A Civic Biology Part 46

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1 box rubber bands, a.s.sorted sizes.

1 support stand with rings.

2 books test paper, red and blue.

10 Syracuse watch gla.s.ses.

1 steam sterilizer (tin will do).

1 spool fine copper wire.

1 test tube rack.

5 test tube brushes.

10 pairs scissors.

10 pairs forceps.

20 needles in handles.

10 scalpels.

12 mason jars, pints.

12 mason jars, quarts.

1 alcohol lamp.

1 gross slides.

100 cover slips No. 2.

1 mortar and pestle.

2 bulb pipettes.

1 liter formol.

1 oz. iodine cryst.

1 oz. pota.s.sium iodide.

6 oz. nitric acid.

6 oz. ammonium hydrate.

6 oz. benzole or xylol.

6 oz. chloroform.

1/2 lb. copper sulphate.

1/2 lb. sodium hydroxide.

1/2 lb. roch.e.l.le salts.

6 oz. glycerine.

The materials for Pasteur's solution and Sach's nutrient solution can best be obtained from a druggist at the time needed and in very small and accurately measured quant.i.ties.

The agar or gelatine cultures in Petri dishes may be obtained from the local Board of Health or from any good druggist. These cultures are not difficult to make, but take a number of hours' consecutive work, often difficult for the average teacher to obtain. Full directions how to prepare these cultures will be found in Hunter's _Laboratory Problems in Civic Biology_.

A Civic Biology Part 46

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A Civic Biology Part 46 summary

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