Roget's Thesaurus Part 55

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#478. Demonstration. -- N. {ant. 479} demonstration, proof, rigorous proof; conclusiveness &c. adj.; apodeixis[obs3], apodixis[obs3], probation, comprobation .

logic of facts &c. (evidence) 467; experimentum crucis &c. (test) 463[Lat]; argument &c. 476; rigorous establishment, absolute establishment.

conviction, cogency, (persuasion) 484.

V. demonstrate, prove, establish; make good; show, evince, manifest &c. (be evidence of) 467; confirm, corroborate, substantiate, verify &c.

467 settle the question, reduce to demonstration, set the question at rest.

make out, make out a case; prove one's point, have the best of the argument; draw a conclusion &c. (judge) 480.

follow, follow of course, follow as a matter of course, follow necessarily; stand to reason; hold good, hold water.

convince, persuade (belief) 484.

Adj. demonstrating &c. v., demonstrative, demonstrable; probative, unanswerable, conclusive; apodictic[obs3], apodeictic[obs3], apodeictical[obs3]; irresistible, irrefutable, irrefragable; necessary.

categorical, decisive, crucial.

demonstrated &c. v.; proven; unconfuted[obs3], unanswered, unrefuted[obs3]; evident &c. 474.

deducible, consequential, consectary[obs3], inferential, following.

[demonstrated to one's satisfaction] convincing, cogent, persuasive (believable) 484.

Adv. of course, in consequence, consequently, as a matter of course; necessarily, of necessity.

Phr. probatum est[Lat]; there is nothing more to be said; quod est demonstrandum[Lat], Q.E.D.; it must follow; exitus acta probat[Lat].

#479. Confutation. -- N. {ant 478} confutation, refutation; answer, complete answer; disproof, conviction, redargution[obs3], invalidation; exposure, exposition; clincher; retort; reductio ad absurdum; knock down argument, tu quoque argument[Lat]; sockdolager * [obs3][U. S.].

correction &c. 527a; dissuasion &c. 616.

V. confute, refute, disprove; parry, negative, controvert, rebut, confound, disconfirm, redargue[obs3], expose, show the fallacy of, defeat; demolish, break &c. (destroy) 162; overthrow, overturn scatter to the winds, explode, invalidate; silence; put to silence, reduce to silence; clinch an argument, clinch a question; give one a setdown[obs3], stop the mouth, shut up; have, have on the hip.

not leave a leg to stand on, cut the ground from under one's feet.

be confuted &c.; fail; expose one's weak point, show one's weak point.

counter evidence &c. 468.

Adj. confuting, confuted, &c. v.; capable of refutation; refutable, confutable[obs3], defeasible.

contravene (counter evidence) 468.

condemned on one's own showing,condemned out of one's own mouth.

Phr. the argument falls to the ground, cadit quaestio[Lat], it does not hold water, "suo sibi gladio hunc jugulo" [Terence]; his argument was demolished by new evidence.

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#480. Judgment. [Conclusion.] -- N. result, conclusion, upshot; deduction, inference, ergotism[Med]; illation; corollary, porism[obs3]; moral.

estimation, valuation, appreciation, judication[obs3]; dijudication[obs3], adjudication; arbitrament, arbitrement[obs3], arbitration; a.s.sessment, ponderation[obs3]; valorization.

award, estimate; review, criticism, critique, notice, report.

decision, determination, judgment, finding, verdict, sentence, decree; findings of fact; findings of law; res judicata[Lat].

plebiscite, voice, casting vote; vote &c. (choice) 609; opinion &c.

(belief) 484; good judgment &c. (wisdom) 498.

judge, umpire; arbiter, arbitrator; asessor, referee.

censor, reviewer, critic; connoisseur; commentator &c. 524; inspector, inspecting officer.

twenty-twenty hindsight[judgment after the fact]; armchair general, monday morning quarterback.

V. judge, conclude; come to a conclusion, draw a conclusion, arrive at a conclusion; ascertain, determine, make up one's mind.

deduce, derive, gather, collect, draw an inference, make a deduction, weet , ween[obs3].

form an estimate, estimate, appreciate, value, count, a.s.sess, rate, rank, account; regard, consider, think of; look upon &c. (believe) 484; review; size up *.

settle; pa.s.s an opinion, give an opinion; decide, try, p.r.o.nounce, rule; pa.s.s judgment, pa.s.s sentence; sentence, doom; find; give judgment, deliver judgment; adjudge, adjudicate; arbitrate, award, report; bring in a verdict; make absolute, set a question at rest; confirm &c. (a.s.sent) 488.

comment, criticize, kibitz; pa.s.s under review &c. (examine) 457; investigate &c. (inquire) 461.

hold the scales, sit in judgment; try judgment, hear a cause.

Adj. judging &c. v.; judicious &c. (wise) 498; determinate, conclusive.

Adv. on the whole, all things considered.

Phr. "a Daniel come to judgment" [Merchant of Venice]; "and stand a critic, hated yet caress'd" [Byron]; "it is much easier to be critical than to be correct" [Disraeli]; la critique est aisee et l'art est difficile[Fr]; "nothing if not critical" [Oth.e.l.lo]; "O most lame and impotent conclusion" [Oth.e.l.lo].

#480a. [Result of search or inquiry.] Discovery. -- N. discovery, detection, disenchantment; ascertainment[obs3], disclosure, find, revelation.

trover &c.(recovery) 775[Law].

V. discover, find, determine, evolve, learn &c. 539; fix upon; pick up; find out, trace out, make out, hunt out, fish out, worm out, ferret out, root out; fathom; bring out, draw out; educe, elicit, bring to light; dig out, grub up, fish up; unearth, disinter.

solve, resolve, elucidate; unriddle, unravel, unlock, crack, crack open; pick up, open the lock; find a clue, find clew a to, find the key to the riddle; interpret &c. 522; disclose &c. 529.

trace, get at; hit it, have it; lay one's finger, lay one's hands upon; spot; get at the truth, arrive at the truth &c. 494; put the saddle on the right horse, hit the right nail on the head.

be near the truth, be warm, get warmer, burn; smoke, scent, sniff, catch a whiff of, smell a rat.

open the eyes to; see through, see daylight, see in its true colors, see the cloven foot; detect; catch, catch tripping.

pitch upon, fall upon, light upon, hit upon, stumble upon, pop upon; come across, come onto; meet with, meet up with, fall in with.

recognize, realize; verify, make certain of, identify.

Int. eureka! aha[obs3]! I've got it!

#481. Misjudgment. -- N. misjudgment, obliquity of judgment; miscalculation, miscomputation, misconception &c. (error) 495; hasty conclusion.

[causes of misjudgment. 1] prejudgment, prejudication[obs3], prejudice; foregone conclusion; prenotion[obs3], prevention, preconception, predilection, prepossession, preapprehension[obs3], presumption, a.s.sumption, presentiment; fixed idea, preconceived idea; ide fixe; mentis gratissimus error[Lat]; fool's paradise.

[causes of misjudgment.2] esprit de corps, party spirit, partisans.h.i.+p, clannishness, prestige.

[causes of misjudgment. 3] bias, bigotry, warp, twist; hobby, fad, quirk, crotchet, partiality, infatuation, blind side, mote in the eye.

[causes of misjudgment. 4] one-sided views, one-track mind, partial views, narrow views, confined views, superficial views, one-sided ideas, partial ideas, narrow ideas, confined ideas, superficial ideas, one-sided conceptions, partial conceptions, narrow conceptions, confined conceptions, superficial conceptions, one-sided notions, partial notions, narrow notions, confined notions, superficial notions; narrow mind; bigotry &c.

(obstinacy) 606; odium theologic.u.m[Lat]; pedantry; hypercriticism.

doctrinaire &c. (positive) 474.

[causes of misjudgment. 5] overestimation &c. 482; underestimation &c.


[causes of misjudgment. 6] ignorance &c. 491. erroneous a.s.sumptions, erroneous data, mistaken a.s.sumptions, incorrect a.s.sumptions (error) 495.

V. misjudge, misestimate, misthink[obs3], misconjecture[obs3], misconceive &c. (error) 495; fly in the face of facts; miscalculate, misreckon, miscompute.

overestimate &c. 482; underestimate &c. 483.

prejudge, forejudge; presuppose, presume, prejudicate[obs3]; dogmatize; have a bias &c. n.; have only one idea; jurare in verba magistri[Lat], run away with the notion; jump to a conclusion, rush to a conclusion, leap to a conclusion, judge hastily, shoot from the hip, jump to conclusions; look only at one side of the s.h.i.+eld; view with jaundiced eye, view through distorting spectacles; not see beyond one's nose; dare pondus fumo[Lat]; get the wrong sow by the ear &c. (blunder) 699.

give a bias, give a twist; bias, warp, twist; prejudice, prepossess.

Adj. misjudging &c. v.; ill-judging, wrong-headed; prejudiced &c. v.; jaundiced; shortsighted, purblind; partial, one-sided, superficial.

narrow-minded, narrow-souled[obs3]; mean-spirited; confined, illiberal, intolerant, besotted, infatuated, fanatical, entete[Fr], positive, dogmatic, conceited; opinative, opiniative[obs3]; opinioned, opinionate, opinionative, opinionated; self-opinioned, wedded to an opinion, opinitre; bigoted &c. (obstinate) 606; crotchety, fussy, impracticable; unreasonable, stupid &c. 499; credulous &c 486; warped.

misjudged &c. v.

Adv. ex parte[Lat].

Phr. nothing like leather; the wish the father to the thought; wishful thinking; unshakable conviction; "my mind is made up - don't bother me with the facts".

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#482. Overestimation. -- N. overestimation &c. v.; exaggeration &c.

549; vanity &c. 880; optimism, pessimism, pessimist. much cry and little wool, much ado about nothing; storm in a teacup, tempest in a teacup; fine talking.

V. overestimate, overrate, overvalue, overprize, overweigh, overreckon[obs3], overstrain, overpraise; eulogize; estimate too highly, attach too much importance to, make mountains of molehills, catch at straws; strain, magnify; exaggerate &c. 549; set too high a value upon; think much of, make much of, think too much of, make too much of; outreckon[obs3]; panegyrize[obs3].

extol, extol to the skies; make the most of, make the best of, make the worst of; make two bites of a cherry.

have too high an opinion of oneself &c. (vanity) 880.

Adj. overestimated &c. v.; oversensitive &c. (sensibility) 822.

Phr. all his geese are swans; parturiunt montes[Lat].

#483. Underestimation. -- N. underestimation; depreciation &c.

(detraction) 934; pessimism, pessimist; undervaluing &c. v.; modesty &c.


V. underrate, underestimate, undervalue, underreckon[obs3]; depreciate; disparage &c. (detract) 934; not do justice to; misprize, disprize; ridicule &c. 856; slight &c. (despise) 930; neglect &c. 460; slur over.

make light of, make little of, make nothing of, make no account of; belittle; minimize, think nothing of; set no store by, set at naught; shake off as dewdrops from the lion's mane.

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