A Civic Biology Part 8

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Root Hairs.--Careful examination of the root of one of the seedlings of mustard, radish, or barley grown in the pocket germinator shows a covering of tiny fuzzy structures. These structures are very minute, at most 3 to 4 millimeters in length. They vary in length according to their position on the root, the most and the longest root hairs being found near the point marked _R. H._ in the figure. These structures are outgrowths of the outer layer of the root (the _epidermis_), and are of very great importance to the living plant.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Young embryo of corn, showing root hairs (_R. H._) and growing stem (_P._).]

Structure of a Root Hair.--A single root hair examined under a compound microscope will be found to be a long, round structure, almost colorless in appearance. The wall, which is very flexible and thin, is made up of cellulose, a substance somewhat like wood in chemical composition, through which fluids may easily pa.s.s. Clinging close to the cell wall is the protoplasm of the cell. The interior of the root hair is more or less filled with a fluid called _cell sap_. Forming a part of the living protoplasm of the root hair, sometimes in the hairlike prolongation and sometimes in that part of the cell which forms the epidermis, is found a _nucleus_. The protoplasm and nucleus are alive; the cell wall formed by the living matter in the cell is dead. _The root hair is a living plant cell_ with a wall so delicate that water and mineral substances from the soil can pa.s.s through it into the interior of the root.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Diagram of a root hair; _CS_, cell sap; _CW_, cell wall; _P_, protoplasm; _N_, nucleus; _S_, particles of soil.]

How the Root absorbs Water.--The process by which the root hair takes up soil water can better be understood if we make an artificial root hair large enough to be easily seen. An egg with part of the outer sh.e.l.l removed so as to expose the soft skinlike membrane underneath is an example.

Better, an artificial root hair may be _made_ in the following way. Pour some soft celloidin into a test tube; carefully revolve the test tube so that an even film of celloidin dries on the inside. This membrane is removed, filled with white of egg, and tied over the end of a rubber cork in which a gla.s.s tube has previously been inserted. When placed in water, it gives a very accurate picture of the root hair at work. After a short time water begins to rise in the tube, having pa.s.sed through the film of celloidin. If grape sugar, salt, or some other substance which will dissolve in water were placed in the water outside the artificial root hair, it could soon be proved by test to pa.s.s through the wall and into the liquid inside.

Osmosis.--To explain this process we must remember that gases and liquids of different densities, when separated by a membrane, tend to flow toward each other and mingle, the greater flow always being in the direction of the denser medium. _The process by which two gases or fluids, separated by a membrane, tend to pa.s.s through the membrane and mingle with each other, is called osmosis._ The method by which the root hairs take up soil water is exactly the same process. It is by osmosis. The white of the egg is the best possible subst.i.tute for living matter; the celloidin membrane separating the egg from the water is much like the delicate membrane-like wall which separates the protoplasm of the root hair from the water in the soil surrounding it. The fluid in the root hair is denser than the soil water; hence the greater flow is toward the interior of the root hair.[10]

Footnote 10: For an excellent elementary discussion of osmosis see Moore, _Physiology of Man and Other Animals_.

Henry Holt and Company.

[Ill.u.s.tration: The soil particles are each surrounded with a delicate film of water. How might the root hairs take up this water?]

Pa.s.sage of Soil Water within the Root.--We have already seen that in an exchange of fluids by osmosis the greater flow is always toward the denser fluid. Thus it is that the root hairs take in more fluid than they give up.

The cell sap, which partly fills the interior of the root hair, is a fluid of greater density than the water outside in the soil. When the root hairs become filled with water, the density of the cell sap is lessened, and the cells of the epidermis are thus in a position to pa.s.s along their supply of water to the cells next to them and nearer to the center of the root. These cells, in turn, become less dense than their inside neighbors, and so the transfer of water goes on until the water at last reaches the central cylinder. Here it is pa.s.sed over to the tubes of the woody bundles and started up the stem. The pressure created by this process of osmosis is sufficient to send water up the stem to a distance, in some plants, of 25 to 30 feet. Cases are on record of water having been raised in the birch a distance of 85 feet.

Physiological Importance of Osmosis.--It is not an exaggeration to say that osmosis is a process not only of great importance to a plant, but to an animal as well. Foods are digested in the food tube of an animal; that is, they are changed into a soluble form so that they may pa.s.s through the walls of the food tube and become part of the blood. The inner lining of part of the food tube is thrown into millions of little fingerlike projections which look somewhat, in size at least, like root hairs. These fingerlike processes are (unlike a root hair) made up of many cells. But they serve the same purpose as the root hairs, for they absorb liquid food into the blood. This process of absorption is largely by osmosis. Without the process of osmosis we should be unable to use much of the food we eat.

Composition of Soil.--If we examine a ma.s.s of ordinary loam carefully, we find that it is composed of numerous particles of varying size and weight.

Between these particles, if the soil is not caked and hard packed, we can find tiny s.p.a.ces. In well-tilled soil these s.p.a.ces are constantly being formed and enlarged. They allow air and water to penetrate the soil. If we examine soil under the microscope, we find considerable water clinging to the soil particles and forming a delicate film around each particle. In this manner most of the water is held in the soil.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Inorganic soil is being formed by weathering.]

How Water is held in Soil.--To understand what comes in with the soil water, it will be necessary to find out a little more about soil.

Scientists who have made the subject of the composition of the earth a study, tell us that once upon a time at least a part of the earth was molten. Later, it cooled into solid rock. Soil making began when the ice and frost, working alternately with the heat, chipped off pieces of rock.

These pieces in time became ground into fragments by action of ice, glaciers, running water, or the atmosphere. This process is called weathering. Weathering is aided by oxidation. A glance at almost any crumbling stones will convince you of this, because of the yellow oxide of iron (rust) disclosed. So by slow degrees this earth became covered with a coating of what we call inorganic soil. Later, generation after generation of tiny plants and animals which lived in the soil died, and their remains formed the first organic materials of the soil.

[Ill.u.s.tration: This picture shows how the forests help to cover the inorganic soil with an organic coating. Explain how.]

You are all familiar with the difference between the so-called rich soil and poor soil. The dark soil contains more dead plant and animal matter, which forms the portion called _humus_.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Apparatus for testing the capacity of soils to take in and retain moisture.]

Humus contains Organic Matter.--It is an easy matter to prove that black soil contains organic matter, for if an equal weight of carefully dried humus and soil from a sandy road is heated red-hot for some time and then reweighed, the humus will be found to have lost considerably in weight, and the sandy soil to have lost very little. The material left after heating is inorganic material, the organic matter having been burned out.

Soil containing organic materials holds water much more readily than inorganic soil, as a glance at the accompanying figure shows. If we fill each of the vessels with a given weight (say 100 grams each) of gravel, sand, barren soil, rich loam, leaf mold, and 25 grams of dry, pulverized leaves, then pour equal amounts of water (100 c.c.) on each and measure all that runs through, the water that has been retained will represent the water supply that plants could draw on from such soil.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Soil particles cling to root hairs. Why?]

The Root Hairs take more than Water out of the Soil.--If a root containing a fringe of root hairs is washed carefully, it will be found to have little particles of soil still clinging to it. Examined under the microscope, these particles of soil seem to be cemented to the sticky surface of the root hair. The soil contains, besides a number of chemical compounds of various mineral substances,--lime, potash, iron, silica, and many others,--a considerable amount of organic material. Acids of various kinds are present in the soil. These acids so act upon certain of the mineral substances that they become dissolved in the water which is absorbed by the root hairs. Root hairs also give off small amounts of acid. An interesting experiment may be shown (see Figure on page 80) to prove this. A solution of _phenolphthalein_ loses its color when an acid is added to it. If a growing pea be placed in a tube containing some of this solution the latter will quickly change from a rose pink to a colorless solution.

A Plant needs Mineral Matter to Make Living Matter.--Living matter (protoplasm), besides containing the chemical elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, contains a very minute proportion of various elements which make up the basis of certain minerals. These are calcium (lime), sulphur, iron, pota.s.sium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine.

That plants will not grow well without certain of these mineral substances can be proved by the growth of seedlings in a so-called nutrient solution.[11] Such a solution contains all the mineral matter that a plant uses for food. If certain ingredients are left out of this solution, the plants placed in it will not live.

Footnote 11: See Hunter's _Laboratory Problems in Civic Biology_ for list of ingredients.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Effect of root hairs on phenolphthalein solution. The change of color indicates the presence of acid.]

Nitrogen in a Usable Form necessary for Growth of Plants.--A chemical element needed by the plant to make protoplasm is nitrogen. The air can be proven by experiment to be made up of about four fifths nitrogen, but this element cannot be taken from either soil, water, or air in a pure state, but is usually obtained from the organic matter in the soil, where it exists with other substances in the form of _nitrates_. Ammonia and other organic compounds which contain nitrogen are changed by two groups of little plants called _bacteria_, first into nitrites and then nitrates.[12]

Footnote 12: It has recently been discovered that under some conditions these bacteria are preyed upon by tiny one-celled animals (_protozoa_) living in the soil and are so reduced in numbers that they cannot do their work effectively. If, then, the soil is heated artificially or treated with antiseptics so as to kill the protozoa, the bacteria which escape multiply so rapidly as to make the land much richer than before.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Diagram to show how the nitrogen-fixing bacteria prepare nitrogen for use by plants; _t_, tubercles.]

Relation of Bacteria to Free Nitrogen.--It has been known since the time of the Romans that the growth of clover, peas, beans, and other legumes in soil causes it to become more favorable for growth of other plants. The reason for this has been discovered in late years. On the roots of the plants mentioned are found little swellings or nodules; in the nodules exist millions of bacteria, which take nitrogen from the atmosphere and fix it so that it can be used by the plant; that is, they a.s.sist in forming nitrates for the plants to use. Only these bacteria, of all the living plants, have the power to take the free nitrogen from the air and make it over into a form that can be used by the roots. As all the compounds of nitrogen are used over and over again, first by plants, then as food for animals, eventually returning to the soil again, or in part being turned into free nitrogen, it is evident that any _new_ supply of usable nitrogen must come by means of these nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Rotation of Crops.--The facts mentioned above are made use of by careful farmers who wish to make as much as possible from a given area of ground in a given time. Such plants as are hosts for the nitrogen-fixing bacteria are planted early in the season. Later these plants are plowed in and a second crop is planted. The latter grows quickly and luxuriantly because of the nitrates left in the soil by the bacteria which lived with the first crop.

For this reason, clover is often grown on land in which it is proposed to plant corn, the nitrogen left in the soil thus giving nourishment to the young corn plants. In scientifically managed farms, different crops are planted in a given field on different years so that one crop may replace some of the elements taken from the soil by the previous crop. This is known as rotation of crops.[13] The annual yield of the average farm may thus be greatly increased.

Footnote 13: That crop rotation is not primarily a process to conserve the fertility of the soil, but is a sanitary measure to prevent infection of the soil, is the latest belief of the scientist.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Nitrogen in the soil is necessary for plants. Explain from this diagram how nitrogen is put into the soil by some plants and taken out by others.]

Five of the elements necessary to the life of the plant which may be taken out of the soil by constant use are calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, pota.s.sium, and sulphur. Several methods are used by the farmer to prevent the exhaustion of these and other raw food materials from the soil. One method known as _fallowing_ is to allow the soil to remain idle until bacteria and oxidation have renewed the chemical materials used by the plants. This is an expensive method, if land is dear. The most common method of enriching soil is by means of fertilizing material rich in plant food. Manure is most frequently used, but many artificial fertilizers, most of which contain nitrogen in the form of some nitrate, are used, because they can be more easily transported and sold. Such are ground bone, guano (bird manure), nitrate of soda, and many others. These also contain other important raw food materials for plants, especially potash and phosphoric acid. Both of these substances are made soluble so as to be taken into the roots by the action of the carbon dioxide in the soil.

The Indirect Relation of this to the City Dweller.--All of us living in the city are aware of the importance of fresh vegetables, brought in from the neighboring market gardens. But we sometimes forget that our great staple crops, wheat and other cereals, potatoes, fruits of all kinds, our cotton crop, and all plants we make use of grow directly in proportion to the amount of raw food materials they take in through the roots. When we also remember that many industries within the cities, as mills, bakeries, and the like, as well as the earnings of our railways and steams.h.i.+p lines, are largely dependent on the abundance of the crops, we may recognize the importance of what we have read in this chapter.

Food Storage in Roots of Commercial Importance.--Some plants, as the parsnip, carrot, and radish, produce no seed until the second year, storing food in the roots the first year and using it to get an early start the following spring, so as to be better able to produce seeds when the time comes. This food storage in roots is of much practical value to mankind.

Many of our commonest garden vegetables, as those mentioned above, and the beet, turnip, oyster plant, sweet potato and many others, are of value because of the food stored. The sugar beet has, in Europe especially, become the basis of a great industry.



Hunter, _Laboratory Problems in Civic Biology_. American Book Company.

Bigelow, _Applied Biology_. The Macmillan Company.

Coulter, _Plant Life and Plant Uses_, Chaps. III, IV.

American Book Company.

Mayne and Hatch, _High School Agriculture_. American Book Company.

Moore, _The Physiology of Man and Other Animals_. Henry Holt and Company.

Sharpe, _Laboratory Manual in Biology_, pp. 73-87. American Book Company.


Coulter, Barnes, and Cowles, _A Textbook of Botany_, Part II. Amer. Book Co.

Duggar, _Plant Physiology_. The Macmillan Company.

Goodale, _Physiological Botany_. American Book Company.

Green, _Vegetable Physiology_, Chaps. V, VI. J. and A.


Kerner-Oliver, _Natural History of Plants_. Henry Holt and Company.

MacDougal, _Plant Physiology_. Longmans, Green, and Company.

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