A Civic Biology Part 34
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These corpuscles are somewhat larger than the red corpuscles, but less numerous, there being about one colorless corpuscle to every three hundred red ones. They have the power of movement, for they are found not only inside but outside the blood vessels, showing that they have worked their way between the cells that form the walls of the blood tubes.
[Ill.u.s.tration: A colorless corpuscle catching and eating germs.]
A Russian zoologist, Metchnikoff, after studying a number of simple animals, such as medusae and sponges, found that in such animals some of the cells lining the inside of the food cavity take up or engulf minute bits of food. Later, this food is changed into the protoplasm of the cell.
Metchnikoff believed that the colorless corpuscles of the blood have somewhat the same function. This he later proved to be true. Like the amoeba, they feed by engulfing their prey. This fact has a very important bearing on the relation of colorless corpuscles to certain diseases caused by bacteria within the body. If, for example, a cut becomes infected by bacteria, inflammation may set in. Colorless corpuscles at once surround the spot and attack the bacteria which cause the inflammation. If the bacteria are few in number, they are quickly eaten by certain of the colorless corpuscles, which are known as _phagocytes_. If bacteria are present in great quant.i.ties, they may prevail and kill the phagocytes by poisoning them. The dead bodies of the phagocytes thus killed are found in the pus, or matter, which acc.u.mulates in infected wounds. In such an event, we must come to the aid of nature by was.h.i.+ng the wound with some antiseptic, as weak carbolic acid or hydrogen peroxide.
Antibodies and their Uses.--In case of disease where, for example, fever is caused by poison given off from bacteria we find the cells of the body manufacture and pour into the blood a substance known as an _antibody_.
This substance does not of necessity kill the harmful germs or even stop their growth. It does, however, unite with the toxin or poison given off by the germs and renders it entirely harmless.
Function of Lymph.--The tissues and organs of the body are traversed by a network of tubes which carry the blood. Inside these tubes is the blood proper, consisting of a fluid plasma, the colorless corpuscles, and the red corpuscles. Outside the blood tubes, in s.p.a.ces between the cells which form tissues, is found another fluid, which is in chemical composition very much like plasma of the blood. This is the _lymph_. It is, in fact, fluid food in which some colorless amoeboid corpuscles are found. Blood gives up its food material to the lymph. This it does by pa.s.sing it through the walls of the capillaries. The food is in turn given up to the tissue cells, which are bathed by the lymph.
[Ill.u.s.tration: The exchange between blood and the cells of the body.]
Some of the amoeboid corpuscles from the blood make their way between the cells forming the walls of the capillaries. _Lymph, then, is practically blood plasma plus some colorless corpuscles. It acts as the medium of exchange between the blood proper and the cells in the tissues of the body._ By means of the food supply thus brought, the cells of the body are able to grow, the fluid food being changed to the protoplasm of the cells.
By means of the oxygen pa.s.sed over by the lymph, oxidation may take place within the cells. Lymph not only gives food to the cells of the body, but also takes away carbon dioxide and other waste materials, which are ultimately pa.s.sed out of the body by means of the lungs, skin, and kidneys.
Internal Secretions.--In addition to all the functions given above, the blood has recently been shown to carry the secretions of a number of glands through which it pa.s.ses, although these glands have no ducts to carry off their secretions. These internal secretions seem _absolutely necessary_ for the health of the body. Several glands, the thyroid, adrenal bodies, the testes, and ovaries, as well as the pancreas, give off these remarkable substances.
The Amount of Blood and its Distribution.--Blood forms, by weight, about one sixteenth of the body. This would be about four quarts to a body weight of 130 pounds. Normally, about one half of the blood of the body is found in or near the organs lying in the body cavity below the diaphragm, about one fourth in the muscles, and the rest in the head, heart, lungs, large arteries, and veins.
Blood Temperature.--The temperature of blood in the human body is normally about 98.6 Fahrenheit when tested under the tongue by a thermometer, although the temperature drops almost two degrees after we have gone to sleep at night. It is highest about 5 P.M. and lowest about 4 A.M. In fevers, the temperature of the body sometimes rises to 107; but unless this temperature is soon reduced, death follows. Any considerable drop in temperature below the normal also means death. Body heat results from the oxidation of food, and the circulation of blood keeps the temperature nearly uniform in all parts of the body.
Cold-blooded Animals.--In animals which are called cold-blooded, the blood has no fixed temperature, but varies with the temperature of the medium in which the animal lives. Frogs, in the summer, may sit for hours in water with a temperature of almost 100. In winter, they often endure freezing so that the blood and lymph within the s.p.a.ces under the loose skin are frozen into ice crystals. This change in body temperature is evidently an adaptation to the mode of life.
Circulation of the Blood in Man.--The blood is the carrying agent of the body. Like a railroad or express company, it takes materials from one part of the human organism to another. This it does by means of the organs of circulation,--the heart and blood vessels. These blood vessels are called _arteries_ where they carry blood away from the heart, _veins_ where they bring blood back to the heart, and _capillaries_ where they connect the larger blood vessels. The organs of circulation thus form a system of connected tubes through which the blood flows.
The Heart; Position, Size, Protection.--The heart is a cone-shaped muscular organ about the size of a man's fist. It is located immediately above the diaphragm, and lies so that the muscular apex, which points downward, moves while beating against the fifth and sixth ribs, just a little to the left of the midline of the body. This fact gives rise to the notion that the heart is on the left side of the body. The heart is surrounded by a loose membranous bag called the _pericardium_, the inner lining of which secretes a fluid in which the heart lies. When, for any reason, the pericardial fluid is not secreted, inflammation arises in that region.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Diagram showing the front half of the heart cut away: _a_, aorta; _l_, arteries to the lungs; _la_, left auricle; _lv_, left ventricle; _m_, tricuspid valve open; _n_, bicuspid or mitral valve closed; _p_ and _r_, veins from the lungs; _ra_, right auricle; _rv_, right ventricle; _v_, vena cava. Arrows show direction of circulation.]
Internal Structure of Heart.--If we should cut open the heart of a mammal down the midline, we could divide it into a right and a left side, _each of which would have no internal connection with the other_. Each side is made up of an upper thin-walled portion with a rather large internal cavity, the _auricle_, which opens into a lower smaller portion with heavy muscular walls, the _ventricle_. Communication between auricles and ventricles is guarded by little flaps or _valves_. The auricles receive blood from the veins. The ventricles pump the blood into the arteries.
The Heart in Action.--The heart is constructed on the same plan as a force pump, the valves preventing the reflux of blood into the auricle when it is forced out of the ventricle. Blood enters the auricles from the veins because the muscles of that part of the heart relax; this allows the s.p.a.ce within the auricles to fill. Almost immediately the muscles of the ventricles relax, thus allowing blood to pa.s.s into the chambers within the ventricles. Then, after a short pause, during which time the muscles of the heart are resting, a wave of muscular contraction begins in the auricles and ends in the ventricles, with a sudden strong contraction which forces the blood out into the arteries. Blood is kept on its course by the valves, which act in the same manner as do the valves in a pump. The blood is thus made to pa.s.s into the arteries upon the contraction of the ventricle walls.
[Ill.u.s.tration: The heart is a force pump; prove it from these diagrams.]
I. Circulation in a fish. _G_, gills; _C_, capillaries of the body. Notice the two-chambered heart.
II. The circulation in a frog. _L_, the lungs; _C_, the capillaries. Notice the heart has three chambers. What is the condition of blood leaving the ventricle to go to the cells of the body?
III. The circulation in man. _H_, head; _A_, arms; _L_, lungs; _S_, stomach; _Li_, liver; _K_, kidney; _S.I._, small intestine; _L.I._, large intestine; _Le_, legs; _1_, right auricle; _2_, right ventricle; _3_, left ventricle; _4_, left auricle; _5_, dorsal aorta; _6_, vein to lungs. ]
The Course of the Blood in the Body.--Although the two sides of the heart are separate and distinct from each other, yet every drop of blood that pa.s.ses through the right heart likewise pa.s.ses later through the left heart. There are two distinct systems of circulation in the body. The _pulmonary circulation_ takes the blood through the right auricle and ventricle, to the lungs, and pa.s.ses it back to the left auricle. This is a relatively short circulation, the blood receiving in the lungs its supply of oxygen, and there giving up some of its carbon dioxide. The greater circulation is known as the _systemic circulation_; in this system, the blood leaves the left ventricle through the great dorsal _aorta_. A large part of the blood pa.s.ses directly to the muscles; some of it goes to the nervous system, kidneys, skin, and other organs of the body. It gives up its supply of food and oxygen in these tissues, receives the waste products of oxidation while pa.s.sing through the capillaries, and returns to the right auricle through two large vessels known as the _venae cavae_. It requires only from twenty to thirty seconds for the blood to make the complete circulation from the ventricle back again to the starting point.
This means that the entire volume of blood in the human body pa.s.ses three or four thousand times a day through the various organs of the body.[46]
Footnote 46: See Hough and Sedgwick, _The Human Mechanism_, page 136.
Portal Circulation.--Some of the blood, on its way back to the heart, pa.s.ses to the walls of the food tube and to its glands. From there it is sent with its load of absorbed food to the liver. Here the vein which carries the blood (called the portal vein) breaks up into capillaries around the cells of the liver, when it gives up sugar to be stored as glycogen. From the liver, blood pa.s.ses directly to the right auricle. The _portal circulation_, as it is called, is the only part of the circulation where the blood pa.s.ses through two sets of capillaries on its way from auricle to auricle.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Capillary circulation in the web of a frog's foot, as seen under the compound microscope. _a_, _b_, small veins; _c_, pigment cells in the skin; _d_, capillaries in which the oval corpuscles are seen to follow one another in single series.]
Circulation in the Web of a Frog's Foot.--If the web of the foot of a live frog or the tail of a tadpole is examined under the compound microscope, a network of blood vessels will be seen. In some of the larger vessels the corpuscles are moving rapidly and in spurts; these are _arteries_. The arteries lead into smaller vessels hardly greater in diameter than the width of a single corpuscle. This network of _capillaries_ may be followed into larger _veins_ in which the blood moves regularly. This ill.u.s.trates the condition in any tissue of man where the arteries break up into capillaries, and these in turn unite to form veins.
Structure of the Arteries.--A distinct difference in structure exists between the arteries and the veins in the human body. The arteries, because of the greater strain received from the blood which is pumped from the heart, have thicker muscular walls, and in addition are very elastic.
Cause of the Pulse.--The _pulse_, which can easily be detected by pressing the large artery in the wrist or the small one in front of and above the external ear, is caused by the gus.h.i.+ng of blood through the arteries after each pulsation of the heart. As the large arteries pa.s.s away from the heart, the diameter of each individual artery becomes smaller. At the very end of their course, these arteries are so small as to be almost microscopic in size and are very numerous. There are so many that if they were placed together, side by side, their united diameter would be much greater than the diameter of the large artery (_aorta_) which pa.s.ses blood from the left side of the heart. This fact is of very great importance, for the force of the blood as it gushes through the arteries becomes very much less when it reaches the smaller vessels. This gus.h.i.+ng movement is quite lost when the capillaries are reached, first, because there is so much more s.p.a.ce for the blood to fill, and second, because there is considerable friction caused by the very tiny diameter of the capillaries.
Capillaries.--The capillaries form a network of minute tubes everywhere in the body, but especially near the surface and in the lungs. It is through their walls that the food and oxygen pa.s.s to the tissues, and carbon dioxide is given up to the plasma. They form the connection that completes the system of circulation of blood in the body.
Function and Structure of the Veins.--If the arteries are supply pipes which convey fluid food to the tissues, then the veins may be likened to drain pipes which carry away waste material from the tissues. Extremely numerous in the extremities and in the muscles and among other tissues of the body, they, like the branches of a tree, become larger and unite with each other as they approach the heart.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Valves in a vein. Notice the thin walls of the vein.]
If the wall of a vein is carefully examined, it will be found to be neither so thick nor so tough as an artery wall. When empty, a vein collapses; the wall of an artery holds its shape. If you hold your hand downward for a little time and then examine it, you will find that the veins, which are relatively much nearer the surface than are the arteries, appear to be very much knotted. This appearance is due to the presence of tiny valves within.
These valves open in the direction of the blood current, but would close if the direction of the blood flow should be reversed (as in case a deep cut severed a vein). As the pressure of blood in the veins is much less than in the arteries, the valves thus aid in keeping the flow of blood in the veins toward the heart. The higher pressure in arteries and the suction in the veins (caused by the enlargement of the chest cavity in breathing) are the chief factors which cause a steady flow of blood through the veins in the body.
Lymph Vessels.--The lymph is collected from the various tissues of the body by means of a number of very thin-walled tubes, which are at first very tiny, but after repeated connection with other tubes ultimately unite to form large ducts. These lymph ducts are provided, like the veins, with valves. The pressure of the blood within the blood vessels forces continually more plasma into the lymph; thus a slow current is maintained.
On its course the lymph pa.s.ses through many collections of gland cells, the _lymph glands_. In these glands some impurities appear to be removed and colorless corpuscles made. The lymph ultimately pa.s.ses into a large tube, the _thoracic duct_, which flows upward near the ventral side of the spinal column, and empties into the large subclavian vein in the left side of the neck. Another smaller lymph duct enters the right subclavian vein.
[Ill.u.s.tration: The lymph vessels; the dark spots are lymph glands: _lac_, lacteals; _rc_, thoracic duct.]
The Lacteals.--We have already found that part of the digested food (chiefly carbohydrates, proteins, salts, and water) is absorbed directly into the blood through the walls of the villi and carried to the liver.
Fat, however, is pa.s.sed into the s.p.a.ces in the central part of the villi, and from there into other s.p.a.ces between the tissues, known as the _lacteals_. The lacteals carry the fats into the blood by way of the thoracic duct. The lacteals and lymph vessels have in part the same course.
It will be thus seen that lymph at different parts of its course would have a very different composition.
The Nervous Control of the Heart and Blood Vessels.--Although the muscles of the heart contract and relax without our being able to stop them or force them to go faster, yet in cases of sudden fright, or after a sudden blow, the heart may stop beating for a short interval. This shows that the heart is under the control of the nervous system. Two sets of nerve fibers, both of which are connected with the central nervous system, pa.s.s to the heart. One set of fibers accelerates, the other slows or inhibits, the heart beat. The arteries and veins are also under the control of the sympathetic nervous system. This allows of a change in the diameter of the blood vessels. Thus, blus.h.i.+ng is due to a sudden rush of blood to the surface of the body caused by an expansion of the blood vessels at the surface. The blood vessels of the body are always full of blood. This results from an automatic regulation of the diameter of the blood tubes by a part of the nervous system called the _vasomotor nerves_. These nerves act upon the muscles in the walls of the blood vessels. In this way, each vessel adapts itself to the amount of blood in it at a given time. After a hearty meal, a large supply of blood is needed in the walls of the stomach and intestines. At this time, the arteries going to this region are dilated so as to receive an extra supply. When the brain performs hard work, blood is supplied in the same manner to that region. Hence, one should not study or do mental work immediately after a hearty meal, for blood will be drawn away to the brain, leaving the digestive tract with an insufficient supply.
Indigestion may follow as a result.
The Effect of Exercise on the Circulation.--It is a fact familiar to all that the heart beats more violently and quickly when we are doing hard work than when we are resting. Count your own pulse when sitting quietly, and then again after some brisk exercise in the gymnasium. Exercise in moderation is of undoubted value, because it sends the increased amount of blood to such parts of the body where increased oxidation has been taking place as the result of the exercise. The best forms of exercise are those which give as many muscles as possible work--walking, out-of-door sports, any exercise that is not violent. Exercise should not be attempted immediately after eating, as this causes a withdrawal of blood from the digestive tract to the muscles of the body. Neither should exercise be continued after becoming tired, as poisons are then formed in the muscles, which cause the feeling we call _fatigue_. Remember that extra work given to the heart by extreme exercise may injure it, causing possible trouble with the valves.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Stopping flow of blood from an artery by applying a tight bandage (ligature) between the cut and the heart.]
Treatment of Cuts and Bruises.--Blood which oozes slowly from a cut will usually stop flowing by the natural means of the formation of a clot. A cut or bruise should, however, be washed in a weak solution of carbolic acid or some other antiseptic in order to prevent bacteria from obtaining a foothold on the exposed flesh. If blood, issuing from a wound, gushes in distinct pulsations, then we know that an artery has been severed. To prevent the flow of blood, a tight bandage known as a _tourniquet_ must be tied between the cut and the heart. A handkerchief with a knot placed over the artery may stop bleeding if the cut is on one of the limbs. If this does not serve, then insert a stick in the handkerchief and twist it so as to make the pressure around the limb still greater. Thus we may close the artery until the doctor is called, who may sew up the injured blood vessel.
The Effect of Alcohol upon the Blood.--It has recently been discovered that alcohol has an extremely injurious effect upon the colorless corpuscles of the blood, lowering their ability to fight disease germs to a marked degree. This is well seen in a comparison of deaths from certain infectious diseases in drinkers and abstainers, the percentage of mortality being much greater in the former.
Dr. T. Alexander MacNichol, in a recent address, said:--
"Ma.s.sart and Bordet, Metchnikoff and Sims Woodhead, have proved that alcohol, even in very dilute solution, prevents the white blood corpuscles from attacking invading germs, thus depriving the system of the cooperation of these important defenders, and reducing the powers of resisting disease. The experiments of Richardson, Harley, Kales, and others have demonstrated the fact that one to five per cent of alcohol in the blood of the living human body in a notable degree alters the appearance of the corpuscular elements, reduces the oxygen bearing elements, and prevents their reoxygenation."
Alcohol weakens Resistance to Disease.--In acute illnesses, grippe, fevers, blood poisoning, etc., substances formed in the blood termed "antibodies"
antagonize the action of bacteria, facilitating their destruction by the white blood cells and neutralizing their poisonous influence. In a person with good "resistance" this protective machinery, which we do not yet thoroughly understand, works with beautiful precision, and the patient "gets well." Experiments by scientific experts have demonstrated that alcohol restrains the formation of these marvelous antibodies. Alcohol puts to sleep the sentinels that guard your body from disease.
The Effect of Alcohol on the Circulation.--Alcoholic drinks affect the very delicate adjustment of the nervous center's controlling the blood vessels and heart. Even very dilute alcohol acts upon the muscles of the tiny blood vessels; consequently, more blood is allowed to enter them, and, as the small vessels are usually near the surface of the body, the habitual redness seen in the face of hard drinkers is the ultimate result.
"The first effect of diluted alcohol is to make the heart beat faster. This fills the small vessels near the surface.
A feeling of warmth is produced which causes the drinker to feel that he was warmed by the drink. This feeling, however, soon pa.s.ses away, and is succeeded by one of chilliness. The body temperature, at first raised by the rather rapid oxidation of the alcohol, is soon lowered by the increased radiation from the surface.
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