God Level Demon Chapter 291: Cloud Realm

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Chapter 291: Cloud Realm

At Tianshui City's airport, a huge wars.h.i.+p was docked there.

Xia Ping took a taxi to the airport and was picked up by the staff. He saw Jiang Yaru, Nangong Wu, Feng Hetang, Chu Rong, and the others on the battles.h.i.+p.

The interior of the battles.h.i.+p was filled with seats. They were arranged densely, like airplane seats. Each person had a seat, and Xia Ping had also arrived at his seat.


Xia Ping had just sat down when the floor shook and the battles.h.i.+p flew up.

"Big brother."

Feng Hetang, who was beside him, pointed to a notch beside the seat and said, "There is an intelligent watch inside this notch." It is equipped with a student chip from Yan Huang University. "All kinds of information regarding Yan Huang University and Cloud Realm are recorded inside."

"It's already tied to your pupils, fingerprints, genes, and so on." "You just need to activate it."

"It's said that in the future, when you enter Yan Huang University, you will have to use this watch to trade, live, and locate the system."

Xia Ping took a look and immediately took out a smart watch from the groove. He wore it on his wrist, and with a beep, a virtual page appeared on it. A blue light shot out and scanned his body.

"Confirmed. Fingerprint rune. Pupil characteristics and smell. confirmed to be Xia Ping himself. System activated." A mechanical voice sounded.

"I'm finally heading to Yan Huang University." After activating the smart watch, Xia Ping was very satisfied. "I heard that Yan Huang University is in the Cloud Realm. "I wonder what that place looks like."

He was extremely curious because all information about the Cloud Realm was kept secret. Ordinary people did not know what was in that place at all. They only knew that it was simply a cultivation paradise.

Not only were there many treasures of heaven and earth, but the area was also tens of thousands of times larger than the Yan Huang Planet. Moreover, the spiritual qi of heaven and earth was dense. When martial artists entered that place, their cultivation efficiency would increase by more than 10 times.

Almost all the best martial artists of the Yan Huang Star had headed to the Cloud Realm.

Even the vast majority of King Realm experts were in the Cloud Realm and had taken root there. If there was nothing else, they would not return to the Yan Huang Planet.

Other than that, ordinary people knew nothing about that place.

"That's a very dangerous place."

Nangong Wu said solemnly, "I heard from my father that because the heaven and earth spirit qi in the Cloud Realm is dense, the matter is extremely abundant, and there are numerous treasures of heaven and earth, causing many powerful monsters to exist in that world."

"Some monsters even have intelligence comparable to humans." "They can speak and transform into humans, so they can be considered demons."

Although the Nangong family was not considered a large family on the entire Yan Huang Planet, they still knew much more about such news than ordinary citizens. Most importantly, it was not something extremely confidential.

"He can speak human language and even take human form."

Xia Ping blinked in surprise.

"That's right." Feng Hetang nodded. "It can be said that our greatest enemy in the Cloud Realm is those beast kings. The Cloud Realm originally belonged to the beast kings, and monsters roamed freely. However, once we humans entered this world, we started to seize many territories and occupy this world."

"It's said that they also have a headquarters called the Thousand Monster Mountain. "It's the Monstrous Holy Mountain where the king-level Monstrous Beasts live."

"It's rumored that all the demon beasts in the Cloud Realm obey the orders of the Thousand Demon Mountain. It rules over the seventy-two demon kings, the thirty-six demon lords, and the other one hundred and eight major factions. There are also countless demon kingdoms of various sizes all over the Cloud Realm.

"It can be said that these demon beasts are already the greatest enemies of mankind." Over the past hundreds of years, there have been many bitter wars between them. They fought with the demon beasts, and there were countless casualties on both sides. They formed a blood feud.

His expression was also very serious.

Xia Ping's eyes sparkled. He was extremely excited, without the slightest bit of fear. To be able to experience such a vast world, wasn't this one of the reasons why he wanted to step onto the road of martial arts?

"If it's so powerful, wouldn't it be very dangerous for us to enter the Cloud realm?" Jiang Yaru, who was beside him, also heard these words.

Nangong Wu waved her hand. "There's no need to worry." We humans have been in the Cloud Realm for more than five hundred years. By relying on powerful King Realm experts and a large number of high-tech weapons, we defeated the group of demon kings and built many human cities. "We have long established ourselves in the Cloud Realm and are on par with many demon kings."

"Besides, Yan Huang University is at the entrance of the Yan Huang Planet and the Cloud Realm. It's equivalent to a large rear. It's extremely safe. No matter how strong the demon kings are, they can't attack."

She gestured for Jiang Yaru to be at ease.

"I took a look at the introduction of Yan Huang University on the smart watch. There seems to be something called "contribution points" that is more important than federal coins.

Chu Rong pressed her smart watch, and an interface popped up.

"Of course it's important." It can be said that Yan Huang University's points are more important than Federation coins.

Nangong Wu nodded. "These points are practically hard currency at Yan Huang University." You can enter the university's library to buy all kinds of King Realm secret manuals. You can enter the medical hall to buy precious medicinal pills and all sorts of precious natural treasures. You can even spend points to get King Realm experts to help you improve your cultivation.

"It's said that one point is equivalent to one million federal coins." If it's exchanged on the black market, it can even reach five million federal coins. Furthermore, it's priceless. "No one is so stupid as to exchange points for federal coins."

"Every new student can get 100 points." This is the starting sum given to us by the school. "We can use it to buy various secret manuals and pills."

She pointed at a number on Chu Rong's page. It showed 100 points.

Chu Rong and the others were all shocked. As long as they had enough points, they could buy all kinds of King Realm secret manuals and browse through them. This was the benefit of entering Yan Huang University.

But in the outside world, even if you had the money, you would not be able to get it. This was one of the benefits of entering Yan Huang University.

However, the prerequisite for everything was that you had enough points.

"My dad warned me before that there would be seniors bullying the freshmen when they enrolled." They would bully the freshmen, who did not know the importance of points. They would use all sorts of tricks to obtain points from the freshmen, causing the freshmen to be poor and have a hard time. Their cultivation level would also plummet. "They might not even pa.s.s the end-of-year examinations and be kicked out of Yan Huang University," Feng Hetang warned.

Jiang Yaru and Chu Rong nodded as well. Entering Yan Huang University was just the beginning. Every year, Yan Huang University would have a final exam. If they did not pa.s.s, they would be expelled immediately. It was extremely strict.

God Level Demon Chapter 291: Cloud Realm

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God Level Demon Chapter 291: Cloud Realm summary

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