Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Hands Off

Hearing a man’s voice, the man stopped his hand as he turned towards the direction of Lin Feng.

Shoving aside the crowd, Lin Feng walked to Dong Wu’s booth. He looked at these three young men.

The three men weren’t very old. They seemed to be about 20 years old, and looked extremely normal with no outstanding features.

The man in the center who was their leader was wearing a yellow coat. After using his soul sense, Lin Feng discovered that they were not cultivators, instead just being ordinary people with high fighting strengths.

“Where did you come from, daring to intervene in my matters, do you not know who I am. ”

The man in the yellow coat saw that Lin Feng’s stature was neither tall nor big, and didn’t any attention to him. The one who opened his mouth was the leader, and he had an extremely arrogant tone.

“Little brother, this is a man you should not provoke, forget it. ” In the crowd, a man who was selling instant noodles beside Dong Wu said this to Lin Feng.

“Yes, he may have backup with him. Also you seem very small from your tone, I urge you to just walk away.  ” Some people in the crowd said this.

“Yeah, just let it go.  ”

This man in the yellow coat seemed to have backup. No wonder why he did not wear a mask in the black market.

Apparently, the man in the yellow coat was called Xie Dong, and was the younger brother of the black market guards’ team leader. He often brings attention to himself, and always takes items from stall keepers without paying money.  The people who set up the stalls were all normal people. They dare not speak up even though they harbored resentment.  Further this man’s fighting strength was not low. Despite him not being a cultivator, he was considered superior among normal people.

It’s not like these vendors didn’t have courage and uprightness, it was simply that they couldn’t beat Xie Dong. As such they were bullied by Xie Dong in the black market for a long time, and would always offer some white crystals to Xie Dong whenever a black market was organised.

It was by chance that Sunday was the day the black market opened. Xie Dong was pa.s.sing by the black market stalls when he saw Dong Wu. Having never seen him built a store before, Xie Dong a.s.sumed that he was a new arrival.  As such he wanted to show his authority to Dong Wu, and thus he ate Dong Wu’s canned food without paying.

“The lives of those in the apocalypse are not easy. I could use the 50 white crystals to feed the poor rather than feeding a dog.  ”

Lin Feng picked up the empty can of food from the table and said this lightly.

“Who did you call a dog!”

Upon hearing Lin Feng’s words, Xie Dong was enraged and threw a punch towards Lin Feng.

Even if his fighting strength was high, Xie Dong was still an ordinary person. There was no way he could compare to the speed and strength of a cultivator.  Lin Feng lifted his arm, and easily caught Xie Dong’s punch.

“You aren’t allowed to fight in the black market, do you not understand this rule?”

From the start Lin Feng noticed that Xie Dong was not wearing a mask, and as such knew that he was not an ordinary person. Right now he was reminding him, so as to avoid arguments with other people.

“We few brothers are the rules, quickly release my brother!”

The young man beside Xie Dong rushed towards Lin Feng, while at the same time using a foot to step on Lin Feng’s abdomen. He knew that Lin Feng was not weak at all.

Without even saying anything, Lin Feng threw the empty can at that person.


The can flew at an incredible speed, it hit the person’s head before he could react in time.  After letting out a scream, the man crouched down. He had his hands over his head, with blood flowing out from beneath them.

Lin Feng didn’t want to cause trouble, however he was not afraid of it.  Since they didn’t state the rules, they couldn’t blame Lin Feng for making a move.  Lin Feng absolutely detested those who bullied others. It was the same in his original world, and the same in this apocalyptic world.

The lives of those at the bottom in the apocalypse was not easy, as they had to risk their lives in order to get supplies.   Lin Feng did not spend money for his canned food, however to other people a can of food cost 50 white crystals. With that amount of white crystals, one could buy 15 pounds of rice, which could feed a person for an entire month.  The fact that Xie Dong takes whatever he wants, he really was a bully.  Lin Feng did not care for this box of cans, however he was sick of their actions.

“One can of food costs 50 white crystals, put the money down, and I will let go!”

Lin Feng gradually tightened his grip on Xie Dong’s hand. The strength of his grip caused Xie Dong’s hand to make cracking sounds. Xie Dong’s face turned red, it was obvious that his hand was in great pain.

“Ok…I’ll pay…I’ll pay…”

Knowing that this time he ran into someone superior, Xie Dong said this in anguish.

Releasing Xie Dong’s hand, Lin Feng moved to the side, freeing up the seat at the table.

Xie Dong’s face was completely red. His eyes s.h.i.+fted around for a long time, before he finally took out 50 white crystals from his apocalypse watch and put them on the table.

At this moment Xie Dong really wanted to pull out a gun from his watch and shoot Lin Feng. Lin Feng had brought great shame to him today.  The Xie Dong that was always given way to in the black market, this would make him suffer greatly.

However Xie Dong dare not to fire his gun in the black market, even if his brother was the captain of the black market guards.

There were a total of 800 guards in the base, which were divided into eight squadrons, each squadron having 100 guards.  Each squadron consisted of ten teams, and each team had 10 people.  And Xie Dong’s brother, was a squadron leader in charge of the black market.

The black market rules were decided by a group. Since he was the younger brother of the leader, he would usually bully the vendors and start fights in the black market. At least his brother Xie Qiang can protect as him, as he usually turns a blind eye to what Xie Dong does.

However Xie Dong still dare not open fire in the black market. Not only him, but also his brother will be implicated.

“You wait, don’t let me meet you again!”

After putting down the money and moving more than 10 meters away, Xie Dong said this fiercely to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn’t say anything, only bending down to pick up the empty can.  Xie Dong was startled, and quickly took his two underlings and ran away, causing the entire crowd to laugh.

“You guys better quickly leave, Xie Dong’s brother is the leader of the black market guards, and will cover up the evidence.  If you guys don’t leave, I’m afraid he’s going to look for his brother.  ”

After Xie Dong left, several people with good intentions reminded them.

No wonder why he was so stuck up about himself, turns out that they were relatives.  Listening to what that person said, Lin Feng knew that that fellow called Xie Dong was taking advantage of the fact that his brother was a guard of the base.

Lin Feng nodded, thanked the people for their good intentions and took the white crystals on the table. Afterwards Lin Feng called on Dong Wu to leave.

With regards to influence in the base, Lin Feng was lacking, and thus did not want to cause much trouble.  Having reached cultivator level 3, Lin Feng could not be killed by common guns, only injured.  But even so, to protect their own safety meant surviving like this in the apocalypse.

Lin Feng was not afraid of getting into trouble, however he didn’t want to stir up trouble without a reason.

Looking at how most of the goods were sold, Lin Feng prepared to leave the black market with Dong Wu.

“Brother, it was him that beat me just now, I remember those clothes.  ”

Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse Chapter 28

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