Harper's Young People, August 24, 1880 Part 6

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Wild-cats, wolves, and California lions live here, and they often steal our chickens. We dare not go far from the house at night.

From this you would think that it is a very wild country, but it is not, and there are a great many people living here. The animals live in the gulches, and only come out at night when we are asleep.

I have taken YOUNG PEOPLE from the first number.



I had a little kitten. I stroked it one day, and it followed me down to an ash-barrel, where it went smelling round as if it was hungry. Then I went up the street a little way to where a girl was sweeping, and I asked her if it was her kitten. She said it was, but she was going to give it away. I asked her to give it to me, and she did. Then I took it home, and fed it on milk. As soon as I brought the milk up stairs it began lapping it as fast as its little tongue could go. I brought it to the country with me in a little basket, and about two weeks afterward it died. I was very, very sorry, for it was my only pet. It would lie on its back under the centre table, and play with a string.

I am only six years old, and I can not write very well yet.



I am ten years old. My papa takes YOUNG PEOPLE for me, and HARPER'S WEEKLY for mamma. I live in a tobacco-manufacturing town.

There are about two thousand negroes employed in the factories.

I have three little dogs for pets--two rat terriers and a little yellow dog. Their names are Minnie, Whitefoot, and Ka.

I had a present of a large book-case filled with books, from my grandpa, who lives in Richmond, but I like to read YOUNG PEOPLE best of all.



My brother made me a present of YOUNG PEOPLE for a year. I never saw such a nice little paper before. I think there is nothing like it. I can not tell which is the best story, for all of them are so good. I can hardly wait for Wednesday to come, for that is the day I get my paper.

I have a kitty that is almost white. It will run right up a smooth wall.

I am eleven years old. I live in the country, and I go to school when there is any.



I think YOUNG PEOPLE is the nicest little paper I have ever read.

I like the story of "Across the Ocean" best of all.

The 1st of July I read a letter from Canada, in the Post-office Box, saying that strawberries were just ripening. That seemed so funny to me, for they had been all gone for ever so long here. I feel so sorry for the Canadians, and for all people who live in cold countries, for it is so cold there in winter.

We have taken YOUNG PEOPLE ever since the first number. Papa takes all of Harper's periodicals.



I live in the southern part of this State, and I go to school when the school is open. I have not taken YOUNG PEOPLE very long, but I like it so much I can scarcely wait till it comes.

I had a pet goat, but I sold it, and now I have a very handsome redbird that my grandpa gave me. Its name is Bob. Papa made me a martin box last spring, but the bluebirds took possession of it.

The English sparrows come on our porch, and eat the wheat Bob drops from his cage.



I am seven years old, and I am going to write this and spell it all myself.

I have a little dog, and he will beg, and he will jump through a hoop.

We do not have far to go to school, because it is in the next house to ours. I have been to school one year and a half.



I have been taking YOUNG PEOPLE ever since Christmas, and I want to put a letter in the Post-office Box to say how very much I like to read it.

I am nine years old. I have been going to school about seven months, but now it is vacation, and I have time to play with all my pets.

I wish all the little boys and girls in the United States could read YOUNG PEOPLE.



Here is a recipe for sponge-cake: One cup of fine white sugar; three eggs; beat the sugar and eggs together till they are white; then add one table-spoonful of milk and one cup of flour. Do not beat up after mixing in the flour, as it will make the cake heavy.

Bake about twenty minutes in a quick oven. My big sister makes this just as light as it can be.


Harper's Young People, August 24, 1880 Part 6

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Harper's Young People, August 24, 1880 Part 6 summary

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