Studies in Moro History, Law, and Religion Part 7

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Jukulanu Kunuk married Dawada, the daughter of Raja Muda Mangindra, and begot Tamay and Diyug.

Jukulanu Badal married Mayakay and begot Panggu. He also married Ginu, the daughter of Wata-mama Kamad, and begot Ungji, Ulanulan, Indalan, Udamag, Kadidung, Aslan, Aminalla, Duwag, Nyugaw, and Tiban.

Udung married Ninaw and begot Mamag, Tuli, Lilang, Lastam, Aning, and Alungan. By Baybay he begot Namar; by Lumba, Indig and Dandung.

Nawila married Lugung, the son of Jalaludin Tambi, and bore Putri and Kirig.

Ginda begot Malaga.

Abas married Ngyan, the daughter of Mawlana Mundug, and begot Atshar and Pinayu; and Nanaw by a concubine.

Wata-Mama Kamad begot Ginu.

Dulay begot Bandun, Jawala, Buli, and Dyaw. By Payaka he begot Kubung and Paygwan.

Dastara's children lived in Kuran.

Alam married Gindulungan and begot Malatunul. Gindulungan married Mawg, the son of the sultan of Tuba, and bore Qudrat.

Ngyan married Abas and begot Atshar and Pinayu.

Dadaw married Badang and begot Jambrang, a twan (sir) of Lawgan.

Kadija married Atun, Datu of Burungan; her children lived at Burungan.

Daldal married Kayag and begot Saripa and Nyaw.

Talilah begot Sabu-Din. Sabu-Din begot Abu Bakar, Mindung, Kawan, Itug, and Pimbar.

Nanaw married Tamama and begot Kalumpunit.

Datu Sakaludan married Lady Tidung and begot Tima and Randu. He also married Yungayu and begot Andam and Basing.

Barayim married Anu, the daughter of Maraga, and begot Rapruk.

Raja Bwayan Mohammed Alimu-Din married Ani, a lady of Magindanao, the grandmother of Mupat Idayat, and begot Kabayan. By Mayay, a lady of Kabalukan, he begot the sultan of Magindanao; by a concubine, Gugu Jamburang; by Salaya, Gugu Panasang; by Dadayu, Nugal and Gansing; by Pandaragan, Gaga; by Sitti, Itug; by Kasimna, Atung and Panunggu; by Takdung, Basing; by Inam, Atabwan; by Inding, Apun; by Amil, Nangalung.

Alimu-Din, the grandson of Baya-labi Sari, married Maraga, the daughter of Ginda, and begot Tuka and Dubw.a.n.g.

Kudanding married Kindang and begot Ayung. By Tima, a lady of Tidung, he begot Putri; by Ija, Limulang and Sina; by Nayung, Gandang and Kutay; by Nawg, Babayasi.

Datu Tamay and Diyug were cousins. Kibad was their second cousin. Tagi was a brother, the son of Maryam. Qudrat was another cousin. Anatan, datu of Kabuntalan, was their uncle.

Madaga married Sultan Mohammed-sa-Barahaman and bore Mayug and Sultan Iskandar Manamir, which makes three datus of Kabuntalan. Anatan, datu of Kabuntalan, married Jawya and begot Didu, Untung, and Padidu. By Malali, he begot Pawag and Kirig and Dyaw and Parug; by Sitti, Umbag; by Madidu, Anaw and Baralaga.

Wata-Mama Balindung Adamunda married Ani and begot Asim, Iday, Kalug, Kuntay, Nanun, and Tayting. By a woman of Kadingilan he begot Bantilan.

Asab begot Putri.

Pata married Jiwana Aryung and begot Kibad, Kanapya, Sarapudin, and Ilm.

Daywa married Datu Palug of Binirwan and bore Kunik, Banun, and Iyaw. Dindyaw married Maraja Layla Kandug and bore Talawung and Dastara.

Mawlana Mawg married Iday, the daughter of Balindung, and begot Maning, Ampal, Lilang, Anti, Bagwa Datu, and Tapudi.

Kawan married Timbay and begot Paydu, Dandayung, and Iday.

Panggu married Talung, the daughter of Maraja Layla Kandug, and begot Ulanan, Tubu-tubu, and a daughter, Tya. He also married Kubra and begot Ula.

Tamay married Antam and begot Limulang and Makabwat.

Diyug married Tuli, the daughter of Undung, and begot Paki, Dada, Tingaw Pulwa, Myayu, Malug, and Tinabun.

Mamag married Didung and begot Babay, Mama, Diruyudun, and Manangka.

Anti, the son of Gugu Kiram, begot Muyuka, Pinagunay, Kunaw, Pindaw, and Bungayu.

Nglu married Tababay and begot Nawila and Amil.

Lintang begot Bantugun.

Brayim married Anu and begot ----.

Raja married Dabu and begot Kirig and Pakamaman.

Ingkung married Dubung and begot Arimaw, Kalug, Saribu, Padaw, Dukin, and a daughter, Mayla. By a concubine he begot Pinu, Bilalang, and Talawd.

Maraja Layla Akad married Miyayu and begot Inal, Idu, and Atshar.

Sultan Mohammed Iskandar Manamir married Sarip, the daughter of the sultan of Magindanao, and begot Iskandar Sulkarnayn and Sahabu-d-Din. By Gayang he begot Idris; by Kati, Mamunu-r-Ras.h.i.+d, Kindang, and Puyuwa; by Apsa, Kadija.

The grandfather of Baya-labi Sarip, by her father, was Raja Bwayan. Her grandfather, by her mother, was Sultan Diruyudun of Bagu Ingud.

Tagi married Manjanay and begot Lintang and Paramata. By Putri, the daughter of Kudanding, he begot Pindaw; by Apsa, an Ilanun, Dubuwa, Tuku, Pakir, and Pandita; by Bayid, Mama-sa-Ingud; by Dabu, Bwisan; also

Idris married Minda, the grandmother of Umar-Maya Anti, and begot Sindad. By another woman he begot Kunik.

Sultan Mohammed-sa-Barahaman begot also Kamsa. Kamsa begot Itaw, Jimbah, Antil, Limpul, and Mandi.

Dipatwan Minug married Madaga and begot Tandwal, Pipikan, Pamupun, Diluyudun, and Talambungan.

Kunik married Pinduk and begot Ninig, Marajal, and k.u.mipang. By k.u.mala he begot Bunti and Muyuk; by Paydu, Atik.

Namal married Tima and begot Tantung, Sawad, and Mohammed.

Bulawan married Rajalam and begot Bula, Anggris, and Pindug.

Raja Muda Asim begot Pintay and Ubab.

Studies in Moro History, Law, and Religion Part 7

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