Organizing and Building Up the Sunday School Part 11

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3. =Dut. Sch. Sess.= (1) Pre. ear. (2) Op. pr. (3) Con.

pro. (4) Dur. less. (5) Les. rev. (6) Clos.

4. =Misc. Dut.= (1) N. B. (2) Q. (3) E. L. (4) Us. B.

(5) Les. per. (6) Sp. (7) Sel.-con. (8) Aim.


Into what three may the duties of the superintendent be divided?

What are his general duties and prerogatives in relation to the school?

What are his duties through the week?

What social duties should he endeavor to fulfill?

How may he obtain teachers and workers?

What is the purpose of cabinet meetings?

How may the superintendent be ready for special occasions in the Sunday-school year?

What is his duty toward conventions and a.s.sociations of workers?

What are the duties of the superintendent during the session of the school?

What suggestions are given concerning the conducting of the program of the school?

Who should review the lesson?

Name some miscellaneous hints concerning his work.

How may he have a quiet, orderly school?

How may he promote the use of the Bible as a text-book by teachers and scholars?

What rule should be kept with reference to the lesson period?

Under what conditions should visitors be allowed to address the school during the regular session?

What suggestion is made concerning self-control?

What aim should be kept before the superintendent and the school?



1. =Nec.= Gen. Dept.

2. =t.i.tles.= sup. Dep. supt.

3. =App.= Nom. sup. Conf. tea. "Minor. cand."

4. =Duties.= (1) Not tea. (2) Dep. sup. (3) Prov. sub.

(4) a.s.sig. new sch. (5) Detail. sup. (6) Ch. st.


What is the need of an a.s.sistant to the superintendent in the Sunday school?

What two of a.s.sistants are required in an organized school?

What t.i.tles should be given to these officers?

How should the a.s.sociate superintendent be chosen?

Why should the superintendent possess the right to nominate the a.s.sociate superintendent?

Should the a.s.sociate superintendent be at the same time a teacher in the school?

When should the a.s.sociate take charge of the school?

How should subst.i.tutes be obtained for teachers who are absent?

What cla.s.s should not be called upon to furnish subst.i.tute teachers, and why?

What cla.s.s will supply teachers in a properly graded school?

How, when, and where should the teachers be obtained?

When should supply teachers be ready and in their places?

What is the work of the a.s.sociate superintendent with reference to new scholars?

Should new scholars select their own

What part may the a.s.sociate take during the general exercises of the school?

What military t.i.tle might properly be given to the a.s.sociate superintendent? Wherein does this t.i.tle apply to him?

Give a summary of the six duties performed by the a.s.sociate superintendent.



1. =Imp.= 2. =Qual.= (1) B. M. (2) R. A. (3) G. W. (4) Q. M. A.

(5) Q. M. (6) C. C.

3. =App.= 4. =a.s.sts.= 5. =Dep. Secs.= 6. =Dut.= (1) R. M. (2) R. S. (3) R. C. (4) R. S.

Organizing and Building Up the Sunday School Part 11

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Organizing and Building Up the Sunday School Part 11 summary

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