. This question is now resolved in the most complete and the most simple manner, as are all those of which the differential calculus is composed. It is easy to conceive the general importance which it must have in any of the applications of the transcendental a.n.a.lysis, the fundamental resources of which it may be considered as augmenting, by permitting us to choose (in order to form the differential equations, in the first place, with more ease) that system of independent variables which may appear to be the most advantageous, although it is not to be finally retained. It is thus, for example, that most of the questions of geometry are resolved much more easily by referring the lines and surfaces to _rectilinear_ co-ordinates, and that we may, nevertheless, have occasion to express these lines, etc., a.n.a.lytically by the aid of _polar_ co-ordinates, or in any other manner. We will then be able to commence the differential solution of the problem by employing the rectilinear system, but only as an intermediate step, from which, by the general theory here referred to, we can pa.s.s to the final system, which sometimes could not have been considered directly.
_Different Orders of Differentiation._ In the logical cla.s.sification of the differential calculus which has just been given, some may be inclined to suggest a serious omission, since I have not subdivided each of its four essential parts according to another general consideration, which seems at first view very important; namely, that of the higher or lower order of differentiation. But it is easy to understand that this distinction has no real influence in the differential calculus, inasmuch as it does not give rise to any new difficulty. If, indeed, the differential calculus was not rigorously complete, that is, if we did not know how to differentiate at will any function whatever, the differentiation to the second or higher order of each determinate function might engender special difficulties. But the perfect universality of the differential calculus plainly gives us the a.s.surance of being able to differentiate, to any order whatever, all known functions whatever, the question reducing itself to a constantly repeated differentiation of the first order. This distinction, unimportant as it is for the differential calculus, acquires, however, a very great importance in the integral calculus, on account of the extreme imperfection of the latter.
_a.n.a.lytical Applications._ Finally, though this is not the place to consider the various applications of the differential calculus, yet an exception may be made for those which consist in the solution of questions which are purely a.n.a.lytical, which ought, indeed, to be logically treated in continuation of a system of differentiation, because of the evident h.o.m.ogeneity of the considerations involved. These questions may be reduced to three essential ones.
Firstly, the _development into series_ of functions of one or more variables, or, more generally, the transformation of functions, which const.i.tutes the most beautiful and the most important application of the differential calculus to general a.n.a.lysis, and which comprises, besides the fundamental series discovered by Taylor, the remarkable series discovered by Maclaurin, John Bernouilli, Lagrange, &c.:
Secondly, the general _theory of maxima and minima_ values for any functions whatever, of one or more variables; one of the most interesting problems which a.n.a.lysis can present, however elementary it may now have become, and to the complete solution of which the differential calculus naturally applies:
Thirdly, the general determination of the true value of functions which present themselves under an _indeterminate_ appearance for certain hypotheses made on the values of the corresponding variables; which is the least extensive and the least important of the three.
The first question is certainly the one in all points of view; it is also the most susceptible of receiving a new extension hereafter, especially by conceiving, in a broader manner than has yet been done, the employment of the differential calculus in the transformation of functions, on which subject Lagrange has left some valuable hints.
Having thus summarily, though perhaps too briefly, considered the chief points in the differential calculus, I now proceed to an equally rapid exposition of a systematic outline of the Integral Calculus, properly so called, that is, the abstract subject of integration.
_Its Fundamental Division._ The fundamental division of the Integral Calculus is founded on the same principle as that of the Differential Calculus, in distinguis.h.i.+ng the integration of _explicit_ differential formulas, and the integration of _implicit_ differentials or of differential equations. The separation of these two cases is even much more profound in relation to integration than to differentiation. In the differential calculus, in fact, this distinction rests, as we have seen, only on the extreme imperfection of ordinary a.n.a.lysis. But, on the other hand, it is easy to see that, even though all equations could be algebraically resolved, differential equations would none the less const.i.tute a case of integration quite distinct from that presented by the explicit differential formulas; for, limiting ourselves, for the sake of simplicity, to the first order, and to a single function _y_ of a single variable _x_, if we suppose any differential equation between _x_, _y_, and _dy/dx_, to be resolved with reference to _dy/dx_, the expression of the derived function being then generally found to contain the primitive function itself, which is the object of the inquiry, the question of integration will not have at all changed its nature, and the solution will not really have made any other progress than that of having brought the proposed differential equation to be of only the first degree relatively to the derived function, which is in itself of little importance. The differential would not then be determined in a manner much less _implicit_ than before, as regards the integration, which would continue to present essentially the same characteristic difficulty. The algebraic resolution of equations could not make the case which we are considering come within the simple integration of explicit differentials, except in the special cases in which the proposed differential equation did not contain the primitive function itself, which would consequently permit us, by resolving it, to find _dy/dx_ in terms of _x_ only, and thus to reduce the question to the cla.s.s of quadratures. Still greater difficulties would evidently be found in differential equations of higher orders, or containing simultaneously different functions of several independent variables.
The integration of differential equations is then necessarily more complicated than that of explicit differentials, by the elaboration of which last the integral calculus has been created, and upon which the others have been made to depend as far as it has been possible. All the various a.n.a.lytical methods which have been proposed for integrating differential equations, whether it be the separation of the variables, the method of multipliers, &c., have in fact for their object to reduce these integrations to those of differential formulas, the only one which, by its nature, can be undertaken directly. Unfortunately, imperfect as is still this necessary base of the whole integral calculus, the art of reducing to it the integration of differential equations is still less advanced.
_Subdivisions: one variable or several._ Each of these two fundamental branches of the integral calculus is next subdivided into two others (as in the differential calculus, and for precisely a.n.a.logous reasons), according as we consider functions with a _single variable_, or functions with _several independent variables_.
This distinction is, like the preceding one, still more important for integration than for differentiation. This is especially remarkable in reference to differential equations. Indeed, those which depend on several independent variables may evidently present this characteristic and much more serious difficulty, that the desired function may be differentially defined by a simple relation between its different special derivatives relative to the different variables taken separately. Hence results the most difficult and also the most extensive branch of the integral calculus, which is commonly named the _Integral Calculus of partial differences_, created by D'Alembert, and in which, according to the just appreciation of Lagrange, geometers ought to have seen a really new calculus, the philosophical character of which has not yet been determined with sufficient exactness. A very striking difference between this case and that of equations with a single independent variable consists, as has been already observed, in the arbitrary functions which take the place of the simple arbitrary constants, in order to give to the corresponding integrals all the proper generality.
It is scarcely necessary to say that this higher branch of transcendental a.n.a.lysis is still entirely in its infancy, since, even in the most simple case, that of an equation of the first order between the partial derivatives of a single function with two independent variables, we are not yet completely able to reduce the integration to that of the ordinary differential equations. The integration of functions of several variables is much farther advanced in the case (infinitely more simple indeed) in which it has to do with only explicit differential formulas.
We can then, in fact, when these formulas fulfil the necessary conditions of integrability, always reduce their integration to quadratures.
_Other Subdivisions: different Orders of Differentiation._ A new general distinction, applicable as a subdivision to the integration of explicit or implicit differentials, with one variable or several, is drawn from the _higher or lower order of the differentials_: a distinction which, as we have above remarked, does not give rise to any special question in the differential calculus.
Relatively to _explicit differentials_, whether of one variable or of several, the necessity of distinguis.h.i.+ng their different orders belongs only to the extreme imperfection of the integral calculus. In fact, if we could always integrate every differential formula of the first order, the integration of a formula of the second order, or of any other, would evidently not form a new question, since, by integrating it at first in the first degree, we would arrive at the differential expression of the immediately preceding order, from which, by a suitable series of a.n.a.logous integrations, we would be certain of finally arriving at the primitive function, the final object of these operations. But the little knowledge which we possess on integration of even the first order causes quite another state of affairs, so that a higher order of differentials produces new difficulties; for, having differential formulas of any order above the first, it may happen that we may be able to integrate them, either once, or several times in succession, and that we may still be unable to go back to the primitive functions, if these preliminary labours have produced, for the differentials of a lower order, expressions whose integrals are not known. This circ.u.mstance must occur so much the oftener (the number of known integrals being still very small), seeing that these successive integrals are generally very different functions from the derivatives which have produced them.
With reference to _implicit differentials_, the distinction of orders is still more important; for, besides the preceding reason, the influence of which is evidently a.n.a.logous in this case, and is even greater, it is easy to perceive that the higher order of the differential equations necessarily gives rise to questions of a new nature. In fact, even if we could integrate every equation of the first order relating to a single function, that would not be sufficient for obtaining the final integral of an equation of any order whatever, inasmuch as every differential equation is not reducible to that of an immediately inferior order.
Thus, for example, if we have given any relation between _x_, _y_, _dx/dy_, and _d__y_/_dx_, to determine a function _y_ of a variable _x_, we shall not be able to deduce from it at once, after effecting a first integration, the corresponding differential relation between _x_, _y_, and _dy/dx_, from which, by a second integration, we could ascend to the primitive equations. This would not necessarily take place, at least without introducing new auxiliary functions, unless the proposed equation of the second order did not contain the required function _y_, together with its derivatives. As a general principle, differential equations will have to be regarded as presenting cases which are more and more _implicit_, as they are of a higher order, and which cannot be made to depend on one another except by special methods, the investigation of which consequently forms a new cla.s.s of questions, with respect to which we as yet know scarcely any thing, even for functions of a single variable.[10]
[Footnote 10: The only important case of this cla.s.s which has thus far been completely treated is the general integration of _linear_ equations of any order whatever, with constant coefficients. Even this case finally depends on the algebraic resolution of equations of a degree equal to the order of differentiation.]
_Another equivalent distinction._ Still farther, when we examine more profoundly this distinction of different orders of differential equations, we find that it can be always made to come under a final general distinction, relative to differential equations, which remains to be noticed. Differential equations with one or more independent variables may contain simply a single function, or (in a case evidently more complicated and more implicit, which corresponds to the differentiation of simultaneous implicit functions) we may have to determine at the same time several functions from the differential equations in which they are found united, together with their different derivatives. It is clear that such a state of the question necessarily presents a new special difficulty, that of separating the different functions desired, by forming for each, from the proposed differential equations, an isolated differential equation which does not contain the other functions or their derivatives. This preliminary labour, which is a.n.a.logous to the elimination of algebra, is evidently indispensable before attempting any direct integration, since we cannot undertake generally (except by special artifices which are very rarely applicable) to determine directly several distinct functions at once.
Now it is easy to establish the exact and necessary coincidence of this new distinction with the preceding one respecting the order of differential equations. We know, in fact, that the general method for isolating functions in simultaneous differential equations consists essentially in forming differential equations, separately in relation to each function, and of an order equal to the sum of all those of the different proposed equations. This transformation can always be effected. On the other hand, every differential equation of any order in relation to a single function might evidently always be reduced to the first order, by introducing a suitable number of auxiliary differential equations, containing at the same time the different anterior derivatives regarded as new functions to be determined. This method has, indeed, sometimes been actually employed with success, though it is not the natural one.
Here, then, are two necessarily equivalent orders of conditions in the general theory of differential equations; the simultaneousness of a greater or smaller number of functions, and the higher or lower order of differentiation of a single function. By augmenting the order of the differential equations, we can isolate all the functions; and, by artificially multiplying the number of the functions, we can reduce all the equations to the first order. There is, consequently, in both cases, only one and the same difficulty from two different points of sight.
But, however we may conceive it, this new difficulty is none the less real, and const.i.tutes none the less, by its nature, a marked separation between the integration of equations of the first order and that of equations of a higher order. I prefer to indicate the distinction under this last form as being more simple, more general, and more logical.
_Quadratures._ From the different considerations which have been indicated respecting the logical dependence of the various parts of the integral calculus, we see that the integration of explicit differential formulas of the first order and of a single variable is the necessary basis of all other integrations, which we never succeed in effecting but so far as we reduce them to this elementary case, evidently the only one which, by its nature, is capable of being treated directly. This simple fundamental integration is often designated by the convenient expression of _quadratures_, seeing that every integral of this kind, S_f_(_x_)_dx_, may, in fact, be regarded as representing the area of a curve, the equation of which in rectilinear co-ordinates would be _y_ = _f_(_x_). Such a cla.s.s of questions corresponds, in the differential calculus, to the elementary case of the differentiation of explicit functions of a single variable. But the integral question is, by its nature, very differently complicated, and especially much more extensive than the differential question. This latter is, in fact, necessarily reduced, as we have seen, to the differentiation of the ten simple functions, the elements of all which are considered in a.n.a.lysis.
On the other hand, the integration of compound functions does not necessarily follow from that of the simple functions, each combination of which may present special difficulties with respect to the integral calculus. Hence results the naturally indefinite extent, and the so varied complication of the question of _quadratures_, upon which, in spite of all the efforts of a.n.a.lysts, we still possess so little complete knowledge.
In decomposing this question, as is natural, according to the different forms which may be a.s.sumed by the derivative function, we distinguish the case of _algebraic_ functions and that of _transcendental_ functions.
_Integration of Transcendental Functions._ The truly a.n.a.lytical integration of transcendental functions is as yet very little advanced, whether for _exponential_, or for _logarithmic_, or for _circular_ functions. But a very small number of cases of these three different kinds have as yet been treated, and those chosen from among the simplest; and still the necessary calculations are in most cases extremely laborious. A circ.u.mstance which we ought particularly to remark in its philosophical connection is, that the different procedures of quadrature have no relation to any general view of integration, and consist of simple artifices very incoherent with each other, and very numerous, because of the very limited extent of each.
One of these artifices should, however, here be noticed, which, without being really a method of integration, is nevertheless remarkable for its generality; it is the procedure invented by John Bernouilli, and known under the name of _integration by parts_, by means of which every integral may be reduced to another which is sometimes found to be more easy to be obtained. This ingenious relation deserves to be noticed for another reason, as having suggested the first idea of that transformation of integrals yet unknown, which has lately received a greater extension, and of which M. Fourier especially has made so new and important a use in the a.n.a.lytical questions produced by the theory of heat.
_Integration of Algebraic Functions._ As to the integration of algebraic functions, it is farther advanced. However, we know scarcely any thing in relation to irrational functions, the integrals of which have been obtained only in extremely limited cases, and particularly by rendering them rational. The integration of rational functions is thus far the only theory of the integral calculus which has admitted of being treated in a truly complete manner; in a logical point of view, it forms, then, its most satisfactory part, but perhaps also the least important. It is even essential to remark, in order to have a just idea of the extreme imperfection of the integral calculus, that this case, limited as it is, is not entirely resolved except for what properly concerns integration viewed in an abstract manner; for, in the execution, the theory finds its progress most frequently quite stopped, independently of the complication of the calculations, by the imperfection of ordinary a.n.a.lysis, seeing that it makes the integration finally depend upon the algebraic resolution of equations, which greatly limits its use.
To grasp in a general manner the spirit of the different procedures which are employed in quadratures, we must observe that, by their nature, they can be primitively founded only on the differentiation of the ten simple functions. The results of this, conversely considered, establish as many direct theorems of the integral calculus, the only ones which can be directly known. All the art of integration afterwards consists, as has been said in the beginning of this chapter, in reducing all the other quadratures, so far as is possible, to this small number of elementary ones, which unhappily we are in most cases unable to effect.
_Singular Solutions._ In this systematic enumeration of the various essential parts of the integral calculus, considered in their logical relations, I have designedly neglected (in order not to break the chain of sequence) to consider a very important theory, which forms implicitly a portion of the general theory of the integration of differential equations, but which I ought here to notice separately, as being, so to speak, outside of the integral calculus, and being nevertheless of the greatest interest, both by its logical perfection and by the extent of its applications. I refer to what are called _Singular Solutions_ of differential equations, called sometimes, but improperly, _particular_ solutions, which have been the subject of very remarkable investigations by Euler and Laplace, and of which Lagrange especially has presented such a beautiful and simple general theory. Clairaut, who first had occasion to remark their existence, saw in them a paradox of the integral calculus, since these solutions have the peculiarity of satisfying the differential equations without being comprised in the corresponding general integrals. Lagrange has since explained this paradox in the most ingenious and most satisfactory manner, by showing how such solutions are always derived from the general integral by the variation of the arbitrary constants. He was also the first to suitably appreciate the importance of this theory, and it is with good reason that he devoted to it so full a development in his "Calculus of Functions." In a logical point of view, this theory deserves all our attention by the character of perfect generality which it admits of, since Lagrange has given invariable and very simple procedures for finding the _singular_ solution of any differential equation which is susceptible of it; and, what is no less remarkable, these procedures require no integration, consisting only of differentiations, and are therefore always applicable. Differentiation has thus become, by a happy artifice, a means of compensating, in certain circ.u.mstances, for the imperfection of the integral calculus. Indeed, certain problems especially require, by their nature, the knowledge of these _singular_ solutions; such, for example, in geometry, are all the questions in which a curve is to be determined from any property of its tangent or its osculating circle. In all cases of this kind, after having expressed this property by a differential equation, it will be, in its a.n.a.lytical relations, the _singular_ equation which will form the most important object of the inquiry, since it alone will represent the required curve; the general integral, which thenceforth it becomes unnecessary to know, designating only the system of the tangents, or of the osculating circles of this curve. We may hence easily understand all the importance of this theory, which seems to me to be not as yet sufficiently appreciated by most geometers.
_Definite Integrals._ Finally, to complete our review of the vast collection of a.n.a.lytical researches of which is composed the integral calculus, properly so called, there remains to be mentioned one theory, very important in all the applications of the transcendental a.n.a.lysis, which I have had to leave outside of the system, as not being really destined for veritable integration, and proposing, on the contrary, to supply the place of the knowledge of truly a.n.a.lytical integrals, which are most generally unknown. I refer to the determination of _definite integrals_.
The expression, always possible, of integrals in infinite series, may at first be viewed as a happy general means of compensating for the extreme imperfection of the integral calculus. But the employment of such series, because of their complication, and of the difficulty of discovering the law of their terms, is commonly of only moderate utility in the algebraic point of view, although sometimes very essential relations have been thence deduced. It is particularly in the arithmetical point of view that this procedure acquires a great importance, as a means of calculating what are called _definite integrals_, that is, the values of the required functions for certain determinate values of the corresponding variables.
An inquiry of this nature exactly corresponds, in transcendental a.n.a.lysis, to the numerical resolution of equations in ordinary a.n.a.lysis.
Being generally unable to obtain the veritable integral--named by opposition the _general_ or _indefinite_ integral; that is, the function which, differentiated, has produced the proposed differential formula--a.n.a.lysts have been obliged to employ themselves in determining at least, without knowing this function, the particular numerical values which it would take on a.s.signing certain designated values to the variables. This is evidently resolving the arithmetical question without having previously resolved the corresponding algebraic one, which most generally is the most important one. Such an a.n.a.lysis is, then, by its nature, as imperfect as we have seen the numerical resolution of equations to be. It presents, like this last, a vicious confusion of arithmetical and algebraic considerations, whence result a.n.a.logous inconveniences both in the purely logical point of view and in the applications. We need not here repeat the considerations suggested in our third chapter. But it will be understood that, unable as we almost always are to obtain the true integrals, it is of the highest importance to have been able to obtain this solution, incomplete and necessarily insufficient as it is. Now this has been fortunately attained at the present day for all cases, the determination of the value of definite integrals having been reduced to entirely general methods, which leave nothing to desire, in a great number of cases, but less complication in the calculations, an object towards which are at present directed all the special transformations of a.n.a.lysts. Regarding now this sort of _transcendental arithmetic_ as perfect, the difficulty in the applications is essentially reduced to making the proposed research depend, finally, on a simple determination of definite integrals, which evidently cannot always be possible, whatever a.n.a.lytical skill may be employed in effecting such a transformation.
_Prospects of the Integral Calculus._ From the considerations indicated in this chapter, we see that, while the differential calculus const.i.tutes by its nature a limited and perfect system, to which nothing essential remains to be added, the integral calculus, or the simple system of integration, presents necessarily an inexhaustible field for the activity of the human mind, independently of the indefinite applications of which the transcendental a.n.a.lysis is evidently susceptible. The general argument by which I have endeavoured, in the second chapter, to make apparent the impossibility of ever discovering the algebraic solution of equations of any degree and form whatsoever, has undoubtedly infinitely more force with regard to the search for a single method of integration, invariably applicable to all cases. "It is," says Lagrange, "one of those problems whose general solution we cannot hope for." The more we meditate on this subject, the more we will be convinced that such a research is utterly chimerical, as being far above the feeble reach of our intelligence; although the labours of geometers must certainly augment hereafter the amount of our knowledge respecting integration, and thus create methods of greater generality.
The transcendental a.n.a.lysis is still too near its origin--there is especially too little time since it has been conceived in a truly rational manner--for us now to be able to have a correct idea of what it will hereafter become. But, whatever should be our legitimate hopes, let us not forget to consider, before all, the limits which are imposed by our intellectual const.i.tution, and which, though not susceptible of a precise determination, have none the less an incontestable reality.
I am induced to think that, when geometers shall have exhausted the most important applications of our present transcendental a.n.a.lysis, instead of striving to impress upon it, as now conceived, a chimerical perfection, they will rather create new resources by changing the mode of derivation of the auxiliary quant.i.ties introduced in order to facilitate the establishment of equations, and the formation of which might follow an infinity of other laws besides the very simple relation which has been chosen, according to the conception suggested in the first chapter. The resources of this nature appear to me susceptible of a much greater fecundity than those which would consist of merely pus.h.i.+ng farther our present calculus of indirect functions. It is a suggestion which I submit to the geometers who have turned their thoughts towards the general philosophy of a.n.a.lysis.
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