Roget's Thesaurus Part 32

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#282. [Motion forward; progressive motion.] Progression. -- N.

progress, progression, progressiveness; advancing &c. v.; advance, advancement; ongoing; flood, tide, headway; march &c. 266; rise; improvement &c. 658.

V. advance; proceed, progress; get on, get along, get over the ground; gain ground; forge ahead; jog on, rub on, wag on; go with the stream; keep one's course, hold on one's course; go on, move on, come one, get on, pa.s.s on, push on, press on, go forward, move forward, come forward, get forward, pa.s.s forward, push forward, press forward, go forwards, move forwards, come forwards, get forwards, pa.s.s forwards, push forwards, press forwards, go ahead, move ahead, come ahead, get ahead, pa.s.s ahead, push ahead, press ahead; make one's way, work one's way, carve one's way, push one's way, force one's way, edge one's way, elbow one's way; make progress, make head, make way, make headway, make advances, make strides, make rapid strides &c.

(velocity) 274; go ahead, shoot ahead; distance; make up leeway.

Adj. advancing &c. v.; progressive, profluent[obs3]; advanced.

Adv. forward, onward; forth, on, ahead, under way, en route for, on one's way, on the way, on the road, on the high road, on the road to; in progress; in mid progress; in transitu &c. 270[Lat].

Phr. vestigia nulla retrorsum[Lat]; "westward the course of empire takes its way" [Berkeley].

#283. [Motion backwards.] Regression. -- N. regress, regression; retrocession[obs3], retrogression, retrograduation[obs3], retroaction; reculade[obs3]; retreat, withdrawal, retirement, remigration[obs3]; recession &c. (motion from) 287; recess; crab-like motion.

refluence[obs3], reflux; backwater, regurgitation, ebb, return; resilience reflection, reflexion (recoil) 277[Brit]; flip-flop, volte- face[Fr].

counter motion, retrograde motion, backward movement, motion in reverse, counter movement, counter march; veering, tergiversation, recidivation , backsliding, fall; deterioration &c. 659; recidivism, recidivity[obs3].

reversal, relapse, turning point &c.(reversion) 145.

V. recede, regrade, return, revert, retreat, retire; retrograde, retrocede; back out; back down; balk; crawfish* [U.S.], crawl*; withdraw; rebound &c. 277; go back, come back, turn back, hark back, draw back, fall back, get back, put back, run back; lose ground; fall astern, drop astern; backwater, put about; backtrack, take the back track; veer round; double, wheel, countermarch; ebb, regurgitate; jib, shrink, shy.

turn tail, turn round, turn upon one's heel, turn one's back upon; retrace one's steps, dance the back step; sound a retreat, beat a retreat; go home.

Adj. receding &c. v.; retrograde, retrogressive; regressive, refluent[obs3], reflex, recidivous, resilient; crab-like; balky; reactionary &c. 277.

Adv. back, backwards; reflexively, to the right about; a reculons[Fr], a rebours[Fr].

Phr. revenons a nos moutons[Fr], as you were.

#284. [Motion given to an object situated in front.] Propulsion. -- N.

propulsion, projection; propelment[obs3]; vis a tergo[Lat: force from behind]; push, shove &c. (impulse) 276; e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e; ejection &c. 297; throw, fling, toss, shot, discharge, shy; launch, release.

[Science of propulsion] projectiles, ballistics, archery.

[devices to give propulsion] propeller, screw, twin screws, turbine, jet engine.

[objects propelled] missile, projectile, ball, discus, quoit, brickbat, shot; [weapons which propel] arrow, gun, ballista &c. (arms) 727[obs3].

[preparation for propulsion] countdown, windup.

shooter; shot; archer, toxophilite[obs3]; bowman, rifleman, marksman; good shot, crack shot; sharpshooter &c. (combatant) 726.

V. propel, project, throw, fling, cast, pitch, chuck, toss, jerk, heave, shy, hurl; flirt, fillip.

dart, lance, tilt; e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e, jaculate[obs3]; fulminate, bolt, drive, sling, pitchfork.

send; send off, let off, fire off; discharge, shoot; launch, release, send forth, let fly; put in orbit, send into orbit, launch into orbit dash.

put in motion, set in motion; set agoing[obs3], start; give a start, give an impulse to; impel &c. 276; trundle &c. (set in rotation) 312; expel &c. 297.

carry one off one's legs; put to flight.

Adj. propelled &c. v.; propelling &c. v..; propulsive, projectile.

#285. [Motion given to an object situated behind.] Traction. -- N.

traction; drawing &c. v.; draught, pull, haul; rake; "a long pull a strong pull and a pull all together"; towage[obs3], haulage.

V. draw, pull, haul, lug, rake, drag, tug, tow, trail, train; take in tow.

wrench, jerk, twitch, touse ; yank [U.S.].

Adj. drawing &c. v.; tractile[obs3], tractive.

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#286. [Motion towards.] Approach. -- N. approach, approximation, appropinquation[obs3]; access; appulse[obs3]; afflux[obs3], affluxion[obs3]; advent &c. (approach of time) 121; pursuit &c. 622.

V. approach, approximate, appropinquate[obs3]; near; get near, go near, draw near; come to close quarters, come near; move towards, set in towards; drift; make up to; gain upon; pursue &c. 622; tread on the heels of; bear up; make the land; hug the sh.o.r.e, hug the land.

Adj. approaching &c. v.; approximative[obs3]; affluent; impending, imminent &c. (destined) 152.

Adv. on the road.

Int. come hither! approach! here! come! come near! forward!

#287. [Motion from.] Recession. -- N. recession, retirement, withdrawal; retreat; retrocession &c. 283[obs3]; departure, &c. 293; recoil &c. 277; flight &c. (avoidance) 623.

V. recede, go, move back, move from, retire; withdraw, shrink, back off; come away, move away, back away, go away, get away, drift away; depart &c. 293; retreat &c. 283; move off, stand off, sheer off; fall back, stand aside; run away &c. (avoid) 623.

remove, shunt, distance.

Adj. receding &c. v.

Phr. distance oneself from a person.

#288. [Motion towards, actively; force causing to draw closer.]

Attraction. -- N. attraction, attractiveness; attractivity[obs3]; drawing to, pulling towards, adduction[obs3].

electrical attraction, electricity, static electricity, static, static cling; magnetism, magnetic attraction; gravity, attraction of gravitation.

[objects which attract by physical force] lodestone, loadstone, lodestar, loadstar[obs3]; magnet, permanent magnet, siderite, magnet.i.te; electromagnet; magnetic coil, voice coil; magnetic dipole; motor coil, rotor, stator.

electrical charge; positive charge, negative charge.

magnetic pole; north pole, south pole; magnetic monopole.

V. attract, draw; draw towards, pull towards, drag towards; adduce.

Adj. attracting &c. v.; attrahent[obs3], attractive, adducent[obs3], adductive[obs3].


Phr. ubi mel ibi apes [Latin][Plautus].

#289. [Motion from, actively; force driving apart.] Repulsion. -- N.

repulsion; driving from &c. v.; repulse, abduction.

magnetic repulsion, magnetic levitation; antigravity.

V. repel, push from, drive apart, drive from &c. 276; chase, dispel; retrude[obs3]; abduce[obs3], abduct; send away; repulse.

keep at arm's length, turn one's back upon, give the cold shoulder; send off, send away with a flea in one's ear.

Adj. repelling &c. v.; repellent, repulsive; abducent[obs3], abductive[obs3].

centripetal Phr. like charges repel; opposite charges attract; like poles repel, opposite poles attract.

#290. [Motion nearer to.] Convergence. -- N. convergence, confluence, concourse, conflux[obs3], congress, concurrence, concentration; convergency; appulse[obs3], meeting; corradiation[obs3].

a.s.semblage &c. 72; resort &c. (focus) 74; asymptote.

V. converge, concur, come together, unite, meet, fall in with; close with, close in upon; center round, center in; enter in; pour in.

gather together, unite, concentrate, bring into a focus.

Adj. converging &c. v.; convergent, confluent, concurrent; centripetal; asymptotical, asymptotic; confluxible[obs3].

#291. [Motion further off.] Divergence. -- N. divergence, divergency[obs3]; divarication, ramification, forking; radiation; separation &c. (disjunction) 44; dispersion &c. 73; deviation &c. 279; aberration.

V. diverge, divaricate, radiate; ramify; branch off, glance off, file off; fly off, fly off at a tangent; spread, scatter, disperse &c. 73; deviate &c. 279; part &c. (separate) 44.

Adj. diverging &c. v.; divergent, radiant, centrifugal; aberrant.

#292. [Terminal motion at.] Arrival. -- N. arrival, advent; landing; debarkation, disembarkation; reception, welcome, vin d'honneur[Fr].

home, goal, goalpost; landing place, landing stage; bunder[obs3]; resting place; destination, harbor, haven, port, airport, s.p.a.ceport; terminus, halting place, halting ground, landing strip, runway, terminal; journey's end; anchorage &c. (refuge) 666.

return, remigration[obs3]; meeting; rencounter[obs3], encounter.

completion &c. 729.

recursion[Math, Comp].

V. arrive; get to, come to; come; reach, attain; come up with, come up to; overtake, make, fetch; complete &c. 729; join, rejoin.

light, alight, dismount; land, go ash.o.r.e; debark, disembark; put in, put into; visit, cast anchor, pitch one's tent; sit down &c. (be located) 184; get to one's journey's end; make the land; be in at the death; come back, get back, come home, get home; return; come in &c. (ingress) 294; make one's appearance &c. (appear) 446; drop in; detrain, deplane; outspan; de-orbit.

come to hand; come at, come across; hit; come upon, light upon, pop upon, bounce upon, plump upon, burst upon, pitch upon; meet; encounter, rencounter[obs3]; come in contact.

Adj. arriving &c. v.; homeward bound.

Adv. here, hither.

Int. welcome! hail! all Hail! good-day, good morrow!

Phr. any port in a storm.

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#293. [Initial motion from.] Departure. -- N. departure, decession[obs3], decampment; embarkation; outset, start; removal; exit &c.

(egress) 295; exodus, hejira, flight.

leave taking, valediction, adieu, farewell, goodbye, auf wiedersehen[Ger], sayonara, dosvidanya[Russ], ciao, aloha, hasta la vista[Sp]; stirrup cup; valedictorian.

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