Roget's Thesaurus Part 116
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under correction, with due deference.
Phr. I am your obedient servant, I am your very humble servant; my service to you; da loc.u.m melioribus [Lat][Terence]; parvum parva decent [Lat][Horace].
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#880. Vanity. -- N. vanity; conceit, conceitedness; self-conceit, self-complacency, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, self-esteem, self- love, self-approbation, self-praise, self-glorification, self-laudation, self-gratulation[obs3], self-applause, self-admiration; amour propre[Fr]; selfishness &c. 943.
airs, affected manner, pretensions, mannerism; egotism; priggism[obs3], priggishness; c.o.xcombry, gaudery[obs3], vainglory, elation; pride &c. 878; ostentation &c. 882; a.s.surance &c. 885.
vox et praeterea nihil[Lat]; cheval de bataille[Fr]. c.o.xcomb &c. 854 Sir Oracle &c. 887.
V. be vain &c. adj., be vain of; pique oneself &c. (pride) 878; lay the flattering unction to one's soul.
have too high an opinion of oneself, have an overweening opinion of oneself, have too high an opinion of one's talents; blind oneself as to one's own merit; not think small beer of oneself, not think vin ordinaire of oneself[Fr]; put oneself forward; fish for compliments; give oneself airs &c. (a.s.sume) 885; boast &c. 884.
render vain &c. adj.; inspire with vanity &c. n.; inflate, puff up, turn up, turn one's head.
Adj. vain, vain as a peac.o.c.k, proud as a peac.o.c.k; conceited, overweening, pert, forward; vainglorious, high-flown; ostentatious &c.
882; puffed up, inflated, flushed.
self-satisfied, self-confident, self-sufficient, self-flattering, self-admiring, self-applauding, self-glorious, self-opinionated; entente &c. (wrongheaded) 481; wise in one's own conceit, pragmatical[obs3], overwise[obs3], pretentious, priggish; egotistic, egotistical; soi-disant &c. (boastful) 884[Fr]; arrogant &c. 885.
unabashed, unblus.h.i.+ng; unconstrained, unceremonious; free and easy.
Adv. vainly &c. adj.
Phr. "how we apples swim!" [Swift]; "prouder than rustling in unpaid-for silk" [Cymbeline].
#881. Modesty. -- N. modesty; humility &c. 879; diffidence, timidity; retiring disposition; un.o.btrusiveness; bashfulness &c. adj.; mauvaise honte[Fr]; blush, blus.h.i.+ng; verecundity ; self-knowledge.
reserve, constraint; demureness &c. adj.; "blus.h.i.+ng honors" [Henry VIII].
V. be modest &c. adj.; retire, reserve oneself; give way to; draw in one's horns &c. 879; hide one's face.
keep private, keep in the background, keep one's distance; pursue the noiseless tenor of one's way, "do good by stealth and blush to find it fame" [Pope], hide one's light under a bushel, cast a sheep's eye.
Adj. modest, diffident; humble &c. 879; timid, timorous, bashful; shy, nervous, skittish, coy, sheepish, shamefaced, blus.h.i.+ng, overmodest.
unpretending[obs3], unpretentious; un.o.btrusive, una.s.suming, unostentatious, unboastful[obs3], unaspiring; poor in spirit.
out of countenance &c. (humbled) 879. reserved, constrained, demure.
Adv. humbly &c. adj.; quietly, privately; without ceremony, without beat of drum; sans fa on.
Phr. "not stepping o'er the bounds of modesty" [Romeo and Juliet]; "thy modesty's a candle to thy merit" [Fielding].
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#882. Ostentation. -- N. ostentation, display, show, flourish, parade, etalage[Fr], pomp, array, state, solemnity; dash, splash, splurge, glitter, strut, pomposity; pretense, pretensions; showing off; fuss.
magnificence, splendor; coup d'oeil[Fr]; grand doings.
coup de theatre; stage effect, stage trick; claptrap; mise en scene[Fr]; tour de force; chic.
demonstration, flying colors; tomfoolery; flourish of trumpets &c.
(celebration) 883; pageant, pageantry; spectacle, exhibition, exposition, procession; turn out, set out; grand function; fte, gala, field day, review, march past, promenade, insubstantial pageant.
dress; court dress, full dress, evening dress, ball dress, fancy dress; tailoring, millinery, man millinery, frippery, foppery, equipage.
ceremony, ceremonial; ritual; form, formality; etiquette; puncto[Lat], punctilio, punctiliousness; starched stateliness, stateliness.
mummery, solemn mockery, mouth honor.
att.i.tudinarian[obs3]; fop &c. 854.
V. be ostentatious &c. adj.; come forward, put oneself forward; attract attention, star it.
cut a figure, make a dash, make a splash, make a splurge, cut a dash, cut a splash, cut a splurge; figure, figure away; make a show, make a display; glitter.
show off, show off one's paces; parade, march past; display, exhibit, put forward, hold up; trot out, hand out; sport, brandish, blazon forth; dangle, dangle before the eyes.
cry up &c. (praise) 931; p.r.o.ner[Fr], flaunt, emblazon, prink[obs3], set off, mount, have framed and glazed.
put a good face upon, put a smiling face upon; clean the outside of the platter &c. (disguise) 544.
Adj. ostentatious, showy, das.h.i.+ng, pretentious; janty[obs3], jaunty; grand, pompous, palatial; high-sounding; turgid &c. (big-sounding) 577; gairish[obs3], garish; gaudy, gaudy as a peac.o.c.k, gaudy as a b.u.t.terfly, gaudy as a tulip; flaunting, flas.h.i.+ng, flaming, glittering; gay &c.
(ornate) 847.
splendid, magnificent, sumptuous.
theatrical, dramatic, spectacular; ceremonial, ritual.
solemn, stately, majestic, formal, stiff, ceremonious, punctilious, starched.
dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, decjed out, all decked out, en granite tenue[Fr], in best bib and tucker, in Sunday best, endimanch, chic.
Adv. with flourish of trumpet, with beat of drum, with flying colors.
ad captandum vulgus[Lat.].
Phr. honores mutant mores[Lat].
#883. Celebration. -- N. celebration, solemnization, jubilee, commemoration, ovation, paean, triumph, jubilation, ceremony (rite) 998; holiday, fiesta, zarabanda[obs3], revelry, feast (amus.e.m.e.nt) 840; china anniversary, diamond anniversary, golden anniversary, silver anniversary, tin anniversary, china jubilee, diamond jubilee, golden jubilee, silver jubilee, tin jubilee, china wedding, diamond wedding, golden wedding, silver wedding, tin wedding.
triumphal arch, bonfire, salute; salvo, salvo of artillery; feu de joie[Fr], flourish of trumpets, fanfare, colors flying, illuminations.
inauguration, installation, presentation; coronation; Lord Mayor's show; harvest-home, red-letter day; trophy &,:c. 733; Te Deum &c.
(thanksgiving) 990[Lat]; fete &c. 882; holiday &c. 840; Forefathers' Day [U. S.].
V. celebrate keep, signalize, do honor to, commemorate, solemnize, hallow, mark with a red letter.
pledge, drink to, toast, hob and n.o.b[obs3].
inaugurate, install, chair.
rejoice &c. 838; kill the fatted calf, hold jubilee, roast an ox.
Adj. celebrating &c. v.; commemorative, celebrated, immortal.
Adv. in honor of, in commemoration of.
Int. hail! all hail! io paean, io triumphe[obs3]! "see the conquering hero comes!".
#884. Boasting. -- N. boasting &c. v.; boast, vaunt, crake ; pretense, pretensions; puff, puffery; flourish, fanfaronade[obs3]; gasconade; blague[obs3], bluff, gas*; highfalutin, highfaluting[obs3]; hot air, spread-eagleism [obs3][U. S.]; brag, braggardism[obs3]; bravado, bunk.u.m, buncombe; jact.i.tation[obs3], jactancy[obs3]; bounce; venditation , vaporing, rodomontade, bombast, fine talking, tall talk, magniloquence, teratology , heroics; Chauvinism; exaggeration &c. 549.
vanity &c. 880; vox et praeterea nihil[Lat]; much cry and little wool, brutum fulmen[Lat].
exultation; gloriation , glorification; flourish of trumpets; triumph &c. 883.
boaster; braggart, braggadocio; Gascon[Fr], fanfaron[obs3], pretender, soi-disant[Fr]; blower [U. S.], bluffer, Foxy Quiller[obs3]; bl.u.s.terer &c.
887; charlatan, jack-pudding, trumpeter; puppy &c. (fop) 854.
V. boast, make a boast of, brag, vaunt, Puff, show off, flourish, crake , crack, trumpet, strut, swagger, vapor; blague[obs3], blow, four- flush *, bluff.
exult, crow, crow over, neigh, chuckle, triumph; throw up one's cap; talk big, se faire valoir[Fr], faire claquer son fouet[obs3][Fr], take merit to oneself, make a merit of, sing Io triumphe[obs3], holloa before one is out of the wood[obs3].
Adj. boasting &c. v.; magniloquent, flaming, Thrasonic, stilted, gasconading, braggart, boastful, pretentious, soi-disant[Fr]; vainglorious &c. (conceited) 880; highfalutin, highfaluting[obs3]; spread-eagle [U.
elate, elated; jubilant, triumphant, exultant; in high feather; flushed, flushed with victory; c.o.c.k-a-hoop; on stilts.
vaunted &c. v.
Adv. vauntingly &c. adj.
Phr. "let the galled jade wince" [Hamlet]; facta non verba[Lat].
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#885. [Undue a.s.sumption of superiority.] Insolence. -- N. insolence; haughtiness &c. adj.; arrogance, airs; overbearance[obs3]; domineering &c.
v.; tyranny &c. 739.
impertinence; sauciness &c. adj.; flippancy, dicacity , petulance, procacity[obs3], bl.u.s.ter; swagger, swaggering &c. v.; bounce; terrorism.
a.s.sumption, presumption; beggar on horseback; usurpation.
impudence, a.s.surance, audacity, hardihood, front, face, bra.s.s; shamelessness &c. adj.; effrontery, hardened front, face of bra.s.s.
a.s.sumption of infallibility.
saucebox &c. (bl.u.s.terer) 887[obs3].
V. be insolent &c. adj.; bl.u.s.ter, vapor, swagger, swell, give oneself airs, snap one's fingers, kick up a dust; swear &c. (affirm) 535; rap out oaths; roister. arrogate; a.s.sume, presume; make bold, make free; take a liberty, give an inch and take an ell.
domineer, bully, dictate, hector; lord it over; traiter de haut en bas[Fr], regarder de haut en bas[Fr]; exact; snub, huff., beard, fly in the face of; put to the blush; bear down, beat down; browbeat, intimidate; trample down, tread down, trample under foot; dragoon, ride roughshod over.
out face, outlook, outstare, outbrazen[obs3], outbrave[obs3]; stare out of countenance; brazen out; lay down the law; teach one's grandmother to suck eggs; a.s.sume a lofty bearing; talk big, look big; put on big looks, act the grand seigneur[Fr]; mount the high horse, ride the high horse; toss the head, carry, with a high hand.
tempt Providence, want snuffing.
Adj. insolent, haughty, arrogant, imperious, magisterial, dictatorial, arbitrary; high-handed, high and mighty; contumelious, supercilious, overbearing, intolerant, domineering, overweening, high-flown.
flippant, pert, fresh [U. S.], cavalier, saucy, forward, impertinent, malapert.
precocious, a.s.suming, would-be, b.u.mptious.
bluff; brazen, shameless, aweless, unblushlng[obs3], unabashed; brazen, boldfaced-, barefaced-, brazen-faced; dead to shame, lost to shame.
impudent, audacious, presumptuous, free and easy, devil-may-care, rollicking; jaunty, janty[obs3]; roistering, bl.u.s.tering, hectoring, swaggering, vaporing; thrasonic, fire eating, "full of sound and fury"
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