Venice Preserved Part 9

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_All Sen._ Give 'em entrance.--Well, who are you?

_Jaf._ A villain!

Would every man, that hears me, Would deal so honestly, and own his t.i.tle.

_Duke._ 'Tis rumour'd, that a plot has been contriv'd Against this state; and you've a share in't too.

If you are a villain, to redeem your honour Unfold the truth, and be restor'd with mercy.

_Jaf._ Think not, that I to save my life came hither; I know its value better; but in pity To all those wretches whose unhappy dooms Are fix'd and seal'd. You see me here before you, The sworn and covenanted foe of Venice: But use me as my dealings may deserve, And I may prove a friend.

_Duke._ The slave capitulates; Give him the tortures.

_Jaf._ That you dare not do; Your fear won't let you, not the longing itch To hear the story which you dread the truth of: Truth, which the fear of smart shall ne'er get from me.

Cowards are scar'd with threat'nings; boys are whipt Into confessions; but a steady mind Acts of itself, ne'er asks the body counsel.

Give him the tortures! Name but such a thing Again, by heav'n I'll shut these lips for ever.

Not all your racks, your engines, or your wheels, Shall force a groan away, that you may guess at.

_Duke._ Name your conditions.

_Jaf._ For myself full pardon, Besides the lives of two-and-twenty friends, Whose names are here enroll'd. Nay, let their crimes Be ne'er so monstrous, I must have the oaths And sacred promise of this reverend council, That, in a full a.s.sembly of the senate, The thing I ask be ratify'd. Swear this, And I'll unfold the secret of your danger.

_Duke._ Propose the oath.

_Jaf._ By all the hopes Ye have of peace and happiness hereafter, Swear.--Ye swear?

_All Sen._ We swear.

_Jaf._ And, as ye keep the oath, May you and your posterity be bless'd, Or curs'd for ever.

_All Sen._ Else be curs'd for ever.

_Jaf._ Then here's the list, and with't the full disclose Of all that threatens you. [_delivers a paper._ Now, fate, thou hast caught me.

_Duke._ Give order that all diligent search be made To seize these men, their characters are public; The paper intimates their rendezvous To be at the house of a fam'd Grecian courtezan, Call'd Aquilina; see that place secur'd.

You, Jaffier, must with patience bear till morning To be our prisoner.

_Jaf._ Would the chains of death Had bound me safe, ere I had known this minute.

_Duke._ Captain, withdraw your prisoner.

_Jaf._ Sir, if possible, Lead me where my own thoughts themselves may lose me; Where I may doze out what I've left of life, Forget myself, and this day's guilt and falsehood.

Cruel remembrance, how shall I appease thee? [_exit._

_Offi._ [_without_] More traitors; room, room, room, make room, there.

_Duke._ How's this? guards!

Where are our guards? Shut up the gates, the treason's Already at our doors.

_Enter Officer._

_Offi._ My lords, more traitors, Seiz'd in the very act of consultation; Furnish'd with arms and instruments of mischief, Bring in the prisoners.

_Enter Pierre, Renault, Theodore, Elliott, Revillido, and other Conspirators, in fetters._

_Pier._ You, my lords, and fathers (As you are pleas'd to call yourselves) of Venice; If you sit here to guide the course of justice, Why these disgraceful chains upon the limbs That have so often labour'd in your service?

Are these the wreaths of triumph ye bestow On those, that bring you conquest home, and honours?

_Duke._ Go on; you shall be heard, sir.

_Ant._ And be hang'd too, I hope.

_Pier._ Are these the trophies I've deserv'd for fighting Your battles with confederated powers?

When winds and seas conspir'd to overthrow you, And brought the fleets of Spain to your own harbours; When you, great duke, shrunk trembling in your palace, And saw your wife, the Adriatic, plough'd, Like a lewd wh.o.r.e, by bolder prows than yours, Stepp'd not I forth, and taught your loose Venetians The task of honour, and the way to greatness?

Rais'd you from your capitulating fears To stipulate the terms of sued-for peace?

And this my recompense! if I'm a traitor, Produce my charge; or show the wretch that's base And brave enough to tell me I'm a traitor.

_Duke._ Know you one Jaffier? [_Conspirators murmur._

_Pier._ Yes, and know his virtue.

His justice, truth, his general worth, and sufferings From a hard father, taught me first to love him.

_Enter Jaffier, guarded._

_Duke._ See him brought forth.

_Pier._ My friend too bound! nay then Our fate has conquer'd us, and we must fall.

Why droops the man whose welfare's so much mine, They're but one thing? These reverend tyrants, Jaffier, Call us traitors. Art thou one, my brother?

_Jaf._ To thee, I am the falsest, veriest slave, That e'er betray'd a generous, trusting friend, And gave up honour to be sure of ruin.

All our fair hopes, which morning was t' have crown'd, Has this curs'd tongue o'erthrown.

_Pier._ So, then all's over: Venice has lost her freedom, I my life.

No more! Farewell!

_Duke._ Say; will you make confession Of your vile deeds, and trust the senate's mercy?

_Pier._ Curs'd be your senate: curs'd your const.i.tution: The curse of growing factions and divisions Still vex your councils, shake your public safety, And make the robes of government you wear Hateful to you, as these base chains to me.

_Duke._ Pardon, or death?

_Pier._ Death! honourable death!

_Ren._ Death's the best thing we ask, or you can give; No shameful bonds, but honourable death.

_Duke._ Break up the council. Captain, guard your prisoners.

Jaffier, you're free, but these must wait for judgment.

[_exeunt all the Senators._

Venice Preserved Part 9

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