Roget's Thesaurus Part 30

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(support) 215; haven &c. (refuge) 666; goal &c. (arrival) 292.

V. be quiescent &c. adj.; stand still, lie still; keep quiet, repose, hold the breath.

remain, stay; stand, lie to, ride at anchor, remain in situ, tarry, mark time; bring to, heave to, lay to; pull up, draw up; hold, halt; stop, stop short; rest, pause, anchor; cast to an anchor, come to an anchor; rest on one's oars; repose on one's laurels, take breath; stop &c. (discontinue) 142.

stagnate; quieta non movere[Lat]; let alone; abide, rest and be thankful; keep within doors, stay at home, go to bed.

dwell &c. (be present) 186; settle &c. (be located) 184; alight &c.

(arrive) 292 stick, stick fast; stand like a post; not stir a peg, not stir a step; be at a stand &c. n. quell, becalm, hush, stay, lull to sleep, lay an embargo on.

Adj. quiescent, still; motionless, moveless; fixed; stationary; immotile; at rest at a stand, at a standstill, at anchor; stock, still; standing still &c. v.; sedentary, untraveled, stay-at-home; becalmed, stagnant, quiet; unmoved, undisturbed, unruffled; calm, restful; cataleptic; immovable &c. (stable) 150; sleeping &c. (inactive) 683; silent &c. 403; still as a statue, still as a post, still as a mouse, still as death; vegetative, vegetating.

Adv. at a stand &c. adj.; tout court; at the halt.

Int. stop! stay! avast! halt! hold hard! whoa! hold! sabr karo[obs3]!.

Phr. requiescat in pace[Lat]; Deus n.o.bis haec otia fecit [Lat][Vergil]; "the noonday quiet holds the hill" [Tennyson].

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#266. [Locomotion by land.] Journey. -- N. travel; traveling &c. v.

wayfaring, campaigning.

journey, excursion, expedition, tour, trip, grand tour, circuit, peregrination, discursion , ramble, pilgrimage, hajj, trek, course, ambulation[obs3], march, walk, promenade, const.i.tutional, stroll, saunter, tramp, jog trot, turn, stalk, perambulation; noctambulation[obs3], noctambulism; somnambulism; outing, ride, drive, airing, jaunt.

equitation, horsemans.h.i.+p, riding, manege[Fr], ride and tie; basophobia[obs3].

roving, vagrancy, pererration ; marching and countermarching; nomadism; vagabondism, vagabondage; hoboism [U.S.]; gadding; flit, flitting, migration; emigration, immigration, demigration , intermigration[obs3]; wanderl.u.s.t.

plan, itinerary, guide; handbook, guidebook, road book; Baedeker[obs3], Bradshaw, Murray; map, road map, transportation guide, subway map.

procession, cavalcade, caravan, file, cortege, column.

[Organs and instruments of locomotion] vehicle &c. 272; automobile, train, bus, airplane, plane, autobus, omnibus, subway, motorbike, dirt bike, off-road vehicle, van, minivan, motor scooter, trolley, locomotive; legs, feet, pegs, pins, trotters.

traveler &c. 268.

depot [U.S.], railway station, station.

V. travel, journey, course; take a journey, go a journey; take a walk, go out for walk &c. n.; have a run; take the air.

flit, take wing; migrate, emigrate; trek; rove, prowl, roam, range, patrol, pace up and down, traverse; scour the country, traverse the country; peragrate ; circ.u.mambulate, perambulate; nomadize[obs3], wander, ramble, stroll, saunter, hover, go one's rounds, straggle; gad, gad about; expatiate.

walk, march, step, tread, pace, plod, wend, go by shank's mare; promenade; trudge, tramp; stalk, stride, straddle, strut, foot it, hoof it, stump, bundle, bowl along, toddle; paddle; tread a path.

take horse, ride, drive, trot, amble, canter, prance, fisk[obs3], frisk, caracoler[obs3], caracole; gallop &c. (move quickly) 274.

[start riding] embark, board, set out, hit the road, get going, get underway.

peg on, jog on, wag on, shuffle on; stir one's stumps; bend one's steps, bend one's course; make one's way, find one's way, wend one's way, pick one's way, pick one's way, thread one's way, plow one's way; slide, glide, coast, skim, skate; march in procession, file on, defile.

go to, repair to, resort to, hie to, betake oneself to.

Adj. traveling &c. v.; ambulatory, itinerant, peripatetic, roving, rambling, gadding, discursive, vagrant, migratory, monadic; circ.u.mforanean[obs3], circ.u.mforaneous[obs3]; noctivagrant[obs3], mundivagrant; locomotive.

wayfaring, wayworn; travel-stained.

Adv. on foot, on horseback, on Shanks's mare; by the Marrowbone stage, in transitu &c. 270[Lat]; en route &c. 282.

Int. come along!

#267. [Locomotion by water, or air.] Navigation. -- N. navigation; aquatics; boating, yachting; s.h.i.+p &c. 273; oar, paddle, screw, sail, canvas, aileron.

natation[obs3], swimming; fin, flipper, fish's tail.

aerostation[obs3], aerostatics[obs3], aeronautics; balloonery[obs3]; balloon &c. 273; ballooning, aviation, airmans.h.i.+p; flying, flight, volitation[obs3]; wing, pinion; rocketry, s.p.a.ce travel, astronautics, orbital mechanics, orbiting.

voyage, sail, cruise, pa.s.sage, circ.u.mnavigation, periplus[obs3]; headway, sternway, leeway; fairway.

mariner &c. 269.

flight, trip; shuttle, run, airlift.

V. sail; put to sea &c. (depart) 293; take s.h.i.+p, get under way; set sail, spread sail, spread canvas; gather way, have way on; make sail, carry sail; plow the waves, plow the deep, plow the main, plow the ocean; walk the waters.

navigate, warp, luff[obs3], scud, boom, kedge; drift, course, cruise, coast; hug the sh.o.r.e, hug the land; circ.u.mnavigate.

ply the oar, row, paddle, pull, scull, punt, steam.

swim, float; buffet the waves, ride the storm, skim, effleurer[Fr], dive, wade.

fly, be wafted, hover, soar, flutter, jet, orbit, rocket; take wing, take a flight, take off, ascend, blast off, land, alight; wing one's flight, wing one's way; aviate; parachute, jump, glide.

Adj. sailing &c. v.; volant[obs3], aerostatic[obs3]; seafaring, nautical, maritime, naval; seagoing, coasting; afloat; navigable; aerial, aeronautic; grallatory[obs3].

Adv. under way, under sail, under canvas, under steam; on the wing, in flight, in orbit.

Phr. bon voyage; "spread the thin oar and catch the driving gale"


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#268. Traveler. -- N. traveler, wayfarer, voyager, itinerant, pa.s.senger, commuter.

tourist, excursionist, explorer, adventurer, mountaineer, hiker, backpacker, Alpine Club; peregrinator[obs3], wanderer, rover, straggler, rambler; bird of pa.s.sage; gadabout, gadling[obs3]; vagrant, scatterling[obs3], landloper[obs3], waifs and estrays[obs3], wastrel, foundling; loafer; tramp, tramper; vagabond, nomad, Bohemian, gypsy, Arab[obs3], Wandering Jew, Hadji, pilgrim, palmer; peripatetic; somnambulist, emigrant, fugitive, refugee; beach comber, booly[obs3]; globegirdler[obs3], globetrotter; vagrant, hobo [U.S.], night walker, sleep walker; noctambulist, runabout, straphanger, swagman, swagsman [obs3][Aust.]; trecker[obs3], trekker, zingano[obs3], zingaro[obs3].

runner, courier; Mercury, Iris, Ariel[obs3], comet.

pedestrian, walker, foot pa.s.senger; cyclist; wheelman.

rider, horseman, equestrian, cavalier, jockey, roughrider, trainer, breaker.

driver, coachman, whip, Jehu, charioteer, postilion, postboy[obs3], carter, wagoner, drayman[obs3]; cabman, cabdriver; voiturier[obs3], vetturino[obs3], condottiere[obs3]; engine driver; stoker, fireman, guard; chauffeur, conductor, engineer, gharry-wallah[obs3], gari-wala[obs3], hackman, syce[obs3], truckman[obs3].

Phr. on the road

#269. Mariner. -- N. sailor, mariner, navigator; seaman, seafarer, seafaring man; dock walloper*; tar, jack tar, salt, able seaman, A. B.; man-of-war's man, bluejacket, galiongee[obs3], galionji[obs3], marine, jolly, mids.h.i.+pman, middy; skipper; s.h.i.+pman[obs3], boatman, ferryman, waterman[obs3], lighterman[obs3], bargeman, longsh.o.r.eman; bargee[obs3], gondolier; oar, oarsman; rower; boatswain, c.o.c.kswain[obs3]; c.o.xswain; steersman, pilot; crew.

aerial navigator, aeronaut, balloonist, Icarus; aeroplanist[obs3], airman, aviator, birdman, man-bird, wizard of the air, aviatrix, flier, pilot, test pilot, glider pilot, bush pilot, navigator, flight attendant, steward, stewardess, crew; astronaut, cosmonaut; parachutist, paratrooper.

#270. Transference. -- N. transfer, transference; translocation, elocation ; displacement; metastasis, metathesis; removal; remotion[obs3], amotion[obs3]; relegation; deportation, asportation[obs3]; extradition, conveyance, draft, carrying, carriage; convection, conduction, contagion; transfer &c. (of property) 783.

transit, transition; pa.s.sage, ferry, gestation; portage, porterage[obs3], carting, cartage; shoveling &c. v.; vection , vecture , vect.i.tation ; s.h.i.+pment, freight, wafture[obs3]; transmission, transport, transportation, importation, exportation, transumption[obs3], transplantation, translation; s.h.i.+fting, dodging; dispersion &c. 73; transposition &c. (interchange) 148; traction &c. 285.

[Thing transferred] drift.

V. transfer, transmit, transport, transplace[obs3], transplant, translocate; convey, carry, bear, fetch and carry; carry over, ferry over; hand pa.s.s, forward; s.h.i.+ft; conduct, convoy, bring, fetch, reach; tote [U.S.]; port, import, export.

send, delegate, consign, relegate, turn over to, deliver; s.h.i.+p, embark; waft; shunt; transpose &c. (interchange) 148; displace &c. 185; throw &c. 284; drag &c. 285; mail, post.

shovel, ladle, decant, draft off, transfuse, infuse, siphon.

Adj. transferred &c. v.; drifted, movable; portable, portative[obs3]; mailable [U.S.]; contagious.

Adv. from hand to hand, from pillar to post.

on the way, by the way; on the road, on the wing, under way, in transit, on course; as one goes; in transitu[Lat], en route, chemin faisant[Fr], en pa.s.sant[Fr], in mid progress, in mid course.

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#271. Carrier. -- N. carrier, porter, bearer, tranter , conveyer; cargador[obs3]; express, expressman; stevedore, coolie; conductor, locomotive, motor.

beast, beast of burden, cattle, horse, nag, palfrey, Arab[obs3], blood horse, thoroughbred, galloway[obs3], charger, courser, racer, hunter, jument[obs3], pony, filly, colt, foal, barb, roan, jade, hack, bidet, pad, cob, t.i.t, punch, roadster, goer[obs3]; racehorse, pack horse, draft horse, cart horse, dray horse, post horse; ketch; Shetland pony, shelty, sheltie; garran[obs3], garron[obs3]; jennet, genet[obs3], bayard[obs3], mare, stallion, gelding; bronco, broncho[obs3], cayuse [U.S.]; creature, critter [rural U.S.]; cow pony, mustang, Narraganset, waler[obs3]; stud.

Pegasus, Bucephalus, Rocinante.

a.s.s, donkey, jacka.s.s, mule, hinny; sumpter horse, sumpter mule; burro, cuddy[obs3], ladino [obs3][U.S.]; reindeer; camel, dromedary, llama, elephant; carrier pigeon.

[object used for carrying] pallet, brace, cart, dolley; support &c.

215; fork lift.

carriage &c. (vehicle) 272; s.h.i.+p &c. 273.

Adj. equine, asinine.

#272. Vehicle. -- N. vehicle, conveyance, carriage, caravan, van; common carrier; wagon, waggon[obs3], wain, dray, cart, lorry.

truck, tram; cariole, carriole[obs3]; limber, tumbrel, pontoon; barrow; wheel barrow, hand barrow; perambulator; Bath chair, wheel chair, sedan chair; chaise; palankeen[obs3], palanquin; litter, brancard[obs3], crate, hurdle, stretcher, ambulance; black Maria; conestoga wagon, conestoga wain; jinrikisha, ricksha, brett[obs3], dearborn [obs3][U.S.], dump cart, hack, hackery[obs3], jigger, kittereen[obs3], mailstate[obs3], manomotor[obs3], rig, rockaway[obs3], prairie schooner [U.S.], shay, sloven [Can.], team, tonga[obs3], wheel; hobbyhorse, go-cart; cycle; bicycle, bike, two-wheeler; tricycle, velocipede, quadricycle[obs3].

equipage, turn-out; coach, chariot, phaeton, break, mail phaeton, wagonette, drag, curricle[obs3], tilbury[obs3], whisky, landau, barouche, victoria, brougham, clarence[obs3], calash, caleche[French], britzka[obs3], araba[obs3], kibitka[obs3]; berlin; sulky, desobligeant[French], sociable, vis-a-vis, dormeuse[Fr]; jaunting car, outside car; dandi[obs3]; doolie[obs3], dooly[obs3]; munchil[obs3], palki[obs3]; roller skates, skate; runabout; ski; tonjon[obs3]; vettura[obs3].

post chaise, diligence, stage; stage coach, mail coach, hackney coach, gla.s.s coach; stage wagon, car, omnibus, fly, cabriolet[obs3], cab, hansom, shofle[obs3], four-wheeler, growler, droshki[obs3], drosky[obs3].

dogcart, trap, whitechapel, buggy, four-in-hand, unicorn, random, tandem; shandredhan[obs3], char-a-bancs[French].

motor car, automobile, limousine, car, auto, jalopy, clunker, lemon, flivver, coupe, sedan, two-door sedan, four-door sedan, luxury sedan; wheels [coll.], sports car, roadster, gran turismo[It], jeep, four-wheel drive vehicle, electric car, steamer; golf cart, electric wagon; taxicab, cab, taxicoach[obs3], checker cab, yellow cab; station wagon, family car; motorcycle, motor bike, side car; van, minivan, bus, minibus, microbus; truck, wagon, pick-up wagon, pick-up, tractor-trailer, road train, articulated vehicle; racing car, racer, hot rod, stock car, souped-up car..

bob, bobsled, bobsleigh[obs3]; cutter; double ripper, double runner [U.S.]; jumper, sled, sledge, sleigh, toboggan.

train; accommodation train, pa.s.senger train, express trail, special train, corridor train, parliamentary train, luggage train, freight train, goods train; 1st cla.s.s train, 2nd cla.s.s train, 3rd cla.s.s train, 1st cla.s.s carriage, 2nd cla.s.s carriage, 3rd cla.s.s carriage, 1st cla.s.s compartment, 2nd cla.s.s compartment, 3rd cla.s.s compartment; rolling stock; horse box, cattle truck; baggage car, express car, freight car, parlor car, dining car, Pullman car, sleeping car, sleeper, dome car; surface car, tram car, trolley car; box car, box wagon; horse car [U.S.]; bullet train, s.h.i.+nkansen [j.a.p.], cannonball, the Wabash cannonball, lightning express; luggage van; mail, mail car, mail van.

shovel, spool, spatula, ladle, hod, hoe; spade, spaddle[obs3], loy[obs3]; spud; pitchfork; post hole digger.

[powered construction vehicles] tractor, steamshovel, backhoe, fork lift, earth mover, dump truck, bulldozer, grader, caterpillar, trench digger, steamroller; pile driver; crane, wrecking crane.

#273. s.h.i.+p. -- N. s.h.i.+p, vessel, sail; craft, bottom.

navy, marine, fleet, flotilla; s.h.i.+pping.

man of war &c. (combatant) 726; transport, tender, stores.h.i.+p[obs3]; merchant s.h.i.+p, merchantman; packet, liner; whaler, slaver, collier, coaster, lighter; fis.h.i.+ng boat, pilot boat; trawler, hulk; yacht; baggala[obs3]; floating hotel, floating palace; ocean greyhound.

s.h.i.+p, bark, barque, brig, snow, hermaphrodite brig; brigantine, barkantine[obs3]; schooner; topsail schooner, for and aft schooner, three masted schooner;[Fr]; sloop, cutter, corvette, clipper, foist, yawl, dandy, ketch, smack, lugger, barge, hoy[obs3], cat, buss; sailer, sailing vessel; windjammer; steamer, steamboat, steams.h.i.+p, liner, ocean liner, cruisp, flap, dab, pat, thump, beat, blow, bang, slam, dash; punch, thwack, whack; hit hard, strike hard; swap, batter, dowse , baste; pelt, patter, buffet, belabor; fetch one a blow; poke at, pip, s.h.i.+p of the line; destroyer, cruiser, frigate; landing s.h.i.+p, LST[abbr]; aircraft carrier, carrier, flattop[coll.], nuclear powered carrier; submarine, submersible, atomic submarine.

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