Roget's Thesaurus Part 46
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[Carlyle]; "will sing the savageness out of a bear" [Oth.e.l.lo]; music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.
#416. Musician. [Performance of Music.] -- N. musician, artiste, performer, player, minstrel; bard &c. (poet) 597; [specific types of musicians] accompanist, accordionist, instrumentalist, organist, pianist, violinist, flautist; harper, fiddler, fifer[obs3], trumpeter, piper, drummer; catgut sc.r.a.per.
band, orchestral waits.
vocalist, melodist; singer, warbler; songster, chaunter[obs3], chauntress[obs3], songstress; cantatrice[obs3].
choir, quire, chorister; chorus, chorus singer; liedertafel[Ger].
nightingale, philomel[obs3], thrush; siren; bulbul, mavis; Pierides; sacred nine; Orpheus, Apollo[obs3], the Muses Erato, Euterpe, Terpsich.o.r.e; tuneful nine, tuneful quire.
composer &c. 413.
performance, execution, touch, expression, solmization[obs3].
V. play, pipe, strike up, sweep the chords, tweedle, fiddle; strike the lyre, beat the drum; blow the horn, sound the horn, wind the horn; doodle; grind the organ; touch the guitar &c. (instruments) 417; thrum, strum, beat time.
execute, perform; accompany; sing a second, play a second; compose, set to music, arrange.
sing, chaunt, chant, hum, warble, carol, chirp, chirrup, lilt, purl, quaver, trill, shake, twitter, whistle; sol-fa[obs3]; intone.
have an ear for music, have a musical ear, have a correct ear.
Adj. playing &c. v.; musical.
Adv. adagio, andante &c. (music) 415.
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#417. Musical Instruments. -- N. musical instruments; band; string- band, bra.s.s-band; orchestra; orchestrina[obs3].
monochord[obs3][Stringed instruments], polychord[obs3]; harp, lyre, lute, archlute[obs3]; mandola[obs3], mandolin, mandoline[obs3]; guitar; zither; cither[obs3], cithern[obs3]; gittern[obs3], rebeck[obs3], bandurria[obs3], bandura, banjo; bina[obs3], vina[obs3]; xanorphica[obs3].
viol, violin; fiddle, kit; viola, viola d'amore[Fr], viola di gamba[It]; tenor, cremona, violoncello, ba.s.s; ba.s.s viol, base viol; theorbo[obs3], double base,[obs3], violone[obs3], *psaltery; bow, fiddlestick[obs3].
piano, pianoforte; harpsichord, clavichord, clarichord[obs3], manichord[obs3]; clavier, spinet, virginals, dulcimer, hurdy-gurdy, vielle[obs3], pianino[obs3], Eolian harp.
organ[Wind instruments]; harmonium, harmoniphon[obs3]; American organ[obs3], barrel organ, hand organ; accordion, seraphina[obs3], concertina; humming top.
flute, fife, piccolo, flageolet; clarinet, claronet[obs3]; ba.s.set horn, corno di ba.s.setto[obs3], oboe, hautboy, cor Anglais[Fr], corno Inglese[obs3], ba.s.soon, double ba.s.soon, contraf.a.gotto[obs3], serpent, ba.s.s clarinet; bagpipes, union pipes; musette, ocarina, Pandean pipes; reed instrument; sirene[obs3], pipe, pitch-pipe; sourdet[obs3]; whistle, catcall; doodlesack[obs3], harmoniphone[obs3].
horn, bugle, cornet, cornet-a-pistons, cornopean , clarion, trumpet, trombone, ophicleide[obs3]; French horn, saxophone, sax [informal], buglehorn[obs3], saxhorn, flugelhorn[obs3], althorn[obs3], helicanhorn[obs3], posthorn[obs3]; sackbut, euphonium, bombardon tuba[obs3].
[Vibrating surfaces] cymbal, bell, gong; tambour !, tambourine, tamborine[obs3]; drum, tom-tom; tabor, tabret[obs3], tabourine[obs3], taborin[obs3]; side drum, kettle drum; timpani, tympani[obs3]; tymbal[obs3], timbrel[obs3], castanet, bones; musical, musical stones; harmonica, sounding-board, rattle; tam-tam, zambomba[obs3].
[Vibrating bars] reed, tuning fork, triangle, Jew's harp, musical box, harmonicon[obs3], xylophone.
sordine[obs3], sordet[obs3]; sourdine[obs3], sourdet[obs3]; mute.
#418. [Sense of sound.] Hearing. -- N. hearing &c. v.; audition, auscultation; eavesdropping; audibility.
acute ear, nice ear, delicate ear, quick ear, sharp ear, correct ear, musical ear; ear for music.
ear, auricle, lug, acoustic organs, auditory apparatus; eardrum, tympanum, tympanic membrane.
[devices to aid human hearing by amplifying sound] ear trumpet, speaking trumpet, hearing aid, stethoscope.
[distance within which direct hearing is possible] earshot, hearing distance, hearing, hearing range, sound, carrying distance.
[devices for talking beyond hearing distance] telephone[exlist], phone, telephone booth, intercom, house phone, radiotelephone, radiophone, wireless, wireless telephone, mobile telephone, car radio, police radio, two-way radio, walkie-talkie[military], handie-talkie, citizen's band, CB, amateur radio, ham radio, short-wave radio, police band, s.h.i.+p-to-sh.o.r.e radio, airplane radio, control tower communication; (communication) 525, 527, 529, 531, 532; electronic devices (POINFO @.
[devices for recording and reproducing recorded sound] phonograph, gramophone, megaphone, phonorganon[obs3].
[device to convert sound to electrical signals] microphone,directional microphone, mike, hand mike, lapel microphone.
[devices to convert recorded sound to electronic signals] phonograph needle, stylus, diamond stylus, pickup; reading head (electronic devices).
hearer, auditor, listener, eavesdropper, listener-in.
auditory, audience.
[science of hearing] otology, otorhinolaryngology.
[physicians specializing in hearing] otologist, otorhinolaryngologist.
V. hear, overhear; hark, harken; list, listen, pay attention, take heed; give an ear, lend an ear, bend an ear; catch, catch a sound, p.r.i.c.k up one's ears; give ear, give a hearing, give audience to.
hang upon the lips of, be all ears, listen with both ears.
become audible; meet the ear, fall upon the ear, catch the ear, reach the ear; be heard; ring in the ear &c. (resound) 4O8.
Adj. hearing &c. v.; auditory, auricular, acoustic; phonic.
Adv. arrectis auribus[Lat].
Int. hark, hark ye! hear! list, listen! O yes! Oyez!
listen up [coll.]; listen here! hear ye! attention! achtung [German].
#419. Deafness. -- N. deafness, hardness of hearing, surdity ; inaudibility, inaudibleness[obs3].
V. be deaf &c. adj.; have no ear; shut one's ears, stop one's ears, close one's ears; turn a deaf ear to.
render deaf, stun, deafen.
Adj. deaf, earless[obs3], surd; hard of hearing, dull of hearing; deaf-mute, stunned, deafened; stone deaf; deaf as a post, deaf as an adder, deaf as a beetle, deaf as a trunkmaker[obs3].
inaudible, out of hearing.
Phr. hear no evil.
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-- (6) Light (i) LIGHT IN GENERAL --
#420. Light.-- N. light, ray, beam, stream, gleam, streak, pencil; sunbeam, moonbeam; aurora.
day; suns.h.i.+ne; light of day, light of heaven; moonlight, starlight, sun &c. (luminary) 432 light; daylight, broad daylight, noontide light; noontide, noonday, noonday sun.
glow &c. v.; glimmering &c. v.; glint; play of light, flood of light; phosph.o.r.escence, lambent flame.
flush, halo, glory, nimbus, aureola.
spark, scintilla; facula; sparkling &c. v.; emication , scintillation, flash, blaze, coruscation, fulguration[obs3]; flame &c. (fire) 382; lightning, levin[obs3], ignis fatuus[Lat], &c. (luminary) 423.
l.u.s.ter, sheen, s.h.i.+mmer, reflexion[Brit], reflection; gloss, tinsel, spangle, brightness, brilliancy, splendor; effulgence, refulgence; fulgor[obs3], fulgidity[obs3]; dazzlement[obs3], resplendence, transplendency[obs3]; luminousness &c. adj.; luminosity; lucidity; renitency , nitency[obs3]; radiance,, radiation; irradiation, illumination.
actinic rays, actinism; Roentgen-ray, Xray; photography, heliography; photometer &c. 445.
[Science of light] optics; photology[obs3], photometry; dioptrics[obs3], catoptrics[obs3].
[Distribution of light] chiaroscuro, clairobscur[obs3], clear obscure, breadth, light and shade, black and white, tonality.
reflection, refraction, dispersion; refractivity.
V. s.h.i.+ne, glow, glitter; glister, glisten; twinkle, gleam; flare, flare up; glare, beam, s.h.i.+mmer, glimmer, flicker, sparkle, scintillate, coruscate, flash, blaze; be bright &c. adj.; reflect light, daze, dazzle, bedazzle, radiate, shoot out beams; fulgurate.
clear up, brighten.
lighten, enlighten; levin[obs3]; light, light up; irradiate, s.h.i.+ne upon; give out a light, hang out a light; cast light upon, cast light in, throw light upon, throw light in, shed light upon, shed l.u.s.ter upon; illume[obs3], illumine, illuminate; relume[obs3], strike a light; kindle &c. (set fire to) 384.
Adj. s.h.i.+ning &c. v.; luminous, luminiferous[obs3]; lucid, lucent, luculent[obs3], lucific[obs3], luciferous; light, lightsome; bright, vivid, splendent[obs3], nitid[obs3], l.u.s.trous, s.h.i.+ny, beamy[obs3], scintillant[obs3], radiant, lambent; sheen, sheeny; glossy, burnished,, sunny, orient, meridian; noonday, tide; cloudless, clear; unclouded, un.o.bscured[obs3].
gairish[obs3], garish; resplendent, transplendent[obs3]; refulgent, effulgent; fulgid[obs3], fulgent[obs3]; relucent[obs3], splendid, blazing, in a blaze, ablaze, rutilant[obs3], meteoric, phosph.o.r.escent; aglow. bright as silver; light as day, bright as day, light as noonday, bright as noonday, bright as the sun at noonday. actinic; photogenic[obs2], graphic; heliographic; heliophagous[obs3].
Phr. "a day for G.o.ds to stoop and men to soar" [Tennyson]; "dark with excessive bright" [Milton].
#421. Darkness. -- N. darkness &c. adj., absence of light; blackness &c. (dark color) 431; obscurity, gloom, murk; dusk &c. (dimness) 422.
Cimmerian darkness[obs3], Stygian darkness, Egyptian darkness; night; midnight; dead of night, witching hour of night, witching time of night; blind man's holiday; darkness visible, darkness that can be felt; palpable obscure; Erebus[Lat]; "the jaws of darkness" [Midsummer Night's Dream]; "sablevested night" [Milton].
shade, shadow, umbra, penumbra; sciagraphy[obs3].
obscuration; occultation, adumbration, ob.u.mbration[obs3]; obtenebration[obs3], offuscation , caligation ; extinction; eclipse, total eclipse; gathering of the clouds.
shading; distribution of shade; chiaroscuro &c. (light) 420.
[perfectly black objects] black body; hohlraum[Phys]; black hole; dark star; dark matter, cold dark matter.
V. be dark &c. adj.
darken, obscure, shade; dim; tone down, lower; overcast, overshadow; eclipse; obfuscate, offuscate ; ob.u.mbrate[obs3], adumbrate; cast into the shade becloud, bedim[obs3], bedarken[obs3]; cast a shade, throw a shade, spread a shade, cast a shadow, cast a gloom, throw a shadow, spread a shadow, cast gloom, throw gloom, spread gloom.
extinguish; put out, blow out, snuff out; doubt.
turn out the lights, douse the lights, dim the lights, turn off the lights, switch off the lights.
Adj. dark, darksome[obs3], darkling; obscure, tenebrious[obs3], sombrous[obs3], pitch dark, pitchy, pitch black; caliginous[obs3]; black &c. (in color) 431.
sunless, lightless &c. (see sun[obs3], light, &c. 423); somber, dusky; unilluminated &c. (see illuminate &c. 420)[obs3]; nocturnal; dingy, lurid, gloomy; murky, murksome[obs3]; shady, umbrageous; overcast &c. (dim) 422; cloudy &c. (opaque) 426; darkened; &c. v.
dark as pitch, dark as a pit, dark as Erebus[Lat].
benighted; noctivagant! , noctivagous! .
Adv. in the dark, in the shade.
Phr. "brief as the lightning in the collied night" [M. N. D.]; "eldest Night and Chaos, ancestors of Nature" [P. L.]; "the blackness of the noonday night" [Longfellow]; "the prayer of Ajax was for light"
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