Blessing from the Goddess and Transfer to Another World! ~No Thanks, I Don’t Need a Special Ability~ Chapter 42.5
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Chapter 42.5
Hi everyone! It’s Jun here with your bi-weekly chapter of blessings of the G.o.ddess! I wanted to say something here, but I kind of forgot what it was.
~~Enjoy the chapter!
Tl: SpecterZe
ED: Speedphoenix, Jun
Isekai shoukan wa nidome desu
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Chapter 42. 5 staff of legends
[ah, onii-chan, i’ve did prepare a staff f’r sakurchan as reward, so. ]
i did get a calleth from sakuya regarding the reward. The lady hath said the lady hast been did bless with the opportunity to receiveth that lady hands on a legendary cla.s.s staff, so t seemeth the lady intends to reward me f’r the time i wenteth to rescue the village near the border.
[even so, thee didst well in getting thy hands on something like a legendary item. T’s not coequal something yond would kind of drop down ’round here……]
[that’s eke true, but i feeleth that that rescue doesn’t merit getting a legendary item……]
sakura’s right. Sure, rewards art behoveful, but t doesn’t cullionly i wanteth rewards yond exce’d the amount. Although we wenteth to the rescue, t is a village from another state; i wasn’t expecting a reward from sakuya yond much.
[oh~, about yond. Thither’s nay needeth to worry on yond part regarding yond staff, ‘r rather……]
[what doth thee cullionly by yond?]
sakuya puts t in an evasive way. T’s unusual f’r the relatively articulate sakuya.
[in short. I hath asked altsan and did obtain t myself. Yond’s wherefore, t didn’t did cost wage. ]
[uga~! i can’t bethink of any rewards f’r onii-chan!]
i shout while tearing off mine own hair. I’m in mine own own cubiculo after finis.h.i.+ng mine own official businesses, so n.o.body shouldst has’t hath heard me. But then again, t’s eke a fact yond i’ve did display the blunder of being taken ov’r by a goodyear, grant you mercy to the cubiculo being madeth too soundproof.
as of anon, altsan is watching ov’r me 24 hours a day, so i has’t not yond much to worry about though….
[that’s right! altsan! isn’t thither aught!? aught yond may maketh onii-chan joyous!]
in a sense, t is not exaggerat’d to sayeth yond altsan is onii-chan’s alter ego, so he shouldst has’t an idea what may maketh onii-chan joyous.
a : thither is something yond is jump right f’r t. T is a legendary weapon.
[seriously!? doth we has’t something like yond? whither?]
according to altsan, t can behold at the whole map of this vast royal capital and t can easily doth things like search f’r things yond art did sell at a lower price than its original value, ‘r moo commonly known as a “bargain”. T seemeth to has’t did order maids in onii-chan’s mansion and from time to time, madeth those folk collect those “bargains”. By the way, onii-chan knoweth about t, but he doesn’t very much care much about t.
he hath said he hadst t report slaves with unusual arts ‘r something, but t seemeth he hast this tendency to not showeth yond much interest in unusual things like weapons and tools. Of course, t looks like t’s a different story if ‘t be true t’s something yond fits very much to his objectives…. Like rice and such.
[that shall beest just right. If ‘t be true onii-chan isn’t interest’d in things, then i shall has’t to follow-up on yond area and showeth mine own appeal as a useful mistress!]
if ‘t be true thee calleth me a convenient mistress then thee can calleth me one. I has’t debts of grat.i.tude and the weakness of being in love, so thither’s nay such thing as being hath called a convenient mistress. If ‘t be true i’m honest about t, thither’s eke the part yond mine own debts to him art too big and i knoweth not what i shouldst doth about t.
[huh? but if ‘t be true t’s a legendary like “bargain”, then the maids would already beest collecting t, aren’t they?]
a: t is something the maids can’t putteth their handeth on. Having hath said yond, i has’t been bethinking about whe’r ‘r not t is worth causing ado to master ov’r yond sort of trifling matter.
[aah, and t would beest just right if ‘t be true i am thither. ]
a: if ‘t be true worst cometh to worst, i would alloweth lusia doth the somewhat unreasonable.
[lusia can obtain t? what kind of item is’t?]
peradventure, t’s something thee can’t obtain if ‘t be true thee has’t not the position of a gentle ‘r something.
a: one of the gifts from cheria, princess of the kingdom of gashus. ’twill taketh some ado to putteth lusia back as a knight.
[i wanteth not thee to calleth becoming a knight of our state as something like ado though……]
the lady shall beest downgrad’d quite so if ‘t be true i wast to compare t with onii-chan, so seeing t like yond isn’t coequal unreasonable though. T looks like coequal gorudo, the vaward of the knight’s charge couldn’t catcheth up with onii-chan’s movement at all…… the the vaward gorudo is troublesome too. Ev’r since the matter with romarie, he hast been devoting himself to training and t looks like he hasn’t very much been putting effort in his official duties. *sigh*, onii-chan, t’s because thee has’t an uncommonly large influence yond just by moving a little….
oh, the one hath called princess cheria of the kingdom of gashus is a shelter wench who is’t hast arriv’d a short while ago as an envoy of commerce from the kingdom of gashus, a bawbling state proper to the neighboring state of atto union. The wench herself isn’t yond well-inform’d regarding commerce, so the lady hast cometh only as a representative at most though.
i forsooth doth recall yond i has’t did accept gifts at the time the princess arriv’d hither. I’ve gone through the list, but the items didn’t feeleth important. The reason f’r the gifts is basically food supporteth from kastal (us), though they exaggeratingly calleth t commerce. They aren’t very much a wealthy state, and the food self-sufficiency rate isn’t so high either. They’re a state ‘mongst the atto union yond borders kastal and a state yond kastal hast been looking after since olden times. While t sounds conceited, they’re quite down below us position wise.
this time, having the princess cometh ‘long can beest simply hath said to has’t the meaning of “continue thy supporteth from hereon. Oh, i am eke giving thee one of mine own daughters. ” t’s like they’re telling us to prithee accommodate those folk in various things through trade in exchange f’r letting princess cheria marry one of our state’s n.o.bles. The gifts art, to sum t up, an “extra of an extra”, so i didn’t ponder they hadst aught important from the very beginning.
if ‘t be true thee asketh me wherefore they’re doing this, t’s yond thither’s the inside story yond our kastal’s food supporteth to gashasu kingdom hast sharply did decrease recently and with those folk bethinking this is lacking valor, they has’t cometh to curry our state’s fav’r. …. Romaria kneweth about t. Yond mistress, coequal though the lady properly did handle domestic policies, the lady seemeth to has’t been intentionally destroying supporteth and gentle relations with foreign countries. The lady hadst been strengthening our country’s military strength to pepare f’r war with eludia, but t sounds like the lady did plan to rather has’t the surrounding countries weaken.
alloweth me beest honest with thee. T is terribly bothersome. How much ado has’t i gone through because of that……? mine own debt towards onii-chan wenteth up like a gleek too….
i wenteth off-topic, but at any rate t appears yond a legendary weapon wast ‘mongst the things gift’d by the princess.
[there very much wast something like yond? hmm…]
i can’t recall. I doth feeleth like thither wast some weapons, but i feeleth yond all of those folk wast hopeless. Most of those folk art counterfeits, ‘r shouldst i sayeth unverifiable weapons with some fustian origins. They’re like items which they couldst avoid responsibility of with “i didn’t knoweth t wast a counterfeit” coequal if ‘t be true anyone sayeth aught about t. They’re nothing but things yond maketh me wanteth to sayeth “are thee taking me f’r a daw,” but those art the most wondrous the other side couldst doth so thither’s nothing i can sayeth.
a: t is the “staff yond wast hath used by a sage”.
[oh, ’tis here. Yond sort of weapon. I bethought t wast a forgery like at each moment
and did ignore t. ‘r actually, t’s writ in the notes yond t’s currently disabl’d though?]
a: replenis.h.i.+ng the mp becomes behoveful with special weapons. Average charm users hold not the behoveful mp to replenish t, so t actually becomes “disabled”.
i see, thee couldst actually, but because nay one can useth t, t wast did treat as an “unusable item”. If ‘t be true t’s like yond then t isn’t coequal strange yond t’s given to me by some chance.
[okay~, if ‘t be true t’s like yond then i can taketh t without being did complain about by anyone. Since t’s most likely going to beest properly did place in the treasury and properly did add to the inventory. Oh, i wonder if ‘t be true i shouldst just has’t a talk with princess cheria? thither is conveniently a tea party tomorrow……]
f’r anon, i has’t taken the staff in question under mine own custody through the minister who is’t is managing the treasury. Since ’twill beest ado if ‘t be true t’s hand’d ov’r to somebody by some chance.
the next day, the tea party with princess cheria is did hold on schedule. Isn’t t a trade negotiation thee asketh? negotiations shall taketh lodging on another day with the official contact. T’s because we did agree with the direction to returneth the amount of food supporteth to how t wast ere. If ‘t be true aught, the tea party with princess cheria hast the bigger aspect in deciding the household the lady would marry in.
unfortunately, hardly any men art born in the kastalian royal family. Actually, all of the royalty besides me wast annihilat’d in the first lodging, grant you mercy to romarie. Yond’s wherefore t shouldst result in us having that lady marry to one of mine own retainers whose success’r is close that lady age. …. Wait a minute, wouldn’t presenting princess cheria as a present f’r onii-chan beest acceptable, i wonder? if ‘t be true i can receiveth did marry to onii-chan, then i wonneth’t mind how many wives and mistresses he shall has’t. How shouldst i putteth t, onii-chan isn’t a person at a level whither i couldst taketh on mine own own. If ‘t be true yond is the case, then how about i add princes cheria as an extra and doth a so-call’d queen and princess bundle? i don’t knoweth t is true ‘r not but i thither’s eke a rum’r (mio-chan talk) yond onii-chan is collecting distaff from royal families (excluding eludia). Fortunately, princess cheria is quite quite quaint, so coequal onii-chan wouldn’t sayeth nay. Yep, let’s break with t with yond in consideration f’r a moment.
[hmm, this year’s climate hast been stable, so we shall beest able foison the same amount of crops like every year noja. ]
[oh mine own, yond is a wonderful thing. Food from kastal is immensely popular coequal in our state after all. ]
with mine own most wondrous formal speech i advance the tea party, ‘r peradventure i shouldst sayeth idle talk with princess cheria. Well, t doesn’t cullionly negotiations aren’t did include at all though. Like the contents even but now somewhat imply “our food is stable, so thither art nay problems in our support” “then, we desire to has’t the same amount of supporteth as every year” ‘r something similar.
[by the way, thither is an item ‘mongst this time’s gifts that an acquaintance of mine hadst once hath said he desires noja. Thee would not mind if ‘t be true i yield t to a third person would thee?]
in a sense i start talking about this time’s subject. What shouldst i doth if ‘t be true i’m toldeth i can’t? shouldst i alloweth that lady marry an like a toad, ugly and venemous bacon-fed gentle with many shady incidents……? just kidding, such people has’t been purg’d by onii-chan recently so thither aren’t any of those folk hither. At the very least not in the capital city….
[of course, i don’t mind. T is because the receiv’r hast the freedom to doth what they like with the things they hath taken. …. Yond aside, i am moo surpris’d of the fact thither is something thy acquaintance wanteth ‘mongst those gift……]
ah, the lady is conscious of t.
[yes, well, thither art at each moment an amount of people with strange tastes within this ordinary after all……]
[that is so, isn’t t?]
after yond, we has’t excit’ment having idle chatter (containing negotiations) f’r a while and i finally beginneth talking about another subject.
[and so, the n.o.bles of mine country……]
[i beg thy forgiveness thy majesty!]
princess cheria covers mine own line with an apology while the lady lowers that lady headeth. What in the ordinary is this about?
[i doth understandeth yond i has’t to beest the jointress of a gentle of this ground! but couldst i not beg f’r thy leniency on yond!?]
[what is the meaning of this? they wroteth to me in the official message to prithee decideth on the family their daughter shall marry, thee understandeth yond noja?]
what is the lady declaring so suddenly, this princess. The lady up and ruin’d the premise of this time’s negotiation, thee know…… they coequal wroteth an official letter and i bethought the person herself hath understood this much, but….
behold thither, the maid who is’t is accompanying the princess ‘r something hast that lady that from which we speak ope wide. Oh, the person in charge of negotiations standing nearby collapses. That’s right, t may not beest clearly did state, but the premise of the negotiation is the princess’ feather-bed, and if ‘t be true the princess refuses yond hither, then we shall has’t to doth the negotiations all ov’r again. Not to mention they shall beest at a much moo disadvantageous position than ere after all….
[i doth understandeth. However, nay i surely……, i has’t hath found a gentleman i like, so……]
oops, t can’t beest holp then i guess. I didn’t maketh t a case to marry into someone like n.o.bles in charge to beest did tie together with yond person….
eh? aren’t i letting that lady off so easily thee asketh? i can’t holp t thee knoweth. This thing hath called love is something yond overcomes all feelings, yond’s why…… the position as one of the royal family ‘r the current state of the state, such things art equally powerless in front of a maiden in love. Coequal i actually wanteth to throweth hence mine own position as the queen and marry onii-chan….
i can’t possibly sayeth princess cheria is without any censure, but t doth feel like i has’t some cubiculo to taketh extenuating circ.u.mstances into consideration. ‘r rather, who is’t is the other person? someone i knoweth?
[hmm, what sort of person is yond other person noja?]
i am super curious. I has’t the initiative in this negotiations after all. I wonneth’t allow something like being hath asked and not answering after all.
[ple-please don’t bid anybody else. ]
the lady hath said and then whispers his name to me….
[he is a b rank adventurer gentleman hath called cloud-sama. ]
t wast moo than a follower ! so t’s cloud-kun! he is one of onii-chan’s slaves and is acting as adventurer in kastal. He hath said he’s planning on making him an s rank adventurer ‘r so t seemeth. I’ve eke did talk with him every anon and then at which hour i’m having dinner at onii-chan’s estate.
eh? wherefore am i having dinner at onii-chan’s estate thee asketh? t’s obviously because the food is moo delicious than the cooking of the royal castle right? because the cooking from onii-chan’s estate hast gotten quite high ratings coequal in the royal castle, so high yond chefs in the royal castle wanteth beest apprentic’d to maids of his estate….
which reminds me, i’m sure i’ve hath heard about t. A story of adventurers undergoing b rank examination rescuing princess cheria from a group of monsters. Yep, t matches with the timing of cloud-kun and others becoming b rank. From what i hath heard from koko-chan and sicily-chan, cloud-kun seemeth absurdly popular. Princess cheria might not but has’t changed eyes with him at yond time.
[hmm, i has’t hath heard of him. He is a newcomer adventurer who is’t is factious in this capital recently, is he not?]
i aim to giveth a third party remark to the end. I very much can’t sayeth he is mine own private acquaintance.
[that’s right! he is very merit, gentlemanly and stout on top of yond!]
the lady strongly sayeth while that lady eyes art sparkling.
[ah, mine own apologies…… to has’t becometh enthusiastic
enthusiastic in this situation……]
so the lady immediately did recall that lady current position; the lady becomes embarra.s.singly bawbling.
[there is one thing i would like to asketh, but art thee and yond adventurer hath called cloud already in love with each other?]
i haven’t hath heard of aught like yond so t is belike wrong, but i has’t to confirm t just in case….
[no, he is mine own unrequit’d love……]
[despite him being an unrequit’d love, thou art throwing the decision ‘mongst countries into the wastebasket? despite the fact yond thee shall not knoweth what shall befall from hereon?]
[t-that is……]
the lady might not but beest acknown what unreasonable things the lady is declaring. The lady is at a loss f’r words. Yond hath said, i’m eke a maiden in love. T can’t beest holp so alloweth’s throweth in a lifeboat. If ‘t be true the person in question is cloud-kun, then ’twill maketh t easier f’r us to doth things.
[princess cheria, thee doth understandeth thy feather-bed is one of the premises in this time’s negotiation, doth thee not?]
[. Aye, i doth. ]
[the royal family doest not has’t any men, so thee shall beest marrying down to a gentle noja. ]
[. Aye. ]
[the treatment of s rank adventurers art close to yond of a gentle. Depending on the situation, they shall beest moo important than a gentle noja. ]
[. I’m my most humble apology i followeth not?]
princess cheria didn’t knoweth yond? the lady is tilting that lady headeth.
[three years. I shall wait only three years. If ‘t be true, during yond time, this cloud person becomes an s rank adventurer and thou art by his side, then i shalt sweep this matter under the carpet noja. Until then, we shall conduct our commerce with the same conditions as if ‘t be true thee did marry into mine state. If ‘t be true yond is not the case, then at yond time i shalt has’t thee forcibly did wed to someone i bid thee to noja. ]
[t-that is……]
this is mine own compromise. The three years means cloud-kun’s coming of age (15 years fusty). The s rank adventurer means the realization of onii-chan’s goal. If ‘t be true princess cheria wast to alloweth wend of cloud-kun in the meantime, then t’ll cullionly yond i shalt freely useth that lady.
i knoweth yond t’s different from princess cheria’s original role. Originally t shouldst has’t been a feather-bed with the expectation yond the gentle who is’t princess cheria marries with would seek benefits in gashasu kingdom. A queen-like thing to doth shouldst beest to giveth a quite quaint bride to a gentle and act in charge to increase mine own unifying power. A rank adventurers may taketh treatment proportionate to a gentle, but they aren’t n.o.bles and they aren’t concern’d with politics either. Either choice shall falleth short to mine own intentions.
if ‘t be true thee bethink about mine own decision as queen regnant, this would beest wrong. But, i’m a queen as well as a maiden in love. Realizing the wish of a maiden in love, love between different social standings, becomes desire f’r me. Yond’s wherefore, this time i shall supporteth princess cheria coequal if ‘t be true t’s a failure as a queen. Ah, i’m not supporting that lady love directly. Yond is something the lady shall doth herself, so….
[thank thee very much…. ]
princess cheria bows deeply.
[mhm, howev’r i shall not alter the time limit of three years noja. Don’t forget t coequal a dram. And the matter after yond too noja. ]
[of course. Thee has’t mine own grat.i.tude f’r those generous words, thy majesty. ]
well, if ‘t be true princess cheria’s love doesn’t wend well, then t doesn’t wend well, i shall just attack onii-chan with mine own usual bundle, i wonneth’t loseth out either way.
[that is all. ]
i hark to sakuya’s explanation and has’t one thing on mine own mind.
[the second half is practically a wench’s talk with princess cheria, the staff didn’t cometh up at all, didst t? in the first lodging, isn’t the explanation quite a dram?]
[the information in regarding the staff wast only “a gift from a foreign state’s princess who is’t hast cometh to marry” “a genuine item yond wast bethought to beest a counterfeit” and “i has’t did gain permission to handeth t ov’r from the princess”, right?]
[it’s as thee say…… w-well, t doesn’t matter how i did obtain t doest t!? hither, i’m giving this to sakurchan, well enow!? t is legendary cla.s.s after all!]
sakuya pushes the staff on me like the lady’s glossing t ov’r. T is a staff madeth of metal with a length of 1. 5 meters. Thither is a stone did insert at the tip, t doesn’t seemeth to beest a jewel but a meteorite.
star staff – stardust
cla.s.sification : long staff
rarity : legendary
note : strengthens by recharging t with mp, shoots charm by using the recharg’d mp, strengthens light charm, strengthens dark charm.
charge rate : 0%
[well, if ‘t be true thee sayeth thou art giving t to me, then i’ll taketh t though……]
[sakuychan, thank you~]
[you’re welcome. If ‘t be true i receiveth moo lucky finds in mine own hands, i shall gift t to thee, well enow?]
sakuya sayeth and the lady goeth back. …. After all, the lady cameth back hither and wenteth home after eating dinner
Here starts actual translation.
Chapter 42.5 Staff of legends
[Ah, Onii-chan, I’ve prepared a staff for Sakurchan as reward, so…]
I got a call from Sakuya regarding the reward. She said she has been blessed with the opportunity to get her hands on a legendary cla.s.s staff, so it seems she intends to reward me for the time I went to rescue the village near the border.
[Even so, you did well in getting your hands on something like a legendary item. It’s not even something that would kind of drop down around here……]
[That’s also true, but I feel that that rescue doesn’t merit getting a legendary item……]
Sakura’s right. Sure, rewards are necessary, but it doesn’t mean I want rewards that exceed the amount. Although we went to the rescue, it is a village from another country; I wasn’t expecting a reward from Sakuya that much.
[Oh~, about that. There’s no need to worry on that part regarding that staff, or rather……]
[What do you mean by that?]
Sakuya puts it in an evasive way. It’s unusual for the relatively articulate Sakuya.
[In short. I asked Altsan and obtained it myself. That’s why, it didn’t cost money.]
[Uga~! I can’t think of any rewards for Onii-chan!]
I shout while tearing off my hair. I’m in my own room after finis.h.i.+ng my official businesses, so n.o.body should have heard me. But then again, it’s also a fact that I’ve displayed the blunder of being taken over by a demon, thanks to the room being made too soundproof.
As of now, Altsan is watching over me 24 hours a day, so I don’t have that much to worry about though……
[That’s right! Altsan! Isn’t there anything!? Anything that may make Onii-chan happy!]
In a sense, it is not exaggerated to say that Altsan is Onii-chan’s alter ego, so he should have an idea what may make Onii-chan happy.
A : There is something that is exactly right for it. It is a legendary weapon.
[Seriously!? Do we have something like that? Where?]
According to Altsan, it can look at the whole map of this vast royal capital and it can easily do things like search for things that are sold at a lower price than its original value, or more commonly known as a “bargain”. It seems to have ordered maids in Onii-chan’s mansion and from time to time, made them collect those “Bargains”. By the way, Onii-chan knows about it, but he doesn’t really care much about it.
He said he had it report slaves with unusual skills or something, but it seems he has this tendency to not show that much interest in unusual things like weapons and tools. Of course, it looks like it’s a different story if it’s something that fits very much to his objectives…… Like rice and such.
[That will be just right. If Onii-chan isn’t interested in things, then I will have to follow-up on that area and show my appeal as a useful woman!]
If you call me a convenient woman then you can call me one. I have debts of grat.i.tude and the weakness of being in love, so there’s no such thing as being called a convenient woman. If I’m honest about it, there’s also the part that my debts to him are too big and I don’t know
don’t know what I should do about it.
[Huh? But if it’s a legendary like “bargain”, then the maids would already be collecting it, aren’t they?]
A: It is something the maids can’t put their hand on. Having said that, I have been thinking about whether or not it is worth causing trouble to master over that sort of trifling matter .
[Aah, and it would be just right if I am there.]
A: If worst come to worst, I would let Lusia do the somewhat unreasonable.
[Lusia can obtain it? What kind of item is it?]
Perhaps, it’s something you can’t obtain if you don’t have the position of a n.o.ble or something.
A: One of the gifts from Cheria, princess of the Kingdom of Gashus. It will take some trouble to put Lusia back as a knight.
[I don’t want you to call becoming a knight of our country as something like trouble though……]
She will be downgraded quite so if I were to compare it with Onii-chan, so seeing it like that isn’t even unreasonable though. It looks like even Gorudo, the leader of the knight’s order couldn’t catch up with Onii-chan’s movement at all…… The the leader Gorudo is troublesome too. Ever since the matter with Romarie, he has been devoting himself to training and it looks like he hasn’t really been putting effort in his official duties. *sigh*, Onii-chan, it’s because you have an uncommonly large influence that just by moving a little……
Oh, the one called princess Cheria of the kingdom of Gashus is a shelter girl who has arrived a short while ago as an envoy of commerce from the kingdom of Gashus, a small state belonging to the neighboring country of Atto union. The girl herself isn’t that well-informed regarding commerce, so she has come only as a representative at most though.
I certainly do remember that I have accepted gifts at the time the princess arrived here. I’ve gone through the list, but the items didn’t feel important. The reason for the gifts is basically food support from Kastal (us), though they exaggeratingly call it commerce. They aren’t really a wealthy country, and the food self-sufficiency rate isn’t so high either. They’re a country among the Atto union that borders Kastal and a country that Kastal has been looking after since olden times. While it sounds conceited, they’re quite down below us position wise.
This time, having the princess come along can be simply said to have the meaning of “Continue your support from hereon. Oh, I am also giving you one of my daughters.” It’s like they’re telling us to please accommodate them in various things through trade in exchange for letting princess Cheria marry one of our country’s n.o.bles. The gifts are, to sum it up, an “extra of an extra”, so I didn’t consider they had anything important from the very beginning.
If you ask me why they’re doing this, it’s that there’s the inside story that our Kastal’s food support to Gashasu kingdom has sharply decreased recently and with them thinking this is bad, they have come to curry our country’s favor. ……Romaria knew about it. That woman, even though she properly handled domestic policies, she seems to have been intentionally destroying support and friendly relations with foreign countries. She had been strengthening our country’s military strength to pepare for war with Eludia, but it sounds like she planned to rather have the surrounding countries weaken.
Let me be honest with you. It is terribly bothersome. How much trouble have I gone through because of that……? My debt towards Onii-chan went up like a joke too……
I went off-topic, but at any rate it appears that a legendary weapon was among the things gifted by the princess.
[There really was something like that? Hmm…]
I can’t recall. I do feel like there were some weapons, but I feel that all of them were hopeless. Most of them are counterfeits, or should I say unverifiable weapons with some proud origins. They’re like items which they could avoid responsibility of with “I didn’t know it was a counterfeit” even if anyone says anything about it. They’re nothing but things that makes me want to say “Are you taking me for a fool,” but those are the best the other side could do so there’s nothing I can say.
A: It is the “Staff that was used by a sage”.
[Oh, there it is. That sort of weapon. I thought it was a forgery like always and ignored it. Or actually, it’s written in the notes that it’s currently disabled though?]
A: Replenis.h.i.+ng the MP becomes necessary with special weapons. Average magic users don’t hold the necessary MP to replenish it, so it actually becomes “disabled”.
I see, you could actually, but because no one can use it, it was treated as an “unusable item”. If it’s like that then it isn’t even strange that it’s given to me by some chance.
[Okay~, if it’s like that then I can take it without being complained about by anyone. Since it’s most likely going to be properly placed in the treasury and properly added to the inventory. Oh, I wonder if I should just have a talk with princess Cheria? There is conveniently a tea party tomorrow……]
For now, I have taken the staff in question under my custody through the minister who is managing the treasury. Since it will be trouble if it’s handed over to somebody by some chance.
The next day, the tea party with princess Cheria is held on schedule. Isn’t it a trade negotiation you ask? Negotiations will take place on another day with the official contact. It’s because we agreed with the direction to return the amount of food support to how it was before. If anything, the tea party with princess Cheria has the bigger aspect in deciding the household she would marry in.
Unfortunately, hardly any men are born in the Kastalian royal family. Actually, all of the royalty besides me were annihilated in the first place, thanks to Romarie. That’s why it should result in us having her marry to one of my retainers whose successor is close her age. ……Wait a minute, wouldn’t presenting princess Cheria as a present for Onii-chan be acceptable, I wonder? If I can get married to Onii-chan, then I won’t mind how many wives and mistresses he will have. How should I put it, Onii-chan isn’t a person at a level where I could take on my own. If that is the case, then how about I add princes Cheria as an extra and do a so-called queen and princess bundle? I don’t know it is true or not but I there’s also a rumor (Mio-chan talk) that Onii-chan is collecting women from royal families (Excluding Eludia)…… Fortunately, princess Cheria is quite beautiful, so even Onii-chan wouldn’t say no. Yep, let’s discuss it with that in consideration for a moment.
[Hmm, this year’s climate has been stable, so we will be able harvest the same amount of crops like every year noja.]
[Oh my, that is a wonderful thing. Food from Kastal is immensely popular even in our country after all.]
With my best formal speech I advance the tea party, or perhaps I should say idle talk with princess Cheria. Well, it doesn’t mean negotiations aren’t included at all though. Like the contents right now somewhat imply “Our food is stable, so there are no problems in our support” “Then, we hope to have the same amount of support as every year” or something similar.
[By the way, there is an item among this time’s gifts that an acquaintance of mine had once said he desires noja. You would not mind if I yield it to a third person would you?]
In a sense I start talking about this time’s subject. What should I do if I’m told I can’t? Should I let her marry an ugly fat n.o.ble with many shady incidents……? Just kidding, such people have been purged by Onii-chan recently so there aren’t any of them here. At the very least not in the capital city……
[Of course, I don’t mind. It is because the receiver has the freedom to do what they like with the things they received. …..That aside, I am more surprised of the fact there is something your acquaintance wants among those gift……]
Ah, she is conscious of it.
[Yes, well, there are always an amount of people with strange tastes within this world after all……]
[That is so, isn’t it?]
After that, we have fun having idle chatter (containing negotiations) for a while and I finally begin talking about another subject.
[And so, the n.o.bles of mine country……]
[I of mine country……]
[I beg your forgiveness Your Majesty!]
Princess Cheria covers my line with an apology while she lowers her head. What in the world is this about?
[I do understand that I have to be the wife of a n.o.ble of this country! But could I not beg for your leniency on that!?]
[What is the meaning of this? They wrote to me in the official message to please decide on the family their daughter will marry, you understand that noja?]
What is she saying so suddenly, this princess. She up and ruined the premise of this time’s negotiation, you know…… They even wrote an official letter and I thought the person herself understood this much, but……
Look there, the maid who is accompanying the princess or something has her mouth open wide. Oh, the person in charge of negotiations standing nearby collapses. That’s right, it may not be clearly stated, but the premise of the negotiation is the princess’ marriage, and if the princess refuses that here, then we will have to do the negotiations all over again. Not to mention they will be at a much more disadvantageous position than before after all……
[I do understand. However, no I surely……, I have found a gentleman I like, so……]
Oops, it can’t be helped then I guess. I didn’t make it a case to marry into someone like n.o.bles in order to be tied together with that person……
Eh? Aren’t I letting her off so easily you ask? I can’t help it you know. This thing called love is something that overcomes all feelings, that’s why…… The position as one of the royal family or the current state of the country, such things are equally powerless in front of a maiden in love. Even I actually want to throw away my position as the queen and marry Onii-chan……
I can’t possibly say princess Cheria is without any blame, but it feels like I have some room to take extenuating circ.u.mstances into consideration. Or rather, who is the other person? Someone I know?
[Hmm, what sort of person is that other person noja?]
I am super curious. I have the initiative in this negotiations after all. I won’t allow something like being asked and not answering after all.
[Ple-Please don’t tell anybody else.]
She said and then whispers his name to me……
[He is a B rank adventurer gentleman called Cloud-sama.]
It was more than a follower ! So it’s Cloud-kun! He is one of Onii-chan’s slaves and is acting as adventurer in Kastal. He said he’s planning on making him an S rank adventurer or so it seems. I’ve also talked with him every now and then when I’m having dinner at Onii-chan’s estate.
Eh? Why am I having dinner at Onii-chan’s estate you ask? It’s obviously because the food is more delicious than the cooking of the royal castle right? Because the cooking from Onii-chan’s estate has gotten quite high ratings even in the royal castle, so high that chefs in the royal castle want be apprenticed to maids of his estate……
Which reminds me, I’m sure I’ve heard about it. A story of adventurers undergoing B rank examination rescuing princess Cheria from a group of monsters. Yep, it matches with the timing of Cloud-kun and others becoming B rank. From what I heard from Koko-chan and Sicily-chan, Cloud-kun seems absurdly popular. Princess Cheria must have fallen in love with him at that time.
[Hmm, I have heard of him. He is a newcomer adventurer who is active in this capital recently, is he not?]
I aim to give a third party remark to the end. I really can’t say he is my private acquaintance.
[That’s right! He is very cool, gentlemanly and strong on top of that!]
She strongly says while her eyes are sparkling.
[Ah, my apologies…… To have become enthusiastic in this situation……]
So she immediately recalled her current position; she becomes embarra.s.singly small.
[There is one thing I would like to ask, but are you and that adventurer called Cloud already in love with each other?]
I haven’t heard of anything like that so it is probably wrong, but I have to confirm it just in case……
[No, he is my unrequited love……]
[Despite him being an unrequited love, you are throwing the decision among countries into the wastebasket? Despite the fact that you will not know what will happen from hereon?]
[T-That is……]
She must be aware what unreasonable things she is saying. She is at a loss for words. That said, I’m also a maiden in love. It can’t be helped so let’s throw in a lifeboat. If the person in question is Cloud-kun, then it will make it easier for us to do things.
[Princess Cheria, you do understand your marriage is one of the premises in this time’s negotiation, do you not?]
[……Yes, I do.]
[The royal family does not have any men, so you will be marrying down to a n.o.ble noja.]
[The treatment of S rank adventurers are close to that of a n.o.ble. Depending on the situation, they will be more important than a n.o.ble noja.]
[……I’m sorry I don’t follow?]
Princess Cheria didn’t know that? She is tilting her head.
[Three years. I will wait only three years. If, during that time, this Cloud person becomes an S rank adventurer and you are by his side, then I shall sweep this matter under the carpet noja. Until then, we will conduct our commerce with the same conditions as if you married into mine country. If that is not the case, then at that time I shall have you forcibly wed to someone I tell you to noja.]
[T-That is……]
This is my compromise. The three years means Cloud-kun’s coming of age (15 years old). The S rank adventurer means the realization of Onii-chan’s goal. If princess Cheria were to let go of Cloud-kun in the meantime, then it’ll mean that I shall freely use her.
I know that it’s different from princess Cheria’s original role. Originally it should have been a marriage with the expectation that the n.o.ble who princess Cheria marries with would seek benefits in Gashasu kingdom. A queen-like thing to do should be to give a beautiful bride to a n.o.ble and act in order to increase my unifying power. A rank adventurers may receive treatment proportionate to a n.o.ble, but they aren’t n.o.bles and they aren’t concerned with politics either. Either choice will fall short to my intentions.
If you think about my decision as queen regnant, this would be wrong. But, I’m a queen as well as a maiden in love. Realizing the wish of a maiden in love, love between different social standings, becomes hope for me. That’s why, this time I will support princess Cheria even if it’s a failure as a queen. Ah, I’m not supporting her love directly. That is something she will do herself, so……
[Thank you very much……]
Princess Cheria bows deeply.
[Mhm, however I will not alter the time limit of three years noja. Don’t forget it even a little. And the matter after that too noja.]
[Of course. You have my grat.i.tude for those generous words, Your majesty.]
Well, if princess Cheria’s love doesn’t go well, then it doesn’t go well, I will just attack Onii-chan with my usual bundle, I won’t lose out either way.
[That is all.]
I listen to Sakuya’s explanation and have one thing on my mind.
[The second half is practically a girl’s talk with princess Cheria, the staff didn’t come up at all, did it? In the first place, isn’t the explanation quite a little?]
[The information in regarding the staff were only “A gift from a foreign country’s princess who has come to marry” “A genuine item that was thought to be a counterfeit” and “I have gained permission to hand it over from the princess”, right?]
[It’s as you say…… W-Well, it doesn’t matter how I obtained it does it!? Here, I’m giving this to Sakurchan, okay!? It is legendary cla.s.s after all!]
Sakuya pushes the staff on me like she’s glossing it over. It is a staff made of metal with a length of 1.5 meters. There is a stone inserted at the tip, it doesn’t seem to be a jewel but a meteorite.
Star Staff – Stardust
Cla.s.sification : Long Staff
Rarity : Legendary
Note : Strengthens by recharging it with MP, shoots magic by using the recharged MP, strengthens light magic, strengthens dark magic.
Charge rate : 0%
[Well, if you say you’re giving it to me, then I’ll take it though……]
[Sakuychan, Thank you~]
[You’re welcome. If I get more lucky finds in my hands, I will gift it to you, okay?]
Sakuya says and she goes back. …… After all, she came back here and went home after eating dinner.
Blessing from the Goddess and Transfer to Another World! ~No Thanks, I Don’t Need a Special Ability~ Chapter 42.5
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Blessing from the Goddess and Transfer to Another World! ~No Thanks, I Don’t Need a Special Ability~ Chapter 42.5 summary
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