The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders Part 3

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Hal pa.s.sed the paper back to General Pers.h.i.+ng. The latter eyed him keenly.

"'You realize the dangerous nature of the work?" he questioned.

"Perfectly, sir; also its importance. We shall be glad to undertake it, sir."

"Very well. Now I have a little information that may be of value. In another code message from the state department I am advised that efforts are being made to get a member of the diplomatic staff back into Berlin. There is one person in the German capital whom you may trust." General Pers.h.i.+ng lowered his voice. "That person," he said, "is the wife of the German undersecretary for foreign affairs. She is an American woman, and upon several occasions has been of service to her own country. Her name is Schweiring."

"We shall remember, sir," said Chester.

"Now," said General Pers.h.i.+ng, "I have no advice to offer as to how you shall reach Berlin, nor how you shall go about your work. Once in Berlin, however, you will have to be governed by circ.u.mstances. You speak German, I am told?"

"Like natives, sir," said Hal with a grin.

"Very well. I shall see that you are granted indefinite leave of absence. There is just one thing more. I want to say that I do not like to ask my men to become spies."

"Why, sir," said Chester gravely, "it's all for our country; and the day when a spy was looked down upon has gone. It is just another way of serving ones country, sir."

"Nevertheless," said General Pers.h.i.+ng, "the punishment is the same as it has been down the ages: death."

"If caught," Hal added with a smile.

"True," was his commander's response, and a slight smile lighted, up his own features.

He arose and extended his hand. Both lads shook it heartily.

"I hope," said General Pers.h.i.+ng, "that you may both come through safely. But if you don't--well, good-bye. I don't need to tell you that if one can get through with the list that, from the nation's standpoint, what happens to the other is insignificant."

"I have a request to make, sir," said Hal, as they turned to go.

"Consider it granted," replied his commander.

"It is this," said Hal. "I believe that it would be well for us to take a third man along. It may be that he will never reach the German lines, but he should prove of help for the other two."

"Have you the man in mind?" asked General Pers.h.i.+ng.

"Yes, sir. A man named McKenzie, a private in our troop. He's a Canadian, and has seen years of active service. Also, as I happen to know, he speaks German fluently."

"I shall give you a paper authorizing his indefinite leave of absence,"

said General Pers.h.i.+ng.

He scribbled a few words on a piece of paper, and pa.s.sed it to the lad. The boys drew themselves to attention, saluted, and left.

"A pretty ticklish piece of business," said Chester quietly, as they made their way to their own quarters.

"Rather," said Hal dryly; "and still it must be done. The safety of America depends upon the success of our mission. It may be well that it has been entrusted to us rather than to older men. We are less likely to be suspected if we reach Berlin safely. Besides, we have been there before, and are somewhat familiar with the city."

"Yes," said Chester grimly, "we've been there several times before. I recall that we went there once very much against our will--prisoners."

"Well, we didn't stay very long," said Hal.

"Let's hope we don't stay for keeps this time either," said Chester.

"To tell the truth, I don't think much of this spy business myself."

"Somebody has to do it," Hal declared.

"Of course, but I am not very fond of that sort of work."

"If you don't want to go--" Hal began, but Chester interrupted.

"Of course, I want to go if it must be. I am ready to do what I can for my country in whatever way I may."

"I knew it," said Hal; "I was only fooling. Come, we will acquaint McKenzie with his work. And if he comes safely through this, I feel confident he will not remain long in the ranks."

The found McKenzie, the erstwhile Canadian sergeant, in his tent.

"McKenzie," said Hal, "you are about to take a trip, I see."

"That so, sir? I hadn't heard of it."

"Yes," Hal continued. "I heard a man say you were about to go to Germany."

"And the man," said McKenzie, "was--"

"General Pers.h.i.+ng, McKenzie."

"Very well, sir," said McKenzie, to whom the few words told the story of important work to be done.

"In that event, I presume that General Pers.h.i.+ng has seen fit to allow me leave of absence."

"He has, McKenzie. I shall present the order to Captain O'Neill at once. In the meantime, see that your guns are cleaned, and that you have an extra supply of cartridges. We may need them. Also, leave any papers or other marks of identification behind. When you are ready, come to my quarters."

"I shall be there in half an hour, sir."

Hal and Chester made their way to Captain O'Neill's quarters. Hal presented the papers, granting leaves of absence to the three.

"Hm-m," muttered Captain O'Neill. "Something up, eh? Well, I wish I were going with you." He extended a hand.

"Good luck," he said quietly.



"We'll have to have a leader for this party," said Hal, "one whose word shall be law. I'm agreeable to Chester."

The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders Part 3

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