Zadig Part 5

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_Zadig_, as one beside himself, and perfectly thunder-struck, beat his March at random. He entred, however, into the City of _Babylon_, on that very Day, when those Combatants who had been before engag'd in the List or Circus, were already a.s.sembled in the s.p.a.cious Outer-Court of the Palace, in order to solve the aenigmas, and give the wisest Answers they could to such Questions, as the _Grand Magus_ should propose. All the Parties concern'd were present, except the Knight of the Green Armour. No sooner had _Zadig_ made his Appearance in the City, but the Populace flock'd round about him: No Eye was satisfied with gazing at him: All in general were lavish of their Praises, and in their Hearts wish'd him their Sovereign, except the envious Man, who as he pa.s.s'd by, fetch'd a deep Sigh, and turn'd his Head aside. The Populace with loud Acclamations attended him to the Palace-Gate. The Queen, who had heard of his Arrival, was in the utmost Agony, between Hope and Despair. Her Vexation had almost brought her to Death's Door; she couldn't conceive why _Zadig_ should appear without his Accoutrements, nor imagine which Way _Itobad_ could procure the snow-white Armour. At the Sight of _Zadig_ a confus'd Murmur ran thro' the whole Place. Every Eye was surpriz'd, tho' charm'd at the same Time to see him again: But then none were to be admitted into the a.s.sembly-Room except the Knights.

I have fought as successfully as any one of them all, said _Zadig_, tho' another appears clad in my Armour; but in the mean Time, before I can possibly prove my a.s.sertion, I insist upon being admitted into Court, in order to give my Solutions to such aenigmas as shall be propos'd. 'Twas put to the Vote. As the Reputation of his being a Man of the strictest Honour and Veracity was so strongly imprinted on their Minds, the Motion of his Admittance was carried in the Affirmative, without the least Opposition.

The first Question the _Grand Magus_ propos'd was this: What is the longest and yet the shortest Thing in the World; the most swift and the most slow; the most divisible, and the most extended; the least valu'd, and the most regretted; And without which nothing can possibly be done: Which, in a Word, devours every Thing how minute soever, and yet gives Life and Spirit to every Object or Being, however Great?

_Itobad_ had the Honour to answer first. His reply was, that a Man of his Merit had something else to think on, than idle Riddles; 'twas enough for him, that he was acknowledg'd the Hero of the Circus. One said, the Solution of the aenigma propos'd was _Fortune_; others said the _Earth_; and others again the _Light_: But _Zadig_ p.r.o.nounced it to be _Time_. Nothing, said he, can be longer, since 'tis the Measure of Eternity; Nothing is shorter, since there is Time always wanting to accomplish what we aim at. Nothing so slowly as Time to him who is in Expectation; and nothing so swift as Time to him who is in the perfect Enjoyment of his Wishes. It's Extent is to Infinity, in the Whole; and divisible to Infinity in part. All Men neglect it in the Pa.s.sage; and all regret the Loss of it when 'tis past. Nothing can possibly be done without it; it buries in Oblivion whatever is unworthy of being transmitted down to Posterity; and it renders all ill.u.s.trious Actions immortal. The a.s.sembly agreed unanimously that _Zadig_ was in the Right.

The next Question that was started, was, What is the Thing we receive, without being ever thankful for it; which we enjoy, without knowing how we came by it; which we give away to others, without knowing where 'tis to be found; and which we lose, without being any ways conscious of our Misfortune?

Each pa.s.s'd his Verdict. _Zadig_ was the only Person that concluded it was LIFE. He solv'd every aenigma propos'd, with equal Facility.

_Itobad_, when he heard the Explications, always said that nothing in the World was more easy, than to solve such obvious Questions; and that he could interpret a thousand of them without the least Hesitation, were he inclin'd to trouble his Head about such Trifles.

Other Questions were propos'd in regard to Justice, the sovereign Good, and the Art of Government. _Zadig's_ Answers still carried the greatest Weight. What Pity 'tis, said some who were present, that one of so comprehensive a Genius, should make such a scurvy Cavalier?

Most ill.u.s.trious Grandees, said _Zadig_, I was the Person that had the Honour of being Victor at your Circus; the white Armour, most puissant Lords, was mine. That awkward Warrior there, Lord _Itobad_, dress'd himself in it whilst I was asleep. He imagin'd, it is plain, that it would do him more Honour than his own Green one. Unaccoutred as I am, I am ready, before this august a.s.sembly, to give them incontestable Proof of my superior Skill; to engage with the Usurper of the White Armour with my Sword only in my Mantle and Bonnet; and to testify that I only was the happy Victor of the justly admired _Hottam_.

_Itobad_ accepted of the Challenge with all the a.s.surance of Success imaginable. He did not doubt, but being properly accoutred with his Helmet, his Cuira.s.s, and his Bracelets, he should be able to hue down an Antagonist, in his Mantle and Cap, and nothing to skreen him from his Resentment, but a single Sabre. _Zadig_ drew his Sword, and saluted the Queen with it, who view'd him with Transport mix'd with Fear. _Itobad_ drew his, but paid his Compliments to n.o.body. He approach'd _Zadig_, as one, whom he imagin'd incapable of making any considerable Resistance. He concluded, 'twas in his Power to cut _Zadig_ into Atoms. _Zadig_, however, knew how to parry the Blow, by dexterously receiving it upon his _Fort_ (as the Swords-men call it) by which Means _Itobad's_ Sword was snapt in two. With that _Zadig_ in an Instant clos'd his Adversary, and by his superior Strength, as well as Skill, laid him sprawling on his Back. Then holding the Point of his Sword to the opening of his Cuira.s.s, Submit to be stripp'd of your borrow'd Plumes, or you are a dead Man this Moment.

_Itobad_, always surpriz'd, that any Disappointment should attend a Man of such exalted Merit as himself, very tamely permitted _Zadig_ to disrobe him by Degrees of his pompous Helmet, his superb Cuira.s.s, his rich Bracelets, his brilliant Cuisses, or Armour for his Thighs, and other Martial Accoutrements. When _Zadig_ had equipp'd himself _Cap-a-pee_, in his now recover'd Armour, he flew to _Astarte_, and threw himself prostrate at her Feet. _Cador_ prov'd, without any great Difficulty, that the White Armour was _Zadig's_ Property. He was thereupon acknowledg'd King of _Babylon_, by the unanimous Content of the Whole Court; but more particularly with the Approbation of _Astarte_, who after such a long Series of Misfortunes, now tasted the Sweets of seeing her darling _Zadig_ thought worthy, in the Opinion of the whole World, to be the Partner of her royal Bed. _Itobad_ withdrew, and contented himself with being call'd _my Lord_ within the narrow Compa.s.s of his own Domesticks. _Zadig_, in short, was elected King, and was as happy as any Mortal could be.

Now he began to reflect on what the Angel _Jesrad_ had said to him: Nay, he reflected so far back as the Story of the _Arabian_ Atom of Dust metamorphosed into a Diamond. The Queen and He ador'd the Divine Providence. _Zadig_ permitted _Missouf_, the Fair Coquet, to make her Conquests where she could. He sent Couriers to bring the Free-booter _Arbogad_ to Court, and gave him an Honourable Military Post in his Army, with a farther Promise of Promotion to the highest Dignity; but upon this express Condition, that he would act for the future as a Soldier of Honour; but a.s.sur'd him at the same Time, that he'd make a publick Example of him, if he follow'd his Profession of Free-booting for the future.

_Setoc_ was sent for from the lonely Desarts of _Arabia_, together with the fair _Almonza_, his new Bride, to preside over the commercial Affairs of _Babylon_. _Cador_ was advanc'd to a Post near himself, and was his Favourite Minister at Court, as the just Reward of his past Services. He was, in short, the King's real Friend; and _Zadig_ was the only Monarch in the Universe that could boast of such an Attendant. The Dwarf, tho' dumb, was not wholly forgotten.

The Fisherman was put into the Possession of a very handsome House; and _Orcan_ was sentenc'd, not only to pay him a very considerable Sum for the Injustice done him in detaining his Wife; but to resign her likewise to the proper Owner: The Fisherman, however, grown wise by Experience, soften'd the Rigour of the Sentence, and took the Money only in full of all Accounts.

He didn't leave so much as _Semira_ wholly disconsolate, tho' she had such an Aversion to a blind Eye; nor _Azora_ comfortless, notwithstanding her affectionate Intention to shorten his Nose; for he sooth'd their Sorrows by very munificent Presents. The envious Informer indeed, died with Shame and Vexation. The Empire was glorious abroad, and in the full Enjoyment of Tranquility, Peace and Plenty, at home: This, in short, was the true golden Age. The whole Country was sway'd by Love and Justice. Every one blest _Zadig_; and _Zadig_ blest Heav'n for his unexpected Success.


Zadig Part 5

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