The Odes of Casimire Part 13

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Quis, Pater, incolumi de te non gaudeat, ipsae Si gaudent Lacrymae, ridet & ipse Dolor?

Ex. Lib. Ep. 51.

To _Iohan de Lugo_, when after a long sicknesse, he returned to his intermitted Lecture of Repentance.

With hairs unkemb'd Repentance late did mourn, When with so feirce a Feaver thou wert torne: Shee's said, to let loose raynes t'untamed griefe, To'affoord her moyst'ned bosome, no reliefe, But when th'desks agen, thy sicknesse tam'd, Thou mountd'st, she's said her careless haire t'have kemb'd T'have bridled in her conquer'd griefe, and smile, Of teares, her open'd bosome to beguile.

Who cannot then be glad, thou being safe?


When teares rejoyce, and griefe it selfe doth laugh.

Christi in Cruce vox. Ep. 110.


Ah sitio, clamas, Princeps pulcherrime rerum: Non habeo pro te dulcia vina, siti.

Tu tamen, ah sitio, clamas: dabo pocula, Sponse: Heu mihi! sed misto pocula felle dabo.

Haec mi Sponse, bibe: quaeris cui forte propines?

Ad me pro mundi, _Christe_, salute bibe.

_The voyce of Christ upon the Crosse._


Alas I thirst, great King, thou loude dost grone, I have no pleasant Wine for Thee, thirst on.

Yet oh I thirst, thou cry'st: a Cup to thee Woes mee! I'le give: but mix'd with gall't must be.

Drink this, my Spouse: perhaps thou'lt ask to whom?

To me, O Christ, to th'health o'th'world let't come.


The Odes of Casimire Part 13

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