Christianity and Islam in Spain, A.D. 756-1031 Part 26

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[1] Robertson says Peter.


Sidenote: pp. 62-81.

Letter to John of Seville, Sidenote: " 81-88.

To the Same.


Sidenote: " 88-91.

To John of Seville.

Sidenote: " 101-129.

To the Same.

Sidenote: " 129-141.

To Speraindeo.

Sidenote: "Florez, "Esp. Sagr.," xi. pp. 147,148.

To Roma.n.u.s, a doctor (860).

Sidenote: " 151-156.

To Saul of Cordova.

Sidenote: " 164-165.

To the Same.

Sidenote: " 167-171.

To Eleazar, a transgressor.

Sidenote: " 171-177.

To the Same.

Sidenote: " 178-189.

To the Same.

Sidenote: " 189-217.

To the Same.

Sidenote: " 218-219.

To Eulogius.

Sidenote: " 291-292.

To Eulogius.

Sidenote: " 296-299.

Life of Eulogius.

Sidenote: _Ibid._, x. 593 ff.

Indiculus Luminosus, so called because " quae sequenda sunt docet, et apertis indiciis hostem ecclesiae, quem omnis vitare Christianitas debet, ostendit."

Sidenote: _Ibid._, xi. 219-275.[1]

[1] Ascribed by Luitprand, sec. 309, to Bonitus, Bishop of Toledo. Morales doubts Alvar's authors.h.i.+p, from there being no mention of Eulogius; but see sec. 19, where _praesul_ is spoken of.

(_k_.) _John of Seville_.

Letter to Alvar.

Sidenote: Florez, xi. pp. 91-101.

To the Same.

Sidenote: _Ibid._, 142-147.

(_l_.) _Speraindeo_, Abbot, flourished 820.

Letter to Alvar (853).

Sidenote: _Ibid._, 148-151.

(_m_.) _Saul_ of Cordova.

Letter to other Bishops.

Sidenote: _Ibid._, xi. pp. 156-164.

To the Same.

Sidenote: " 165-167.

(_n_.) _Eleazar_, an apostate to Judaism.

Letter to Alvar.

Sidenote: " 177-178.

To the Same.

Sidenote: " 189, 190.

To the Same.

Sidenote: " 217, 218.

(_o_.) _Leovigildus_, priest of Cordova, flourished 860. "De habitu Clericorum."

Sidenote: Migne, cxxi. p. 565.

(_p_.) _Cypria.n.u.s_, arch-priest of Cordova. "Epigrammata." Sidenote: _Ibid._, p. 567.

(_q_.) _Samson_, priest of St Zoilus at Cordova, Abbot of the Monastery of Pegnamellar, died 890. (See Epigram or Epitaph of Cypria.n.u.s.) "Apologeticus Liber contra perfidos" (Jan. 1, 863).

(_r_.) _Jonas Aurelianensis_. "De cultu imaginum." An Answer to Claudius, Bishop of Turin (842).

Sidenote: Florez, xi. 300-516.

(_s_.) _De Translatione SS. Martyrum Georgii_ Monachi, Aurelii et Nathaliae ex urbe Cordubae Parisios auctore _Aimoino_ monacho: from Usuard and Odilard, monks.

Sidenote: Migne, cxv. pp. 939 ff.

(_t_.) _Vita Johannis Abbatis Gorziensis_ (died 973), by John, Abbot of St Arnulph.

Christianity and Islam in Spain, A.D. 756-1031 Part 26

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Christianity and Islam in Spain, A.D. 756-1031 Part 26 summary

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