Roget's Thesaurus Part 40

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organic remains, fossils.

Adj. cadaverous, corpse-like; unburied &c. 363; sapromyiophyllous[obs3].

#363. Interment. -- N. interment, burial, sepulture[obs3]; inhumation ; obsequies, exequies[obs3]; funeral, wake, pyre, funeral pile; cremation.

funeral, funeral rite, funeral solemnity; kneel, pa.s.sing bell, tolling; dirge &c. (lamentation) 839; cypress; orbit, dead march, m.u.f.fled drum; mortuary, undertaker, mute; elegy; funeral, funeral oration, funeral sermon; epitaph.

graveclothes[obs3], shroud, winding sheet, cerecloth; cerement.

coffin, sh.e.l.l, sarcophagus, urn, pall, bier, hea.r.s.e, catafalque, cinerary urn[obs3].

grave, pit, sepulcher, tomb, vault, crypt, catacomb, mausoleum, Golgotha, house of death, narrow house; cemetery, necropolis; burial place, burial ground; grave yard, church yard; G.o.d's acre; tope, cromlech, barrow, tumulus, cairn; ossuary; bone house, charnel house, dead house; morgue; lich gate[obs3]; burning ghat[obs3]; crematorium, crematory; dokhma[obs3], mastaba[obs3], potter's field, stupa[obs3], Tower of Silence.

s.e.xton, gravedigger.

monument, cenotaph, shrine; grave stone, head stone, tomb stone; memento mori[Lat]; hatchment[obs3], stone; obelisk, pyramid.

exhumation, disinterment; necropsy, autopsy, post mortem examination[Lat]; zoothapsis[obs3].

V. inter, bury; lay in the grave, consign to the grave, lay in the tomb, entomb, in tomb; inhume; lay out, perform a funeral, embalm, mummify; toll the knell; put to bed with a shovel; inurn[obs3].

exhume, disinter, unearth.

Adj. burried &c. v.; burial, funereal, funebrial[obs3]; mortuary, sepulchral, cinerary[obs3]; elegiac; necroscopic[obs3].

Adv. in memoriam; post obit, post mortem[Lat]; beneath the sod.

Phr. hic jacet[Lat][obs3], ci-git[Fr]; RIP; requiescat in pace[Lat]; "the lone couch of his everlasting sleep" [Sh.e.l.ley]; "without a grave- unknell'd, uncoffin'd, and unknown" [Byron]; "in the dark union of insensate dust" [Byron]; "the deep cold shadow of the tomb" [Moore].

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#364. Animality. -- N. animal life; animation, animality[obs3], animalization[obs3]; animalness, corporeal nature, human system; breath.

flesh, flesh and blood; physique; strength &c. 159.

Adj. fleshly, human, corporeal.

#365. Vegetability . -- N. vegetable life; vegetation, vegetability ; vegetality[obs3].

V. vegetate, grow roots, put down roots.

Adj. rank, lush; vegetable, vegetal, vegetive[obs3].

#366. Animal. -- N. animal, animal kingdom; fauna; brute creation.

beast, brute, creature, critter [US dialect], wight, created being; creeping thing, living thing; dumb animal, dumb creature; zoophyte.

[major divisions of animals] mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, crustacean, sh.e.l.lfish, mollusk, worm, insect, arthropod, microbe.

[microscopic animals] microbe, animalcule &c. 193.

[reptiles] alligator, crocodile; saurian; dinosaur [extinct]; snake, serpent, viper, eft; asp, aspick[obs3].

[amphibians] frog, toad.

[fishes] trout, ba.s.s, tuna, muskelunge, sailfish, sardine, mackerel.

[insects] ant, mosquito, bee, honeybee.

[arthropods] tardigrade, spider.

[cla.s.sification by number of feet] biped, quadruped.

flocks and herds, live stock; domestic animals, wild animals; game, ferae naturae[Lat]; beasts of the field, fowls of the air, denizens of the sea; black game, black grouse; blackc.o.c.k[obs3], duck, grouse, plover, rail, snipe.

[domesticated mammals] horse &c. (beast of burden) 271; cattle, kine[obs3], ox; bull, bullock; cow, milch cow, calf, heifer, shorthorn; sheep; lamb, lambkin[obs3]; ewe, ram, tup; pig, swine, boar, hog, sow; steer, stot[obs3]; tag, teg[obs3]; bison, buffalo, yak, zebu, dog, cat.

[dogs] dog, hound; pup, puppy; whelp, cur, mongrel; house dog, watch dog, sheep dog, shepherd's dog, sporting dog, fancy dog, lap dog, toy dog, bull dog, badger dog; mastiff; blood hound, grey hound, stag hound, deer hound, fox hound, otter hound; harrier, beagle, spaniel, pointer, setter, retriever; Newfoundland; water dog, water spaniel; pug, poodle; turnspit; terrier; fox terrier, Skye terrier; Dandie Dinmont; collie.

[cats][generally] feline, puss, p.u.s.s.y; grimalkin[obs3]; gib cat, tom cat.

[wild mammals] fox, Reynard, vixen, stag, deer, hart, buck, doe, roe; caribou, coyote, elk, moose, musk ox, sambar[obs3].

bird; poultry, fowl, c.o.c.k, hen, chicken, chanticleer, partlet[obs3], rooster, dunghill c.o.c.k, barn door fowl; feathered tribes, feathered songster; singing bird, bird; canary, warbler; finch; aberdevine[obs3], cushat[obs3], cygnet, ringdove[obs3], siskin, swan, wood pigeon.

[undesirable animals] vermin, varmint[Western US], pest.

Adj. animal, zoological equine, bovine, vaccine, canine, feline, fishy; piscatory[obs3], piscatorial; molluscous[obs3], vermicular; gallinaceous, rasorial[obs3], solidungulate[obs3], soliped[obs3].

#367. Vegetable. -- N. vegetable, vegetable kingdom; flora, verdure.

plant; tree, shrub, bush; creeper; herb, herbage; gra.s.s.

annual; perennial, biennial, triennial; exotic.

timber, forest; wood, woodlands; timberland; hurst[obs3], frith[obs3], holt, weald[obs3], park, chase, greenwood, brake, grove, copse, coppice, bocage[obs3], tope, clump of trees, thicket, spinet, spinney; underwood, brushwood; scrub; boscage, bosk[obs3], ceja[Sp], chaparral, motte [obs3][U.S.].; arboretum &c. 371.

bush, jungle, prairie; heath, heather; fern, bracken; furze, gorse, whin; gra.s.s, turf; pasture, pasturage; turbary[obs3]; sedge, rush, weed; fungus, mushroom, toadstool; lichen, moss, conferva[obs3], mold; growth; alfalfa, alfilaria[obs3], banyan; blow, blowth[obs3]; floret[obs3], petiole; pin gra.s.s, timothy, yam, yew, zinnia.

foliage, branch, bough, ramage[obs3], stem, tigella[obs3]; spray &c.

51; leaf.

flower, blossom, bine[obs3]; flowering plant; timber tree, fruit tree; pulse, legume.

Adj. vegetable, vegetal, vegetive[obs3], vegitous ; herbaceous, herbal; botanic[obs3]; sylvan, silvan[obs3]; arborary[obs3], arboreous[obs3], arborescent[obs3], arborical ; woody,; verdant, verdurous; floral, mossy; lignous[obs3], ligneous; wooden, leguminous; vosky[obs3], cespitose[obs3], turf-like, turfy; endogenous, exogenous.

Phr. "green-robed senators of mighty woods" [Keats]; "this is the forest primeval" [Longfellow].

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#368. [The science of animals.] Zoology. -- N. zoology, zoonomy[obs3], zoography[obs3], zootomy[obs3]; anatomy; comparative anatomy; animal physiology, comparative physiology; morphology; mammalogy.

anthropology, ornithology, ichthyology, herpetology, ophiology[obs3], malacology[obs3], helminthology[Med], entomology, oryctology[obs3], paleontology, mastology[obs3], vermeology[obs3]; ichthy &c.

ichthyotomy[obs3]; taxidermy.

zoologist &c.

Adj. zoological &c. n.

#369. [The science of plants.] Botany. -- N. botany; physiological botany, structural botany, systematic botany; phytography[obs3], phytology[obs3], phytotomy[obs3]; vegetable physiology, herborization[obs3], dendrology, mycology, fungology[obs3], algology[obs3]; flora, romona; botanic garden &c. (garden) 371[obs3]; hortus siccus[Lat], herbarium, herbal.

botanist &c.; herbist[obs3], herbarist[obs3], herbalist, herborist[obs3], herbarian[obs3].

V. botanize, herborize[obs3].

Adj. botanical &c. n.; botanic[obs3].

#370. [The economy or management of animals.] Husbandry. -- N.

husbandry, taming &c. v.; circuration[obs3], zoohygiantics[obs3]; domestication, domesticity; manege[Fr], veterinary art; farriery[obs3]; breeding, pisciculture.

menagerie, vivarium, zoological garden; bear pit; aviary, apiary, alveary[obs3], beehive; hive; aquarium, fishery; duck pond, fish pond.

phthisozoics &c. (killing) 361[obs3][Destruction of animals]; euthanasia, sacrifice, humane destruction.

neatherd[obs3], cowherd, shepherd; grazier, drover, cowkeeper[obs3]; trainer, breeder; apiarian[obs3], apiarist; bull whacker [U.S.], cowboy, cow puncher [U.S.], farrier; horse leech, horse doctor; vaquero, veterinarian, vet, veterinary surgeon.

cage &c. (prison) 752; hencoop[obs3], bird cage, cauf[obs3]; range, sheepfold, &c. (inclosure) 232.

V. tame, domesticate, acclimatize, breed, tend, break in, train; cage, bridle, &c. (restrain) 751.

Adj. pastoral, bucolic; tame, domestic.

#371. [The economy or management of plants.] Agriculture. -- N.

agriculture, cultivation, husbandry, farming; georgics, geoponics[obs3]; tillage, agronomy, gardening, spade husbandry, vintage; horticulture, arboriculture[obs3], floriculture; landscape gardening; viticulture.

husbandman, horticulturist, gardener, florist; agricultor[obs3], agriculturist; yeoman, farmer, cultivator, tiller of the soil, woodcutter, backwoodsman; granger, habitat, vigneron[obs3], viticulturist; Triptolemus.

field, meadow, garden; botanic garden[obs3], winter garden, ornamental garden, flower garden, kitchen garden, market garden, hop garden; nursery; green house, hot house; conservatory, bed, border, seed plot; gra.s.splot[obs3], gra.s.splat[obs3], lawn; park &c. (pleasure ground) 840; parterre, shrubbery, plantation, avenue, arboretum, pinery[obs3], pinetum[obs3], orchard; vineyard, vinery; orangery[obs3]; farm &c. (abode) 189.

V. cultivate; till the soil; farm, garden; sow, plant; reap, mow, cut; manure, dress the ground, dig, delve, dibble, hoe, plough, plow, harrow, rake, weed, lop and top; backset [obs3][U.S.].

Adj. agricultural, agrarian, agrestic[obs3].

arable, predial[obs3], rural, rustic, country; horticultural.

#372. Mankind. -- N. man, mankind; human race, human species, human kind, human nature; humanity, mortality, flesh, generation.

[Science of man] anthropology, anthropogeny[obs3], anthropography[obs3], anthroposophy[obs3]; ethnology, ethnography; humanitarian.

human being; person, personage; individual, creature, fellow creature, mortal, body, somebody; one; such a one, some one; soul, living soul; earthling; party, head, hand; dramatis personae[Lat]; quidam[Lat].

people, persons, folk, public, society, world; community, community at large; general public; nation, nationality; state, realm; commonweal, commonwealth; republic, body politic; million &c. (commonalty) 876; population &c. (inhabitant) 188.

tribe, clan (paternity) 166; family (consanguinity) 11.

cosmopolite; lords of the creation; ourselves.

Adj. human, mortal, personal, individual, national, civic, public, social; cosmopolitan; anthropoid.

Phr. "am I not a man and a brother?" [Wedgwood].

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#373. Man. -- N. man, male, he, him; manhood &c. (adolescence) 131; gentleman, sir, master; sahib; yeoman, wight !, swain, fellow, blade, beau, elf, chap, gaffer, good man; husband &c. (married man) 903; Mr., mister; boy &c. (youth) 129.

[Male animal] c.o.c.k, drake, gander, dog, boar, stag, hart, buck, horse, entire horse, stallion; gibcat[obs3], tomcat; he goat, Billy goat; ram, tup; bull, bullock; capon, ox, gelding, steer, stot[obs3].

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