The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 Part 28

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JOSEPH WRIGHT was born in Bordentown, New Jersey, in 1756. He (p. 030) studied painting in England and France, and, after his return to America, painted a portrait of General Was.h.i.+ngton. He was appointed first draughtsman and die sinker to the United States Mint, and made the dies of a medal, the bust on the obverse of which was considered to be the best medallic profile likeness of Was.h.i.+ngton. He also made the medal voted by Congress to Major Lee. He died in Philadelphia in 1793.

HENRY LEE was born in Stratford, Westmoreland County, Virginia, January 29, 1756. He was graduated at Princeton College, New Jersey, in 1773; was appointed captain in 1777, and major in 1778. He surprised Paulus Hook, August 19, 1779, and received for the "prudence, address, and bravery" displayed by him on that occasion the thanks of Congress and a gold medal; he became lieutenant-colonel, November 6, 1780, and joined the southern army under General Greene, greatly distinguished himself in various engagements, and resigned in 1782. In 1786 he was chosen one of the delegates to Congress from Virginia; was governor of that State, 1791-1794; member of Congress, 1799; and on the death of Was.h.i.+ngton was selected to p.r.o.nounce his eulogium, in which he embodied the memorable words: "First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen." He wrote, in 1809, "Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States." He died on c.u.mberland Island, Georgia, March 25, 1818. He was known during the Revolutionary War by the sobriquet of "Light Horse Harry."



_Resolutions of Congress Voting a Medal to Major Henry Lee, etc._


_Resolved_, That the thanks of Congress be given to His Excellency General Was.h.i.+ngton, for ordering with so much wisdom the late attack on the enemy's fort and works at Powles Hook.[38]

[Footnote 38: Properly Paulus Hook (Hoeck), now Jersey City. It derived its name from Michael Paulusen, who was commissary there in 1633.]

_Resolved_, That the thanks of Congress be given to (p. 031) Major-General Lord Stirling for the judicious measures taken by him to forward the enterprize and to secure the retreat of the party.

_Resolved_, That the thanks of Congress be given to Major Lee for the remarkable prudence, address and bravery displayed by him on the occasion; and that they approve the humanity shown in circ.u.mstances prompting to severity, as honourable to the arms of the United States, and correspondent to the n.o.ble principles on which they were a.s.sumed.

_Resolved_, That Congress entertain a high sense of the discipline, fort.i.tude, and spirit manifested by the officers and soldiers under the command of Major Lee in the march, action and retreat; and while with singular satisfaction they acknowledge the merit of these gallant men, they feel an additional pleasure by considering them as part of an army, in which very many brave officers and soldiers have proved, by their cheerful performance of every duty under every difficulty, that they ardently wish to give the truly glorious examples they now receive.

_Resolved_, That Congress justly esteem the military caution so happily combined with daring activity by Lieutenants McAllister and Rudolph in leading on the forlorn hope.

_Resolved_, That a medal of gold, emblematical of this affair, be struck, under the direction of the Board of Treasury, and presented to Major Lee.

_Resolved_, That the brevet, and the pay and subsistence of captain, be given to Lieutenant McAllister and to Lieutenant Rudolph respectively.

_Resolved_, That the sum of 15,000 dollars be put into the hands of Major Lee, to be by him distributed among the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the detachment he commanded at the attack and surprize of Powles Hook, in such manner as the commander-in-chief shall direct.

Friday, September 24, 1779.


_General Was.h.i.+ngton to the President of Congress._

To Head Quarters, West Point, THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS. August 23, 1779.

Sir: I have the honour to enclose to Your Excellency Major Lee's report of the surprize and capture of the garrison of Powles Hook. The Major displayed a remarkable degree of prudence, address, enterprize and bravery, upon this occasion, which does the highest honour to himself and to all the officers and men under his command. The situation of the post rendered the attempt critical and the success brilliant. It was made in consequence of information that the garrison was in a state of negligent security, which the event has justified. I am much indebted to Lord Stirling for the judicious measures he took to forward the enterprize, and to secure the retreat of the party. Lieutenant McAllister, who will have the honour of delivering these (p. 032) despatches, will present Congress with the standard of the garrison, which fell into his possession during the attack. Major Lee speaks of this gentleman's conduct in the handsomest terms.

I have the honour to be, &c., Geo. WAs.h.i.+NGTON.

P.S. The report not having been received till this day, prevented a speedier transmission. Major Lee mentions twenty men lost on our side. Captain Rudolph informs me that, since the report was concluded, several of the missing had returned, which will lessen the supposed loss near one half.


_Major Henry Lee to General Was.h.i.+ngton._

To His Excellency Paramus, August 22, 1779.

General WAs.h.i.+NGTON.

Sir: Lord Stirling was pleased to communicate to Your Excellency my verbal report to his Lords.h.i.+p of the 19th instant. I now do myself the honour to present a particular relation of the enterprize Your Excellency was pleased to commit to my direction.

I took command of the troops employed on this occasion on the 18th. They amounted to four hundred infantry, composed of detachments from the Virginia and Maryland divisions, and one troop of dismounted dragoons.

The troops moved from the vicinity of the New Bridge about four o'clock P.M. Patrols of horse being detached to watch the communication with the North River, and parties of infantry stationed at the different avenues leading to Powles Hook. My anxiety to render the march as easy as possible, induced me to pursue the Bergen road lower than intended. After filing into the mountains, the timidity or treachery of the guide prolonged a short march into a march of three hours; by this means the troops were exceedingly hara.s.sed, and being obliged, through deep mountainous woods, to regain our route, some parties of the rear were unfortunately separated. This affected me most sensibly, as it not only diminished the number of men destined for the a.s.sault, but deprived me of the aid of several officers of distinguished merit.

On reaching the point of separation, I found my first disposition impracticable, both from the near approach of day and the rising of the tide. Not a moment being to spare, I paid no attention to the punctilios of honour or rank, but ordered the troops to advance in their then disposition. Lieutenant Rudolph, whom I had previously detached to reconnoitre the pa.s.sages of the ca.n.a.l, returned to me at this point of time and reported that all was silence within the works, that he had fathomed the ca.n.a.l and found the pa.s.sage on the centre route still admissible. This intervening intelligence was immediately communicated from front to rear, and the troops pushed on with that resolution, order, and coolness which insures success.

The forlorn hopes, led by Lieutenant McAllister, of the (p. 033) Maryland, and Lieutenant Rudolph, of the dragoons, marched on with trailed arms, in most profound silence. Such was the singular address of these two gentlemen, that the first notice to the garrison was the forlorns plunging into the ca.n.a.l. A firing immediately commenced from the block-houses and along the line of the abatis, but did not in the least check the advance of the troops. The forlorns, supported by Major Clarke, at the head of the right column, broke through all opposition, and found an entrance into the main work. So rapid was the movement of the troops, that we gained the fort before the discharge of a single piece of artillery. The centre column, conducted by Captain Forsyth, on pa.s.sing the abatis, took a direction to their left.

Lieutenant Armstrong led on the advance of this column. They soon possessed themselves of the officers and troops posted at the house No. 6, and fully completed every object of their destination. The rear column, under Captain Handy, moved forward in support of the whole. Thus were we completely victorious in the s.p.a.ce of a few moments.

The appearance of daylight, my apprehension lest some accident might have befallen the boats, the numerous difficulties of the retreat, the hara.s.sed state of the troops, and the destruction of all our ammunition by pa.s.sing the ca.n.a.l, conspired in influencing me to retire in the moment of victory. Major Clarke, with the right column, was immediately put in motion with the greater part of the prisoners. Captain Handy followed on with the remainder.

Lieutenants Armstrong and Reed formed the rear guard.

Immediately on the commencement of the retreat, I sent forward Captain Forsyth to Prior's Mill to collect such men from the different columns as were most fit for action, and to take post on the heights of Bergen to cover the retreat.

On my reaching this place I was informed by Cornet Neill (who had been posted there during the night for the purpose of laying the bridge and communicating with the boats), that my messenger, directed to him previous to the attack, had not arrived, nor had he heard from Captain Peyton, who had charge of the boats.

Struck with apprehension that I should be disappointed in the route of retreat, I rode forward to the front, under Major Clarke, whom I found very near the point of embarkation, and no boats to receive them. In this very critical situation I lost no time in my decision, but ordered the troops to regain Bergen road and shove on to the New Bridge; at the same time I communicated my disappointment to Lord Stirling by express, then returned to Prior's Bridge to the rear-guard.

Oppressed by every possible misfortune, at the head of troops worn down by a rapid march of thirty miles, through mountains, swamps, and deep, without the least refreshment during the whole march, ammunition destroyed, inc.u.mbered with prisoners, and a retreat of fourteen miles to make good, on a route admissible of interception at several points, by a moving in our rear, and another (from the intelligence I had received from the captured officers) in all probability well advanced on our right; a retreat naturally impossible to our left; under all these distressing circ.u.mstances, my sole dependence was in the persevering gallantry of the officers and obstinate courage of the troops. In this I was fully satisfied by the shouts of the soldiery, who gave every proof of unimpaired vigour the moment that the enemy's approach was announced.

Having gained the point of intersection opposite Weehawken, (p. 034) Captain Handy was directed to move with his division on the mountain road, in order to facilitate the retreat. Captain Catlett, of the Virginia regiment, fortunately joined me at this moment, at the head of fifty men, with good ammunition. I immediately halted this officer, and having detached two parties, the one on the Bergen road in the rear of Major Clarke, the other on the banks of the North River, I moved with the party under the command of the captain on the centre route. By these precautions a sudden approach of the enemy was fully prevented. I am very much indebted to this officer, and the gentlemen under him, for their alacrity and vigilance on this occasion.

On the rear's approach to the Fort Lee road, we met a detachment under the command of Colonel Ball, which Lord Stirling had pushed forward, on the first notice of our situation, to support the retreat. The colonel moved on, and occupied a position which effectually covered us.

Some little time after this, a body of the enemy (alluded to in the intelligence I mentioned to have received from the officers while in the fort) made their appearance, issuing out of the woods on our right, and moving through the fields directly to the road. They immediately commenced a fire upon my rear. Lieutenant Reed threw himself, with a party, into a stone house which commanded the road. These two officers were directed mutually to support each other, and give time for the troops to pa.s.s the English Neighbourhood Creek, at the liberty pole. On the enemy's observing this disposition, they immediately retired by the same route they had approached, and gained the woods. The precipitation with which they retired, preventing the possibility of Colonel Ball's falling in with them, saved the whole.

The body which moved in our rear, having excessively fatigued themselves by the rapidity of their march, thought prudent to halt before they came in contact with us.

Thus, Sir, was every attempt to cut off our rear completely baffled. The troops arrived safe at the New Bridge, with all the prisoners, about one o'clock P.M. on the nineteenth.

I should commit the highest injustice was I not to a.s.sure Your Excellency that my endeavours were fully seconded by every officer in his station; nor can any discrimination justly be made but what arose from opportunity. The troops vied with each other in patience under their many sufferings, and conducted themselves in every vicissitude of fortune with a resolution which reflects the highest honour on them.

During the whole action not a single musket was fired on our side--the bayonet was our sole dependence.

Having gained the fort, such was the order of the troops, and attention of the officers, that the soldiers were prevented from plundering, although in the midst of every sort.

American humanity has been again signally manifested.

Self-preservation strongly dictated, on the retreat, the putting the prisoners to death, and British cruelty fully justified it, notwithstanding which, not a man was wantonly hurt.

During the progress of the troops in the works, from the different reports of my officers, I conclude not more than fifty of the enemy were killed, and a few wounded. Among the killed is one officer, supposed (from his description) to be a captain in Colonel Buskirk's regiment. Our loss, on this occasion, is very trifling. I have not yet had a report from the detachment of (p. 035) the Virginians; but as I conclude their loss to be proportionate to the loss of the other troops, I can venture to p.r.o.nounce that the loss of the whole, in killed, wounded, and missing, will not exceed twenty. As soon as the report comes to hand, I will transmit to headquarters an accurate return. I herewith enclose a return of the prisoners taken from the enemy.

At every point of the enterprize I stood highly indebted to Major Clarke for his zeal, activity, and example. Captains Handy and Forsyth have claim to my particular thanks for the support I experienced from them on every occasion. The Captains Reed, McLane, Smith, Crump, and Wilmot, behaved with the greatest zeal and intrepidity. I must acknowledge myself very much indebted to Major Burnet and Captain Peyton, of the dragoons, for their counsel and indefatigability in the previous preparations to the attack. The premature withdrawal of the boats was owing to the non-arrival of my despatches; and, though a most mortifying circ.u.mstance, can be called nothing more than unfortunate.

Lieutenant Vanderville, who was to have commanded one of the forlorns, but was thrown out by alteration of the disposition of battle, conducted himself perfectly soldier-like. The whole of the officers behaved with the greatest propriety; and, as I said before, no discrimination can justly be made, but what arose from opportunity.

The Lieutenants McAllister, Armstrong, Reed, and Rudolph distinguished themselves remarkably. Too much praise cannot be given to those gentlemen for their prowess and example. Captain Bradford, of the train, who volunteered it with me, for the purpose of taking direction of the artillery, deserves my warmest thanks for his zeal and activity. I am personally indebted to Captain Rudolph and Dr. Irvine, of the dragoons, who attended me during the expedition, for their many services.

The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 Part 28

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