Roget's Thesaurus Part 106
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coolness, calmness &c. adj.; composure, placidity, indisturbance[obs3], imperturbation[obs3], sang froid[Fr], tranquility, serenity; quiet, quietude; peace of mind, mental calmness.
staidness &c. adj.; gravity, sobriety, Quakerism[obs3]; philosophy, equanimity, stoicism, command of temper; self-possession, self-control, self-command, self-restraint, ice water in one's veins; presence of mind.
submission &c. 725; resignation; sufferance, supportance[obs3], endurance, longsufferance[obs3], forbearance; longanimity[obs3]; fort.i.tude; patience of Job, patience "on a monument" [Twelfth Night], patience "sovereign o'er trans.m.u.ted ill" [Johnson]; moderation; repression of feelings, subjugation of feeling; restraint &c. 751.
tranquillization &c. (moderation) 174[obs3].
V. be composed &c. adj.
laisser faire[Fr], laisser aller[Fr]; take things easily, take things as they come; take it easy, rub on, live and let live; take easily, take cooly[obs3], take in good part; aequam servare mentem [Latin].
bear the brunt, bear well; go through, support, endure, brave, disregard.
tolerate, suffer, stand, bide; abide, aby[obs3]; bear with, put up with, take up with, abide with; acquiesce; submit &c. (yield) 725; submit with a good grace; resign oneself to, reconcile oneself to; brook, digest, eat, swallow, pocket, stomach.
make light of, make the best of, make "a virtue of necessity"
[Chaucer]; put a good face on, keep one's countenance; check &c. 751 check oneself.
compose, appease &c. (moderate)174; propitiate; repress &c. (restrain) 751; render insensible &c. 823; overcome one's excitability, allay one's excitability, repress one's excitability &c. 825; master one's feelings.
make oneself easy; make one's mind easy; set one's mind at ease, set one's mind at rest.
calm down, cool down; gentle; thaw, grow cool.
be borne, be endured; go down.
Adj. inexcitable[obs3], unexcitable; imperturbable; unsusceptible &c.
(insensible) 823; unpa.s.sionate[obs3], dispa.s.sionate; cold-blooded, irritable; enduring &c. v.; stoical, Platonic, philosophic, staid, stayed; sober, sober minded; grave; sober as a judge, grave as a judge; sedate, demure, cool-headed.
easy-going, peaceful, placid, calm; quiet as a mouse; tranquil, serene; cool as a cuc.u.mber, cool as a custard; undemonstrative.
temperate &c. (moderate) 174; composed, collected; unexcited, unstirred, unruffled, undisturbed, unperturbed, unimpa.s.sioned; unoffended[obs3]; unresisting.
meek, tolerant; patient, patient as Job; submissive &c. 725; tame; content, resigned, chastened, subdued, lamblike[obs3]; gentle as a lamb; suaviter in modo[Lat]; mild as mothers milk; soft as peppermint; armed with patience, bearing with, clement, long-suffering.
Adv. "like patience on a monument smiling at grief" [Twelfth Night]; aequo animo[Lat], in cold blood &c. 823; more in sorrow than in anger.
Int. patience! and shuffle the cards.
Phr. "cool calm and collected", keep calm in the midst of a storm; "adversity's sweet milk, philosophy" [Romeo and Juliet]; mens aequa in arduis philosophia stemma non inspecite [Lat][Seneca]; quo me c.u.mque rapit tempestas deferor hospes [Lat][Horace]; "they also serve who only stand and wait" [Milton].
-- Section II Personal Affections
1. Pa.s.sive Affections --
#827. Pleasure. -- N. pleasure, gratification, enjoyment, fruition; oblectation, delectation, delection[obs3]; relish, zest; gusto &c.
(physical pleasure) 377; satisfaction &c. (content) 831; complacency.
well-being; good &c. 618; snugness, comfort, ease; cus.h.i.+on &c. 215; sans souci[French:without worry], mind at ease.
joy, gladness, delight, glee, cheer, suns.h.i.+ne; cheerfulness &c. 836.
treat, refreshment; amus.e.m.e.nt &c. 840; luxury &c. 377.
mens sana in corpore sano [Latin: a sound mind in a sound body][Juvenal].
happiness, felicity, bliss; beat.i.tude, beautification; enchantment, transport, rapture, ravishment, ecstasy; summum bonum[Lat]; paradise, elysium &c. ( heaven) 981; third heaven !, seventh heaven, cloud nine; unalloyed happiness &c.; hedonics[obs3], hedonism.
honeymoon; palmy days, halcyon days; golden age, golden time; Dixie, Dixie's land; Saturnia regna[Lat], Arcadia[obs3], Shangri-La, happy valley, Agapemone[obs3].
V. be pleased &c. 829; feel pleasure, experience pleasure &c. n.; joy; enjoy oneself, hug oneself; be in clover &c. 377, be in elysium &c. 981; tread on enchanted ground; fall into raptures, go into raptures.
feel at home, breathe freely, bask in the suns.h.i.+ne.
be pleased &c. 829 with; receive pleasure, derive pleasure &c. n.
from; take pleasure &c. n. in; delight in, rejoice in, indulge in, luxuriate in; gloat over &c. (physical pleasure) 377; enjoy, relish, like; love &c. 897; take to, take a fancy to; have a liking for; enter into the spirit of.
take in good part.
treat oneself to, solace oneself with.
Adj. pleased &c. 829; not sorry; glad, gladsome; pleased as Punch.
happy, blest, blessed, blissful, beatified; happy as a clam at high water [U.S.], happy as a clam, happy as a king, happy as the day is long; thrice happy, ter quaterque beatus[Lat]; enjoying &c. v.; joyful &c. (in spirits) 836; hedonic[obs3].
in a blissful state, in paradise &c. 981, in raptures, in ecstasies, in a transport of delight.
comfortable &c. (physical pleasure) 377; at ease; content &c. 831; sans souci[Fr].
overjoyed, entranced, enchanted; enraptures; enravished[obs3]; transported; fascinated, captivated.
with a joyful face, with sparkling eyes.
pleasing &c. 829; ecstatic, beatic[obs3]; painless, unalloyed, without alloy, cloudless.
Adv. happily &c. adj.; with pleasure &c. (willingfully) 602[obs3]; with glee &c. n..
Phr. one's heart leaping with joy.
"a wilderness of sweets" [P.L.]; "I wish you all the joy that you can wish" [M. of Venice]; jour de ma vie; "joy ruled the day and love the night" [Dryden]; "joys season'd high and tasting strong of guilt" [Young]; "oh happiness, our being's end and aim!" [Pope]; "there is a pleasure that is born of pain" [O Meridith]; "throned on highest bliss" [P.L.]; vedi Napoli e poi muori[It]; zwischen Freud und Leid ist die Brucke nicht weit [German: the bridge between joy and sorrow is not wide].
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#828. Pain. -- N. mental suffering, pain, dolor; suffering, sufferance; ache, smart &c. (physical pain) 378; pa.s.sion.
displeasure, dissatisfaction, discomfort, discomposure, disquiet; malaise; inquietude, uneasiness, vexation of spirit; taking; discontent &c.
dejection &c. 837; weariness &c. 841; anhedonia[obs3].
annoyance, irritation, worry, infliction, visitation; plague, bore; bother, botheration; stew, vexation, mortification, chagrin, esclandre[Fr]; mauvais quart d'heur[Fr].
care, anxiety, solicitude, trouble, trial, ordeal, fiery ordeal, shock, blow, cark[obs3], dole, fret, burden, load.
concern, grief, sorrow, distress, affliction, woe, bitterness, heartache; carking cares; heavy heart, aching heart, bleeding heart, broken heart; heavy affliction, gnawing grief.
unhappiness, infelicity, misery, tribulation, wretchedness, desolation; despair &c. 859; extremity, prostration, depth of misery.
nightmare, ephialtes[obs3], incubus.
pang, anguish, agony; torture, torment; purgatory &c. (h.e.l.l) 982.
h.e.l.l upon earth; iron age, reign of terror; slough of despond &c.
(adversity) 735; peck of troubles; "ills that flesh is heir to" &c. (evil) 619[Hamlet]; miseries of human life; "unkindest cut of all" [Julius Caesar].
sufferer, victim, prey, martyr, object of compa.s.sion, wretch, shorn lamb.
V. feel pain, suffer pain, experience pain, undergo pain, bear pain, endure pain &c. n., smart, ache &c. (physical pain) 378; suffer, bleed, ail; be the victim of.
labor under afflictions; bear the cross; quaff the bitter cup, have a bad time of it; fall on evil days &c. (adversity) 735; go hard with, come to grief, fall a sacrifice to, drain the cup of misery to the dregs, "sup full of horrors" [Macbeth].
sit on thorns, be on pins and needles, wince, fret, chafe, worry oneself, be in a taking, fret and fume; take on, take to heart; cark[obs3].
grieve; mourn &c. (lament) 839; yearn, repine, pine, droop, languish, sink; give way; despair &c. 859; break one's heart; weigh upon the heart &c. (inflict pain) 830.
Adj. in pain, in a state of pain, full of pain &c. n.; suffering &c.
v.; pained, afflicted, worried, displeased &c. 830; aching, griped, sore &c. (physical pain) 378; on the rack, in limbo; between hawk and buzzard.
uncomfortable, uneasy; ill at ease; in a taking, in a way; disturbed; discontented &c. 832; out of humor &c. 901a; weary &c. 841.
heavy laden, stricken, crushed, a prey to, victimized, ill-used.
unfortunate &c. (hapless) 735; to be pitied, doomed, devoted, accursed, undone, lost, stranded; fey.
unhappy, infelicitous, poor, wretched, miserable, woe-begone; cheerless &c. (dejected) 837; careworn.
concerned, sorry; sorrowing, sorrowful; cut up, chagrined, horrified, horror-stricken; in grief, plunged in grief, a prey to grief &c. n.; in tears &c. (lamenting) 839; steeped to the lips in misery; heart-stricken, heart-broken, heart-scalded; broken-hearted; in despair &c. 859.
Phr. "the iron entered into our soul"; haeret lateri lethalis arundo [Lat][Vergil]; one's heart bleeding; "down, thou climbing sorrow" [Lear]; "mirth cannot move a soul in agony" [Love's Labor's Lost]; nessun maggior dolere che ricordarsi del tempo felice nella miseria [It]; "sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things" [Tennyson]; "the Niobe of Nations"
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#829. [Capability of giving pleasure; cause or source of pleasure.]
Pleasurableness. -- N. pleasurableness, pleasantness, agreeableness &c.
adj.; pleasure giving, jucundity[obs3], delectability; amus.e.m.e.nt &c. 840.
attraction &c. (motive) 615; attractiveness, attractability[obs3]; invitingness &c. adj[obs3].; harm, fascination, enchantment, witchery, seduction, winning ways, amenity, amiability; winsomeness.
loveliness &c. (beauty) 845; sunny side, bright side; sweets &c.
(sugar) 396; goodness &c. 648; manna in the wilderness, land flowing with milk and honey; bittersweet; fair weather.
treat; regale &c. (physical pleasure) 377; dainty; t.i.tbit[obs3], tidbit; nuts, sauce piquante[Fr].
V. cause pleasure, produce pleasure, create pleasure, give pleasure, afford pleasure, procure pleasure, offer pleasure, present pleasure, yield pleasure &c. 827.
please, charm, delight, becharm[obs3], imparadise[obs3]; gladden &c.
(make cheerful) 836; take, captivate, fascinate; enchant, entrance, enrapture, transport, bewitch; enravish[obs3].
bless, beatify; satisfy; gratify, desire; &c. 865; slake, satiate, quench; indulge, humor, flatter, tickle; tickle the palate &c. (savory) 394; regale, refresh; enliven; treat; amuse &c. 840; take one's fancy, tickle one's fancy, hit one's fancy; meet one's wishes; win the heart, gladden the heart, rejoice the heart, warm the c.o.c.kles of the heart; do one's heart good.
attract, allure &c. (move) 615; stimulate &c. (excite) 824; interest.
make things pleasant, popularize, gild the pill, sugar-coat the pill, , sweeten.
Adj. causing pleasure &c. v.; laetificant[obs3]; pleasure-giving, pleasing, pleasant, pleasurable; agreeable; grateful, gratifying; leef , lief, acceptable; welcome, welcome as the roses in May; welcomed; favorite; to one's taste, to one's mind, to one's liking; satisfactory &c. (good) 648.
refres.h.i.+ng; comfortable; cordial; genial; glad, gladsome; sweet, delectable, nice, dainty; delicate, delicious; dulcet; luscious &c. 396; palatable &c. 394; luxurious, voluptuous; sensual &c. 377.
[of people] attractive &c. 615; inviting, prepossessing, engaging; winning, winsome; taking, fascinating, captivating, killing; seducing, seductive; heart-robbing, alluring, enticing; appetizing &c. (exciting) 824; cheering &c. 836; bewitching; enchanting, entrancing, enravis.h.i.+ng[obs3].
charming; delightful, felicitous, exquisite; lovely &c. (beautiful) 845; ravis.h.i.+ng, rapturous; heartfelt, thrilling, ecstatic; beatic[obs3]; beatific; seraphic; empyrean; elysian &c. (heavenly) 981.
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