Roget's Thesaurus Part 5
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bate, abate, dequant.i.tate ; discount; depreciate; extenuate, lower, weaken, attenuate, fritter away; mitigate &c. (moderate) 174; dwarf, throw into the shade; reduce &c. 195; shorten &c. 201; subtract &c. 38.
Adj. unincreased &c. (see increase &c.35)[obs3]; decreased &c. v.; decreasing &c. v.; on the wane &c. n.
Phr. "a gilded halo hovering round decay" [Byron]; "fine by degrees and beautifully less" [Prior].
<-- p.="" 13="" --=""> -- 3. CONJUNCTIVE QUANt.i.tY --
#37. Addition. -- N. addition, annexation, adjection[obs3]; junction &c. 43; superposition, superaddition, superjunction[obs3], superfetation; accession, reinforcement; increase &c. 35; increment, supplement; accompaniment &c. 88; interposition &c. 228; insertion &c. 300.
V. add, annex, affix, superadd[obs3], subjoin, superpose; clap on, saddle on; tack to, append, tag; ingraft[obs3]; saddle with; sprinkle; introduce &c. (interpose) 228; insert &c. 300.
become added, accrue; advene[obs3], supervene.
reinforce, reenforce, restrengthen[obs3]; swell the ranks of; augment &c. 35.
Adj. added &c. v.; additional; supplemental, supplementary; suppletory[obs3], subjunctive; adject.i.tious[obs3], adscit.i.tious[obs3], ascit.i.tious[obs3]; additive, extra, accessory.
Adv. au reste[Fr], in addition, more, plus, extra; and, also, likewise, too, furthermore, further, item; and also, and eke; else, besides, to boot, et cetera; &c.; and so on, and so forth; into the bargain, c.u.m multis aliis[Lat], over and above, moreover.
with, withal; including, inclusive, as well as, not to mention, let alone; together with, along with, coupled with, in conjunction with; conjointly; jointly &c. 43.
Phr. adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit[Lat].
#38. Nonaddition. Subtraction. -- N. subtraction, subduction !; deduction, retrenchment; removal, withdrawal; ablation, sublation[obs3]; abstraction &c. (taking) 789; garbling,, &c. v. mutilation, detruncation[obs3]; amputation; abscission, excision, recision; curtailment &c. 201; minuend, subtrahend; decrease &c. 36; abrasion.
V. subduct, subtract; deduct, deduce; bate, retrench; remove, withdraw, take from, take away; detract.
garble, mutilate, amputate, detruncate[obs3]; cut off, cut away, cut out; abscind[obs3], excise; pare, thin, prune, decimate; abrade,, file; geld, castrate; eliminate.
diminish &c. 36; curtail &c. (shorten) 201; deprive of &c. (take) 789; weaken.
Adj. subtracted &c. v.; subtractive.
Adv. in deduction &c. n.; less; short of; minus, without, except, except for, excepting, with the exception of, barring, save, exclusive of, save and except, with a reservation; not counting, if one doesn't count.
#39. [Thing added] Adjunct. -- N. adjunct; addition, additament[obs3]; additum[Lat], affix, appelidage[obs3], annexe[obs3], annex; augment, augmentation; increment, reinforcement, supernumerary, accessory, item; garnish, sauce; accompaniment &c. 88; adjective, addendum; complement, supplement; continuation.
rider, offshoot, episode, side issue, corollary; piece[Fr]; flap, lappet, skirt, embroidery, trappings, cortege; tail, suffix &c. (sequel) 65; wing.
Adj. additional &c. 37. alate[obs3], alated[obs3]; winged.
Adv. in addition &c. 37.
#40. [Thing remaining.] Remainder. -- N.
remainder, residue; remains, remanent, remnant, rest, relic; leavings, heeltap[obs3], odds and ends, cheesepairings[obs3], candle ends, orts[obs3]; residuum; dregs &c. (dirt) 653; refuse &c. (useless) 645; stubble, result, educt[obs3]; f.a.g-end; ruins, wreck, skeleton., stump; alluvium.
surplus, overplus[obs3], excess; balance, complement; superplus[obs3], surplusage[obs3]; superfluity &c.(redundancy) 641; survival, survivance[obs3].
V. remain; be left &c. adj.; exceed, survive; leave.
Adj. remaining, left; left behind left over; residual, residuary; over, odd; unconsumed, sedimentary; surviving; net; exceeding, over and above; outlying, outstanding; cast off &c. 782; superfluous &c. (redundant) 641.
#40a. [Thing deducted.] Decrement. -- N. decrement, discount, defect, loss, deduction; afterglow; eduction[obs3]; waste.
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#41. [Forming a whole without coherence.] Mixture. -- N. mixture, admixture, commixture, commixtion[obs3]; commixion[obs3], intermixture, alloyage[obs3], matrimony; junction &c. 43; combination &c. 48; miscegenation.
impregnation; infusion, diffusion suffusion, transfusion; infiltration; seasoning, sprinkling, interlarding; interpolation &c. 228 adulteration, sophistication.
[Thing mixed] tinge, tincture, touch, dash, smack, sprinkling, spice, seasoning, infusion, soupcon.
[Compound resulting from mixture] alloy, amalgam; bra.s.s, chowchow[obs3], pewter; magma, half-and-half, melange, tertium quid[Lat], miscellany, ambigu , medley, mess, hotchpot[obs3], pasticcio[obs3], patchwork, odds and ends, all sorts; jumble &c. (disorder) 59; salad, sauce, mash, omnium gatherum[Lat], gallimaufry, olla-podrida[obs3], olio, salmagundi, potpourri, Noah's ark, caldron texture, mingled yarn; mosaic &c. (variegation) 440.
half-blood, half-caste, mulatto; terceron[obs3], quarteron[obs3], quinteron &c.[obs3]; quadroon, octoroon; griffo[obs3], zambo[obs3]; cafuzo[obs3]; Eurasian; fustee[obs3], fustie[obs3]; griffe, ladino[obs3], marabou, mestee[obs3], mestizo, quintroon, sacatra zebrule[obs3][U. S.]; catalo[obs3]; cross, hybrid, mongrel.
V. mix; join &c. 43; combine &c. 48; commix, immix[obs3], intermix; mix up with, mingle; commingle, intermingle, bemingle[obs3]; shuffle &c.
(derange) 61; pound together; hash up, stir up; knead, brew; impregnate with; interlard &c. (interpolate) 228; intertwine, interweave &c. 219; a.s.sociate with; miscegenate[obs3].
be mixed &c.; get among, be entangled with.
instill, imbue; infuse, suffuse, transfuse; infiltrate, dash, tinge, tincture, season, sprinkle, besprinkle, attemper[obs3], medicate, blend, cross; alloy, amalgamate, compound, adulterate, sophisticate, infect.
Adj. mixed &c. v.; implex[obs3], composite, half-and-half, linsey- woolsey, chowchow, hybrid, mongrel, heterogeneous; motley &c. (variegated) 440; miscellaneous, promiscuous, indiscriminate; miscible.
Adv. among, amongst, amid, amidst; with; in the midst of, in the crowd.
#42. [Freedom from mixture.] Simpleness. -- N. simpleness &c. adj.; purity, h.o.m.ogeneity.
elimination; sifting &c. v.; purification &c. (cleanness) 652.
V. render simple &c. adj.; simplify.
sift, winnow, bolt, eliminate; exclude, get rid of; clear; purify &c.
(clean) 652; disentangle &c. (disjoin) 44.
Adj. simple, uniform, of a piece[Fr], h.o.m.ogeneous, single, pure, sheer, neat.
unmixed, unmingled[obs3], unblended, uncombined, uncompounded; elementary, undecomposed; unadulterated, unsophisticated, unalloyed, untinged[obs3], unfortified, pur et simple[Fr]; incomplex[obs3].
free from, exempt from; exclusive.
Adv. simple &c. adj. only.
#43. Junction. -- N. junction; joining &c. v.; joinder[Law], union connection, conjunction, conjugation; annexion[obs3], annexation, annexment[obs3]; astriction[obs3], attachment, compagination[obs3], vincture[obs3], ligation, alligation[obs3]; accouplement[obs3]; marriage &c. (wedlock,) 903; infibulation[obs3], inosculation[obs3], symphysis[Anat], anastomosis, confluence, communication, concatenation; meeting, reunion; a.s.semblage &c. 72.
coition, copulation; s.e.x, s.e.xual congress, s.e.xual conjunction, s.e.xual intercourse, love-making.
joint, joining, juncture, pivot, hinge, articulation, commissure[obs3], seam, gore, gusset, suture, st.i.tch; link &c. 45; miter mortise.
closeness, tightness, &c. adj.; coherence &c. 46; combination &c. 48.
V. join, unite; conjoin, connect; a.s.sociate; put together, lay together, clap together, hang together, lump together, hold together, piece together[Fr], tack together, fix together, bind up together together; embody, reembody[obs3]; roll into one.
attach, fix, affix, saddle on, fasten, bind, secure, clinch, twist, make fast &c. adj.; tie, pinion, string, strap, sew, lace, tat, st.i.tch, tack, knit, b.u.t.ton, buckle, hitch, lash, truss, bandage, braid, splice, swathe, gird, tether, moor, picket, harness, chain; fetter &c. (restrain) 751; lock, latch, belay, brace, hook, grapple, leash, couple, accouple[obs3], link, yoke, bracket; marry &c. (wed) 903; bridge over, span.
braze; pin, nail, bolt, hasp, clasp, clamp, crimp, screw, rivet; impact, solder, set; weld together, fuse together; wedge, rabbet, mortise, miter, jam, dovetail, enchase[obs3]; graft, ingraft[obs3], inosculate[obs3]; entwine, intwine[obs3]; interlink, interlace, intertwine, intertwist[obs3], interweave; entangle; twine round, belay; tighten; trice up, screw up.
be joined &c.; hang together, hold together; cohere &c. 46.
Adj. joined &c. v.; joint; conjoint, conjunct; corporate, compact; hand in hand.
firm, fast, close, tight, taut, taught, secure, set, intervolved ; inseparable, indissoluble, insecable[obs3], severable.
Adv. jointly &c. adj.; in conjunction with &c. (in addition to) 37; fast, firmly, &c. adj.; intimately.
Phr. tria juncta in uno[Lat].
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#44. Disjunction. -- N. disjunction, disconnection, disunity, disunion, disa.s.sociation, disengagement; discontinuity &c. 70; abjunction[obs3]; cataclasm[obs3]; inconnection[obs3]; abstraction, abstractedness; isolation; insularity, insulation; oasis; island; separateness &c. adj.; severalty; disjecta membra[Lat]; dispersion &c. 73; apportionment &c. 786.
separation; parting &c. v.; circ.u.mcision; detachment, segregation; divorce, sejunction , seposition , diduction[obs3], diremption[obs3], discerption[obs3]; elision; caesura, break, fracture, division, subdivision, rupture; compart.i.tion ; dismemberment, dislocation; luxation[obs3]; severance, disseverance; scission; rescission, abscission; laceration, dilaceration[obs3]; disruption, abruption[obs3]; avulsion[obs3], divulsion[obs3]; section, resection, cleavage; fission; partibility[obs3], separability.
fissure, breach, rent, split, rift, crack, slit, incision.
dissection anatomy; decomposition &c. 49; cutting instrument &c (sharpness) 253; buzzsaw, circular saw, rip saw.
V. be disjoined &c.; come off, fall off, come to pieces, fall to pieces; peel off; get loose.
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