Popular Adventure Tales Part 39
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This operation it repeated so often, and so adroitly, that in a very short time a round pit began to show itself in the surface of the ground. Whenever it encountered a stone, this was raised between its callipers and pitched out beyond the ring. Sometimes stones occurred that were too large to be thrown out in this way. These it managed to get upon its back, and, then crawling cautiously up the sides of the pit, it tumbled them upon the edge and rolled them away. Had it met with a stone so large as to render this impossible, it would have left the place, and chosen another spot of ground. Fortunately this was not the case, and they had an opportunity of watching the labour to its conclusion.
For nearly an hour they sat watching it--of course not neglecting their other affairs--and, at the end of that time, the ant-lion had jerked out so much sand, that a little funnel-shaped pit was formed nearly as deep as it was wide. This was its trap, and it was now finished and ready for action.
Having made all its arrangements, it had nothing more to do than remain at the bottom of the pit, and wait patiently until some unfortunate ant should chance to come that way and fall in; and where these insects were constantly wandering over the ground, such an accident would, sooner or later, be certain to take place.
Lest the ant should peep into the pit, discover its hideous form below, and then retreat, this ant-lion had actually the cunning to bury its body in the sand, leaving only a small portion of its head to be seen.
Both Dona Isidora and the little Leona remained watching with increased interest. They were very anxious to witness the result. They were not kept long in suspense. I have already stated that many ants were crawling about. There were dozens of them "quatering" the ground in every direction in search of their own prey; and they left not an inch of it unsearched. At last one was seen to approach the trap of the ant-lion. Curiosity brings it to the very edge of that terrible pit-fall. It protrudes its head and part of its body over the brink--it is not such a terrible gulf to look into--if it should slip down, it could easily crawl out again.
Ha! it little knows the enemy that is ambushed there. It perceives something singular--an odd something--perhaps it might be something good to eat. It is half resolved to slide down and make a closer examination of this something. It is balancing on the brink, and would, no doubt, have gone down voluntarily, but that is no longer left to its own choice. The mysterious object at the bottom of the funnel suddenly springs up and shows itself--it is the ant-lion in all its hideous proportions; and before the little ant can draw itself away, the other has flung around it a shower of sand that brings it rolling down the side of the pit. Then the sharp callipers are closed upon the victim--all the moisture in his body is sucked out--and his remains, now a dry and shapeless ma.s.s, are rested for a moment upon the head of the destroyer, and then jerked far outside the pit!
The ant-lion now dresses his trap, and, again burying himself in the sand, awaits another victim.
Dona Isidora and Leona had watched all the manoeuvres of the ant-lion with great interest, and Leona, after the bite she had had, was not in any mood to sympathise with the ants. Indeed, she felt rather grateful to the ant-lion, ugly as he was, for killing them.
Presently Leon returned from the woods, and was shown the trap in full operation; but Leon, upon this day, was full of adventures that had occurred upon the hills to himself, Guapo, and Don Pablo. In fact, he had hastened home before the others to tell his mamma of the odd incidents to which he had been a witness.
That morning they had discovered a new _mancha_ of cinchona trees. When proceeding towards them they came upon the dead carca.s.s of a deer. It was a large species, the _Cervus antisensis_, but, as it had evidently been dead several days, it was swollen out to twice its original size, as is always the case with carca.s.ses of animals left exposed in a warm climate. It was odd that some preying animals had not eaten it up. A clump of tall trees, that shaded it, had, no doubt, concealed it from the sharp sight of the vultures, and these birds, contrary to what has so often been alleged, can find no dead body by the smell. Neither ants nor animals that prey upon carrion had chanced to come that way, and there lay the deer intact.
So thought Don Pablo and Leon. Guapo, however, was of a different opinion, and, going up to the body, he struck it a blow with his axe. To the surprise of the others, instead of the dead sound which they expected to hear, a dry crash followed the blow, and a dark hole appeared where a piece of thin sh.e.l.l-like substance had fallen off.
Another blow from Guapo's axe, and the whole side went in. Not a bit of carca.s.s was there; there were bones--clean bones--and dry hard skin, but no flesh, not an atom of fles.h.!.+
"Tatou-poyou!" quietly remarked Guapo.
"What!" said Don Pablo, "an armadillo, you think?" recognising, in Guapo's words, the Indian name for one of the large species of armadillos.
"Yes," replied Guapo. "All eaten by the tatou-poyou. See! there's his hole."
Don Pablo and Leon bent over the sham carca.s.s, and, sure enough, under where its body had been they could see a large hole in the ground.
Outside the carca.s.s, also, at the distance of several feet was another.
"This is where he entered," said Guapo, pointing to the second. "He's not about here now," continued he, "no, no,--ate all the meat, and gone long ago."
This was evident, as the hollow skeleton was quite dry, and had evidently been empty for a good while.
Don Pablo was pleased at this incident, as it gave him an opportunity of verifying a curious habit of the armadillos. These creatures are among the finest burrowers in the world, and can bury themselves in the earth in a few seconds time; but, being badly toothed,--some of them altogether without teeth,--they can only feed upon very soft substances.
Putrid flesh is with them a favourite "dish," and in order to get at the softest side of a carca.s.s, they burrow under, and enter it from below, rarely leaving their horrid cave until they have thoroughly cleared it out.
The bark-hunters now pa.s.sed on, Don Pablo making many inquiries about the armadillos, and Guapo giving replies, while Leon listened with interest. Guapo knew a good deal about these curious creatures, for he had eaten many a dozen of them in his time, and as many different kinds of them too. Their feeding upon carrion had no effect on Guapo's stomach, and, indeed, white people in South America relish them as much as Indians. The white people, however, make a distinction in the species, as they suppose some kinds to be more disposed to a vegetable diet than others.
There are some in the neighbourhood of the settlements, that _occasionally pay a visit to the graveyards or cemeteries_, and these kinds do not go down well. All of them will devour almost any sort of trash that is soft and pulpy, and they are more destructive to the ant than even the ant-eaters themselves. How so? Because, instead of making a nice little hole in the side of the ant-hill, as the tamanoirs do, and through this hole eating the ants themselves, the armadillos break down a large part of the structure and devour the _larvae_. Now the ants love these _larvae_ more than their own lives, and when these are destroyed, they yield themselves up to despair, refuse to patch up the building, the rain gets in, and the colony is ruined and breaks up.
It does not follow, however, that the flesh of the armadillo should be "queer" because the animal itself eats queer substances. Among carnivorous creatures the very opposite is sometimes the truth; and some animals--as the tapir, for instance--that feed exclusively on sweet and succulent vegetables, produce a most bitter flesh for themselves. About this there is no standing law either way.
The flesh of the armadillo is excellent eating, not unlike young pork, and, when "roasted in the sh.e.l.l" (the Indian mode of cooking it), it is quite equal, if not superior, to a baked "pig," a dish very much eaten in our own country.
Guapo did not call them armadillos--he had several Indian names for different kinds of them. "Armadillo" is the Spanish name, and signifies the "little armed one," the diminutive of "armado" or "armed." This name is peculiarly appropriate to these animals, as the hard bony casing which covers the whole upper parts of their bodies, bears an exceeding resemblance to the suits of plate armour worn in the days of Cortez and chivalry.
On the head there is the helmet, the back is s.h.i.+elded by a corslet, and even the limbs are covered with greaves. Of course, this armour is arranged differently in the different species, and there is more or less hair upon all, between the joinings of the plates.
These points were not touched upon by Guapo, but others of equal interest were. He went on to say that he knew many different kinds of them;--some not bigger than a rat, and some as large as a full-grown sheep; some that were slow in their paces, and others that could outrun a man; some that were flat, and could squat so close as hardly to be seen against the ground,--(these were _tatou-poyous_, the sort that had hollowed out the deer); and some again that were high-backed and nearly globe-shaped. Such was Guapo's account of these curious animals which are found only in the warmer regions of North and South America.
Conversing in this way, the bark-hunters, at length, reached the cinchona-trees, and then all talk about armadillos was at an end. They went l.u.s.tily to their work--which was of more importance--and, under Guapo's axe, several of the cinchonas soon "bit the dust."
There was a spot of open ground just a little to one side of where these trees stood. They had noticed, on coming up, a flock of zamuros, or black vultures, out upon this ground, cl.u.s.tered around some object. It was the carca.s.s of another deer. The first blow of the axe startled the birds, and they flapped a short way off. They soon returned, however, not being shy birds, but the contrary.
There was nothing in all this to create surprise, except, perhaps, the dead deer. What had been killing these animals? Not a beast of prey, for that would have devoured them, unless, indeed, it might be the puma, that often kills more than he can eat.
The thought had occurred to Don Pablo that they might have died from the poisoned arrows of an Indian. This thought somewhat disquieted him, for he knew not what kind of Indians they might be,--they might be friendly or hostile;--if the latter, not only would all his plans be frustrated, but the lives of himself and party would be in danger. Guapo could not a.s.sure him on this head; he had been so long absent from the Great Montana that he was ignorant of the places where the tribes of these parts might now be located. These tribes often change their homes.
He knew that the Chunchos sometimes roamed so far up, and they were the most dangerous of all the Indians of the Montana,--haters of the whites, fierce and revengeful. It was they who several times destroyed the settlements and mission stations. If Chunchos were in the woods they might look out for trouble. Guapo did not think there were any Indians near. He would have seen some traces of them before now, and he had observed none since their arrival. This a.s.surance of the knowing Indian quite restored Don Pablo's confidence, and they talked no longer on the subject. After a while, their attention was again called to the vultures. These filthy creatures had returned to the deer, and were busily gorging themselves, when, all at once, they were seen to rise up as if affrighted. They did not fly far,--only a few feet,--and stood with outstretched necks looking towards the carrion, as if whatever had frightened them was there.
The bark-hunters could perceive nothing. It was the body of a small deer, already half eaten, and no object bigger than a man's hand could have been concealed behind it. The zamuros, however, _had_ seen something strange--else they would hardly have acted as they did--and, with this conviction, the bark-hunters stopped their work to observe them.
After a while the birds seemed to take fresh courage, hopped back to the carrion, and recommenced tearing at it. In another moment they again started and flew back, but, this time, not so far as before, and then they all returned again, and, after feeding another short while, started back a third time.
This was all very mysterious, but Guapo, guessing what was the matter, solved the mystery by crying out,--
"Where?" inquired Don Pablo.
"Yonder, master, yonder in the body of the beast."
Don Pablo looked, and, sure enough, he could see something moving; it was the head and shoulders of an armadillo. It had burrowed and come up through the body of the deer, thus meeting the vultures half-way! No doubt, it was the mysterious mode by which it had entered on the stage that had frightened them.
They soon, however, got over their affright, and returned to their repast.
The armadillo--a very large one--had, by this time, crept out into the open air, and went on eating.
For a while the zamuros took no heed of him, deeming, perhaps, that, although he had come in by the back-door, he might have as good a right upon the premises as themselves. Their pacific att.i.tude, however, was but of short duration; something occurred to ruffle their temper--some silent affront, no doubt, for the bark-hunters heard nothing. Perhaps the _tatou_ had run against the legs of one, and sc.r.a.ped it with the sharp edge of his corslet. Whether this was the cause or no, a scuffle commenced, and the beast in armour was attacked by all the vultures at once.
Of course he did not attack in turn, he had no means; he acted altogether on the defensive; and this he was enabled to do by simply drawing in his legs and flattening himself upon the ground. He was then proof, not only against the beaks and weak talons of a vulture, but he might have defied the royal eagle himself.
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