Roget's Thesaurus Part 76

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#627. Method. [Path.] -- N. method, way, manner, wise, gait, form, mode, fas.h.i.+on, tone, guise; modus operandi, MO; procedure &c. (line of conduct) 692.

path, road, route, course; line of way, line of road; trajectory, orbit, track, beat, tack.

steps; stair, staircase; flight of stairs, ladder, stile; perron[obs3].

bridge, footbridge, viaduct, pontoon, steppingstone, plank, gangway; drawbridge; pa.s.s, ford, ferry, tunnel; pipe &c. 260.

door; gateway &c. (opening) 260; channel, pa.s.sage, avenue, means of access, approach, adit[obs3]; artery, lane, alley, aisle, lobby, corridor; back-door, back-stairs; secret pa.s.sage; covert way; vennel[obs3].

roadway, pathway, stairway; express; thoroughfare; highway; turnpike, freeway, royal road, coach road; broad highway, King's highway, Queen's highway; beaten track, beaten path; horse road, bridle road, bridle track, bridle path; walk, trottoir[obs3], footpath, pavement, flags, sidewalk; crossroad, byroad, bypath, byway; cut; short cut &c. (mid-course) 628; carrefour[obs3]; private road, occupation road; highways and byways; railroad, railway, tram road, tramway; towpath; causeway; ca.n.a.l &c.

(conduit) 350; street &c. (abode) 189; speedway.

adv. how; in what way, in what manner; by what mode; so, in this way, after this fas.h.i.+on.

one way or another, anyhow; somehow or other &c. (instrumentality) 631; by way of; via; in transitu &c. 270[Lat]; on the high road to.

Phr. hae tibi erunt artes[Lat].

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#628. Mid-course. -- N. middle course, midcourse; mean &c. 29 middle &c. 68; juste milieu[Fr], mezzo termine[It], golden mean, [obs3][Grk], aurea mediocritas[Lat].

straight &c. (direct) 278 straight course, straight path; short cut, cross cut; great circle sailing.

neutrality; half measure, half and half measures; compromise.

V. keep in a middle course, preserve a middle course, preserve an even course, go straight &c. (direct) 278.

go halfway, compromise, make a compromise.

Adj. straight &c. (direct) 278.

Phr. medium tenuere beati[Lat].

#629. Circuit. -- N. circuit, roundabout way, digression, detour, circ.u.mbendibus, ambages[obs3], loop; winding &c. (circuition) 311[obs3]; zigzag &c. (deviation) 279.

V. perform a circuit; go round about, go out of one's way; make a detour; meander &c. (deviate) 279.

lead a pretty dance; beat about the bush; make two bites of a cherry.

Adj. circuitous, indirect, roundabout; zigzag &c. (deviating) 279; backhanded.

Adv. by a side wind, by an indirect course; in a roundabout way; from pillar to post.

#630. Requirement. -- N. requirement, need, wants, necessities; necessaries, necessaries of life; stress, exigency, pinch, sine qua non, matter of necessity; case of need, case of life or death.

needfulness, essentiality, necessity, indispensability, urgency.

requisition &c. (request) 765, (exaction) 741; run upon; demand, call for.

charge, claim, command, injunction, mandate, order, precept.

desideratum &c. (desire) 865; want &c. (deficiency) 640.

V. require, need, want, have occasion for; not be able to do without, not be able to dispense with; prerequire[obs3].

render necessary, necessitate, create a, necessity for, call for, put in requisition; make a requisition &c. (ask for) 765, (demand) 741.

stand in need of; lack &c. 640; desiderate[obs3]; desire &c. 865; be necessary &c. Adj.

Adj. required &c. v.; requisite, needful, necessary, imperative, essential, indispensable, prerequisite; called for; in demand, in request.

urgent, exigent, pressing, instant, crying, absorbing.

in want of; dest.i.tute of &c. 640.

Adv. ex necessitate rei &c. (necessarily) 601[Lat]; of necessity.

Phr. there is no time to lose; it cannot be spared, it cannot be dispensed with; mendacem memorem esse oportet [Lat][Quintilian]; necessitas non habet legem[Lat]; nec tec.u.m possum trivere nec sine te [Lat][Martial].

-- 2. Subservience to Ends

Actual Subservience --

#631. Instrumentality. -- N. instrumentality; aid &c. 707; subservience, subserviency; mediation, intervention, medium, intermedium[obs3], vehicle, hand; agency &c. 170.

minister, handmaid; midwife, accoucheur[Fr], accoucheuse[Fr], obstetrician; gobetween; cat's-paw; stepping-stone.

opener &c. 260; key; master key, pa.s.skey, latchkey; "open sesame";,, safe-conduct, pa.s.sword.

instrument &c. 633; expedient &c. (plan) 626; means &c. 632.

V. subserve, minister, mediate, intervene; be instrumental &c. adj.; pander to; officiate; tend.

Adj. instrumental; useful &c. 644; ministerial, subservient, mediatorial[obs3]; intermediate, intervening; conducive.

Adv. through, by, per; whereby, thereby, hereby; by the agency of &c.

170; by dint of; by virtue of, in virtue of; through the medium of &c. n.; along with; on the shoulders of; by means of &c. 632; by the aid of, with the aid of &c. (a.s.sistance) 707.

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per fas et nefas[Lat], by fair means or foul; somehow, somehow or other; by hook or by crook.

#632. Means. -- N. means, resources, wherewithal, ways and means; capital &c. (money) 800; revenue; stock in trade &c. 636; provision &c.

637; a shot in the locker; appliances &c. (machinery) 633; means and appliances; conveniences; cards to play; expedients &c. (measures) 626; two strings to one's bow; sheet anchor &c. (safety) 666; aid &c. 707; medium &c. 631.

V. find means, have means, possess means &c. n.

Adj. instrumental &c. 631; mechanical &c. 633.

Adv. by means of, with; by what means, by all means, by any means, by some means; wherewith, herewith, therewith; wherewithal.

how &c. (in what manner) 627; through &c. (by the instrumentality of) 631; with the aid of, by the aid of &c. (a.s.sistance) 707; by the agency of &c. 170

#633. Instrument. -- N. machinery, mechanism, engineering.

instrument, organ, tool, implement, utensil, machine, engine, lathe, gin, mill; air engine, caloric engine, heat engine.

gear; tackle, tackling, rig, rigging, apparatus, appliances; plant, materiel; harness, trappings, fittings, accouterments; barde[obs3]; equipment, equipmentage[obs3]; appointments, furniture, upholstery; chattels; paraphernalia &c. (belongings) 780.

mechanical powers; lever, leverage; mechanical advantage; crow, crowbar; handspike[obs3], gavelock[obs3], jemmy[obs3], jimmy, arm, limb, wing; oar, paddle; pulley; wheel and axle; wheelwork, clockwork; wheels within wheels; pinion, crank, winch; cam; pedal; capstan &c. (lift) 307; wheel &c. (rotation) 312; inclined plane; wedge; screw; spring, mainspring; can hook, glut, heald[obs3], heddle[obs3], jenny, parbuckle[obs3], sprag[obs3], water wheel.

handle, hilt, haft, shaft, heft, shank, blade, trigger, tiller, helm, treadle, key; turnscrew, screwdriver; knocker.

hammer &c. (impulse) 276; edge tool &c. (cut) 253; borer &c. 262; vice, teeth, &c. (hold) 781; nail, rope &c. (join) 45; peg &c. (hang) 214; support &c. 215; spoon &c. (vehicle) 272; arms &c. 727; oar &c.

(navigation) 267; cardiograph, recapper[obs3], snowplow, tenpenny[obs3], votograph[obs3].

Adj. instrumental &c. 631; mechanical, machinal[obs3]; brachial[Med].

#634. Subst.i.tute. -- N. subst.i.tute &c. 147; deputy &c. 759; badli[obs3].

#635. Materials. -- N. material, raw material, stuff, stock, staple; adobe, brown stone; c.h.i.n.king; clapboard; daubing; puncheon; shake; s.h.i.+ngle, bricks and mortar; metal; stone; clay, brick crockery &c. 384; compo, composition; concrete; reinforced concrete, cement; wood, ore, timber.

materials; supplies, munition, fuel, grist, household stuff pabulum &c. (food) 298; ammunition &c. (arms) 727; contingents; relay, reinforcement, reenforcement[obs3]; baggage &c. (personal property) 780; means &c. 632; calico, cambric, cashmere.

Adj. raw &c. (unprepared) 674; wooden &c. n.; adobe.

#636. Store. -- N. stock, fund, mine, vein, lode, quarry; spring; fount, fountain; well, wellspring; milch cow.

stock in trade, supply; heap &c. (collection) 72; treasure; reserve, corps de reserve, reserved fund, nest egg, savings, bonne bouche[Fr].

crop, harvest, mow, vintage.

store, acc.u.mulation, h.o.a.rd, rick, stack; lumber; relay &c. (provision) 637.

storehouse, storeroom, storecloset[obs3]; depository, depot, cache, repository, reservatory[obs3], repertory; repertorium[obs3]; promptuary[obs3], warehouse, entrepot[Fr], magazine; b.u.t.tery, larder, spence[obs3]; garner, granary; cannery, safe-deposit vault, stillroom[obs3]; thesaurus; bank &c. (treasury) 802; armory; a.r.s.enal; dock; gallery, museum, conservatory; menagery[obs3], menagerie.

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reservoir, cistern, aljibar[obs3], tank, pond, mill pond; gasometer[obs3].

budget, quiver, bandolier, portfolio; coffer &c. (receptacle) 191.

conservation; storing &c. v.; storage.

V. store; put by, lay by, set by; stow away; set apart, lay apart; store treasure, h.o.a.rd treasure, lay up, heap up, put up, garner up, save up; bank; cache; acc.u.mulate, ama.s.s, h.o.a.rd, fund, garner, save.

reserve; keep back, hold back; husband, husband one's resources.

deposit; stow, stack, load; harvest; heap, collect &c. 72; lay in store &c.

Adj.; keep, file [papers]; lay in &c. (provide) 637; preserve &c. 670.

Adj. stored &c. v.; in store, in reserve, in ordinary; spare, supernumerary.

Phr. adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit[Lat].

#637. Provision. -- N. provision, supply; grist, grist for the mill; subvention &c. (aid) 707; resources &c. (means) 632; groceries, grocery.

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