Roget's Thesaurus Part 100

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concede, cede, yield, part with, shed, cast; spend &c. 809.

give, bestow, confer, grant, accord, award, a.s.sign.

intrust, consign, vest in.

make a present; allow, contribute, subscribe, furnish its quota.

invest, endow, settle upon; bequeath, leave, devise.

furnish, supply, help; administer to; afford, spare; accommodate with, indulge with, favor with; shower down upon; lavish, pour on, thrust upon.

tip, bribe; tickle the palm, grease the palm; offer &c. 763; sacrifice, immolate.

Adj. giving &c. v.; given &c. v.; allowed, allowable; concessional[obs3]; communicable; charitable, eleemosynary, sportulary , tributary; gratis &c. 815; donative[obs3].

Phr. auctor pretiosa facit[Lat]; ex dono[Lat]; res est ingeniosa dare [Lat][Ovid].

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#785. Receiving.-- N. receiving &c. v.; acquisition &c. 775; reception &c. (introduction) 296; suscipiency !, acceptance, admission.

recipient, accipient[obs3]; a.s.signee, devisee; legatee, legatary[obs3]; grantee, feoffee[obs3], donee[Fr], releasee[Law], relessee[obs3], lessee; receiver.

sportulary , stipendiary; beneficiary; pensioner, pensionary[obs3]; almsman[obs3].

income &c. (receipt) 810.

V. receive; take &c. 789; acquire &c. 775; admit.

take in, catch, touch; pocket; put into one's pocket, put into one's purse; accept; take off one's hands.

be received; come in, come to hand; pa.s.s into one's hand, fall into one's hand; go into one's pocket; fall to one's lot, fall to one's share; come to one, fall to one; accrue; have given &c. 784 to one.

Adj. receiving &c. v.; recipient, suscipient !.

received &c. v.; given &c. 784; secondhand.

not given, unbestowed &c. (see give, bestow &c. 784).

#786. Apportionment.-- N. apportionment, allotment, consignment, a.s.signment, appointment; appropriation; dispensation, distribution; division, deal; repart.i.tion, part.i.tion; administration.

dividend, portion, contingent, share, allotment, fair share, allocation, lot, measure, dose; dole, meed, pittance; quantum, ration; ratio, proportion, quota, modic.u.m, mess, allowance; suerte[obs3].

V. apportion, divide; distribute, administer, dispense; billet, allot, detail, cast, share, mete; portion out, parcel out, dole out; deal, carve.

allocate, ration, ration out; a.s.sign; separate &c. 44.

part.i.tion, a.s.sign, appropriate, appoint.

come in for one's share &c. (partic.i.p.ate) 778.

Adj. apportioning &c. v.; respective.

Adv. respectively, each to each.

#787. Lending.-- N. lending &c. v.; loan, advance, accommodation, feneration ; mortgage, second mortgage, home loan &c. (security) 771; investment; note, bond, commercial paper.

mont de piete[Fr], p.a.w.nshop, my uncle's.

lender, p.a.w.nbroker, money lender; usurer, loan shark.

loaner V[item loaned][coll.]. lend, advance, accommodate with; lend on security; loan; p.a.w.n &c. (security) 771.

intrust, invest; place out to interest, put out to interest.

let, demise, lease, sett[obs3], underlet.

Adj. lending &c. v.; lent &c. v.; unborrowed &c. (see borrowed &c.


Adv. in advance; on loan, on security.

#788. Borrowing.-- N. borrowing, pledging.

borrowed plumes; plagiarism &c. (thieving) 791.


V. borrow, desume .

hire, rent, farm; take a lease, take a demise; take by the hour, take by the mile, take by the year &c., hire by the hour, hire by the mile, hire by the year &c.; adopt, apply, appropriate, imitate, make use of, take.

raise money, take up money; raise the wind; fly a kite, borrow from Peter to pay Paul; run into debt &c. (debt) 806.


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#789. Taking.-- N. taking &c. v.; reception &c. (taking in) 296; deglut.i.tion &c. (taking food) 298; appropriation, prehension, prensation ; capture, caption; apprehension, deprehension ; abreption , seizure, expropriation, abduction, ablation; subtraction, withdrawal &c. 38; abstraction, ademption[obs3]; adrolepsy !.

dispossession; deprivation, deprivement[obs3]; bereavement; divestment; disherison[obs3]; distraint, distress; sequestration, confiscation; eviction &c. 297.

rapacity, rapaciousness, extortion, vampirism; theft &c.791.

resumption; reprise, reprisal; recovery &c. 775.

clutch, swoop, wrench; grip &c. (retention) 781; haul, take, catch; scramble.

taker, captor.

[Geol: descent of one of the earth's crustal plates under another plate] subduction.

V. take, catch, hook, nab, bag, sack, pocket, put into one's pocket; receive; accept.

reap, crop, cull, pluck; gather &c. (get) 775; draw.

appropriate, expropriate, impropriate[obs3]; a.s.sume, possess oneself of; take possession of; commandeer; lay one's hands on, clap one's hands on; help oneself to; make free with, dip one's hands into, lay under contribution; intercept; scramble for; deprive of.

take away, carry away, bear away, take off, carry off, bear off; adeem !; abstract; hurry off with, run away with; abduct; steal &c. 791; ravish; seize; pounce upon, spring upon; swoop to, swoop down upon; take by storm, take by a.s.sault; s.n.a.t.c.h, reave[obs3].

snap up, nip up, whip up, catch up; kidnap, crimp, capture, lay violent hands on.

get hold of, lay hold of, take hold of, catch hold of, lay fast hold of, take firm hold of; lay by the heels, take prisoner; fasten upon, grip, grapple, embrace, gripe, clasp, grab, clutch, collar, throttle, take by the throat, claw, clinch, clench, make sure of.

catch at, jump at, make a grab at, snap at, s.n.a.t.c.h at; reach, make a long arm, stretch forth one's hand.

take from, take away from; disseize[obs3]; deduct &c. 38; retrench &c.

(curtail) 201; dispossess, ease one of, s.n.a.t.c.h from one's grasp; tear from, tear away from, wrench from, wrest from, wring from; extort; deprive of, bereave; disinherit, cut off with a s.h.i.+lling.

oust &c. (eject) 297; divest; levy, distrain, confiscate; sequester, sequestrate; accroach[obs3]; usurp; despoil, strip, fleece, shear, displume[obs3], impoverish, eat out of house and home; drain, drain to the dregs; gut, dry, exhaust, swallow up; absorb &c. (suck in) 296; draw off; suck the blood of, suck like a leech.

retake, resume; recover &c. 775.

Adj. taking &c.v.; privative[obs3], prehensile; predaceous, predal[obs3], predatory, predatorial[obs3]; lupine, rapacious, raptorial; ravenous; parasitic.

bereft &c. 776.

Adv. at one fell swoop.

Phr. give an inch and take an ell.

#790. Rest.i.tution.-- N. rest.i.tution, return; rendition, reddition[obs3]; restoration; reinvestment, recuperation; rehabilitation &c. (reconstruction) 660; reparation, atonement; compensation, indemnification.

release, replevin[Law], redemption; recovery &c. (getting back) 775; remitter, reversion.

V. return, restore; give back, carry back, bring back; render, render up; give up; let go, unclutch; disgorge, regorge[obs3]; regurgitate; recoup, reimburse, compensate, indemnify; remit, rehabilitate; repair &c.

(make good) 660.

[transitive] reinvest, revest, reinstate.

redeem, recover &c. (get back) 775; take back again.

[intransitive] revest, revert.

Adj. restoring &c. v.; recuperative &c. 660.

Phr. suum cuique[Lat].

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#791. Stealing.-- N. stealing &c. v.; theft, thievery, latrociny , direption[obs3]; abstraction, appropriation; plagiary, plagiarism; autoplagiarism[obs3]; latrocinium[obs3].

spoliation, plunder, pillage; sack, sackage[obs3]; rapine, brigandage, foray, razzia[obs3], rape, depredation, raid; blackmail.

piracy, privateering, buccaneering; license to plunder, letters of marque, letters of mark and reprisal.

filibustering, filibusterism[obs3]; burglary; housebreaking; badger game*.

robbery, highway robbery, hold-up* [U.S.], mugging.

peculation, embezzlement; fraud &c. 545; larceny, petty larceny, grand larceny, shoplifting.

thievishness, rapacity, kleptomania, Alsatia[obs3], den of Cacus, den of thieves.

blackmail, extortion, shakedown, Black Hand [U.S.].

[person who commits theft] thief &c. 792.

V. steal, thieve, rob, mug, purloin, pilfer, filch, prig, bag, nim , crib, cabbage, palm; abstract; appropriate, plagiarize.

convey away, carry off, abduct, kidnap, crimp; make off with, walk off with, run off with; run away with; spirit away, seize &c. (lay violent hands on) 789.

plunder, pillage, rifle, sack, loot, ransack, spoil, spoliate[obs3], despoil, strip, sweep, gut, forage, levy blackmail, pirate, pickeer , maraud, lift cattle, poach; smuggle, run; badger*; bail up, hold up, stick up; bunco, bunko, filibuster.

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