The Other World Dining Hall Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Chapter 16 – Curry rice

Curry Rice

On that fine day, Alphonse was preparing to go out of the house where he lived.

Under the sun, coa.r.s.e and awkward Alphonse patronized the face that was reflected on the water surface pooled in a homemade wooden pail while shaving his beard with his mithril Swordbreaker that was gifted from the king. He then changed into his best clothes with frayed hem.

The sandals that he made with stalks of gra.s.s seen on Western continent on a rainy day five years ago was changed into a pair of leather shoes.

Since he rarely used it nowadays, he usually hanged his mithril rapier as a wall decoration.

After cutting his overgrown hair, he then tied it up with a vine.

Alphonse was now ready.

He was heading out to a special place.

It was Alphonse’s only hope, a place where there was a lifesaver.

….. And today’s probably the last time he visited.


Because such a feeling existed, he arranged his clothes with more care today.

[…. Alright, this is it.]

After he was ready, Alphonse put 1 horizontal scratch on the wall, crossing over 6 vertical scratches.

This simple proof represented Alphonse’s “special day”.

He did not know how many times he counted for this day.

[Let’s go.]

In thoughtful mood, with the same words said the usual way, Alphonse left his house.

In a place where there was n.o.body except for Alphonse, only silence can be heard from a cave with walls so tightly carved to keep track of the special day.


Alphonse walked along a short road, reaching his destination before the sun rose directly above.

Overlooking the surrounding scenery, there was a small hill.

On the top of the hill where the gra.s.s grows spa.r.s.ely, a black door could be seen.

Alphonse kept walking to his destination.

Without hesitation, while walking with steady footsteps, he swallowed his overflowing saliva.

[Aa, it’s been 7 days…]

As he’s been in solitude for so long, his thoughts leaked out.

He’s hungry.

His whole body was longing for it.


Thus, having reached the door, Alphonse opened it without hesitation.

‘Chirinchirin,’ the door opened with the echoing sound of bell.


[Owner! Curry! Give me curry rice!]

Responding to the owner’s greeting, he said the name of the dish that he wanted to eat.

So much, that he could not wait.

[Okay, please wait a moment.]

With a wry smile on his face as usual, the owner retreated to the kitchen at the back.

After that, Alphonse went to sit on his usual seat.

[Are you done yet? Not yet?]

Fighting his hunger and expectation, he restlessly waited for a few minutes.

Curry rice was the taste of soul for Alphonse.

It was not an exaggeration to say that he was alive to eat this.

The feeling while waiting for it was stronger than anything.

While thinking of curry rice, he did not pay any attention to the sound of his surroundings.

The one thing he expected the most in the restaurant was the curry rice.

[Sorry I made you wait. It’s curry rice.]

And after 5 minutes, it is finally placed before Alphonse.


Curry rice was served on a large plate.

Heaped on the pile of white rice was brown roux with large pieces of ingredients on it.

Filled in a small pot, was a crimson f.u.kujinzuke.1

A cup filled with plenty of lemon water to remove bad taste.

A large silver spoon which reflected the light.

Perfectly prepared table. Dinner for the first time in 7 days.

Alphonse loved

it and would never stop. A pungent aroma of plenty spices wafted onto his nose. From the morning, he had prepared for this and had not eaten anything yet.

[Yo ~ s.h.i.+, Yos.h.i.+.]

Nodding in satisfaction, he took the silver spoon and gently scooped the pile of curry in front of him.

Roux with plenty of meat and vegetables, pure white rice.

He gently brought the spoon to his mouth…he then chewed.



The first thing he tasted was the heat.

The spices that are valuable in the princ.i.p.ality of his hometown were used aplenty, the spicy mixture with exquisite balance attacked Alphonse.

When he first ate it, he was surprised at the heat. Now that Alphonse knew what curry was about, he chewed it thoroughly while enjoying it.

Then, other tastes than heat started to burst one after another.

A distinctive sweetness that appeared due to the white rice.

The large pieces of pork that were stewed softly had no smell and its fat had melted while they were boiled.

The taste of Oranie2 that was fully dissolved in the sauce, along with the pieces of Oranie that was simmered later and retained their original shapes, sweetly intermingled with the sauce.

Orange Caryute3 and a vegetable that Alphonse did not know….the other guests said that it was Baron’s fruit; they were hot and soft in the curry.

They melted together in his mouth and created one taste.

[Umu, it’s good.]

When he thought about this store, the store became finer and it changed a lot, but this wonderful taste did not change.


The first bite was tasted, the mouth wanted the next bite…..while he devoured the curry greedily, he occasionally snacked on the f.u.kujinzuke and the lemon water.

Due to the hot roux, sweat started to form on Alphonse’s forehead.

But his hands did not stop, he could not stop.

He scooped the curry to his mouth repeatedly.


Yes, this was curry rice.


Spicy, mingled with more than one flavor became an overwhelming deliciousness, which satisfied the stomach.

This was why Alphonse loved curry rice.

In the past, he heard from the former owner that curry rice is one of the most popular youshoku4 in the other world.

It’s understandable.

It was presumptuous to compare it to meat or fish that was just baked or boiled with salt and raw fruits and nuts.


(Even after eating it for 1,000 times… I do not get bored of it.)

While chewing on a mouthful of curry, he remembered when he first visited the shop.

Lucky or not, when he first found the door and came to the restaurant, he had not eaten anything decent for 3 days. He had money, so he asked the former owner to swiftly cook for him as he is hungry while giving him gold coins.

The former owner said,

[Well, if it’s curry I can serve it right away, is that okay?]

And he met curry rice.

The unknown delicious dish that he tasted at 35 years old, the spiciness stimulated the appet.i.te; he could vividly recall that he was struck by an amazing momentum.

And he had visited this store for 1,000 times.

Surviving for 6 days while awaiting the 7th day, he then devoured the curry at the 7th day.

[Yes, after all curry rice is supreme. Teriyaki and omurice are heresy…..]

Recalling that old story, that thought had not changed from that time.

How many years ago did they argue about that?

No matter what other people said, rice was best eaten with curry.

It was an unshaken truth.


[Fu ~u….]

And after 10 minutes, he finished eating a plate of curry rice.

[So, you’re still eating.]

An acquaintance who was watching…. Roast Cutlet said that to Alphonse.

He’s still hungry. He asked the owner for a refill. Of course, in a large helping.

With a napkin, he wiped the roux from his mouth while waiting.


[Yareyare. You really love curry don’t you? You did not get tired of it.]

[Tired? The possibilities of curry are endless. Why don’t you try curry cutlet once in a while. That’s also good. More than eating it as is.]

For the time being his hunger was satisfied, Alphonse jokingly said that to Roast Cutlet.

For Alphonse, the cuisine of this store was roughly divided into two types.


One that does not match curry, and one that does.


Cutlets and other fried foods match with curry.

The combination with loin cutlet was especially good.

He was serious enough to know that.

[I refuse. Sauce and beer are the best fit for a loin cutlet. There’s no concession.]

The old magician that is Roast Cutlet, stubbornly refused while shaking his head.

[Ah, as usual. More than that, was there anything interesting recently?]

Alphonse did not pursue the topic, and asked Roast Cutlet casually.

[I don’t think so….]

Then, Alphonse exchanged words as usual with Roast Cutlet.


Casually chatting with other people, including those from foreign countries, could only be done in the restaurant.

This was another reason why Alphonse loves this place.

…..In that place where he usually lived, he had no way of getting what he had until three days ago.

Enjoy it …… while tasting the second dish of curry thoroughly.


[Owner, I am indebted. Thank you.]

Eventually, Alphonse who finished the second dish of sweet curry stood up and told the owner.

It’s a heartfelt world.

Without this restaurant, he would have lost his life a long time ago.

He knew that.

[Yes…? Thank you very much. Please come again.]

The owner replied, feeling a little surprised.

He knew that Alphonse was a regular customer from the earlier days before he succeeded the restaurant, but this was his first time he was thanked by Alphonse.

The price of the curry had been paid in advance by the gold coins long ago, so Alphonse left as is.


[Aa, come again.]

Alphonse, while feeling lonely when he was thinking about the future, left the store.

…Thinking of his next visit to the restaurant.


Two hours after Alphonse left the store.

Looking at the island where he stayed for 20 years, Alphonse gently sighed.

[Honorable General, did something happen?]

A n.o.bleman officer nearby feeling tense, asked Alphonse.

A legendary general who was missing after his s.h.i.+p sunk in the naval battle against a monster that occurred on the way while escorting a merchant s.h.i.+p heading to another continent 20 years ago.

He was quite surprised when he realized that he was the only survivor, as the man had arrived at an isolated part of ​​the ocean where no one visited because the island was out of any route.

If he was an ordinary human, he would give up living by himself a long time ago or would have died due to disease or injury.


But he survived.

He was burned by the sun, killing weak beasts to eat them following the law of the jungle, and survived for 20 years.

It was three days ago when the officer met Alphonse who was standing in the storm and stopping by the island to repair the damaged part of the s.h.i.+p.

And now, they were heading to the Princ.i.p.ality.

If you think about it, compared to waiting for 7,000 days, it’s a bit different when you’re waiting for 7th day for 1,000 times.

Alphonse muttered while looking at the far away island.

[Yes? What do you mean by that?]

[No, just talking to myself.]

Alphonse replied with a wry smile to the officer who did not understand what he said.

(…..I wonder if that door also exists in the Princ.i.p.ality.)

Suddenly, that thought crossed his mind.

He had heard from other customers that the door was scattered all around the world.

If so, it would be nice if it existed at his beloved home country.

(…..I’ll try to find it.)

Anyway, now that he was 50 years old he decided to retire. He had also pa.s.sed on the family head seat to his son a long time ago.

When he returned back to the Princ.i.p.ality, he would have enough time to rot.

Alphonse would think of using his time.

(Certainly…..there was a knight of the Princ.i.p.ality among the customers.)

And most recently, the guy that Teriyaki brought back, recalling the delicious Fried Shrimp lover, was in the military of Princ.i.p.ality, Alphonse believed.


Surely there was a door at the Princ.i.p.ality if you search for it.

(I’ll look for it when I return home.)

Alphonse decided firmly, at the s.h.i.+p on his way back.


…And after 3 months,


Alphonse was visiting the restaurant.

Three hours by horse from the capital of Princ.i.p.ality.

In the wilderness where there was nothing, stood a crumbling hut.

[So there is one here.]

He saw it while muttering to himself due to his leftover habit from his solitude.

…A hut with a familiar, well-arranged black door.


Alphonse’s appearance was different from before.

The rapier and Swordbreaker were still with him.

However his clothes were not worn out, and his brand new shoes were well polished.

His beard was trimmed neatly by professional trimmer, and his hair was cut short.

It was an appearance befitting a n.o.bleman who was a former general of the Princ.i.p.ality.

There were neither escorts nor followers due to his retirement.

[It’s surprisingly close.]

One month to reach the Princ.i.p.ality.

It took two months to review his chats with the familiar “regulars” of the restaurant and to investigate.

Alphonse hurriedly opened the door while suppressing his eagerness.

‘Chirinchirin,’ the doorbell rang.

[Welcome……oh? Alphonse, it’s been a long time.]

[Oh, it’s been a long time. But first, curry! Curry rice please! Quickly! It’s been 3 months already!]

The usual voice wanting curry said loudly.


f.u.kujinzuke – one of the most popular kinds of pickles in j.a.panese cuisine, commonly used as a relish for j.a.panese curry. Oranie – Onion Caryute – Carrot Baron’s fruit – Potato Youshoku – in j.a.panese cuisine, yōshoku(western food) refers to a style of Western-influenced cooking which originated during the Meiji Restoration. These are primarily j.a.panized forms of European dishes, often featuring Western names, and usually written in katakana.

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