Roget's Thesaurus Part 93

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abortive, addle, stillborn; fruitless, bootless; ineffectual, ineffective, inconsequential, trifling, nugatory; inefficient &c.

(impotent) 158; insufficient &c. 640; unavailing &c. (useless) 645; of no effect.

aground, grounded, swamped, stranded, cast away, wrecked, foundered, capsized, s.h.i.+pwrecked, nonsuited[obs3]; foiled; defeated &c. 731; struck down, borne down, broken down; downtrodden; overborne, overwhelmed; all up with; ploughed, plowed, plucked.

lost, undone, ruined, broken; bankrupt &c. (not paying) 808; played out; done up, done for; dead beat, ruined root and branch, flambe[obs3], knocked on the head; destroyed &c. 162.

frustrated, crossed, unhinged, disconcerted dashed; thrown off one's balance, thrown on one's back, thrown on one's beam ends ; unhorsed, in a sorry plight; hard hit.

stultified, befooled[obs3], dished, hoist on one's own petard; victimized, sacrificed.

wide of the mark &c. (error) 495; out of one's reckoning &c.

(inexpectation) 508[obs3]; left in the lurch; thrown away &c. (wasted) 638; unattained; uncompleted &c. 730.

Adv. unsuccessfully &c. adj.; to little or no purpose, in vain, re infecta[Lat].

Phr. the bubble has burst, "the jig is up", "the game is up"

[Cymbeline]; all is lost; the devil to pay; parturiunt montes &c.

(disappointment) 509[Lat]; dies infaustus[Lat]; tout est perdu hors l'honneur[Fr].

#733. Trophy. -- N. trophy; medal, prize, palm, award; laurel, laurels; bays, crown, chaplet, wreath, civic crown; insignia &c. 550; feather in one's cap &c. (honor) 873; decoration &c. 877; garland, triumphal arch, Victoria Cross, Iron Cross.

triumph &c. (celebration) 883; flying colors &c. (show) 882.

monumentum aere perennius [Lat][obs3][Hor.].

Phr. "for valor."

<-- p.="" 244="" --="">

<-- break="" out="" luck="" from="" prosperity="" --=""> #734. Prosperity. -- N. prosperity, welfare, well-being; affluence &c. (wealth) 803; success &c. 731; thrift, roaring trade; good fortune, smiles of fortune; blessings, G.o.dsend.

luck; good luck, run of luck; suns.h.i.+ne; fair weather, fair wind; palmy days, bright days, halcyon days; piping times, tide, flood, high tide.

Saturnia regna[Lat], Saturnian age; golden time, golden age; bed of roses, fat city [coll.]; fat of the land, milk and honey, loaves and fishes.

made man, lucky dog, enfant gate[Fr], spoiled child of fortune.

upstart, parvenu, skipjack[obs3], mushroom.

V. prosper, thrive, flourish; be prosperous &c adj.; drive a roaring trade, do a booming business; go on well, go on smoothly, go on swimmingly; sail before the wind, swim with the tide; run smooth, run smoothly, run on all fours.

rise in the world, get on in the world; work one's way, make one's way; look up; lift one's head, raise one's head, make one's fortune, feather one's nest, make one's pile.

flower, blow, blossom, bloom, fructify, bear fruit, fatten.

keep oneself afloat; keep one's head above water, hold one's head above water; land on one's feet, light on one's feet, light on one's legs, fall on one's legs, fall on one's feet; drop into a good thing; bear a charmed life; bask in the suns.h.i.+ne; have a good time of it, have a fine time of it; have a run of luck; have the good fortune &c. n. to; take a favorable turn; live on the fat of the land, live off the fat of the land, live in clover.

Adj. prosperous; thriving &c. v.; in a fair way, buoyant; well off, well to do, well to do in the world; set up, at one's ease; rich &c. 803; in good case; in full, in high feather; fortunate, lucky, in luck; born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, born under a lucky star; on the sunny side of the hedge.

auspicious, propitious, providential.

palmy, halcyon; agreeable &c. 829; couleur de rose[Fr].

Adv. prosperously &c. adj.; swimmingly; as good luck would have it; beyond all hope.

Phr. one's star in the ascendant, all for the best, one's course runs smooth.

chacun est l'artisan de sa fortune[Fr]; donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos [Lat][Ovid]; felicitas multos habet amicos[Lat]; felix se nescit amari [Lat][Lucan]; 'good luck go with thee' [Henry V]; nulli est homini perpetuum bonum [Lat][Plautus].

#735. Adversity. -- N. adversity, evil &c. 619; failure &c. 732; bad luck, ill luck, evil luck, adverse luck, hard fortune, hard hap, hard luck, hard lot; frowns of fortune; evil dispensation, evil star, evil genius ; vicissitudes of life, ups and downs of life, broken fortunes; hard case, hard lines, hard life; sea of troubles; peck of troubles; h.e.l.l upon earth; slough of despond.

trouble, hards.h.i.+p, curse, blight, blast, load, pressure.

pressure of the times, iron age, evil day, time out of joint; hard times, bad times, sad times; rainy day, cloud, dark cloud, gathering clouds, ill wind; visitation, infliction; affliction &c. (painfulness) 830; bitter pill; care, trial; the sport of fortune.

mishap, mischance, misadventure, misfortune; disaster, calamity, catastrophe; accident, casualty, cross, reverse, check, contretemps, rub; backset[obs3], comedown, setback [U.S.].

losing game; falling &c. v.; fall, downfall; ruination, ruinousness; undoing; extremity; ruin &c. (destruction) 162.

V. be ill off &c. adj.; go hard with; fall on evil, fall on evil days; go on ill; not prosper &c. 734.

go downhill, go to rack and ruin &c. (destruction) 162, go to the dogs; fall, fall from one's high estate; decay, sink, decline, go down in the world; have seen better days; bring down one's gray hairs with sorrow to the grave; come to grief; be all over, be up with; bring a wasp's nest about one's ears, bring a hornet's nest about one's ears.

Adj. unfortunate, unblest[obs3], unhappy, unlucky; improsperous[obs3], unprosperous; hoodooed [U.S.]; luckless, hapless; out of luck; in trouble, in a bad way, in an evil plight; under a cloud; clouded; ill off, badly off; in adverse circ.u.mstances; poor &c. 804; behindhand, down in the world, decayed, undone; on the road to ruin, on its last legs, on the wane; in one's utmost need.

planet-struck, devoted; born under an evil star, born with a wooden ladle in one's mouth; ill-fated, ill-starred, ill-omened.

adverse, untoward; disastrous, calamitous, ruinous, dire, deplorable.

#736. Mediocrity. -- N. moderate circ.u.mstances, average circ.u.mstances; respectability; middle; mediocrity; golden mean &c.

(mid-course) 628, (moderation) 174.

V. jog on; go fairly, go quietly, go peaceably, go tolerably, go respectably, get on fairly, get on quietly, get on peaceably, get on tolerably, get on respectably.

<-- p.="" 245="" --=""> -- DIVISION (II) INTERSOCIAL VOLITION

SECTION I. GENERAL INTERSOCIAL VOLITION -- <-- implying="" the="" action="" of="" the="" will="" of="" one="" mind="" over="" the="" will="" of="">

#737. Authority.-- N. authority; influence, patronage, power, preponderance, credit, prestige, prerogative, jurisdiction; right &c.

(t.i.tle) 924; direction &c. 693; government &c. 737a.

divine right, dynastic rights, authoritativeness; absoluteness, absolutism; despotism; jus nocendi[Lat]; jus divinum[Lat].

mastery, masters.h.i.+p, masterdom[obs3]; dictation, control.

hold, grasp; grip, gripe; reach; iron sway &c. (severity) 739; fangs, clutches, talons; rod of empire &c. (scepter) 747.

[Vicarious authority] commission &c. 755; deputy &c.759; permission &c. 760.

V. authorize &c. (permit) 760; warrant &c. (right) 924; dictate &c.

(order) 741.

be at the head of &c. adj.; hold office, be in office, fill an office; hold master, occupy master, a post master, be master &c. 745.

have the upper hand, get the upper hand, have the whip, get the whip; gain a hold upon, preponderate, dominate, rule the roost; boss [U.S.]; override, overrule, overawe; lord it over, hold in hand, keep under, make a puppet of, lead by the nose, turn round one's little finger, bend to one's will, hold one's own, wear the breeches; have the ball at one's feet, have it all one's own way, have the game in one's own hand, have on the hip, have under one's thumb; be master of the situation; take the lead, play first fiddle, set the fas.h.i.+on; give the law to; carry with a high hand; lay down the law; "ride in the whirlwind and direct the storm" [Addison]; rule with a rod of iron &c. (severity) 739.

Adj. at the head, dominant, paramount, supreme, predominant, preponderant, in the ascendant, influential; arbitrary; compulsory &c.

744: stringent.

at one's command; in one's power, in one's grasp; under control.

Adv. in the name of, by the authority of, de par le Roi[Fr], in virtue of; under the auspices of, in the hands of.

at one's pleasure; by a dash if the pen, by a stroke of the pen; ex mero motu[Lat]; ex cathedra[Lat: from the chair].

Phr. the gray mare the better horse; "every inch a king" [Lear].

<-- in="" 4e="" sections="" 741="" to="" 748="" deal="" with="" government="" and="" politics.="" lots="" of="" words="" and="" concepts="" are="" new="" since="" 1911!="" here="" we="" make="" a="" start="" with="" one="" heading="" yet="" to="" do:="" take="" political="" subdivisions="" from="" territory="" 181="" and="" 780,="" put="" them="" all="" here.="" --=""> #737a. Government. -- N. government, legal authority, soveriegn, sovereign authority; authority &c. 737; master &c. 745; direction &c. 693.

[nations] national government, nation, state, country, nation-state, dominion, republic, empire, union, democratic republic; kingdom, princ.i.p.ality.

[subdivisions of nations] state government[U.S terminology], state; s.h.i.+re[England]; province[Canada]; county[Ireland]; canton[Switzerland]; territory [Australia]; duchy, archduchy, archdukedom[obs3]; woiwodshaft; commonwealth; region &c. 181; property &c. 780.

[smaller subdivisions] county, parish[Louisiana]; city, domain, tract, arrondiss.e.m.e.nt[Fr], mofussil[obs3], commune; wappentake, hundred, riding, lathe, garth[obs3], soke[obs3], t.i.thing; ward, precinct, bailiwick.

command, empire, sway, rule; dominion, domination; sovereignty, supremacy, suzerainty; lords.h.i.+p, heads.h.i.+p[obs3]; chiefdom[obs3]; seigniory, seigniority[obs3].

rule, sway, command, control, administer; govern &c. (direct) 693; lead, preside over, reign, possess the throne, be seated on the throne, occupy the throne; sway the scepter, wield the scepter; wear the crown.

state, realm, body politic, posse comitatus[Lat].

[person in the governing authority] judicature &c. 965; cabinet &c.

(council) 696; seat of government, seat of authority; headquarters.

[Acquisition of authority] accession; installation &c. 755; politics &c. 737a.

reign, regime, dynasty; directors.h.i.+p, dictators.h.i.+p; protectorate, protectors.h.i.+p; caliphate, pashalic[obs3], electorate; presidency, presidents.h.i.+p[obs3]; administration; proconsul, consuls.h.i.+p; prefecture; seneschals.h.i.+p; magistrature[obs3], magistracy.

monarchy; kinghood[obs3], kings.h.i.+p; royalty, regality; aristarchy[obs3], aristocracy; oligarchy, democracy, theocracy, demagogy; commonwealth; dominion; heteronomy; republic, republicanism; socialism; collectivism; mob law, mobocracy[obs3], ochlocracy[obs3]; vox populi, imperium in imperio[Lat]; bureaucracy; beadledom[obs3], b.u.mbledom[obs3]; stratocracy; military power, military government, junta; feodality[obs3], feudal system, feudalism.

thearchy[obs3], theocracy, dinarchy[obs3]; duarchy[obs3], triarchy, heterarchy[obs3]; duumvirate; triumvirate; autocracy, autonomy; limited monarchy; const.i.tutional government, const.i.tutional monarchy; home rule; representative government; monocracy[obs3], pantisocracy[obs3].

gynarchy[obs3], gynocracy[obs3], gynaeocracy[obs3]; petticoat government.

[government functions] legislature, judiciary, administration.

[Government agencies and inst.i.tutions] office of the president, office of the prime minister, cabinet; senate, house of representatives, parliament; council &c. 696; courts, supreme court; state[U.S. national government departments (list)], interior, labor, health and human services, defense, education, agriculture, justice, commerce, treasury; Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI; Central Intelligence Agency, CIA; National Inst.i.tutes of Health, NIH; Postal Service, Post Office; Federal Aviation Administration, FAA.

[national government officials] president, vice president, cabinet member, prime minister, minister; senator, representatative, president pro tem[Lat], speaker of the house; department head, section head, section chief; federal judge, justice, justice of the supreme court, chief justice; treasurer, secretary of the treasury; director of the FBI.

[state government officials] governor, state cabinet member; state senator, a.s.semblyman, a.s.semblywoman.

V. govern, rule, have authority, hold authority, possess authority, exercise authority, exert authority, wield authority &c. n.; reign, be sovereign.

[acquire authority] ascend the throne, mount the throne; take the reins, take the reins into one's hand; a.s.sume authority &c. n., a.s.sume the reins of government; take command, a.s.sume command.

[contend for authority] politics &c. 737a.

be governed by, be in the power of, be a subject of, be a citizen of.

Adj. regal, sovereign, governing; royal, royalist; monarchical, kingly; imperial, imperiatorial[obs3]; princely; feudal; aristocratic, autocratic; oligarchic &c. n.; republican, dynastic.

ruling &c. v.; regnant, gubernatorial; imperious; authoritative, executive, administrative, clothed with authority, official, departmental, ex officio, imperative, peremptory, overruling, absolute; hegemonic, hegemonical[obs3]; authorized &c. (due) 924.

[pertaining to property owned by government] government, public; national, federal; his majesty's[Great Britain], her majesty's; state, county, city, &c. n.

Phr[cf. nations, subdivisions of nations, smaller subdivisions]. "a dog's obeyed in office" [Lear]; cada uno tiene su alguazil[obs3][Sp]; le Roi le veut[Fr]; regibus esse ma.n.u.s en nescio longas[obs3][Lat]; regnant populi[Lat]; "the demiG.o.d Authority" [Measure for Measure]; "the right divine of kings to govern wrong" [Pope]; "uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" [Henry IV].

Roget's Thesaurus Part 93

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