Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension Part 19
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Foodstuffs are composed of one or all of three (1) proteins, (2) fats, (3) carbohydrates. As examples of the first are beef and white of egg; of the second, the oils, b.u.t.ter, lard; of the third, sugar, potato, beet, corn, etc.
The physiologists and chemists have shown us that both endogenous and exogenous uric acid in excess will cause a rise of blood pressure, but the bodies most concerned in the production of elevated blood pressure are the purin bodies, those organic compounds which are formed from proteins and represent chemically a step in the oxidation of part of the protein molecule to uric acid. Red meat contains more of the substances producing purin bodies than any other one common foodstuff, and for this reason the excessive meat eater is, _ceteris paribus_, more apt to develop arteriosclerosis comparatively early in life.
The fats and carbohydrates contain practically no substances that react on the body of the ordinary individual in a deleterious manner during their digestion. The extra work that is put on the heart by the formation of many new blood vessels in adipose tissue is the only harmful effect of overindulgence in these foodstuffs.
It has been found that nitrogen equilibrium can be maintained at a wide range of levels. Formerly 135-150 gms. of protein daily were considered necessary for a man doing light work. Now it is known that half that amount is sufficient to keep one in nitrogenous equilibrium, and to enable one to keep his weight. A person at rest requires even less than that. One who is engaged in hard physical labor burns up more fuel in the muscles, and so must have a larger fuel supply.
Although we habitually eat too much we drink too little water. For those who have any form of arterial disease an excess of fluid is harmful, as the vessels become filled up and a condition of plethora results, which necessarily reacts injuriously on the heart and circulation. The drinking of a gla.s.s of water during meals is, in the author's opinion, good practice. The water must be taken mouthful at a time, and not gulped down. If this is done, there results sufficient dilution of the solid food to enable the gastric juices successfully and rapidly to reach all parts of the meal.
Some are in favor of a rigid milk diet for those who have arteriosclerosis. Some men have lived on nothing but milk for several years and have not only kept in good health, but have actually gained weight and led at the same time active lives. It has been held by others that rigid milk diet is positively harmful on account of the relatively large quant.i.ty of calcium salts that are ingested. This was thought to favor the deposition of calcareous material in the walls of the already diseased arteries. While possibly there may be some danger of increased calcification, the majority of clinicians are in favor of a milk cure given at intervals. Thus the patient is made to take three to four quarts daily for a period of a month. There is then a gradual return to a general diet, exclusive of meat, for several weeks, then another rigid milk diet period.
If we are bold enough to follow Metschnikoff in his theories of longevity, we might advise resection of the large intestine, on the ground that it is an enormous culture tube that produces prodigious amounts of poisonous substances which are thrown into the general circulation. To combat such a grave (?) condition as the carrying of several feet of large intestine, we are recommended to take b.u.t.termilk or milk soured by means of the _b. acidus lacticus_. Clinical experience has taught that in arteriosclerosis b.u.t.termilk is of great value, whether it be the natural product, or made directly from sweet milk by the addition of the bacilli. The latter is a smoother product and has, to my mind, a delightful flavor. It may be diluted with Vichy or plain soda water. Cases that can not take milk or any other food will often take b.u.t.termilk, and do well on this restricted diet. From two to four quarts daily should be taken. It should be drunk slowly as should milk.
It has long been thought that the iodides have some specific effect on the advancing arteriosclerosis, checking its spread, if not really aiding nature to a limited restoration of the diseased arteries. It is possible that the eulogies upon the iodides owe their origin to the successful treatment of syphilitic arteriosclerosis, in which condition these drugs have a specific action. However that may be, there is no doubt that the administration of sodium or pota.s.sium iodide is good therapeutics in cases of arteriosclerosis.
Unfortunately many persons have such irritable stomachs that they can not take the iodides, even though they be diluted many times. They may be made less irritating by giving them with essence of pepsin. Unless the case is syphilitic, it is doubtful whether it is of value to increase the dose gradually until a dram or even more is taken three times daily after meals. Usually a maximum dose of ten grains seems to be quite sufficient. This may be taken three times a day, well diluted, for three months. There follows a month's rest, then the treatment is resumed for another period of three months, and so on. Either sodium or pota.s.sium iodide in saturated solution may be given. The sodium salt is possibly less irritating, and contains more free iodine than the pota.s.sium salt, although the latter is more generally used. The strontium iodide may also be used.
One sees a patient now and then who can not take the iodides, however they may be combined. For such patients one may obtain good results with iodopin, sajodin, or other of the preparations put up by reputable firms. Personally I have never yet seen a patient who could not take the ordinary iodides in some form or other, and I am opposed to ready made drugging.
The action of the iodides is to lower the blood pressure, and they are of greatest value when the blood pressure is high, and when headache and precordial pain are present.
When the case is moderately advanced, very mild doses, gr. 1/2, morning and evening, of the thyroid extract may be given. It is generally believed that the internal secretion of the thyroid and the adrenal are antagonistic. That the thyroid secretion lowers blood pressure in certain forms of hypertension is certain, possibly on account of its iodine content. Some combinations of iodine and thyroid such as the iodothyroidin have been used and have had some measure of success attributed to them.
Hypertension does not always demand active measures for its reduction.
Viewed from the physiologic standpoint, hypertension is but the expression of a compensating mechanism which is designed to keep the blood moving through narrowed channels. Heart hypertrophy then is absolutely essential to the maintenance of life. It has been said that the highest blood pressures occur in chronic disease of the kidneys. The poisonous substances produced in the kidneys must exert their action through absorption into the general blood stream. This toxin may be completely eliminated, if we accept as our criterion the reduction of tension to normal together with the complete return of the affected individual to health. A concrete example is as follows: A man aged 44 years was brought to the Milwaukee County Hospital in coma. His systolic blood pressure was over 280 mm. Hg, diastolic 170 mm., his urine contained considerable alb.u.min and many casts. He had general anasarca.
Venesection was done at once and 300 c.c. blood obtained. Immediately following this operation the pressure was 210-150, but within twelve hours it was again above 280-170. He was given no medication to reduce pressure except that he was freely purged. He was given a steam sweat bath daily. Frequent blood pressure readings were taken. Within seven days the pressure was 130-86. He had, in the meantime, completely recovered from his symptoms. He was kept in the hospital for two weeks longer a.s.sisting in the work on the ward, and he was discharged with a pressure (systolic) between 130 and 136 diastolic 80-84. The treatment was rest in bed, free purging, venesection, and sweat baths, simple but exceedingly effective.
Should there be actual indications for reducing the blood pressure, I must admit that it can not always be done. The majority of cases will do well on the sodium nitrite or erythrol tetranitrate. However, these do not always lower blood pressure and keep it within normal limits. When a man has very high tension we do not wish to reduce it to what it should normally be for the age of the patient, as symptoms of collapse might set in at any time under such conditions.
Observations made with the sphygmomanometer[20] show that the effect of nitroglycerin is transient or of no effect except in doses which are relatively enormous (one drop of the one per cent solution given every hour). Sodium nitrite may lower the blood pressure but the effects will have worn off in two hours. It is the same with erythrol tetranitrate.
Sodium sulphocyanate in doses of from one to three grains three times a day is highly recommended by some. My own experience with it does not lead me to believe that it is of any great value in hypertension. It, however, may be tried. Benzyl benzoate has been used recently to reduce the high blood pressure of hypertension. Macht has reported some success. In the author's hands it has been efficacious in a few cases.
As long as the patient takes the drug the pressure may be slightly reduced, but upon the withdrawal of the drug the pressure returns to its former level. It is well worth a trial and further experimentation may reveal better methods of administration. The dose is from 2 to 6 c.c.
mixed with water at intervals.
[20] Miller, Jos. L.: Hypertension and the Value of the Various Methods for Its Reduction. Jour. Am. Med., 1910, liv, p. 1666.
In the hypertension of the menopause some have had success with large doses of corpus luteum extract. As a matter of fact the drug treatment of hypertension, when it becomes necessary to treat this condition with drugs, has suffered a notable set-back since more careful control has been made with the blood pressure instruments. In giving any of the depressor drugs their action should be controlled by blood pressure measurements, for only in this way can we be sure that the drug is exerting its physiological effect and we may expect results. The individual reaction to these drugs varies greatly and no rule for dosage can be dogmatically laid down. The only successful therapy is rigid individualization. This is the keystone to treatment in cases of arteriosclerosis and high tension.
It must not be inferred from what has been said that the nitrites are of no value. They are of decided value but they have their limitations. The most evanescent of these drugs is amyl nitrite. This is put up in the form of capsules, or pearls, containing from one to three minims. When it is desired to dilate the peripheral vessels suddenly, one or two of these capsules are broken in a cloth held to the nose. The effect is almost instantaneous. There is flus.h.i.+ng of the face and other peripheral vessels, particularly near the head, denoting a relaxation and widening of the bed of the blood stream, and a consequent decrease in pressure in the arteries. These effects are over in a short while. It is only used in attacks of cardiac spasm, as in angina pectoris. Nitroglycerin, the Spiritus Glonoini of the U. S. P., acts in about the same manner as amyl nitrite but the effects last usually a trifle longer. One drop of the one per cent solution may be given every hour until physiologic effects are produced. It may be given hypodermically. This may be a means of reducing p.r.o.nounced high tension. This drug has been found of benefit especially in cases where arteriosclerosis combined with chronic nephritis causes cardiac asthma. The other drug which may be of service in these conditions, one whose sphere of action is somewhat broader, because its effects are more lasting, is sodium nitrite. This is given in water in doses of one to three or five grains every four hours. Some have objected to the use of this drug, but my experience has made me place considerable confidence in its harmlessness, provided that the patient is carefully watched. This, however, applies to all of the nitrite compounds. My experience with erythrol tetranitrate is not large. It may be used in place of sodium nitrite.
For a mild case, one often finds that sweet spirits of niter is sufficient to control the pressure and relieve the distressing symptoms, and it is undoubtedly the least harmful of all the nitrites. Drugs that are of great value, but of which little is noted in textbooks, are aconite and veratrum viride. Both of these drugs are well known to be marked circulatory depressors. Veratrum viride in my experience should be very cautiously used, and never used unless a trained attendant is constantly at hand. With regard to aconite I have no such feeling, and a mixture of tincture of aconite and spiritus etheris nitrosi may be given for several weeks with no fear of doing any harm. Personally, of all the drugs mentioned, I prefer the nitrite of sodium or the combination just given. They may be advantageously alternated.
My own feeling is that the most successful means of treatment of acute high tension is without the use of drugs. The most important measure is absolute rest in bed. This often suffices to lower the blood pressure and to arrest the symptoms produced by high tension. Venesection I believe is also of value. True the arterioles appear to contract almost immediately upon the lessened quant.i.ty of blood, or there is immediate interchange of serum from the tissues which brings the blood volume back to the original amount. Whatever happens the pressure is not greatly reduced, at times not reduced at all, but often the symptoms are relieved. Hot packs or sweat baths a.s.suredly do reduce the pressure in many cases. This seems to me to be an exceedingly valuable measure.
Finally the diet should be nouris.h.i.+ng, but very light, not too much fluid should be ingested, and the bowels should be freely opened.
With the fibrolysin of Merck, I have had no experience. Some men a.s.sert that they have had good results from its use, but on the whole the evidence is not highly favorable.
Morphine is invaluable. No drug is of such value in the nocturnal dyspneic attacks that occur in the late stages of arteriosclerosis when the heart or the kidneys are failing. Morphine not only relaxes spasm and quiets the cerebral centers, but is an actual heart stimulant under such conditions, and should never be withheld, as the danger of the patient's becoming addicted to its use is more fanciful than real.
However, morphine, at times, suppresses the secretion of urine. So that if after trial the urine becomes scanty and the edema increases, recourse must be had to other drugs. The various hypnotics may be used with caution. One which seems to be very useful is adalin.
As heart stimulants, one may use strychnine, spartein, caffein, or camphor. In desperate cases, where a rapidly diffusible stimulant is needed, a hypodermic syringeful of ether may be given, and repeated in a short while.
Several years ago a so-called serum was brought out by Trunecek which was said to have a favorable effect on the metabolism of the vessel walls. It was given at first hypodermatically or intravenously but the former method was painful. It was later stated that given by mouth it acted just as well. The results with the Trunecek serum have not come up to the expectations that the early favorable reports promised. The original serum was composed as follows: NaCl, 4.92 gm.; Na_2SO_4, 0.44 gm.; Na_2CO_3, 0.21 gm.; K_2SO_4, 0.40 gm.; aqua destil. q. s. ad. 100.0 c.c. Later this was modified for internal use to the following prescription:
R_{x} Natrii chlor. 10. gm.
Natrii sulphat. 1. gm.
Natrii carbonat. 0.40 gm.
Natrii phosphat. 0.30 gm.
Calcii phosphat.
Magnesii phosphat. aa. 0.75 gm.
M. Ft. cachets No. XIII.
The contents of every cachet corresponds to 15 c.c. of the fluid serum or to 150 c.c. of blood serum. The preparation called antisclerosin consists of the salts contained in the serum. As to its efficacy, I can not judge, as I have never felt that it was worth while to use it.
Reports of cases in which it has been tried do not speak very highly of it.
In the general treatment of arteriosclerosis, there is no one factor of more importance than the regular daily bowel movement. Attention to this may save the patient much discomfort and even acute attacks of cardiac embarra.s.sment. The choice of the purgative is immaterial, with this reservation only, that the mild ones, such as cascara, rhubarb, licorice powder and the mineral waters, should be thoroughly tried before we resort to the more drastic purgatives. Plenolphthalein in 3 to 5 grain doses acts remarkably well in some people as a pleasant laxative.
Agar-agar with or without cascara may be useful.
Liquid paraffin under a variety of names is a most useful and efficacious laxative. As its action is purely mechanical it may be taken indefinitely without doing harm to the intestinal musculature.
The old Lady Webster dinner pill is an excellent tonic aperient. When the heart is embarra.s.sed and edema of the legs and effusion into the serous cavities have taken place, then it becomes necessary to use the drastic purgatives that cause a number of watery movements. Epsom salts given in concentrated form, elaterin gr. 1-12, the compound cathartic pill, blue ma.s.s and scammony, or even croton oil may be used. Since the observation of a greatly congested intestine from a patient who had been given croton oil, I have ceased to use this purgative, and I doubt much whether its use is ever justifiable in these cases.
The management of the ordinary case of arteriosclerosis resolves itself into a careful hygienic and dietetic regime with the addition of the iodides, aconite, or the nitrites. A diet consisting of very little meat, alcohol in moderation or even absolutely prohibited, and not too much fluid should be prescribed. Condiments and spices should also be used sparingly. Cold baths, shower baths, cold and hot sheets alternating, are of great benefit in a.s.sisting the heart to do its best work by making the large capillary area of the skin more permeable. It is not true that such baths raise the blood pressure so markedly.
Certain acts, as sneezing, violent coughing, etc., increase the blood pressure much more than judicious bathing.
=Symptomatic Treatment=
The fact that arteriosclerosis really loses much of its own ident.i.ty and, in later stages, becomes merged with the symptomatology of the diseases of various organs, as the kidney, brain, heart, compels us, for completeness' sake, to say a few words about the treatment of these complications.
One of the results of arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries, angina pectoris, demands prompt treatment. In the acute attack, the chief object is to relieve the spasm and pain. Pearls of amyl nitrite should be inhaled, and morphine sulphate with atropine sulphate given hypodermatically at the very earliest moment. It is senseless to withhold morphine. The only possible reason for withholding it would be uncertainty as to the diagnosis. It is probably better to err on the safe side, and should the case prove to be one of pseudo angina, in the next attack sterile water can be given instead of the morphine and atropine.
When a patient is seen in the condition of broken compensation with the much dilated heart, anasarca, dyspnea and suppression of urine, there is no better practice than venesection. Especially is this valuable when the tension is still fairly high and the individual is robust. Following the abstraction of six to eight ounces of blood (300-500 c.c.)[21] the whole picture changes, so that a man who a short while before was apparently at death's door, notices his surroundings and takes an interest again in life. This should be followed up with thorough purgation, and cardiac stimulants should be ordered. In such cases digitalis is useful, but its action is never so striking as in cases of this general character due to uncompensated valvular disease. It must be remembered that in arteriosclerosis the changes in the myocardium must be of a considerable grade for the heart to give away. Therefore, digitalis can not be expected to act on a diseased muscle as it acts on a comparatively healthy muscle. It is only in such cases of broken compensation that digitalis should ever be used.
[21] I have taken as much as 1700 c.c. from a large man. He recovered and went back to work.
Digitalis is not a general vasoconstrictor as used to be taught. Its action on the kidney is actually a vasodilator one. And in its action on the heart the digitonin dilates the coronary arteries, according to Macht, while the digitoxin acts on the heart muscle. Overdosing with digitalis has produced partial heart block in many cases. It is absolutely contraindicated in Stokes-Adams syndrome.
There are, however, some cases, especially those with transudations, when digitalis may be carefully tried even though high tension be present. It is sometimes of advantage to combine digitalis with the nitrites although they are said to be physiologically incompatible.
Still another drug, that is of great value in conditions such as have been described, is diuretin. This may be given in capsule or tablets, grs. x. three times daily. There is only one caution to express in the use of this drug. It should not be given when the kidneys are the seat of chronic inflammatory changes; in fact, actual harm may be done by administering the drug under such conditions.
The same is true even to a greater extent with theocin. This is a powerful diuretic. If given by mouth it should be well diluted as it is most irritating to the stomach. It is best given intravenously in doses of two and a half to three grains dissolved in five to six cubic centimeters of distilled water. One must be reasonably sure that the kidneys are not the subject of chronic disease and are functionally, therefore, below par. The intravenous dose should not be given oftener than once in four days.
For the pain in aneurysm, nothing (except, of course, morphine) is so valuable as iodide of pota.s.sium. Patients who are suffering agony, when put to bed and given KI grs. x. three times a day, soon lose all the distressing symptoms. This applies particularly to aneurysms of the arch of the aorta.
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