Graded Lessons in English Part 43

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There's twenty of us going.

Circ.u.mstances alters cases.

Tell them to set still.

He laid down by the fire.

She has lain her book aside.

It takes him everlastingly.

That was an elegant old rock.



1. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy G.o.d in vain.

2. Strike! till the last armed foe expires!

3. You wrong me, Brutus.

4. Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction?

5. Why stand we here idle?

6. Give me liberty, or give me death!

7. Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens, and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.

8. The clouds poured out water, the skies sent out a sound, the voice of thy thunder was in the heaven.

9. The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory.

10. The verdant lawn, the shady grove, the variegated landscape, the boundless ocean, and the starry firmament are beautiful and magnificent objects.

11. When you grind your corn, give not the flour to the devil and the bran to G.o.d.

12. That which the fool does in the end, the wise man does at the beginning.

13. Xerxes commanded the largest army that was ever brought into the field.

14. Without oxygen, fires would cease to burn, and all animals would immediately die.

15. Liquids, when acted upon by gravity, press downward, upward, and sideways.

16. Matter exists in three states--the solid state, the liquid state, and the gaseous state.

17. The blending of the seven prismatic colors produces white light.

18. Soap-bubbles, when they are exposed to light, exhibit colored rings.

19. He who yields to temptation debases himself with a debas.e.m.e.nt from which he can never arise.

20. Young eyes that last year smiled in ours Now point the rifle's barrel; And hands then stained with fruits and flowers Bear redder stains of quarrel.


+Capital Letters+.--The first word of (1) a sentence, (2) a line of poetry, (3) a direct quotation making complete sense or a direct question introduced into a sentence, and (4) phrases or clauses separately numbered or paragraphed should begin with a capital letter. Begin with a capital letter (5) proper names and words derived from them, (6) names of things personified, and (7) most abbreviations. Write in capital letters (8) the words _I_ and _O_, and (9) numbers in the Roman notation. [Footnote: Small letters are preferred where numerous references to chapters, etc., are made.]

+Examples+.--1. The judicious are always a minority.

2. Honor and shame from no condition rise; Act well your part, there all the honor lies.

3. The question is, "Can law make people honest?"

4. Paintings are useful for these reasons: 1. They please; 2. They instruct.

5. The heroic Nelson destroyed the French fleet in Aboukir Bay.

6. Next, Anger rushed, his eyes on fire.

7. The Atlantic ocean beat Mrs. Partington.

8. The use of _O_ and _oh_ I am now to explain.

9. Napoleon II. never came to the throne.

+Period+.--Place a period after (1) a declarative or an imperative sentence, (2) an abbreviation, and (3) a number written in the Roman notation.

For examples see 1, 7, and 9 in the sentences above.

+Interrogation Point+.--Every direct interrogative sentence or clause should be followed by an interrogation point.

+Example+.--King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets?

+Exclamation Point+.--All exclamatory expressions must be followed by the exclamation point.

+Example+.--Oh! bloodiest picture in the book of time! +_Comma_+.--Set off by the comma (1) a phrase out of its natural order or not closely connected with the word it modifies; (2) an explanatory modifier that does not restrict the modified term or combine closely with it; (3) a participle used as an adjective modifier, with the words belonging to it, unless restrictive; (4) the adjective clause, when not restrictive; (5) the adverb clause, unless it closely follows and restricts the word it modifies; (6) a word or phrase independent or nearly so; (7) a direct quotation introduced into a sentence, unless _formally_ introduced; (8) a noun clause used as an attribute complement; and (9) a term connected to another by or and having the same meaning. Separate by the comma (10) connected words and phrases, unless all the conjunctions are expressed; (11) independent clauses, when short and closely connected; and (12) the parts of a compound predicate and of other phrases, when long or differently modified.

+_Examples_+.--l. In the distance, icebergs look like of burnished metal. 2. Alexandria, the capital of Lower Egypt, is an ill-looking city.

3. Labor, diving deep into the earth, brings up long-hidden stores of coal.

4. The sun, which is the center of our system, is millions of miles from us. 5. When beggars die, there are no comets seen. 6. Gentlemen, this, then, is your verdict. 7. G.o.d said, "Let there be light." 8. Nelson's signal was, "England expects every man to do his duty." 9. Rubbers, or overshoes, are worn to keep the feet dry. 10. The sable, the seal, and the otter furnish us rich furs. 11. His dark eye flashed, his proud breast heaved, his cheek's hue came and went. 12. Flights of birds darken the air, and tempt the traveler with the promise of abundant provisions.

+_Semicolon_+.--Independent clauses (1) when slightly connected, or (2) when themselves divided by the comma, must be separated by the semicolon.

Use the semicolon (3) between serial phrases or clauses having a common dependence on something that precedes or follows; and (4) before _as, viz., to wit., namely, i. e._, and _that is_, when they introduce examples or ill.u.s.trations.

+_Examples_+.--1. The furnace blazes; the anvil rings; the busy wheels whirl round. 2. As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honor him; but, as he was ambitious, I slew him. 3. He drew a picture of the sufferings of our Saviour; his trial before Pilate; his ascent of Calvary; his crucifixion and death. 4. Gibbon writes, "I have been sorely afflicted with gout in the hand; to wit, laziness."

+_Colon_+.--Use the colon (1) between the parts of a sentence when these parts are themselves divided by the semicolon; and (2) before a quotation or an enumeration of particulars when formally introduced.

+_Examples_+.--l. Canning's features were handsome; his eye, though deeply ensconced under his eyebrows, was full of sparkle and gayety: the features of Brougham were harsh in the extreme. 2. To Lentullus and Gellius bear this message: "Their graves are measured."

+_Dash_+.--Use the dash where there is an omission (1) of letters or figures, and (2) of such words as _as_, _namely_, or _that is_, introducing ill.u.s.trations or equivalent expressions. Use the dash (3) where the sentence breaks off abruptly, and the same thought is resumed after a slight suspension, or another takes its place; and (4) before a word or phrase repeated at intervals for emphasis. The dash may be used (5) instead of marks of parenthesis, and may (6) follow other marks, adding to their force.

+_Examples_+.--1. In M------w, v. 3-11, you may find the "beat.i.tudes." 2.

There are two things certain in this world--taxes and death. 3. I said--I know not what. 4. I never would lay down my arms--_never_-- NEVER--+NEVER+.

5. Fulton started a steamboat----he called it the Clermont--on the Hudson in 1807. 6. My dear Sir,--I write this letter for information.

+_Marks of Parenthesis_+.--Marks of parenthesis may be used to enclose what has no essential connection with the rest of the sentence.

+Example+.--The noun (Lat. _nomen_, a name) is the first part of speech.

+_Apostrophe_+.--Use the apostrophe (1) to mark the omission of letters, (2) in the pluralizing of letters, figures, and characters, and (3) to distinguish the possessive from other cases.

+_Examples_+.--1. Bo't of John Jones 10 lbs. of b.u.t.ter. 2. What word is there one-half of which is _p's_? 3. He washed the disciples' feet.

+_Hyphen_+.--Use the hyphen (-) (1) between the parts of compound words that have not become consolidated, and (2) between syllables when a word is divided.

+_Examples_+.--1. Work-baskets are convenient. 2. Divide _basket_ thus: _bas-ket_.

+_Quotation Marks_+--Use quotation marks to enclose a copied word or pa.s.sage. If the quotation contains a quotation, the latter is enclosed within single marks.

+_Example_+---The sermon closed with this sentence: "G.o.d said, 'Let there be light.'"

+_Brackets_+.--Use brackets [ ] to enclose what, in quoting another's words, you insert by way of explanation or correction.

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