Roget's Thesaurus Part 71

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#595. Dissertation. -- N. dissertation, treatise, essay; thesis, theme; monograph, tract, tractate[obs3], tractation[obs3]; discourse, memoir, disquisition, lecture, sermon, homily, pandect[obs3]; excursus.

commentary, review, critique, criticism, article; leader, leading article; editorial; running commentary.

investigation &c. (inquiry) 461; study &c. (consideration) 451; discussion &c. (reasoning) 476; exposition &c. (explanation) 522.

commentator, critic, essayist, pamphleteer.

V. expound upon a subject, dissert upon a subject[obs3], descant upon a subject, write upon a subject, touch upon a subject; treat a subject, treat a subject thoroughly, treat of a subject, take up a subject, ventilate a subject, discuss a subject, deal with a subject, go into a subject, go into a subject at length, canva.s.s a subject, handle a subject, do justice to a subject.

hold forth[oral dissertation], discourse, delve into.

Adj. discursive, discoursive[obs3]; disquisitionary[obs3]; expository.

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#596. Compendium. -- N. compend, compendium; abstract, precis, epitome, multum in parvo[Lat], a.n.a.lysis, pandect[obs3], digest, sum and substance, brief, abridgment, summary, apercu, draft, minute, note; excerpt; synopsis, textbook, conspectus, outlines, syllabus, contents, heads, prospectus.

alb.u.m; sc.r.a.p book, note book, memorandum book, commonplace book; extracts, excerpta[obs3], cuttings; fugitive pieces, fugitive writing; spicilegium[obs3], flowers, anthology, collectanea[obs3], a.n.a.lecta[obs3]; compilation.

recapitulation, resume, review.

abbreviation, abbreviature[obs3]; contraction; shortening &c. 201; compression &c. 195.

V. abridge, abstract, epitomize, summarize; make an abstract, prepare an abstract, draw an abstract, compile an abstract &c. n.

recapitulate, review, skim, run over, sum up.

abbreviate &c. (shorten) 201; condense &c. (compress) 195; compile &c.

(collect) 72.

Adj. compendious, synoptic, a.n.a.lectic[obs3]; abrege[Fr], abridged &c.

v.; variorum[obs3].

Adv. in short, in epitome, in substance, in few words.

Phr. it lies in a nutsh.e.l.l.

#597. Poetry. -- N. poetry, poetics, poesy, Muse, Calliope, tuneful Nine, Parna.s.sus, Helicon[obs3], Pierides, Pierian spring.

versification, rhyming, making verses; prosody, orthometry[obs3].

poem; epic, epic poem; epopee[obs3], epopoea, ode, epode[obs3], idyl, lyric, eclogue, pastoral, bucolic, dithyramb, anacreontic[obs3], sonnet, roundelay, rondeau[Fr], rondo, madrigal, canzonet[obs3], cento[obs3], *monody, elegy; amoebaeum, ghazal[obs3], palinode.

dramatic poetry, lyric poetry; opera; posy, anthology; disjecta membra poetae song[Lat], ballad, lay; love song, drinking song, war song, sea song; lullaby; music &c. 415; nursery rhymes.

[Bad poetry] doggerel, Hudibrastic verse[obs3], prose run mad; macaronics[obs3]; macaronic verse[obs3], leonine verse; runes.

canto, stanza, distich, verse, line, couplet, triplet, quatrain; strophe, antistrophe[obs3].

verse, rhyme, a.s.sonance, crambo[obs3], meter, measure, foot, numbers, strain, rhythm; accentuation &c. (voice) 580; dactyl, spondee, trochee, anapest &c.; hexameter, pentameter; Alexandrine; anacrusis[obs3], antispast[obs3], blank verse, ictus.

elegiacs &c. adj.; elegiac verse, elegaic meter, elegaic poetry.

poet, poet laureate; laureate; bard, lyrist[obs3], scald, skald[obs3], troubadour, trouvere[Fr]; minstrel; minnesinger, meistersinger[Ger]; improvisatore[obs3]; versifier, sonneteer; rhymer, rhymist[obs3], rhymester; ballad monger, runer[obs3]; poetaster; genus irritabile vatum [Latin].

V. poetize, sing, versify, make verses, rhyme, scan.

Adj. poetic, poetical; lyric, lyrical, tuneful, epic, dithyrambic &c.

n.; metrical; a catalectin[obs3]; elegiac, iambic, trochaic, anapestic[obs3]; amoebaeic, Melibean, skaldic[obs3]; Ionic, Sapphic, Alcaic[obs3], Pindaric.

Phr. "a poem round and perfect as a star" [Alex. Smith]; Dichtung und Wahrheit [Ger]; furor poeticus[Lat]; "his virtues formed the magic of his song" [Hayley]; "I do but sing because I must" [Tennyson]; "I learnt life from the poets" [de Stael]; licentia vatum[Lat]; mutum est pictura poema[Lat]; "O for a muse of fire!" [Henry V]; "sweet food of sweetly uttered knowledge" [Sidney]; "the true poem is the poet's mind" [Emerson]; Volk der Dichter und Denker[Ger]; "wisdom married to immortal verse"


#598. Prose. -- N. prose, prose writer. prosaicism[obs3], prosaism[obs3], prosaist[obs3], proser[obs3].

V. prose.

write prose, write in prose.

Adj. prosal[obs3],prosy, prosaic; unpoetic, unpoetical[obs3].

rhymeless[obs3], unrhymed, in prose, not in verse.

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#599. The Drama. -- N. the drama, the stage, the theater, the play; film the film, movies, motion pictures, cinema, cinematography; theatricals, dramaturgy, histrionic art, buskin, sock, cothurnus[obs3], Melpomene and Thalia, Thespis.

play, drama, stage play, piece[Fr], five-act play, tragedy, comedy, opera, vaudeville, comedietta[obs3], lever de rideau[Fr], interlude, afterpiece[obs3], exode[obs3], farce, divertiss.e.m.e.nt, extravaganza, burletta[obs3], harlequinade[obs3], pantomime, burlesque, opera bouffe[Fr], ballet, spectacle, masque, drame comedie drame[Fr]; melodrama, melodrame[obs3]; comidie larmoyante[Fr], sensation drama; tragicomedy, farcical-comedy; monodrame monologue[obs3];duologue trilogy; charade, proverbs; mystery, miracle play; musical, musical comedy.

[movies] western, horse opera; flick [coll.]; spy film, love story, adventure film, doc.u.mentary, nature film; p.o.r.nographic film, smoker, skin flick, X-rated film.

act, scene, tableau; induction, introduction; prologue, epilogue; libretto.

performance, representation, mise en scene[French], stagery[obs3], jeu de theatre[French]; acting; gesture &c. 550; impersonation &c. 554; stage business, gag, buffoonery.

light comedy, genteel comedy, low comedy.

theater; playhouse, opera house; house; music hall; amphitheater, circus, hippodrome, theater in the round; puppet show, fantoccini[obs3]; marionettes, Punch and Judy.

auditory, auditorium, front of the house, stalls, boxes, pit, gallery, parquet; greenroom, coulisses[Fr].

flat; drop, drop scene; wing, screen, side scene; transformation scene, curtain, act drop; proscenium.

stage, scene, scenery, the boards; trap, mezzanine floor; flies; floats, footlights; offstage; orchestra.

theatrical costume, theatrical properties.

movie studio, back lot, on location.

part, role, character, dramatis personae[Lat]; repertoire.

actor, thespian, player; method actor; stage player, strolling player; stager, performer; mime, mimer[obs3]; artists; comedian, tragedian; tragedienne, Roscius; star, movie star, star of stage and screen, superstar, idol, s.e.x symbol; supporting actor, supporting cast; ham, hamfatter *[obs3]; masker[obs3]. pantomimist, clown harlequin, buffo[obs3], buffoon, farceur, grimacer, pantaloon, columbine; punchinello[obs3]; pulcinello[obs3], pulcinella[obs3]; extra, bit-player, walk-on role, cameo appearance; mute, figurante[obs3], general utility; super, supernumerary.

company; first tragedian, prima donna[Sp], protagonist; jeune premier[French]; debutant, debutante[French]; light comedian, genteel comedian, low comedian; walking gentleman, amoroso[obs3], heavy father, ingenue[French], jeune veuve[French].

mummer, guiser[obs3], guisard[obs3], gysart , masque.

mountebank, Jack Pudding; tumbler, posture master, acrobat; contortionist; ballet dancer, ballet girl; chorus singer; coryphee danseuse[Fr].

property man, costumier, machinist; prompter, call boy; manager; director, stage manager, acting manager.

producer, entrepreneur, impresario; backer, investor, angel[fig].

dramatic author, dramatic writer; play writer, playwright; dramatist, mimographer[obs3].

V. act, play, perform; put on the stage; personate &c. 554; mimic &c.

(imitate) 19; enact; play a part, act a part, go through a part, perform a part; rehea.r.s.e, spout, gag, rant; "strut and fret one's hour upon a stage"; tread the boards, tread the stage; come out; star it.

Adj. dramatic; theatric, theatrical; scenic, histrionic, comic, tragic, buskined[obs3], farcical, tragicomic, melodramatic, operatic; stagy.

Adv. on the stage, on the boards; on film; before the floats, before an audience; behind the scenes.

Phr. fere totus mundus exercet histrionem [Lat][Petronius Arbiter]; "suit the action to the word, the word to the action" [Hamlet]; "the play's the thing" [Hamlet]; "to wake the soul by tender strokes of art" [Pope].

<-- p.="" 183="" --=""> -- CLa.s.s V WORDS RELATING TO THE VOLUNTARY POWERS



1. Acts of Volition --

#600. Will. -- N. will, volition, conation[obs3], velleity; liberum arbitrium[Lat]; will and pleasure, free will; freedom &c. 748; discretion; option &c. (choice) 609; voluntariness[obs3]; spontaneity, spontaneousness; originality.

pleasure, wish, mind; desire; frame of mind &c. (inclination) 602; intention &c. 620; predetermination &c. 611; selfcontrol &c. determination &c. (resolution) 604; force of will.

V. will, list; see fit, think fit; determine &c. (resolve) 604; enjoin; settle &c. (choose) 609; volunteer.

have a will of one's own; do what one chooses &c. (freedom) 748; have it all one's own way; have one's will, have one's own way.

use one's discretion, exercise one's discretion; take upon oneself, take one's own course, take the law into one's own hands; do of one's own accord, do upon one's own authority; originate &c. (cause) 153.

Adj. voluntary, volitional, willful; free &c. 748; optional; discretional, discretionary; volitient[obs3], volitive[obs3].

minded &c. (willing) 602; prepense &c. (predetermined) 611[obs3]; intended &c. 620; autocratic; unbidden &c. (bid &c. 741); spontaneous; original &c. (casual) 153; unconstrained.

Adv. voluntarily &c. adj.; at will, at pleasure; a volonte[Fr], a discretion; al piacere[It]; ad libitum, ad arbitrium[Lat]; as one thinks proper, as it seems good to; a beneplacito[It].

of one's won accord, of one's own free will; proprio motu[Lat], suo motu[Lat], ex meromotu[Lat]; out of one's own head; by choice &c. 609; purposely &c. (intentionally) 620; deliberately &c. 611.

Phr. stet pro ratione voluntas[Lat]; sic volo sic jubeo[Lat]; a vostro beneplacito[It]; beneficium accipere libertatem est vendere[Lat]; Deus vult[Lat]; was man nicht kann meiden muss man willig leiden[Ger].

#601. Necessity. -- N. involuntariness; instinct, blind impulse; inborn proclivity, innate proclivity; native tendency, natural tendency; natural impulse, predetermination.

necessity, necessitation; obligation; compulsion &c. 744; subjection &c. 749; stern necessity, hard necessity, dire necessity, imperious necessity, inexorable necessity, iron necessity, adverse necessity; fate; what must be.

destiny, destination; fatality, fate, kismet, doom, foredoom, election, predestination; preordination, foreordination; lot fortune; fatalism; inevitableness &c. adj.; spell &c. 993.

star, stars; planet, planets; astral influence; sky, Fates, Parcae, Sisters three, book of fate; G.o.d's will, will of Heaven; wheel of Fortune, Ides of March, Hobson's choice.

last s.h.i.+ft, last resort; dernier ressort[Fr]; pis aller &c.

(subst.i.tute) 147[Fr]; necessaries &c. (requirement) 630.

necessarian[obs3], necessitarian[obs3]; fatalist; automaton.

V. lie under a necessity; befated[obs3], be doomed, be destined &c. in for, under the necessity of; have no choice, have no alternative; be one's fate &c. n. to be pushed to the wall to be driven into a corner, to be unable to help.

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